Watch This Dude Make Fun Of Matt Moneymaker On Finding Bigfoot

Oh my lord. This guy is hilarious to watch. First, he talks about how entertaining it is watching Matt Moneymaker brag on Finding Bigfoot about his years of experience researching Sasquatch. Then he moves onto the subject of the Yowie in Australia. And finally, he talks about the Oxford Bigfoot DNA study. This guy may not look like he knows anything about the subject, but after listening to him, he seems well versed in all the latest Bigfoot news.

Watch below:


  1. Wow, so this is what Christian Slater has been up to.

    1. Now that's funny, not that hyper hippy trying to bashi Money Maker

  2. Dejavu. I think I saw this same thing last year, with the same first comment as above...

  3. Nothing forbids you from making a complete ass of yourself.

    1. no more of an ass than all of the idiots who believe in the giant invisible ape roaming our woods

  4. It was amusing he spoofed the "running in the woods' incident. I believe that was the one the cast complained about because it was an editor/producer misrepresentation of what actually took place.

    1. Fat Monkeyfaker and Tim Fatsoano, two of the same fat losers doing the same thing- lying and whoreing themselves to prove that there is a 12 ft tall 1000lb invisible ape roaming our back yards. Idiots. "Years as a researcher" means this guy is a potsmoking loser with zero credibility or proof....lets give him a TV show!

    2. LOL more Monkeyfaker he is too much!

    3. Wow this guy should have his own show too!

    4. Matt knew it was another person due to events that were happening and just chased after the person I think to make them leave. They all ended up leaving as to many others in the area.
      The producers of FB due no favor in the actual production quite often, but they are putting out what they want and until ratings drop, nothing will change.

    5. Why do so many people bust on MM? He wants to find out the truth just like all of the legit knowers and believers out there. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to get paid to have your own TV show and get paid to do something you love? I sure as fuck would.

    6. Yes I'm sure he would just walk right up to a Bigfoot and say "well here he is, there goes my show my meal tickets and my constant pot supply and free cocaine".

      Yeah and all those fucking researchers wasting millions of free dollars each year are trying to "find a cure" for cancer too.

    7. I met Matt and Bobo in Texas; Bobo was cool, Matt is a giant flaming asshole who cares about. othing but himself and his own ego. It took me about 10 seconds in-person to figure that out.

    8. Nothing. he cares about nothing. damn ipad

    9. Anon 848;Most people who watch the show understand the people who write the checks are in charge. My 2cents: The show is fun family programming; glad they got re-upped.

    10. "I met Matt and Bobo in Texas; Bobo was cool, Matt is a giant flaming asshole who cares about. othing but himself and his own ego. It took me about 10 seconds in-person to figure that out."

      Sounds like you got to know him pretty well.

  5. Finding Bigfoot will never find Bigfoot. Funniest part is Ranae is the only one with any sense or science and she is never is convinced. To me is very interesting the smartest educated believer is the skeptic, the three men have. o real experience or research credibility. Also Ranae is extremely attractive and I'd love to shag her wantonly, but trust me that show will never find proof of anything

    1. Jenny you and Renee should have your own show called "Finding Bigmuff", where just the two of you go into the woods with a nightvision camera. :) <€

    2. Nah, they should hunt for the elusive bare beaver.

    3. The ratings would beat FB!

    4. He says 25 years of research.They have 0 evidence but take giant foot prints that are looking to perfect if it was running or walking.They show no effect of movement of the foot in the dirt or sand.This show is the worst for putting out his opinion and all he knows about an animal that he never saw.What a con man.

  6. "Dude" needs to lay off the bath salts.....just sayin'

    1. Anon 8:11, lol, I wonder how many people know what you are talking about.

    2. I like Big Sur Holy or Headband, not bath salts.

      Hopefully you ALL know what I'm talking about.

    3. Never EVER give your bigfoot buddy bath salts!!!!!! Oh the horror the horror....I'd tell more but it would set my ptsd treament back some, plus I can't stop crying...

    4. Anon at 946: I'm from Carmel Valley, definitely know those two ladies my buddy has acres of Holy and has since the middle 80's....he pulled four elbows off one lady last year LOL.


    5. Yes great change of topic. start talking about weed on a bigfoot board.

  7. I've heard of people doing bath salts. Don't really know what they do with em but I've heard you freak the fuck out. Maybe eat someones face off? I dunno?

  8. Bigfoot here - I really like peanut butter, no, really, really like peanut but. So if it's not too much trouble, could someone place a family size jar of chunky peanut butter on the stump, near the big rock? I prefer Skippy, but I'm not picky, so just a great big jar of chunky (hopefully Skippy) peanut butter and I'll be ever so grateful.

    P.S. I'm on to the trail cams, so don't try any funny s h i t.

    Thanks in advance

    1. I will have Melba and Arla bring some right out-


  9. Ahhh....nothing like a nice bong of bath salts...and some Aroma therapy to end a hard day..Whats your favorite blend???..Watermelon, Cherry, Oh and Vanilla..haha

  10. this makes me want to eat granola bars and used cardboard.

    theres magma out side my movie trailer.

    ~morgan freeman

  11. Hello all:

    I just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagel. We spoke about the new season of Finding Bigfoot.

    I said "Jack how are you doing" his response was "do you think you can help me get tickets to the Jonas brothers concert in July". I said "consider it done". He said "thank god- I couldn't take not being there".

    He then said "fucking Ketchum and that paper again she now wants me to write for some website". I said "nobody cares about her anymore" He then said "since your hooking me up with Jonas tickets I can share something with you.""I have signed on to be in 5 episodes of Finding Bigfoot next season". I said "jack that is big news" and he said "yeah they saw my interview about the 4 inch Sasquatch print and said Jack we need you on this fall". He then said "I told them I dont come cheap and they responded yes you do, you did the episode of Monterquest in New York for $30 dollars". He said "your wrong it was $35 and a free breakfast, my momma did not raise no fool".

    I then congratulated him and asked what he could tell us about the upcoming season of Finding Bigfoot. He said that they already have some "damn good video that may be a Bigfoot, or North American Sasquatch as it is called.

    1. Hmm..I never would've thought of Jack as a Jonas Brother's fan. He seems more like a Lady Gaga kind of guy.

    2. I heard Jack will be on Dancing with the Stars this Fall. He said he doesn't care who his pro partner is so long she's young, hot, Russian, and wears skimpy costumes and slutty dance shoes.

  12. Jack Bindernagel and Jagger have an ongoing competition for bedding down the most ladies. At last count Jack was way ahead.

    And it is well known inside music industry inner circles that Jack wrote most of the guitar riffs on Led Zeppelin 1 and 2 and all of them on Coda.

    1. But Coda sucked. Must've been burnt out.

    2. Coda is mostly out-takes from earlier sessions; All the great stuff gets put on the albums, so I guess we cant expect Coda to be real good. Historical interest I guess.

    3. Jagger is a fag. Page is a god.

  13. Anybody heard anything about the big girl and little girl in bikinis featured on this site? STILL looking for the tape!

  14. No, but there is a rumor of one with Ketchum and Fasano, will that do?

  15. The dude is drunk and a poor Jackson Browne lookalike, end of story.

  16. Finding bigfoot makes me not belive in bigfoot, so does this website.

  17. I think this guy's Zombie video is interesting, too.

    1. you sir are a petty fool, a snot nosed bindernagel who has fasanoed this board for the last time john floyd barf! you have moneymakered us all!

    2. lmao...4 funny insults in 2 lines ; John take notes from this guy, he is good

  18. The part where he talked about the sightings and the fact that obviously some are lies BUT out of all of those sighting there has to be a small % that are credible made me smile. I posted the exact same thing a couple (or a few) days ago. That's why I hold out hope for it existing. This guy uses his head, it would be cool if the only people researching Bigfoot think like this guy and myself! Get rid of the LOONEY TOONS!

  19. Oh but Cliff is so handsome. As a woman, you know men like Moneymaker, there the type of guys that if someone tells a story they have to tell one thats better even though you know their lying just so they can look better. I don't like money nor can I take anyone with the last name "Moneymaker" but my 3 year old does love the show and so do I. I know they'll never find bigfoot and most of the stuff is fake, but it doesn't hurt to be entertained.

    1. Funny you should say that. Moneymaker never does what you describe but Bobo, coincidentally, does that constantly.

  20. Anybody that talks about Bigfoot as a real being but makes fun of somebody else that researches it has to be a retard.

  21. In my opinion MM’s problems are two fold:

    1) His complete lack of people skills: He is consistently rude and condescending toward anyone who doesn’t agree with him, or dares to ask a question and expect a logical answer. He claims to be a serious and educated (law school) researcher, but comes off as an extremely arrogant know-it-all that exhibits hubris beyond my prior experience.


    2) His credibility is practically zero due to his complete lack of logic. He consistently jumps to conclusions without any actual evidence that can logically lead to said conclusions (i.e. upon hearing a twig crack in the woods, he immediately assumes it is a ‘squatch’ that is responsible).

    Make no mistake, what he is attempting to do requires an objective methodology if his findings are to be taken as credible. However, he is extremely biased and subsequently he considers each and every piece of ‘evidence’ he comes across with extreme subjectivity. No offense to lawyers, but there’s a huge difference between a JD and a PhD; PhD’s are trained and experienced researchers, JD’s are not. Just compare MM’s methodology to Dr. Jeff Meldrum’s and it’s obvious why a scientific, or at least an academic research, background matters.

  22. Wen hair products-Chaz Dean it is!

  23. They are seeing something.. Lol

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I shot some bigfoots for bigfoots skins for rugs

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