Centuries Old Pictograph Of "Hairy Man" From Central California

Hairy Man as depicted in a Central California pictograph estimated to be 500 to 1,000 years old. (Photo courtesy KATHY MOSKOWITZ STRAIN/Stanislaus National Forest)

In California, many people associate Bigfoot with the cool, densely forested regions of the Sierra Nevada’s or the northern Coastal Range, but the pictographs at the Painted Rock shelter near Taft, California tells a different story. The pictographs are believed to have been created 500 to 1000 years ago and include familiar creatures such as coyotes and bears but also a creature that a local Native American tribe calls the “Hairy Man”.

The big male, according to Yokuts tribal lore, is Hairy Man, standing on two legs, its arms spread wide, with long hair and, writes Forest Service archeologist Kathy Moskowitz Strain, “large, haunting eyes.” Next to it, with the same hairy, two-legged aspect, are what appear to be the adult female, the “mother,” and her child.

None of the animals shown on Painted Rock are proportionally larger than one would expect; they’re all either life-sized or smaller, as if in the distance.

The painting of Hairy Man is 8 1/2 feet tall.

If the creature depicted in the pictographs is Bigfoot, then it was able to survive in a pretty harsh environment. The rock shelter is located on the Carrizo Plain, an area that is known for being very dry and having dramatic highs and lows for temperatures. The plain itself is grassland with the San Andreas Fault Zone running through it and is bordered by chaparral mountain ranges on either side.

Watch this Monster Quest episode featuring the Native American rock art:

[via www.ufodigest.com]


  1. Wow! I actually own several acres of land in the Carrizo Plain. I'll have to check this out the next time I'm in the area!

    1. Yeah, why don't you actually do that Travis and get back with us and give us a full report.

    2. the site seems to have acquired new depressed readers, wonder what is ailing them now. other people's enjoyment it seems.. I have seen this photo many times, but seeing in person would be very cool.

      Petroglyphs of Bigfoot are also seen in other areas of the SW and no mistaking some for anything but a Bigfoot, especially the ones depicting Bigfoot tracks.

    3. Just Remember not all NDNs believe, literally, their stories of tradition. Just like most caucasians dont really think Eve ate an apple after a conversation with a snake.

      J. Starr

    4. Ball Sac Warrior,how do you explain all the Native Americans that do have the Hairy Man in there lore?

    5. this is very near me.i would like to see it

    6. Anonymous at 805 its "Sac and Fox" nation, two related tribes forcibly combined and resettled in Oklahoma, you racist asshole. And in every Native culture there are stories of all kinds of mystical beings and supernatural powers. we believe wolves and coyotes can become men and vice versa, but I dont think it actually happens. These folks believe in Hairy man and included him in their drawings.

      You dont know if I believe in Bigfoot or not so shut the hell up. I stated that as a Native, I know not all Natives take our specific mythos to be factual,more like the bible creation story, flood, etc

  2. I learned that Mayak Datat is a part of the creation myth of Yurok people. Actually, that myth made me sad.

    1. .... Hairy Man was sad because People were afraid of him, so he drew himself sad.....

      Indeed a sad story. Hairy Man gave people the gift of being able to walk on two feet, but people didn't want anything to do with hairy man.

    2. Hairy Man and the Hendersons.

  3. this same wall was shown on the monster quest seires. some big girl was telling the story about the basket man.if you get a chance you should check it out it gives a little more background into the old wall paintings! but which episode slips my old brain at this time.

    1. Probably the California episode that centered around Mono Lake, but my old brain is not for sure also.


    2. I like stories, stories are fun. And they're just stories. Indians had many stories about fantastic unbelievable mythical creatures, but Bigfooters only accept the ones that suit them.

    3. it's the legend of the hairy man episode

  4. Those are drawings of the aliens that mated with humans to create Bigfoot. Don't you people know anything?

    1. I think you have a valid point.

    2. Anon 4:58, yes I have done a lot of research and I can't conclude anything other than that on Bigfoot. Gigantic, man like beast. It's all in Genesis just a little distorted from it's Sumerian origins. Everyone that doesn't want to accept we were made the way we are by another outside intelligence will never be able to understand why we can't find Bigfoot, because Bigfoot is not a big hairy ape, it is a man alien hybrid. There have been events that have occurred in our past that people just push aside as stories, but if one looks into them and does some research, quite a few things come together and some mysteries begin to become not so mysterious anymore.

    3. Yeah and the mainstream flesh and blood Bigfooters call us crazy. I don't believe in paranormal Bigfoot, but I don't think the people that believe they are paranormal are crazy, I just disagree with them. F&B Bigfooters are such hypocrites.

    4. Man is a Sasquatch/alien hybrid. We are like the domesticated version of Sasquatch.

  5. Almost all of the Indian tribes in forested areas of north America have Bigfoot in their history ( oral or not). You have to realize most of these tribes did not share information , but they described the same animal. They described almost identical behavior. The had names like "Hoqium, Windego, stick people, keepers of the mountain , ect) how can a mythical creature have such history with all of these tribes ? I find this credible along with the thousands of reports from the first settelers to modern day. Almost a consistent description over and over. I find the concept impossible to hoax because people didn't have the information (computers, books ect) to share descriptions .

    1. That's nice. Still not real.

    2. Then what is your explaination? Alright I'm going to defend the gentleman above. I ask you to get 100k people for the next say...30 years and make up any hoax and have them not talk to each other and never slip and tell anyone they are lying. Keep this hoax going for years- Ohhh don't let anyone slip now and spill the beans. Now keep bringing in new people to the hoax. Oh and keep up the hoax so tons of people who don't know about the hoax start seeing stuff and reporting it to random non hoaxers. U be the first to start it and keep it going. Keep in mind humans can't keep their mouth shut when it comes to a prank ( what fun is a prank if eventually you don't tell the person u did it to so u can get a reaction!) even people who murder can't keep their mouth shut. So control all those people during this time Jim Jones and Good luck!

    3. You anon are 6:37 not real either, so we are all even and you can relax now.

    4. How about no? Does no work for you? The burden of proof is upon bleevers, not skeptics.

    5. LOL you think your comments are those of a rational skeptic? How about No, how does that work for you? No one here here is proving or disproving anything, we are merely speculating. Relax man, you seem very uptight. Instead of simple, "No's," how about some reasoning to go with your opinions, then you won't stand out as such an elementary poster.

    6. The simple answer is "the Indians saw something in the woods that has not been acknowledged". If that is not the case, the precise explanation of these paintings and legends may never be known. Same thing goes for the encounters by honest, experienced outdoorsman: simple answer or debatable explanations like "genetic memory".

    7. Maybe, just possibly, Natives weren't the savage morons your taking them for and had the ability to a: use art for entertainment (maybe it's a comic? maybe it's graffiti?", b: as discipline (like Santa Claus &c.) and c: to install order in an uncaring and indifferent world - for a little fun. My god, they just like us! This IS shocking. News from the future - "Ancient records show humanity in the 21st century worshiped muscular clowns with supernatural powers; and would file into dark seat filled caves to watch their pantomimed sermons."

  6. Cooler yet is it was mostly in the history of woodland Indians and not plaines Indians and desert Indians which goes with their habitat.

  7. Oral traditions are not less credible than written history records, that's one thing. Secondly, i tend to believe that Yurok creation myth reflects our evolution; so we can assume that sasquacth is an older species than us.

    1. Everything about sasquatch is assumed.

    2. Traditions, lore, whatever you'd like to call it are not credible at all. They're just superstitious stories told by backwardly evolving people that were basically cavemen. The only thing that matters is factual proof, which we'll never see.

    3. I hadn't thought of it that way, but yeah as part of the creation myths it would. Some tribes say they were here first.

    4. It's the consistency ! And your the man from tatoonie? Isn't that a fictional star wars movie! Explains your background !

    5. I think you responded to the wrong guy ! Tatooine believes in the bigfoot idea I think u meant Anon 7:15

    6. Everything about who your real father is assumed!

  8. Why do you peole honestly believe what these red skins said? god, are you people that blind?

    they arent around for anymore for a reason, they didnt have what it takes to survive in this country, so why shoud we than believe these fantasy tails about hairy man? lol hairy man, probly just an indian tripin out and seeing hiself in the water. LOL, so stupid...

    1. Ohh the European conquerers. Just because different parts of the world developed different makes others stupid? I don't think so! Ignorant people like you are blind to the real world .

    2. Truly sad. I won't comment further on this.

    3. Well, they didn't have spray paint and paper bags back then, so their hallucinations couldn't have been caused by huffing. I speculate that it was probably peyote or mushrooms.

    4. While what he said wasn't very true. Indians still exist. It was NOT RACIST.

    5. OntarioSquatch, They're waiting for you over at JREF, it's time for your daily spanking.

    6. they didnt have what it takes to survive in this country

      You're correct. They needed to learn to lie, cheat, steal, kill and just take what they wanted.

      Oh hold on..that's actually the US history and THAT'S fact.

      Bring it on muther fuckers.

    7. Yes its extremely racist and ignorant u wouldn't have lasted half a day doing the females work back then

    8. they started drinking that dam fire-water at it all fell apart! just like the white man, black man, and yellow! here we should of learned from the red man! i think i put every race in there so i'm not called a RACIST by some dumb liberals that hate themselves for being so WHITE.

    9. Why do people respond to stuff like this? Once you see where its going, scroll past it. What the hell is so hard about that? Unbelievable.

  9. Shawn, you're ok but the idiocy on your site...I just can't take anymore and getting 10 to 20 emails a day so I can read through comments like the ones above just isn't worth it. Thanks for the invite but I'm going to have to pass.

    Cheers, Cliff

    1. Sorry you feel this way.Don't worry,this place will survive without you or anyone else.Don't be so self centered.Cheers.

    2. You crying, boy? Maybe we'll go back down to McDonald's and get you a whamburger and French cries! How about a Whineken?

    3. Sorry that it's not the echo chamber that you were looking for.

    4. I agree! This site is the laughing stock of all serious researchers. It's completely overrun with adolescent boys, racists and sexists.

    5. You have to be able to laugh at yourself, before you can laugh at yourself. This is something that Bigfooters are incapable of.

    6. What the hell does that mean ''You have to be able to laugh at yourself, before you can laugh at yourself''???

  10. Agree leaving too unless u get rid of the comment section because this site attracts racists, immature folks, bad language , and just plain uninterested people in the concept!

  11. Need to prosecute anon 7:34 for hate speech ! Can they get his domain traced?

  12. I just graduated from an online course in Bigfoot history. I'm ready to start debating the Skeptics...BRING it!

  13. Bigfooters are losing it and going off the deep end. Their only hope of BF proof (Ketchum) has crashed and burned in the most horrible way and the only thing they have to hold on to is PGF and caveman paintings on rocks. Sad...very sad. I feel bad for them.

  14. Maybe it's a bad rendition of a tree?

  15. Redskin is a racist term, even i know this despite i'm a foreigner. Tatooine is my favorite planet, i like it a lot (banthas rock). About my background; i studied Prehistory, so i have some knowledge on fossil humans, their environments and life styles. I'm not totally against the notion of living relatives (etc. Homo neanderthalensis or Homo erectus). Is this information enough?
    A two-spirit from Turkey.

  16. Didn’t you guys doodle as kids?

    This is so open to interpretation it’s ludicrous. Though I did a bit of respect for Kathy until the Monster Quest fiasco, but how can you attribute these paintings or drawings to anything other than doodling?

    It could be Darth Vader in his cape, or Uncle Joe dressed to impress.

    Why must it be Sasquatch or an Alien? As for why do so many different Indian tribes present the same image, have you looked into Dragons? And why the world over, separated by oceans the same occurs?

    I had some faith once that this may be a possibility! That this creature existed, but reading this blog for a few weeks…my belief system and hope has been smashed.

    Well done Shawn - Kudos and salutations…….

  17. ^^ Good, another narrow minded troll who won't be back.

    1. So, questioning the evidence makes you narrow minded? I see…I guess I should follow blindly and just believe then.

      Then I can be part of the buddy system and start calling people Dorks, Idiots and throwing about sexual insults. Mmmh!

      You’ve got to love the mentality of Bigfoot researchers at times, as you guys really rock. :))

    2. No , your already narrow minded.

      The way you act here is just evidence of your nature.

  18. Yes it's me again. The one who said I was leaving a few days ago. REading the moronic, racist, childish nonsense many pople post on this site can either be a tedious bore or a sad reminder that humankind is fundamentally flawed. Some people can only get self worth from having the last word in blogs. None of you trolls would have the nerve to say any of what you say on here to peoples faces. Whether you are a bleever or a skeptic, why does it have to be so moronic and insulting. THis site is becoming a joke overun by people who have completed the latest attention deficit vido game and need to keep stimulated until their next ritalin presciption arrives. Sad now we have thrown blatant racism into it. Again another symptom of the cowardly anonymous posters.

    1. Oh,we so sorry to you.Now get boy,get on outta here!!!

    2. Knew you couldn't stay away Gareth.See,you do want to believe.

    3. LOL Gareth, welcome back, you are not alone. What I do is ignore those type of posts, don't even bother to read beyond a few words...same ole same ole. But, that shouldn't stop one from enjoying the site, or commenting and calling out those idiots! Or not, because in the end it is really just about what here is worth the trip to feed the desire for knowledge and speculation on a fascinating topic..even the Bfers are interesting sometimes.

    4. NOT Timmy dipshit, every post of mine has my name attached

  19. I figure that there are probably a few true researcher that read this blog so I'll let you in on some info I just received. I have a fellow BF researcher friend that lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He sent me an email informing me that they had found a Bigfoot near an area where one of the fires had recently passed through. They rescued it and took it to one of their houses and have it in the garage. They are doing everything they can to keep it alive, but he said it doesn't look like it's going to make it. He also said that they'll be holding a press conference tomorrow at noon, regardless of whether or not the creature survives. This guy is one of the most honest researchers I know so it looks like it's about to happen. Get ready to eat some crow skeptics.

    1. Liar.why doesn't he release photos now?Put a video on You Tube.To easy to call your bluff.Bye Bye now.

    2. There's no researchers in Colorado Springs.

    3. I figured I'd get these kind of responses. Oh well, just wait until tomorrow then.

    4. How about a little info to prove your not a troll? Like was he found standing outside a McDonalds on fire or did he get caught at Taco Bell making a run for the border?

    5. What do you expect son? You come on here with not a shred of evidence to back your claim. Now go back to playing your PS3.

    6. I am a reporter at KKTV - would you care to share your story live? Email me @ phukhu@tvnews.com

    7. I'm not expecting anyone to believe me and frankly, I don't care if they do. I'm just relaying a message sent to me by someone I consider to be reliable and trustworthy. And to clarify, he lives just outside Colorado Springs and yes, there are researchers there.

  20. This is Leo Batfish, I am a reporter at the ABC affiliate in Colorado Springs - Go Falcons!

    Would you like to share your story on air? Email me @ sukmukdik@abclive.com

  21. Come to Australia then to see the Yowie ,our version of Bigfoot . Or you could go to The Great Sandy Desert to see giant Sphinifex Man standing 12 feet high if you are unlucky .You may also run into a band of Punkalunka's near Mt Viel and Mt Liebig (not taking the piss here)standing 10 feet high with their long white hair and hair nets for snacking on your head later . Of course ask local Indigenous residents when camping where to keep away from ,as you wouldn't be the first camper to be attacked by a tribe of pissed off dwarf like Yowies called the Junjuddie or nimbunj .One hopes that a giant Goanna called Megalania Prisca is extinct although locals say differently .The giant butcher of the Bush makes a Bigfoot or Yowie a fun bed partner by comparison .

    1. I was under the impression that Aboriginal myth, or "songlines", were for navigational purposes. To segregate land, show good hunting and most of all tie water sites together. Just because someone you take as your intellectual inferior says something doesn't mean that they aren't having you on, playing make-believe, or just repeating what they've heard. I know both a park ranger in NT and someone who works directly with the rural indigenous - one of whom who lectures at Berkley 3 months out of the year - and neither of them are believers; despite my eagerness they tell me something "spooky" or "unusual" - it's just more make-believe for social modeling.

    2. If they lecture at berkley, garaunted to be a stupid libtard. Which means you probably are too!

    3. A garaunted Libtard? I think the language barrier has come between us; but I appreciate you letting me know in any case and I'll look into it. Best to you and yours my angry friend.

  22. "Painted Rock shelter near Taft, California" the pictograph is not near taft californi its near porterville ca on the tule river indian reservation. its literally about a 100 miles away from taft ca :/

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