Is It 9pm Yet? SyFy's Bigfoot Movie Airs Tonight [Set Your DVR]

Get yeti for fun folks! (Yep, we straight-up stole that phrase from someone funnier than us.) Tonight at 9pm (depending where you're at), the Brady Bunch and the Partridge Family will join forces in Syfy Original, "Bigfoot" movie.

If you thought the CGI Bigfoot on Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot looked too cute and cuddly for its own good, perhaps the SyFy channel's ferocious looking, 40-foot-tall monster will satisfy your need to see Bigfoot in a darker light.


  1. - The Sasquatch in the movie is too tall.

    - The footprints are bigger than the people.

    - It's scary, violent, and a singular monster (opposed to being elusive, gentle, and a species of ape).

    - It's cheesy, hilarious, and overall entertaining!

    1. Was that Bobo playing the role of the squatch???Damm he did an unbelievable job of acting..I think his best piece of work to date.

  2. I only watched 15-20 minutes of that crap! Bullsh*t waste of time IMO!

    1. Once I saw how da Bigfoot looked I changed da channel .... And dat was at da beginning

    2. I bet you live near New Orleans. You're white dude. Speak English.

  3. I cant wait - I LOVE BF!

    Popcorn is on, extra butter

  4. It looks just like the one I saw.

  5. Why did the BF have to be 40 feet tall? This movie is incredibly bad. Mystery Science Theatre 3000 would have a field day with this one!

    1. I think this movie was based on a true story. That's what makes it so disturbing.

  6. This thing was god awful! Only good part was how much this 40ft squatch hated 80s music

  7. It is funny, I posted a fb comment with wow and God awful in it about this "movie". Glad to see I was not the only one with this opinion. I can't believe I wasted two hours to watch it.

  8. What did u expect? The trailer was so stupid I wouldn't have wasted my time nor did I . Went out researching. More fun and beautiful weather .

  9. It was good for a laugh. If you like the other movies in the series(Megapython vs Gatoriod etc) you won't mind it. Alice Cooper has not changed much at all, alcohol is a preserving agent.

  10. Worst Movie Ever...and I was blazed!

    1. It actually might be the worst movie ever, completely unwatchable. Danny B gives his head a waggle every time he delivers a line, it the most annoying thing I could ever possibly imagine. The plot is terrible, every attempt at a joke falls completely flat. There are tons if logical errors (ie. Bigfoot starts a forest fire in a snowstorm, Bigfoot kills dosen't of people and destroys trucks in a small town and nobody seems concerned whatsoever....) and I only was able to watch the first 20 min.

      I could create a better film with 20 min and a Bigfoot sock puppet.

  11. That was the worst acting, the most horrible CGI, and so poorly directed ( though that was probably intentional ) I only watched 5 minutes of this shit sandwich before I changed channel, you really can't watch this without laughing your head off. Guy from Montréal

  12. Flipping through channels and came upon this movie in the last ten minutes of it. I feel so bad for anyone who actually watched the whole thing, like I posted when the trailer was put up on here, it actually was the worst Bigfoot movie of all time. Baby Bigfoot is a close second.

    1. Sci-Fy ran a mini-marathon of bigfoot flicks, and I caught "Abominable"-much better than expected, with the "Rear Window" angle and all. Also, it was gory as hell, a plus for splatter fans.

    2. I meant Little Bigfoot.

  13. Horrible script...horrendous acting...terrible CGI...40 foot monster bigfo...everything a SYFY original is supposed to

    1. LMFAO! Bar none, the worst movie ever to be produced. What a craptastic waste of time.

    2. Danny bonaduche actually paid scifi to be in the movie it helped keep production costs down.

  14. I really hope this flick was meant to be a parody of all the bigfoot stuff going on lately. One of the older cops in it actually directed a few episodes of the Harry and the Hendersons tv series.

  15. I'm sorry, but these campy, made-for DVD/SyFy Channel movies which parade out-of-work has-beens like Lorenzo Lamas, Debbie Gibson, Danny Bona-douchebag, Barry "Please Don't Hit me!" Williams, et al, are as bad as reality TV shows in that they parade people they know the viewer feels contempt for so they can make fun of them. That's the only purpose of these shitty flicks: allow people to laugh at the poor former stars while they see them get chased by really bad CGI. Americans always love watching someone they can feel is more pathetic than themselves, despite the fact the ones they're laughing at, at least, are the ones on the screen, not scratching their nuts on the sofa.

    1. That assumes the viewer is mean-spirited, and that is not always the case. Plus, you make it sound like people no longer in the limelight are homeless bums; also not always the case.

  16. Photoshop... All the way.

  17. Even though I love BF and most of what goes with the subject, this was truly horrible. I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes!

  18. I have never seen a Syfy original movie I liked, which is why I gave up on them a couple years ago.

  19. Can someone explain how this crap is financially feasible?

    The economics...Cost to make it and revenue.

    1. Budget is probably 2 to 2.5 mil with 250,000-350,000 spent on cgi effects. They obviously have the ratings(with cable those numbers are known to a T, unlike the old nielsen days) to justify the expenditures. And by ratings I mean the ones from the movies like Sharktopus, made by the same production co. Remember, its not just advertising bucks, but the opportunity to promote their other shows. I am sure they know what they are doing.

    2. Thanks - so you think maybe profit of $500K to $1 M? Maybe more?

      Kind of convoluted since they are producing it themselves (opportunity to promote their other shows like you say), but i am just curious.

    3. If you are saying 250k-350k of pennies spent on cgi, you might be right. If that much was spent in dollars on cgi, someone at scifi needs to take away the Vic20 and at least update to a Commodore 64. I can't believe they keep showing it. It was on again today. I think I can still hear the sounds coming from the hole in the ozone layer this flick created by sucking so hard. The Mayan Doomsday prophecy is right. Because of the hole, our world will end as we know it.

    4. Yes 11:32, it is not cut and dry. But if the revenue from the commercials, counting the repeats, covers the cost then they are ahead and have free advertising for their other shows. Plus they have an idea of the over-all or long term worth of the number of viewers in terms of cable providers wanting their channel. They keep making these things, and I just assume they know what they are doing.

  20. Just plain stupid Sci Fi channel!

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