And The Bigfoot Statue Goes To... Joey?!

Image Credit: Jordan Althaus/Showtime

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Mackenzie U., a student of Environmental Conservation Studies. She believes in the possibility of Bigfoot and is hopeful that one day scientific methods will help prove its existence.

In the June 15 issue of Entertainment Weekly actor Matt LeBlanc, best known for staring as Joey on the hit sitcom Friends, discussed the second season of his show “Episodes” and the conversation turned squatchy. Matt shared that he watches Finding Bigfoot and is excited by the possibility of Bigfoot existing. This side of him is going to make a brief appearance on the July 29th episode on Showtime here in the U.S. when his character debates Bigfoot.

On how his Bigfoot obsession made it into an upcoming episode.

Before shooting a scene with Mangan, “we started talking about how I kind of believe in Bigfoot. I don’t know that I actually believe in it. But I love the idea that it could be. So [Episodesexecutive producers] David [Crane] and Jeffrey [Klarik] are giddy at the table like, ‘Wait, wait, wait. What?’ And I’m like, ‘Oh, yeah.’ I start telling them about the show Finding Bigfoot, that I’m hooked on. The next day, I get an envelope, and the front part of that scene is completely rewritten, verbatim from Stephen and me. It starts: ‘You’re kidding.’ ‘Nope.’ ‘You can’t be serious.’ ‘Yep.’ ‘You believe in Bigfoot.’ ‘Yep. I’m telling you, there’s undisputed evidence. Experts examined the footage.’ ‘What about Yeti?’ ‘No, no! Yeti’s bulls—.’”


Turns out that word gets around fast in Hollywood and daytime talk show host, Ellen Degeneres, gave Matt a Bigfoot statue on her show:

Like the statue? You can buy one for your own garden from Design Toscano:


  1. works for me. Wish I could afford the statue.

  2. Now THAT is what I call a porch monkey. He needs a little lantern in his hand though.

  3. They are coming out with a six footer in August, it's on the website posted above, $$$, but hell, imagine peoples reactions to seeing that #ucker in your yard!

  4. I have an 8 ft Bigfoot that I put in the yard at Halloween. There are 3 reports on BFRO by people that saw it.

  5. I have a 12 ft Bigfoot that I burn every equinox in a cremation of care ceremony. Nosy neighbors usually call it in but the sheriff is pretty cool about it.

  6. I have a 14 ft you know what ....


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