Gerald Ford The Bigfoot Chaser?

According to, the movie Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter only scored a 35% with movie critics and a 62% with the audience. Though this movie ended up not being a blockbuster, the idea of having a little fun with history is still a good concept. Over at, they created a list of some fun fictional history ideas, one of which is Gerald Ford, Bigfoot Chaser. Though many people would probably disagree with this presidential choice for Bigfoot, the rest of the list is funny and one even has a real story it could be based on.

Gerald Ford, Bigfoot Chaser

After Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace, the stewardship of the U.S. fell into the hands of renowned Sasquatchologist Gerald Ford. Refusing to actually hunt down the mysterious Bigfoot using the vast resources now at his disposal, Mr. Ford instead chose to set up scores of grainy, black-and-white cameras to capture fleeting glimpses of the beast. Because, hey, why bother tracking down the monster in the woods when you can just take a few snapshots instead?

Check out their list and see if you can figure out which one has a little truth to it:


  1. They forgot Barack Obama, Destroyer of Freedom and Enemy of Capitalism.

  2. Should have been Teddy Roosevelt because of his connection with the Sasquatch. Anyone else remember the Baumann story from 1852 that was written in Teddy's 1893 book 'The Wilderness Hunter'?


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