Awesome Teaser From Utah About Two Bigfoot Encounters, But You'll Never See The Full Cut

We don't know what else we can do to encourage the producer of this awesome video, Michael Slade to finish his project, but we're going to try again one more time. The following video is about two women from Huntsville, Utah relating their amazing encounter with Bigfoot. This teaser is short (perhaps too short), and it's really well done with nice cinematography.


  1. The blog that accompanies the video is well written as well and is a plethora of BF info.

  2. Wow, another story! Who would have guessed?

    1. This is a blog you idiot, what do you expect !!!!


  3. They both sound so honest and look sincere. I believe them.

  4. "Wow, another story! Who would have guessed?"

    I presume that we will hear about your story, too one day. It seems that you need a lesson of life.

    1. Go away Skywalker dork! Your handle clearly states you are a fictitious man from a fictitious planet so it's funny that come here to teach someone a lesson about what "you believe is fantasy". Grow up, change your handle...or may the Sarlak eat your children Bobafet style!

  5. Bigfoot Chicks 5 yrs later!

    1. No way, these ones are waaaaay hoter!

    2. I agree,they are some hot GILFS!

  6. Ohhh delusions of grandeur...

    Release or 'I' will write about it LOL!!!!!!!!!

  7. That was deeply moving. When I finish crying, I'll check the Lifetime Real Woman channel listings for more info.....sob.


    that was one of the most moving pieces of film i've ever seen. The way they expressed themselves, there's no way they could've been lying.

    I'm starting to question my stance on Bigfoot...

    1. Your stance seems to be bending over for prison love! Yep, you are still a tool!

  9. I would grab my son and get the hell out of there also no matter what way he was facing.....

  10. None of this matters anymore. The CO fire squatch press conference is going to render second hand monologues with no physical evidence useless.

    We are currently mere hours away from a charred up squatch in a garage being dropped on the world like a sledgehammer of infinite wisdom and justice. 'Tis a great day, right believers? Today is the day you become validated for all those lonley moments you spent being laughed at and bullied by a skeptic media.

    Your revenge shall taste so sweet.

    ...or, you've been set up again. You're standing triumphant, arms stretched to the sky (oblivious to the fact you're about to have your pants pulled down in front of all the girls in school. Again.)

  11. Bigfoot exists... but we will never see it. That about sums it up, no?

  12. what the heck is this shit?

  13. FYI -

    T minus 90 for the noon press conference

  14. I read this article this morning. I hope you folks like it.

  15. Oops, here is the link :)

  16. To the pathetic anon who claims i'm a fictitious person from a fictitious planet; your IQ is probably pretty low, sasquatch are not fantasy creatures in my opinion and adulthood SUCKS. I prefer to have the spirit of a child.

    1. Did your momma not give you milk and cookies for a desert at lunch time?Geez fella,bring it down a notch.

    2. From reading the majority of your posts it is obvious that your spirit is of a neglected, beaten and damaged child. Adulthood is perfectly peachy if you can cope as a human and have a natural sense of humanity and reality. Most people I've met who have the so called "spirit of a child" are warn and kind instead of, well, what you portray yourself to be with your own key clicking. On the bright side, you seem a little more put together than Timmy.

      As for me? My IQ is only slightly above average but I run a very successful business and have a great family. I realized long ago that Princess Leah is a fat, unattractive, crazy cow and feel Sasquatch is a real sentient and intelligent entity that is likely not from Tatooine.

      Good day Sir!

    3. If I hurt your feelings by rebutting your mean spirited comments with mean spirited comments, I apologize. Please forgive me.

    4. @ 11:58, spelled dessert.

      Dessert is twice as good as the desert

  17. Administrator, I think you need to either not allow comments or at least be able to screen them prior to posting. There's always a goofball out to ruin it for everybody. This is very real I interviewed them both. I actually have a pic of the one Jeri is talking about. He's just enormous but I won't subject them to ridicule. So please hide the comments. Thanks BigFoot Boy, Dave Carver.

    1. If you have a photo, why not release it? And exactly what comments do you think Shawn should hide? He advocates for a free expression of ideas and freedom of speak. Hiding comments and screening them, kind of undermines the whole concept of "free expression".


  18. That second girl, the one that said the creature had a black fur coat, a black everything, once said in a documentary (can't reme,ber which one, may have been Legend Meets Science or some older one) that she originally estimated the creature to be 14 feet tall.

    1. Get this: her story was on animal planet as they came out and intervied her. The interview was so edited that it was boring Our 45 min interview with her us as good as you'll ever watch. The photo shows a black biped at least 14 feet tall you're right. Great memory. She actually asked the producer of the show if he wanted to see her photo and he said,"no, we have all we need.". Can you believe that! Didn't even look at the thing . Unbelievable!!!

  19. And you'll see the full cut of both interviews. They are better than anything on TV because they are not edited.

    1. Don't see it on your blog. Where? When? etc.

  20. We're not going to put it up. Too many goofballs. We don't post a lot of our stuff. We got to a point that it doesn't matter anymore. We don't need to prove anything to snybidy.

    1. Good grief, that's the same argument Ketchum uses. So you have this ground breaking material, but you're not going to release it?

      The Goofballs are the *researchers* that make outlandish claims and fail to back it up with data.

      If you make the claim, produce the material, or don't make the claim.


  21. We've become very protective and very possessive of them. It seems to be an evolution of those who get into researching them.


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