Here It Is, The Trailer For SyFy Channel's Bigfoot Movie

We've heard about this for months, and it's almost here. The new SyFy original movie will about a DJ and a conservationist, teaming up to fight against Bigfoot. The network will start airing the film this coming Saturday, June 30 at 9/8c. As we reported earlier, Danny Partridge (Danny Bonaduce) and Greg Brady (Barry Williams) from the 70's television series The Partridge Family and The Brady Bunch, will be starring in this movie.

Watch the trailer:


  1. Replies
    1. the Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family come together to fight Bigfoot.. lololol

  2. Kong sized? LOL The old monster image? LOL Stupid garbage and crap CGI to boot.

    1. Anon 12:41,

      You shut up Mr. "I will cry about others who have opinions that differ than mine"

    2. Like I said before...shut the hell up cry bag.

    3. Like I said before..."you shut up Mr. I will cry about others who have opinions that differ than mine."

    4. I'll say it again...shut the hell up.

    5. girls please pull up your panties. do you two realize how f-ing stupid you look to us adults. kiddie-land is now closed!!!

    6. You just stfu anon 12:41 this will suck just about as bad as you and you know it.

    7. Cut Anon 12:41 some slack. Its not his fault that he's attracted to Danny Bonaduce and will defend him at all costs.

  3. Could they have found two cheesier actors? Also, is that just a promotional photo or is the bigfoot really that big in the movie?

    1. lol. yeah. it really is that big in the movie.

    2. Targeting 70's nostalgics, obviously. Would you be surprised to see Lee Majors in a cameo(Regrettably, Andre is no linger with us)?

  4. Never mind, watched the trailer. Why is it thirty feet tall?

  5. Wow, looks like it could be the worst Bigfoot movie ever. What a joke.

  6. Just about all the SyFy movies are crappy. There was one recently about a giant hybrid piranha/anaconda.

  7. looks like a pile of crap !! cant wait to watch it !! i might just pee my self over this for syfy most of there movies are crap B Grade as for bigfoot is he over thirty feet tall

  8. The one I saw was nearly 30 foot tall so I'd consider this movie more of a documentary than anything else.

    1. Are you going to buy the autographed replica of the giant footprint?

  9. These Bigfoot movies just keep getting more stupid. No wonder nobody takes it serious. I'm never watching Sci Fi channel again. Could someone actually please produce a good Bigfoot movie for once!!!!!' totally scary creature that is always cheesy in movies. Worst CGI I've ever seen . How did Bigfoot grow to 40 feet? Shouldn't this have been King Kong?

  10. I'm watching it just to see Alice Cooper get punted!

  11. Wow, that trailer was awful and Bigfoot is King Kong sized.
    All that is needed to finish this off is to have Japanese voice overs.
    Way over the top for my taste. I did have a good laugh, so it's all good.

  12. Even Hollywood is laughing at and mocking Sasquatch.

  13. Cant wait to watch this, fuck all u troll douch bag haters!

  14. Has anyone seen the sasquatch movie starring Lance Hendrickson? Is that one any good?

    1. Which one? He's in at least 4 different BF movies.

    2. He means Henriksen surely.

  15. He's been in a couple . One was really bad and one was so so. He had a cameo in Abomnible (spelling ?) . I thought that was decent for a cheesy movie.

    1. The other ones are, Sasquatch, Devil on the Mountain.

    2. "Suburban Sasquatch" was the BEST!!

    3. How about Strange Wilderness where they kill the bigfoot and try to make it look like he committed suicide. Maybe Smeja should've done that! Lol.

    4. Okay speaking of Abominable, At least the Bigfoot here seems to be a consistent size lol. The one in Abominable was 12 feet one minute and 50 feet the next.

      But of all the Lance Hendrikson Bigfoot movies, I would have to say "The Untold" was the best. The creatures did not look so great, but they had the reported behavior down. (Rock Throwing, wood-knocking etc...)

    5. Must be a different abominable movie . It was the same size the whole movie. 50 feet???!!

    6. I may be confused but the movie I am thinking of, the creature reaches into a bathroom window two stories up and then pulls a girl out one handed and eats her. Then in the final fight, they drench it in gasoline and light it on fire where it falls off a cliff to its death. At this point it looks like it is only 12 feet tall. But in the middle of the movie it is peaking over tree tops.

  16. Dumb! Stupid! Dumb! Stupid! Dumb! Dumb movie!

  17. Sally here,
    We initially thought this was just a fictional movie. However our labs have recently studies DNA taken off the setof this documentary film. Due to NDA's we are unable to say "its a squatch" but..

    It's the real deal.

    1. Chuck Norris here,
      Why don't all you fake Sally's get a f'ing life before I roundhouse kick you into next week.


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