A Baby Chimp Recently Mauled To Death In Front Of Zoo Visitors In Los Angeles

Travis M. posted the following message and on the Coalition for Reason, Science, Sanity in Bigfoot Research Facebook group this morning:

"I was at the zoo a day too early to witness this for myself..."

Los Angeles Zoo authorities have no idea why a male chimp mauled a 3-month-old chimp to death this morning. This all happened in front of a crowd of visitors, and unfortunately, Travis was there to witnessed to the horrific event. The zoo and county Sheriff's department has already set up grief counseling for visitors and staff to deal with the tragedy.

According to MSNBC News, the baby chimp was the first to be born at the zoo habitat in 13 years. "She was gradually being introduced to the coed troop of 15 adults when an adult male chimpanzee fatally injured her in their habitat", zoo spokesperson Jason Jacobs said in a statement.

Male chimpanzees are well known for violence, including the killing of the young. Scientists speculate that clashes over stomping grounds might fuel these conflicts, and the human encroachment on chimpanzee territory, such as in zoo environments, may exacerbate them.

Studies and observations in recent years have also shown that male chimpanzees often attack the infants of rival chimps both in the wild and in captivity, especially if a desired female is involved, according to zoo officials.

“Chimpanzee behavior can sometimes be aggressive and violent and the zoo is sorry that visitors had to be exposed to this,” Jacobs said. “This is a heartbreaking and tragic loss for the zoo and especially for the Great Ape Team who have worked diligently to care for the infant and its mother since birth.”

[via usnews.msnbc.msn.com]


  1. Check out the nips on that hot momma.

    1. This, yet Bigfoot are living their existence in fear of humans?

    2. Bigfoot's not a chimpanzee dipshit.

    3. Yes nice but you are not me, "timmy" at 2:16. Yeah, my point anon was monkeys, gorillas and even primitive peoples in the amazon are trackable and can be located by a familiar. They will attack and kill if provoked.

      Why not Bigfoot? Why does it scare grizzlies and cougars but avoid humans? Like those primitives from the amazon, how could bigfoot know or comprehend a gun, or that its pint size cousin would be a threat?

      This reasoning always touted for not locating bigfoot, yet even shy gorillas can be located in the bush. please discuss this rationally

    4. ^^ do not feed the troll!

    5. Anon you are idiotic and petty and freakin immature. Im not a troll, I brought up very rational questions about the behavior of a supposed biological entity. Your response means you have no answers, or simply no intellect to reason with?

    6. Timmy right again; I saw video on NatGeo of undiscovered people in Paraguay. They brought a tracker who was able to follow it right to their "secret camp". Natives were dumbfounded no grasp of electric or clothing. Later one native killed one cameraman cause he glanced at a tribal leader or some shit. They weren scared these little grimy 90lb indians. Tough little bastards now imagine them with no spears or bows but twelve feet thousand pounds-fuckin unstoppable.

    7. ^^What the hell are you babbling about?Lay off the Dro Bro!^^

    8. Timmy, if its an apex predator maybe its not hiding because its scared of humans. Maybe its hiding because its taking the strategic position. Maybe its hiding but always watching so it can defend itself if it feels threatened.

    9. But always? to the point it is always tree peeking? never slips up for a game cam? Managed to sneak past Native trackers and selectively choose to disappear in the middle of open ground? Ive spent way too much time out in these woods, outside of Eureka and from south of bluff creek up into washington and beyond....never seen it, no one i know claims to, and of all who admitted a sighting, there was wayyy questionable evidence. I dont buy it. at all

    10. But maybe, somewhere, something is doing exactly what you said. If a trree falls and no one around to hear it....well, you understand.

      ON THE SLAB!


    12. Oh Timmy just because you haven't seen it, then it must not exist. What an arrogant dildo you are.

  2. Must've been a liberal chimpanzee....liberals love to kill babies.

    1. And I guess this means that conservatives love to kill joy? Why do you have to make everything so toxic... You should examine your values, because your joke isn't funny. What happened to WWJD

    2. Jellybean, great comment! of course ^ would bring up Christianity, WWJD, what a libtard. Jesus wouldn't support the mass murder of millions of unborn children due to a conscious decision made by the Woman to kill, or murder her child. It's absolutely sick. So, the zoo is offering grief counseling over a naturally killed baby Chimp but we humans get no counseling over all of the murdered babies every day in the USA? This country is Fu#$ing sick.

    3. welcome to the world of the real

  3. The previous comments are totally disgusting!

  4. I thought this blog was called "Bigfoot Evidence"? Am I missing something? Is there a link that takes me to the evidence part of the blog?

    1. Sorry, no evidence here, only trolling.

    2. This post is evidence against; though filmed in a zoo, its a reminder of the high mortality rates of immature critters in the wild: would not young bigfoots be as vulnerable as the young of other species? I might concede that the mature ones can fend and hide, but I would still expect a young one to get lost or mauled by a bear( leaving us a ribcage or something to ponder).

    3. None to speak of. I'm betting he links an ape flinging poo next time.

  5. The name will be changed officially tomorrow to "Chimpanzee Evidence".
    They were thinking of running a story on a raccoon that smokes Lucky Strikes, but the name "Raccoon Evidence" didn't sound as interesting.

  6. Thats sad probably over jealousness.

  7. Replies
    1. I like it. I'm seeing a buddy-cop movie starring Bruce Willis and his new partner, an unpredictable, madcap chimp.

  8. Yesterday a goat with two heads.today a murderous monkey....where is the new about bigfoot ??is he on summer vaccination????

    1. Yeah really! would be nice to see more squirrels though.

    2. Squirrels are nice...chipmunks too

    3. We dont need no stinking chipmunks.

  9. I know for a fact that Sasquatch is between dimensions this week. I got a text from him a few minutes ago.

    1. Someones rolling some doobies instead of doin homework, that's for sure.

      Time to get back on the right track.

      - Matt Foley

    2. Matt didn't you die when your van rolled into the river?

    3. I know thats the popular version of what went on there. I know a lot of people like to believe that.

      - History Professor Terguson

  10. There's only two animals I am scared of. Yellow Jackets and Chimps. I hate chimps! Their grinning, big eared nonsense gives me the heebi jeebies.

    1. You must live in a state of perpetual fear with all the chimps running around.

    2. Even when they are smokin cigars?!

    3. Smoke a cigar - you'll go real far.

    4. Hi Gareth, I'm also terrified of yellow jackets. And the cannibilistic nature of chimps makes me dislike them as well. Orangatans bother me as well, they think it is funny to sit up in the tree tops and crap and pee on people below.

    5. What city do you live in? Sounds like you've got a serious orangutan problem there.

    6. Chimps are the most disgusting creatures in existence. Orangutans are much cooler. Chimp out!

      I love it when Baboons can get away with killing a chimp.

    7. Me too. Screw those chimps man. They suck.

  11. Is someone giving the chimps bathsalts?

  12. Travis says he did not witness this, yet the article says he did.

  13. GOOD SHOW TIMMY! Awesome job!!!

  14. Many animals commit infanticide. It's not very common but happens.

  15. if im right.when a male loin takes over the pride they are known to kill the kittens


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