Unlike In Texas, It Is Illegal To Kill A Bigfoot In California

On May 11, in response to the hoopla over the legality of killing Bigfoot in Texas, the California Department of Fish and Game released a statement on their Facebook page citing a law that says it's illegal to hunt a "non-game mammal" in their state. Section 415 in the California Fish and Game Code states that in order to take a non-game mammal legally in California, it must be listed in the California Code of Regulations, which Bigfoot is not.

According to the DFG:

"If Bigfoot does not occur naturally in California then it would not be defined as a non-game mammal and could not be taken legally… unless the Bigfoot was causing property damage (in which case it could be depredated) or if a Bigfoot was considered a public safety threat (in which case the animal could be taken)."

In an article by Dan Bacher of Sacramento for Democracy, he writes about the implications of killing a sasquatch and what sort of punishment you're looking at if you happen to shoot one in California:

If the existence of only one Bigfoot was confirmed, then it could be considered “threatened and endangered” and could potentially be listed as a protected species under the state or federal Endangered Species Acts, according to the DFG.

“But if a healthy and growing population of Bigfoot was confirmed, a hunting season for the creature might be considered and could potentially be implemented (unless a law is passed that lists it as a specially protected mammal),” the DFG said.

However, the DFG cautioned, “But even if it was legal to hunt Bigfoot in California, the cryptid would surely prove to be extremely elusive prey for even the most crafty and seasoned of hunters. Because, as history shows, this species is notoriously hard to spot, photograph or document … which means it’s likely to be extraordinarily difficult to track down and dispatch.”

“Despite its massive frame, the legendary Bigfoot seems to be as light on its feet as Fred Astaire in his hoofing prime … and perplexingly adept at blending into its habitat,” the Department quipped.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has a far different approach to Bigfoot hunting regulations.

You can read the full article here.


  1. NO ONE will go to jail for killing a bigfoot!!!!

    1. Maybe you should've read the entire article.

      "You will not only deprive science of its unique opportunity to study a live Bigfoot, but will face possible jail time and a big fine under the California Fish and Game Code. And if it is determined that Bigfoot is a close relative of homo sapiens, you may face murder charges."

    2. I followed the link to the CFG page, found it, but their paragraph is very short, it does not contained the quoted statements in the article. The original article doesn't seem to cite a specific spokes person for CFG either. I left a few questions on their FB page...any bets if they will answer with more than platitudes?

  2. I would like to think in Texas we don't get worked up over animals not proven to exist.

    1. So why are u on this site Dork!

    2. I find it funny that people like u search sites out like this to rip on things u have no idea what your talking about. You obviously suffer " I'm a inernet star " syndrom . Have u had it checked out?

    3. Even Texans should be worried since this species is very likely an unknown human one.

  3. Golly Mr. game warden, it looked just like a bear to me. Small fine if anything. A woman in the north east and her husband went hunting in Nova Scotia. She mistook her husband for a black bear and shot him dead. Outcome NO NEGLIGENCE. This story was highlighted on one of the msnbc crime shows. I second the first posters words. NO ONE WILL EVER GO TO JAIL FOR SHOOTING A BIGFOOT. J.D.

  4. Thats because Californians are a bunch of liberal tree huggin PETA loving hippies. I cant wait till a big earthquake comes and makes the hole state fall into the ocean.

    1. Hold on bro! I live in Central Cali and most liberals reside in the South and SF. We just had a Rep Govenator and most of us hard working people agree that the liberal BS in Cali is what's ruining this state. So let the quake wipe out SF and So Cal and bring the beach to the Central Valley

    2. It's liberal petas that give you the reason to breath oxygen !

  5. thank God I'm from TEXAS!

  6. Obviously the Calif. DFG regulations would not pretain to the Sasquatch if the DNA comes back as very close to homo sapiens, hence the issue needs to be revisited due to the fact that the Sasquatch lives in the wild and hunters need to be educated enough to avoid mis-identification. Can I point out also that it is the Calif. Fish and Game Commission that adopts regulations in Calif. whereas the DFG inforses set regulations. Much is in place to address these issues in the fall.
    As for the individual who feels a need to bash the good citizens of Calif. (not taking a stance one way or the other) if you don't like Calif. just stay away and you should do just fine.

  7. Wow, still all this concern over legality? It’s plain and simple.” Well gee, I was walking around in the woods and this thing came out of nowhere. I shouted and made lots of noise to scare it off but it charged at me. I, I had no choice. It was truly in self-defensive. I felt my life was in danger. I am a sad panda. One should never kill another animal. It’s really a shame. Oh well at least we got ourselves a bigfoot to study. Hooray!!"

    And for Okie, no his brother’s uncle and half twin sister didn’t jump out of the trees to revenge the death of their fallen family member. I would of shot them too though had they. LOL

  8. I agree too that no one will go to jail for killing a bigfoot in CA. To be a nongame mammal, the species first has to be known to exist. Since very few areas protect bigfoot, it is pretty much open season on them. Even in an area where they are protected a person could still kill one and get away with it. They might face a local charge but it would never hold up in the appeal process. To be convicted of killing something, or a someone if bigfoot is homo related, that thing or has to exist. It would be like shooting Santa or the Easter bunny in your home. How would you convict a person of killing them since the majority of people say they don't exist. Then when you see how science refuses to accept bigfoot exists by pictures and such, yet often will confirm other species of animals by photo, then a person who kills bigfoot to prove they exist for science would never get charged. This is why I have problems with people who say they have proof of bigfoot but don't release that proof because they are "protecting" bigfoot. Until that proof is accepted they are furthering the open season. Once science accepts they exists they will become protected. If not on the federal level, state and local governments will jump to protect them in most areas. And if bigfoot is human related, any further killing will be murder. But we MUST have proof of existence first. That is the only way to end the debate of kill or no kill.

  9. One of these days, a hoaxer in a costume is going to be gunned down. Then we'll see what happens legally.

  10. California and many other states make it clear that if it is not listed as current or open game, you cannot take that species. Texas' statutes are a little odd, but "it says what it says", with regard to uncategorized species on private property. HOWEVER, Texas has some of the HARSHEST punishments for poaching in the US. Taking an uncategorized species that is not on private land is a stiff fine, but taking a protected species (like the armadillo or pronghorn sheep) can get you up to 10 years and up to $100,000 fines for each carcass... AND THEY TAKE YOUR GUNS! ...and can even take the vehicle you used for transport, in some circumstances.
    This one "private land" loophole in the language of their statutes does not describe Texas' sentimate toward poaching or killing uncategorized or non-indigenous species, elsewhere. Period!
    David from the PAC/NW

  11. So, will they be charging this Justin Smegma clown who has laid claim to the Sierra Kills? Not only an adult, but also a juvenile???? He could maybe claim a public/personal safety threat with the adult, but sure as hell not with the juvenile. If they even threatened him with charges, they could get to the bottom of the whole fraudulant story right quick. Then we'll see how fast his story changes. There should be a law on the books for perpetrating frauds and hoaxes as well to weed out douches like Smegma and give them the jail time they deserve.


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