Inverted Tree In Northern Colorado

According to Native American folklore, upside down trees are the territorial signatures of Sasquatch. The trees can be found in the mountainous areas of Prince Wales Island and in other parts of the world where sightings of Bigfoot have been documented.

Above is a photo of an inverted tree found on top of a ridge in Northern Colorado. Here's what the investigation group, Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies wrote about it:

This upside down tree was found on top of a ridge in Northern Colorado. With the recent severe fire activity in Colorado, our researchers, such as Jeff Yelek, have had to look for new locations to explore.

This is adjacent to an area of known activity in the past. Jeff and his spouse went on a day hike into this area during the week and found the following tree upside down near an old burn area.

This is Sasquatch related activity mainly found in the West, Canada and Alaska.

This tree is 30 feet tall and obviously has been there for awhile. The root ball is clearly straight up in the air.

It takes either machinery or a great deal of strength to accomplish this feat. This was found on top of a ridge in Northern Colorado.

Sasquatches use this as a show of strength and to let others know they are still in the area. This is an important find for us this year.



  1. Replies
    1. Soooo, Sasquatch lives to hide from us and be so elusive, yet picks up giant trees and puts them upside down for all to see?


    2. if you want to investigate. it might be to late with the burn-off that's going on. and mr. idiot above me check out the facts on the island that no machines/tools were used to up-side these heavy trees. you and your fellow skeptics couldn't do that all together at the same time. cause computers can't lift trees. get out of grammy's attic and explore things. maybe even things that you and your airheads buddies can't explain. use that head instead of your dirty little fingers.

    3. For all to see? Nobody goes there, dummy. Timmy the timber jackass strikes out again.

  2. ugh ok im 2nd and 3rd i guess

  3. Sasquatches use this as a show of strength and to let others know they are still in the area. This is an important find for us this year.

    How do they know this? Was it observed? Are there photos of a Sasquatch doing this? If anyone has some, id like to see em.

    1. Who else would do it? Process of elimination - occum's razorblade. Duh!

    2. 5:48- What exactly is the simplest answer then? People sure like to toss around Occam's Razor without offering anything. We must be getting an influx from ATS.

    3. Simplest answer is bigfoot! No doy


    5. 5:59- Thank you for providing links to offer some plausible explanations.

    6. Loggers do this often. Pretty easy really with the machinery they have. The first question should be has there been any logging in the area in the last 50 or so years? With the absemce of other trees the same size in the photo that would be my guess.

    7. I worked for a cement contractor one summer, and I can attest to the fact that this evidence would be much more compelling if they could rule out a backhoe.

    8. Loggers never do that actually, so that excuse is out. No signs of machinery ever found at the sites.

    9. Why not just stay away just to be safe rather then argue about a place you never been too or you probably never seen this creature nobody knows what it's thinking but hell you never know they might be warning us. If you don't want to leave it at that then go check it out yourself and let us know what you find out.

    10. Why not just stay away just to be safe rather then argue about a place you never been too or you probably never seen this creature nobody knows what it's thinking but hell you never know they might be warning us. If you don't want to leave it at that then go check it out yourself and let us know what you find out.

  4. Cow-tippers turn their attention to tree-tipping! A new Scottish sport.

    After the hurricane, cyclone and weather fronts move on.

  5. That's a tough one to explain. I wish the photo was much larger.

  6. This has been debunked time and time again. Next...

    1. No way, Bigfoot can grab an 800 pound tree with one hand and just stick it in the ground. I've seen them do it. I even filed a report about it.

    2. Yep never debunked sorry bigfoot deniers.

  7. Interesting to find something like that in what I assume is the middle of nowhere. This group seems to focus on stuff like this(rock and stick structures, prints) which is better than tiresome exercises in a pareidolia( there is 1 unfortunate such photo on their site though)

  8. These guys are the joke of the Rockies.

    1. I just looked at their bios.

      Oh well, as long as they're havin a good time out there. Upturned trees FTW.

      - Toonces

    2. anon @6:12 and how do you know they are the joke of the rockies? Or is it just your opinion?

    3. Damn that Toonces the Cat.He stole my car and brought it back wrecked and was so drunk he couldn't even walk.I kicked him out the next day but he took a dump in my earphones.Didn't find out till I put them on to play my X-Box.Filthy stinking cat..

  9. I will come clean i was cooking bacon and coffoe in the rockies bigfoot came by my campsite and i said are ya hungry big guy and he said yes he spent the morning inverting trees to mark his territory so no other sqautches tried to mess with his hood.

    1. Was that the Cripfoots or Bloodfoots clan?

  10. Well, it is an impressive feat.
    A natural weather event seems an unlikely cause.
    I vote recognized BF sign.
    Just aren't many available explanations, other than humans, and NA oral tradition cuts for this as a BF sign.
    The difficulty and location cut against hoax, or human origin.
    I would be excited to find this regardless of origin.

    1. Why does the statement "according to Native American oral tradition" automatically stand as proof in the BF world? That is exactly the type of BS that gets passed around, 'tweaked', and distorted in the re-telling for drama's sake. What Indians WROTE about inverted trees being Sas sign?

    2. Why do you misread comments? NA oral tradition "cuts for this," is a far cry from "proof." Are you serious about written records as evidence of truth? Recording the oral tradition doesn't count either I suppose? Throw out the Gospels for sure then.

  11. There is a shapeshifting, reptilian, hideous skinwalking skunk ape roaming the dark forests of North America. Hungry, depraved, and not exactly "peaceful".

    Believe whatever makes you comfortable, b/c it will all be revealed in due time. I have seen the beast up close and lived to tell about it. No, I don't always go out looking for the thing, but when I do, I don't come back empty handed.

    Stay safe my friends.

    1. Up close??? And u didn't get any pictures...too bad maybe next time take a camera with u or a firearm.

  12. Loggers pissing bigfoot off.Im surprised a logger has not been attacked.

  13. The same kind of thing is sometimes found in Alaska from time to time. With no sign of machinery being used.

  14. Well for all you forestry students out there that's how yow mark a reseeded clearcut area by driving an inverted tree into the ground with your skidder, loader or cutter. Drive the tree into the ground with the bucket or blade. Guess they don't teach that at Bigfoot school.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. If that's true, I should have seen quite a few of those.
      I've never seen an inverted tree, just signage giving the date of cutting and the date of reseeding.

      Last comment removed because of typos.

    3. I have to agree SN, but it is something that can be checked.
      Rockies BFers could find this out by calling the ranger district.

    4. anon @ 7:07, you made that up cause i know lots in the forestry field and they never heard of it. So stop yer fibbin, and starting rumors.

    5. ...and Bigfoot uses logging cables like the one on the root...

  15. Its a layman's terms = like an inverted cross.

    These things have been around for years, but became much more prevalent after the Civil War. It is not wise to investigate. Others have tried and end up either institutionalized or dead.

  16. The skeptics are always asking for evidence and well, here it is.

    1. makes no.sense for something to waste the amount of energy it would take to do something like (if they even could). My guess is machinery or the weather.

    2. We use to stack shit like you 5 high in Korea son.

    3. I used to bang your Mom so we're even. She likes to be fisted.

    4. lol - that makes you a
      Necrophiliac retard

    5. Notice the "used" . I know who you are. Your mother sucks the devils filthy pig cock in hell now.

    6. while poking your grandmother.

  17. "You're right. No human could stack books like that."

  18. The local women of the area erected in honor of me after I left to go to college. Brundelfly

  19. WE WANT SQUATCH WATCH!!! We are legion. Our throbbing masses demand it.

  20. If that tree is in Colorado I would imagine it is now burned to a crisp along with any squatch.

  21. No, it's not according to any Native American legend that Sasquatches turn trees upside down. What it IS: an example of a backhoe operator with too much time on his hands.

    1. Don't know about the Indian legends but do know that a skilled backhoe operator can pick your teeth with those things. One of these guys could dig a hole, scoop and balance a tree on the basket, flip it in the hole and then refill it in 15 seconds. If these guys are serious about presenting this as evidence, they need to demonstrate there was no prior activity requiring the use of that machine.

  22. People speculate about a creature they have rarely seen.

    1. People speculate about a creature they have never seen. FIFY.

  23. Do not go near an inverted tree

  24. This is the real deal folks.

    1. The whole discussion seems to have fallen base over apex to me.

  25. Looking at the image blown up x3 it looks like a clear cut area there are trunks laying on the ground all over the most evident is the one in the foreground and why is there what looks like a coiled cable hanging off the top of the inverted trunk ???

    1. The couldn't remove it, that's the reason they took the pic from so far away.

    2. This picture I took as we hiked on a ridge that had been burn in a fire years back.The trees laying down are all from a fire no clear cutting up here.

  26. i did it. i did it. not bf just troll

  27. The guy named Johnson who leads this Colorado group is a major drunk and a major liar. He attended a Colorado BFRO expedition once and was banned from attending any more. He was smashed drunk for the whole expedition and would claim to see bigfoots all over the place.

    The BFRO doesn't reveal the specific location of an upcoming expedition to participants until a week or so beforehand, to make sure none of the participants go there beforehand and screw things up. Participants understand that, and accept that, and there's usually no problem when they are finally told the location specifics only a week beforehand. This guy Johnson thought otherwise. He immediately went up to the location and camped for a few days (smashed drunk, no doubt) as soon as he found out the location. He claimed he had all sorts of encounters by the time everyone else arrived. Afterward, after he was banned from any more BFRO functions, he tried to draw more attention to that location (in the Rockies). He tried desperately to convince Meldrum to come to that location. Meldrum contacted the BFRO and said there's some hot location in Rockies that someone is trying to get him to go to. He wanted the BFRO to check out the location for him. BFRO members had to inform Meldrum that it was already a BFRO location. They also informed Meldrum about Johnson and his alcohol binges in the field ... as observed for multiple days by 50 other Colorado bigfoot researchers.

    1. You know my Johnson goes off on alcohol binges and gets out of hand too. Wait a minute,sorry,he gets in my hand.

    2. Brad Jesmer and Michael Johnson meet at this said BFRO outing.From this trip they came up with SIR.Our campsite is not close to the area the BFRO has there outings at.Who are you to judge when you can't even share your real name and hide behind ANONYMOUS.We have nothing to hide.We are out to educate people about Sasquatch.And no we don't have all the answers,but what scares people is.We know what works and have action going on in our Research Areas

    3. Hi Jeff,

      Just going to make a few corrections for the record.

      Actually it was Scott Walter who co-founded SIR with Mike Johnson. Not Scott Barta, or Brad Jesmer, who was an attendant of ours at the 09 BFRO expedition (What is now known as Mikes central Colorado location?) where he and Mike met.

      And no you are correct Jeff, the location you refer to is not close to the site I researched, scouted and made the BFRO expedition location in 08-09. No, instead Mikes site is nearly a 1/4 mile down the road on the other side of the clearing. After all I was only interested in the stand of aspen trees in which we camped.

      I do not hate Mike J. nor have I spent any time bashing him or SIR. For over 3.5 years I have put aside the fact that as my personal guest on my expeditions Mike J. has broke my trust, agreements and an NDA he signed. And that he has continually claimed my location as his own, without one mention of the BFRO. Its a free world and frankly I expected it. Mike has brought this thread to my attention in less than a diplomatic manner so I will clarify what needs to be while I am here.
      Jeff, you or any other member of SIR are welcome to contact me if you have any further questions or need clarification. I live near Ft Collins.

      Dennis Pfohl
      BFRO Colorado

  28. Very interesting phenomenon, if not man-made. But absent an eyewitness, I'd say either weather or heavy equipment operator. Tornadoes have been known to do some very strange and spectacular things.

  29. This guy sees bigfoot or signs of bigfoot everywhere he goes every time he goes. Those who truly know him know that his reasonable judgment is severely lacking and, in fact, totally absent. He is totally unreasonable. Sure, nice friendly guy, but totally delusional.

  30. "I understand exactly what is needed to bridge the gap between our two very different cultures and this is why SIR is different and in many ways better than the rest.

    We understand them and give them what they want when we can."

    Uh-huh... sure you do Mikey... sure you do...

    "Personally, I think our growing collection of evidence speaks for itself. Friends tend to share with other friends."

    Oh Mikey... you have absolutely nothing jack squat. Nothing reasonable. Nothing but unwarranted assumptions accepted unquestioningly by an utter lack of any reasonable skepticism.

    And you keep talking about how superior you are... keep talking... and I'll start...

  31. Go on another talk show where all they'll say is "Wow.. really?" and not ask a single, reasonable challenging question. Right up your alley. You can't even recognize your absurdities. You want attention? Keep it up...

  32. Why don't you ever admit that you stole "your location" and who you stole it from, while claiming to be the Great American Bigfoot Hunter. And then you claim to be so freaking honest... you piss me off.

  33. What I was making fun of, was on the last show MM and Bobo were on... MM drove like a nut down a BLACKENED DIRT RD, the others made him stop and get in the back seat... They were drinking in camp right before this scene too. So I think people are assuming that MM was also under the influence well driving in that scene... It may have been recorded much latter so he may not have been DUI, however he was sure acting like a kid who had just had his first beer and just got behind the wheel of DADDY's new truck~~~~~ Just the fact that they did such a thing, while they are in BASE CAMP on a Expedition is a little troubling, but the fact that they did it with Cameras there, tells me this guy is WHACKED! What on earth is he thinking... How does that look good, and put a good light on Researchers? It doesn't, plan and simple, can't believe they (AP) let this guy on TV after that! I Can't believe they (AP) let this guy represent them on TV either. Obviously AP isn't up to date on any of this research or on any of their researchers. SAD if you ask me...He certainly deserves credit. Matt has accomplished what most hope to, and very few do...a nationwide organization with investigators all over. That's huge! And, he's done it with making very few enemies along the way. AND it's only been recently that any controversy has come to the forefront.

    OF COURSE he's making money. He has to. He couldn't contribute the current amount of time without some source of income. Does that make him bad? Nope, just makes him lucky! Everyone dreams of being able to make a living doing what they love. I'm trying to do that now.

    Now, I may not care for his personality. I really don't care for Tom's personality. But it is that personality that has allowed them to come this far. But I deeply respect what both have done for the field of Bigfoot research. Without the BFRO, I think a void would have remained in me. It gave me a chance to tell my story, and know that there were others, even in Arizona, that have seen the same thing. That is huge for me.

    I also hope the show continues. Sometimes it is bad publicity, but even bad publicity turns good over time, and we need all the publicity we can get! I think there will be a few people that will see this as nothing but an excuse to get boozed up in the forest. What adults do is their business, but Matt should be a little more cautious next time. We all have to be. The world of entertainment is just looking for it's next big blunder to exploit.

    1. Well put Matt. Ya I know this was written almost a year ago. But I just had to.

  34. I asked about the tree upside down and it was found in a forest fire burned area.To get answers you only need to ask.But make up lies if it makes you feel better

  35. I have known Mike Johnson for 46 years and this is not the man I know that anonymous has attacked with so much hatred in his words. I spoke to Mike tonight he is up at NorthPark with his 12 year old son and his son's friend. No alcoholic binge going on. I don't have a problem with non believers or skeptics because I was one four years ago. I do find it odd that this site is so vicious no matter what the topic or what side people are on. To me if you don't believe why spend anytime at all on a 24/7 Bigfoot evidence site. SIR has been made aware that our pictures and words have been lifted from our FB without our consent at least twice. So Mike or SIR is not putting these copyrighted pictures and words out there for public consumption. The facts have not been correct in either case. Now, to the point of tearing a man's reputation apart anonymously speaks for itself. Spineless. By the way Sybilla Irwin and Dave Ottke who are both BFRO members in good standing can attest to how Mike behaved at the expedition. As for my time with Mike on our outings which now is around 14 trips they have been to busy to be drunk all day as suggested. My last trip was 5/28-6/10/12 when I took my 13 year old son up with us. I assure you once again other than the occasional beer or two it was not a drunken Frat party. We went on two separate trips one with my son the other with our Utah investigator Brad Corliss. He can tell you how his trip went. Unless the BFRO owns 95 million acres of Colorado then I feel safe in saying we have not stolen any sites. We just do our homework and try our methods out. An example of this might be that we find out where research has taken place. The area may be 100 square miles. If we go in an establish our site within that area how do you call that stealing a site? That is like finding a needle in a haystack. Mike has told me numerous times that what I think is Sasquatch related is a elk rub or bear print overlap or whatever. I have seen things that I still can't process with this so called drunk. If you go to our website it speaks for itself. Our responses from people all over the world has been very positive. It is hard to stay that way if you see things written about your best friend and our group as a whole that is full of misinformation and just plain malicious. If you notice we always sign our names. I spend absolutley no time looking at Bigfoot sites unless this is brought to my attention. Why not? Because I have seen how cannabalistic we so called like minded people are to each other. My trips to the mountains are cherished and friendships strenghtened through the nights and days spent around something that keeps me interested and frustrated at the same time. I want it all and I want it now. Mike is different he will take what they give. He could not of been described more incorrectly than anonymous did in making a caricature of my friend. This is it for me my first and last post. I had to get a google ID to even respond on my friends behalf. To those who understand believer or non. Thanks. To those who don't. Good luck having encounters with a being that can see right through to your empty soul. I AM OUT.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Very well said Scott B and Jeff Y. I agree I have had the pleasure of knowing Mike J. for about 2 years now and am learning so much from him. I cherish his opinions and I have been told I can read people pretty well. Mike J is a wonderful knowledgeable man. Yes a beer or two is all and who does't drink once in a while. We do sign our name and do not hid behind anonymous. I feel this negativity is from jealousy. Have a good day.

  36. "If you go to our website it speaks for itself."

    And what does that say other than absolutely every uncertain anything is certainly attributed to sasquatch?

    "Your" website has ZERO REASONABLE EVIDENCE of sasquatch.

    Why did Scott leave other than the FACT that he realized how UTTERLY UNREASONABLE the discernment and judgment of Mike Johnson is?

    Yes, Mike is a nice guy. SO WHAT?

  37. Mike Johnson went on a BFRO expedition and thereafter constantly returns to that location and claims it is HIS location as a result of HIS great judgment and he NEVER has openly admitted that truth. What a great guy.

    1. Still hideing behind ANONYMOUS. Sorry you can't be honest we us all and have to hide.



  38. Scott Barta- Uncompromising commitment to TRUTH is not hatred. You must be a liberal.

  39. Should "nice guy" or "known for 46 years" or "pleasure of knowing for about two years" supercede a standard of TRUTH? It's a yes or no question.

    Is a uncompromising commitment to SOUND AND REASONABLE JUDGMENT and TRUTH "hatred" and "jealousy"?

    Once again, there is a very, very valid reason why the so-called bigfoot community is so widely scorned when not completely mocked and disregarded. That matters to me. It should matter to you, instead of your great american bigfoot hunters he-man macho club.

    Let's go Scott Barta, post again, and get Mikey to post too... and we will take this farther.

  40. C'mon Jeff. Further evidence and my name is forthcoming if you are honestly so very concerned about the truth and not just your social club...

  41. Tell us, JEFF YELEK, how did The Great American Bigfoot Hunter Mike Johnson come up with his primary research location at the Flat Tops??????

    Tell us all, honest Jeff Yelek, did Mike Johnson go on a BFRO "expedition" there and then claim it as his own spot everafter?




  42. C'mon Jeff, where'd you go? Let's just chat a little. Shall we?

  43. I didn't think so.

    Be extremely careful who you choose to attach your own credibility to. Some of us know more than you.

  44. This is Michael Johnson. What a pile of lies. One from a disgruntled Ex Sir member and the other from a Colorado BFRO member unless he was canned. The BFRO dude was on a huge power trip and he got mad when I pulled a 6 year old report off the flats report and worked it. The guy was like 12 when he reported it and was in the military when I called him. They had labeled the report a hoax by the way.I worked it and it was good one. I am friends with about 20 BFRO members as a result of two expeditions I attended, one for free. Last time I looked my picture was on their website. Matt Money maker himself asked me to join, which I did for 3 months. This guy got bent out of shape and took it out on me, so I left because of him and went out on my own with Scott Walter. You can ask Sybilla Irwin, who posts as a link on my site. Brad Jesmer I meant at the expedition and is with us. Scott Walter as well. Dave Ottke, Stan Courtney, Scott Smith and Conor Ameigh and many more. Need I go on? I was personally invited twice by Dennis Pfohl, who is an excellent researcher by the way. These two guys are cowards and losers thats why they post Anonymously. If they have a problem with me, they know where I live and we can discuss it man to man anytime. I hold Shawn the administrator of this site responsible for its contents and allowing people to post Anonymously. My 13 year old son read all this b.s. and wanted to respond to the lies as he was there on allot of it, but I said no, I handle all my own affairs. The SIR group will not affilated with this site in anyway until an apology is received from him and I hope to get to meet him soon. By the way I spoke on the phone with Dr Meldrum this week about some recordings. We email and discuss stuff all the time, so thats a lie too. He just got back from viewing a bunch of elk prints in Idaho with another group and was disappointed. You will see the show this fall I am sure. I have notified Dr Meldrum of these posts and who is responsible for them because I know. I have notified my friends in the BFRO as well. Thanks, Mike Johnson-Co founder SIR

  45. "Mike Johnson went on a BFRO expedition and thereafter constantly returns to that location and claims it is HIS location as a result of HIS great judgment and he NEVER has openly admitted that truth."

    Is this true or not?

  46. One would expect more of a discussion about inverted trees, but instead the comments are mostly an attack against other researchers.

    It's curious that Shawn did not share his opinion about the SIR inverted tree picture in his blog post, nor has he engaged in the discussion and he has allowed the personal attacks.

    I suspect that he's voicing his opinion using Anonymous posts. :-o

  47. "Need I go on?"


    Where can we go on open and publically?


  48. You declare yourself a gifted expert, better than any others.





    1. You challenge a researcher's integrity, but you HIDE behind Anonymous comments.

      That's just LAME!

      If you won't identify yourself, then stop making accusations.

      At least Mike posts his research for others to see. Step up to the plate, let's see your research.

  49. Yeah, because we really know who HDDA is. STFU, idiot. Who freaking cares what my name is? I am not desperately seeking personal attention like some people pathetically lacking in sound and reasonable judgment. And you want my name? Fine. Where can we have that open and unrestrained discussion regarding the reasonableness of your "research" and great results, Mikey? BFF? Let's discuss your greatresearch in great detail Mikey. Let's have some public peer review and accountability and judgment.

  50. Bigfoot Forums.

    The absurdities of the "research results" of Mike Johnson and "Sasquatch Research Investigations."

    Should I start that thread at BFF, Mikey? Will you and your fellow "researchers" be willing to answer for yourselves there?


  51. I'm sorry. See how easy it is to admit when one made a mistake. Let me correct myself.
    Forgive me for not being so sufficiently impressed with your top-tier logic, research and understanding that your name impressed my memory,... Mikey.

    Bigfoot Forums.

    The absurdities of the "research results" of Mike Johnson and "Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies."

    Should I start that thread at BFF, Mikey? Will you and your fellow "researchers" be willing to answer for yourselves there?


  52. C'mon Mike, Jeff, Scott, etc...

    All of you great, wise, experienced, rational, logical, reasonable bigfoot researchers versus little old nobody loser me...

    Yes or no?

  53. Who are the cowards????????????????????

  54. A Quinalt Tribal Officer told me about the same thing happening there. The Bigfoot make the tree disappear into another dimension, perhaps in some kind of group effort. In other dimensions, the tree not only becomes weightless, but it can pass through objects in man's dimension, such as dirt. After repositioning it upside down and with the tip buried onto the ground, they release the tree so that it can return to man's dimension. Voila. Tree stuck in the ground and upside down. They most likely do it to command respect from humans, and give them a reality check.

    Have your buddies been thinking about pissing off a Bigfoot, lately? Bad idea.

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