Cajun Justice Episode About Shape-Shifting Swamp Monster Airing June 28th On A&E

We've seen a few episodes of Cajun Justice on A&E, but none has caught our attention like this episode that's slated to air on Thursday, June 28th. Judging by the officers' reaction on the screenshot above, they could be looking at a real swamp monster filmed on a cellphone.

After a violent boating accident, Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois joins forces with multiple agencies to recover a boat, and possibly a body, from the murky depths of the Mississippi waters. Meanwhile, Deputy Keith Bergeron and Sgt. Dudley DJ Authement, both raised on the bayou, head deep into the swamps in the middle of the night to investigate a hair-raising sighting of the legendary Rougarou, the local name for a "shape-shifting swamp monster." When the witness hands over video of the half-man, half-wolf creature prowling the weeds behind his camp, the officers have no choice but to explore the very woods where the mysterious beast disappeared. The next morning, Deputy Bergeron puts two and two together when he is called to the scene of a mutilated calf near where the Cajun swamp monster vanished.

Click here to watch the preview clip on A&E's website.


  1. See, I told you they had supernatural abilities.

  2. Ahh yes, from A&E-sure this is real just like Dog the Bounty guy, Lizard Lick, Storage whores and those dumb ass cajun duck-call dorks. REAL as the PGF film, but Patty shape-shifted into Bob Heironomous!

    1. Timmy,go back to those cork soakers buddies of yours at Jref,ya jackass.

    2. Timmy,why are you here if you don't think there is a possibility of a North American Ape? Is it because you are a troll?Seriously,what is your agenda? Do you think you are the smartest person in the class so to speak? Why not make a web site that is for the non-believers? Probably wouldn't be any fun then now would it Timmy.So it goes back to you,Timmy,that you only come here to troll. Wow,look at that,I answered it for you.You have nothing better to do than come here and troll.THINK ABOUT IT!Please respond Timmy,enquiring minds want to know.

    3. Sally here - Leave Timmay alone. He will soon see the mystical nature of these creatures, along with the rest of you. One of our Bigfoots is an oracle and she has such amazing powers.


    5. Nothing but drivel from an indoctrinated hamster brained peoon named Timmy.

    6. This Timmy guy actually brings up great points. And he does it in a way that forces his opinion down the beelevers throats.

      They hate the truth Timmy not you. Bigfoot is a lie

    7. So what if everyone here doesnt buy the company line? Timmy wants Bigfoot to be real and is a douchebag because of frustration. Hard to believe now a days anyway with all the Monkeyfakers and Catchums about

    8. Well if u don't like the show u shouldn't b on her saying anything about it. This is for people that like the show and if all u have to say is negative things keep ur mouth to urself and shit the h*** up! Have a great day!

    9. Yes, there is a bigfoot! His name is Shaquil Oneal.
      With a size 23 shoe they don't get any bigger.

  3. The creature they are discussing is not bigfoot, it's basically a werewolf.

    1. Everything is Bigfoot...OH look, there he goes.

    2. Paul Freeman ^^^^^^^"Oh! There he goes!"

    3. Get your myths straight, werewolves are werewolves, shapeahifters are "changlings" able to assume the shape of ANYTHING they touch,no moon required.

  4. The whole idea of a "shape shifting" anything is just ludicrous.
    It bad enough that there's an animal/creature that is UN-identified. Adding the "shape shifting" crap in the mix is simply too much

    1. Arla said it, Ketchums gay lover..must be true

    2. Not as ludicrous as the government cover-up theory. On the other hand, some of these "researchers" do a great job of discrediting the subject; makes you wonder.

    3. Yeah then come here, say believing based on current evidence is ludicrous, then watch the attacks begin.

    4. Timmy,why are you here if you don't think there is a possibility of a North American Ape? Is it because you are a troll?Seriously,what is your agenda? Do you think you are the smartest person in the class so to speak? Why not make a web site that is for the non-believers? Probably wouldn't be any fun then now would it Timmy.So it goes back to you,Timmy,that you only come here to troll. Wow,look at that,I answered it for you.You have nothing better to do than come here and troll.THINK ABOUT IT!
      Dodging the question Timmy=Bigfoot is Boring?Sean Sean Sean.........

    5. Wow, looks like someone is getting really mad at the words on their computer. Take a step back, relax and calm down.

    6. Anon at 1019, just copy/paste that after every one of my posts. I get it, not welcome here, ok.

      But remember, I have no agenda only interest b/c of where I live, who I am friends with, websites like these, etc. I even thought Skookum cast was something new, but like every other aspect of Bigfoot turns to crap after a few clicks. Im only here to debate the evidence and make people think a little outside their comfort zone...amd on this site that means PHDs who believe in dragons and psychic apes, undiscovered humans and non intelligent morons all come together to discuss a subject they share interest in.
      Cops and robbers both into bank heists, for different reasons. So, stop the hate, present me with a rebuttal of real evidence, and keep it respectful. Act like a psycho and so can I, deal with my disbelief in a positive fashion please

    7. That doesn't explain why you have an interest in something that you don't believe in or won't even give it a thought of existing.Remember,you said you have friends that go out and make fake tracks.That tends to lean that you are a troll on a site that people enjoy talking about Bigfoot,not about friends that commit hoaxes.Look at what that got the Fasanos,Dyers,Biscardis and etc.Do you see where we are coming from?Was that civil enough?Really don't want to hurt anyones feelings.Another thing,kind of funny that Bigfoot is Boring just happens to be MIA and then Timmy just happens to pop up.Just saying.Also what is there to debate if you are close minded on the subject?Now don't get your feelings hurt but that all points out to a troll Bigfoot is Boring,Sean or Timmy or whatever you want to be called this week.

    8. I really don't get this - 'you don't beleive so you shouldn't be here' stuff. People are entitled to their opinions either way and to discuss those opinions on a site set up for just that - discussoins about bigfoot's existence- or not. Timmy is a sceptic like me. So far it is true to say Bigfoot does not exist. Doesn't mean it's not interesting. I think it is just as interesting that beleivers beleive. I am fascinated as to how they have formed this beleif and how they defend it. Doesn't mean I think they are less worthy people. People get nasty when they are defending something they feel close to so beleifs tick that box, but let's try and keep the vibes loving eh? I personally beleive it is possible but highly improbable that BF exists and I am staying on this site so Timmy - got ya back buddy. Leave Timmy alone dudes. There's a saying in soccer 'play the ball not the man'. So attack what he says not him personally.

    9. Gareth,it's the way Timmy goes about it.I have to agree with the guy calling him out.See,you have an open mind,Timmy does not.He's as bad as one of those true believers.

    10. Need to add Just read what he writes.

    11. the tag at the top of the site reads

      World's only 24/7 Bigfoot News Blog: Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments.

    12. Yes thanks everybody for making the damn point. I dont know who the hell " bigfoot is boring" or "sean" is, but I do know that the community here is comprised of believers, non-believers, skeptics, trolls and nutjobs. This website has a format where anyone can comment, I do so. Its called free speech. I happen to be a skeptic, immersed from childhood in Bigfoot lore then growing up to find the evidence is non-existent, misunderstood, or of course fakes and lies. I am extremely interested in the subject particularly because questions or disbelief, pointing out obvious fakes, etc are comsidered worthy of death on this blog.

      No hate from me, but I call a spade a spade. If Ketchums study comes out, for example, and demonstrates REAL evidence for squatch, I'll be the first to apologize and the first to start a hunting party. Until then I'll be here

    13. Hmmm,doesn't say anything about skeptics now does it?Just about the evidence and arguements about the evidence,which means argue if the evidence is true,not if Bigfoot is real.If it meant what you are implying it would be''World's only 24/7 Bigfoot News Skeptics Blog: Encouraging Skeptics to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments''.So why isn't there a Skeptics web site? Wait there is,it's Jref.Why not go there and be happy.I guess no one will be happy until there is a body on a slab.That goes for both sides cause deep down everyone wants Bigfoot to be real.

    14. So what your saying is Timmy that you're a closet believer?Or would just like it if the Hairyman was real?

    15. Timmy you so you dont believe in Bigfoot thats a start. I dont have a problem with non-believers, believers, your posts or anyone elses but I do have a problem with all the LIARS and BACKSTABBERS that have ruined the real field of Bigfoot research. Im glad people like Timmy dont believe and call me out, because it makes me look harder, investigate more and prove Timmys wrong! No offense Timmy you are right SO FAR

    16. Anons 1221 and 1223 I want to believe, want some evidence to believe in first. And yes, on a slab to straighten us All out

    17. NOT Gareth dipshit. you are the real troll on this site dumbass

    18. Why thanks Johnson.That's a compliment coming from you.

    19. Idiots on this site like you two make Timmy look like a genius.

      Now go defend Ketchum and Skookum and Smeja to make us beeelevers look good again!

    20. I have to say IMHO anyone who still believes in this Bigfoot bullshit is just sad, lonely little geek wh needs to get out of momma's house.

    21. now thats a REAL troll right there

    22. From anon at 12:23- That's fair Timmy.I really do think deep down people want it to be true.But your right,we need SOLID evidence because the way things are now,to many hoaxers and not enough SOLID evidence.But if a person believes why do people belittle them?There is no reason for it.But that's just the nature of the beast,right?

    23. I dont set out to belittle, just that when something is SO obviously faked and people defend it, I get the same feeling as when I save a turtle from a busy street, save an old lady from burning buildings or bitch about our shitty government...I get really intense

    24. Yes sir,same here.That's what we get for growing up in the 60's.To bad these kids now a day don't realize that today. But they will one day when they get older.Damn,I sound like my Dad way back

    25. Timmy, you're a couch potato, don't lie. An indoctrinated moron who's had his thoughts figured out for him. Pathetic.

  5. The shapeshifters are the ones that are suppressing information. They focus on the minds of those that are aware of them and cause them to act like complete idiots. Their brains turn to mush and they lose their ability to think logically. The government would certainly like to get their hands on this powerful technology, but they aren't the ones causing the cover-up, it's the Bigfoots themselves that are doing it. That's right, there's a cold war going on right under our noses, between the Bigfoots and the gov't. Who'da thunk it?

    1. How have you formed this belief?it seems extraordinary. Are you saying that there is literally a war between sasquatch and the US govt? Are perpetuating some form of double bluff prank? Or do you really beleive this? Please give more details if possible.

    2. Highly unlikely 10:19.

      - Anonymous shapeshifter

    3. I''ll give you some more details after I get done with this last hit of salvia.Wait right here.Be back in say,15 minutes.

    4. Salvia,the choice of drug for Bigfoot!

    5. or libtards like you know who

    6. Suppressing information, minds turned to mush, total idiots.
      Sounds like wal-mart employees to me.

  6. Cumulative IQ of commenters just dropped to 45.

    1. Please don't leave then, cuz we'd like to keep it above 42.

    2. If the number is cumulative, its hard to see how it can drop. Maybe a negative IQ is possible; maybe that means one has the ability to make others stupider. Hey, I got us over the 35 mark!

    3. From bigfoot, to shapeshifters, to IQs.
      This site is full of mental giants.
      Next thing you know freakin godzilla will show up.

  7. Booooring. I kinda miss blobsquatch videos.

  8. From anon at 12:23- That's fair Timmy.I really do think deep down people want it to be true.But your right,we need SOLID evidence because the way things are now,to many hoaxers and not enough SOLID evidence.But if a person believes why do people belittle them?There is no reason for it.But that's just the nature of the beast,right?

  9. Red Alert - there are several paid gov't shills on this site attempting to disprove and character assassinate the bigfoot community.

    All the dirty talk is a specific method I have seen employed within other fields of fortean study.

    COINTELPRO at its finest.

    1. Wow, that realy takes paranoia to a new extreme level. If the government wants to pay me to post fair and balanced comments on this site I would gladly accept their money. I think we need to first establish BF exists in the boring, humdrum 9ft bipedal hominid version, then maybe move onto the shapeshifting, interdimensional drug smuggler who shot JFK angle. And the government don't seem to be doing to well in their efforts to surpress Fortean study btw. It's a massive growth industry.

    2. Even worse there are multiple groups from each area doing it! How inefficient!

  10. anonymous 12.21. Anyone, including sceptics, has the perfect right to draw their own conclusoins from the evidence presented. This site is not for beleivers only. All this calling people trolls just because they disagree with you is very bad form chaps. It's just not cricket, trolls are only interested in abusing people and mocking.Timmy cops a lot of flack but I have read his posts and whilst they are firey and often emotoinal he doesn't normally directly abuse people personally. He gets a lot of shit though.

    1. I think Gareth has a man crush on Timmy.Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)......

    2. Gareth has been emailing all day, actually "Gareth" is screen name of a hot, young lesbian couple in my area....we are hooking up for nasty 3some later so technically you are right anon

    3. Dude, Gareth is the screen name of a hot couple dba

      Dont get your hopes up

  11. GOOD JOB TIMMY! You keep hitting them with your position and the rest of us will outflank them with the crap eating comments to knock them off balance.

  12. Timmy + Gareth = 2 idiot homos! Later girls! JTeagle

  13. Well, just watched that little segment. It's definitely a guy in a horrible suit. A DVR and slow motion is a great thing to have. What you see is of course the backside of the subject walking away, however, even though it was filmed in the dark, you can still obviously see the suit wrinkling up.

    What a waste of time!

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