Check Out These Giant Foot Prints Compared To An 11 Inch Metal Detector Coil [Video]

While metal detecting by the Chena River in Fairbanks, Alaska, YouTube user keithie6 discovered these huge 17-18 inch long prints along the shoreline. The stride of whatever made the prints is incredible. One print appears to show five toes, and the impressions indicated a creature with a stride of about 6 feet, typical for Bigfoot.

Watch the video below:


  1. Somebody get out there with some plaster o paris toot sweet!

  2. Interesting, he did not say whether he detected any loose change dropped by Biggie.

  3. I have analyzed this and here are my conclusions:
    1. The poster of this vid believes 5-6 feet means an actual human foot = 1 foot. And that his metal detector loop is 11 inches.
    2. The shape of prints appears to be thin, narrow, and not much bigger than the shoe prints that are clearly seen surrounding the area. There are also animal prints to be seen which for relational purposes only seem to be concur that there is nothing out of the ordinary here.
    3. OP failed science 101 and math.
    4. I have wasted more of my time being frustrated at my fellow humans acceptance of ignorance.

    1. And every purported bigfoot print looks exactly the same? Like human feet do.

      You've clearly seen enough bigfoot prints to make your determination?

      He was at least trying to use some sort of measuring to show the size for viewers. Using his detector coil, at least it can be measured at a later date and compared to video.

  4. It appears that he is using a Fisher metal detector with the standard 10" coil, not 11". The prints are probaly about 13 inches, maybe 14 tops. I don't know if they are human or beast but I thought I would share the coil size.

  5. What do I think? I think there are great whites in the coastal waters of Australia, and I would keep my ass on the beach and play frisbee, drink and look for bigfoot tracks.

    1. Um what does that have to do with foot prints in Alaska? Or did I miss something? Although I agree with your comment, if I had my choice of swimming of the coast of Australia, or Big-footin it in Alaska, I'm taking my chances with the Squatch!

    2. Yowies. Yes.

      Ausie chicks and beer, even better!

  6. Of course in Fairbanks Alaska there are tons of people running barefoot up and down a muddy river bank. Sheez, happens all the time!

    What skeptics seem to miss is the circumstances surrounding the footprint find.

    The video poster:
    1. Was searching for bigfoot with a metal detector?
    2. Along a muddy river bank in Fairbanks Alaska?
    3. Didn't have proper measuring devices to document?
    4. Didn't appear to be too excited of his find
    5. Doesn't appear to realize the significance of the find.

    Hoaxer? Probably not
    Bigfoot prints? Plausible

    1. I agree. The prints look good to me, long distance and "classic" tight gait. I do hope someone will make copies.


    2. Plausible. Me farting on your moms face is plausible but it hasn't happened.

  7. it might be genuine. if you look at his yt channel , he has about 160 videos most on metal detecting - not the normal 1 or 2 videos you get with the hoaxer videos

  8. Ya, why fake tracks in with all the other tracks.

    Looks interesting.

    Squatch detector swinging slightly to the REAL side of the meter. ha ha ha.

  9. I don't think is a hoax, I don't think those are human prints, given the size and stride, plus he depth of each print is significantly deeper than the trainer print close by. The tide has likely washed these away now but the area is worth an investigation. Certainly one of the more likely pieces of 'evidence' I've seen.

    1. Nope. Definitely human. If you guys can say Bigfoot with absolutely no evidence to back that outlandish claim up then I can just as easily say they are indeed human prints.

    2. None of us, understand that, none of us said we know for sure that these are in fact real. We all stated that we could see/imagine the possibility and that there are certain unique things in this situation that grabs our attention. That is all

      We made no statement of fact. none of us.

      But you do, so burden of proof on you.
      Proove there human!

      Who pee'd in your cheerios?

      Unhappy soul I bet! no hope or change!

  10. looks awfully narrow for an animal that weighs 500 pounds....


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