Public Relations? Anybody? [Ketchum Project]

Editor’s Note: Michael Higgins is 28 years old, Texas born, Oklahoman. He is an advocate and a firm believer of the Squatch. He has witnessed one of the big guys or gals near a powerline trail in Honobia, Oklahoma. Michael is a realism artist interested in doing sasquatch sketches for eyewitnesses. You can visit his blog at

When I first read about the Ketchum Report being in the works I was really excited about it. I thought,"Finally! We will know something!" Of course, this was before I witnessed a squatch hastily exit a power line trail as the car I was riding in drove by. So I've seen, I know, I would like verification for the protection of the species, but don't need it to they exist. I've talked about that before.

I just read Shawn's post about Dr. Ketchum yet again throwing her defensive posturing at everybody on Facebook. How wrong could you handle public relations? What's more puzzling, is how in the world could she really believe that a viable Bigfoot study with possible groundbreaking proof of the existence of sasquatch would not generate so much buzz? This is one of the greatest mysteries in the WORLD. You can't just lead people on and crush their hopes time and time again and not expect any backlash. I mean, don't tell us you have "mind-blowing" multimedia evidence and not share it. The stick formations-that was crap. That's nothing the Bigfoot Community hasn't seen. Unfortunately, nearly all of the evidence available in sasquatch research is inconclusive and by throwing out a picture of a stick formation that clearly could have been made by a person, she just added to the pot. Then she stirs it when she comes out and says she has regular interactions with a family of sasquai. And childishly she claims that she may not even share anything at all. You are trying to validate a species, you have "mind-blowing" multimedia, and you may not share? I'm confused at this point.

This is what needs to happen. At this point, there are people like myself who hold out hope that there is a paper. I understand that the peer review process can take time and could probably take even more time with something so groundbreaking. Now, I'm not the most professional person in the world (obviously, I'm blogging about being disgusted over some PR), but I will say this, if I were in her position, there is no way in hell I make an appearance on Facebook or Twitter anymore! Furthermore, let the naysayers keep on throwing jabs. Just take it. Either 1. You'll shut them up with a paper and evidence or 2. You have failed miserably and it's going to go down in Bigfoot History as the biggest flop ever. If you keep lashing out at people who don't even give a crap about what you are doing, you are going to receive more and more ridicule. That's just the way it's going to be. It's the Internet. People exercise their first amendment rights on here. I'm doing it right now! If you really wanted people to shut up about "Sally," you wouldn't have said a damn thing about it. Now, you've added fuel to the fire and you can bet your house that its gonna get even worse than before. YOU let it get out of hand. The best thing you could have done for "Sally" would have been to just let it go.

Lastly, put up or shut up. There are some in the community that haven't seen. There are some that would love to see what you have. And one good picture isn't going to jeopardize what you are doing. If it is going to do anything, it will vindicate what you are doing. So what if it isn't conclusive, it could be very close if its "that good." You may not care whether or not people believe you or whatever, but its quite apparent that you hate the negativity toward your image, otherwise there wouldn't be any defensive posturing or lashing out. So stop with the claims or give something to back it up, or better yet even, don't show up until the paper is published. Otherwise, you lose credibility every time you pop up online. Okie-out!


  1. Lord knows I respect Melba Ketchum for her work, although I've yet to see any of it. Almost June 2012.....With the new DNA study going on if she doesn't do something soon she's gonna come in second place. And nobody ever remembers who came in second.......I remember Michael Phelps winning Gold in 2008, but not a thing about who came in 2nd.....So what's the delay all about? Are patents filed? (Can you patent a Sasquatch?) Or is it a money issue? I hope she has the right reasons for doing this in mind. It'd be a shame if dollar signs are the only motivation. Also, kinda ironic if after waiting all this time for the Ketchum study, a new team of scientists comes along and releases Sasquatch DNA proof within a few months.

    1. Ketchum is an obvious FRAUD who is trying to generate business for her failed equine lab.

      Anyone think Jeff Meldrum is reading this blog and answering on a f-- king Facebook page? geez...

    2. Dr. Ketchum's study has been accepted, and will be published soon. With such an astounding discovery being proven for the first time the DNA report must be perfect. Journal's regularly ask for clarifications and short rewrites. The journal is putting their credibility on the line to publish this article, and they want it perfect. Since there are several co-writers, each a prestigious scientist and/or heads of departments at major universities, and scientific institutes, a small rewrite can take time because these people are holding down full time jobs, have families, yet must stop everything to assist with the rewrites. Those small rewrites or clarifications delay the publication of the article, then, once accepted, we have to wait for the release date when the journal can fit it into their publication schedule.

    3. What proof do you have other than hearsay. Nothing!

    4. I am hoping the Oxford DNA study will put a fire under her's and her college's collective asses. I do believe she has something, but the world is becoming more and more impatient.
      Chad W

    5. I don't understand how you can respect someones work without seeing any proof that said work exists. John

    6. Or how you can reject someone's work or call it fraudulent without first reading it.It doesn't matter one bit that you are becoming impatient - NOT ONE BIT. The paper will be published when it is published and you will just have to wait until then. Got it?

    7. This is the real Linda Sedlak. QUIT USING MY NAME!

      Anonymous and Fake Linda, This is neither the place nor the time to make nor ask such ridiculous and frankly, rude comments and questions. Please get a life and leave Dr. Ketchum alone. I'm reporting all of you to Blogspot, and I hope never to see your names ever again.

  2. The emperor has no clothes.... it's truly that simple

  3. That's a big red flag concerning Ketchum. She's supposed to be a professional about to blow the lid off the scientific world, but she acts like she's in junior high. She should get off Facebook and just shut up. When the results prove to be valid, then she can talk until her voice gives out and her fingers can't type anymore. If she still acts like a junior high student, at least she'll have the DNA results to back her and cover up some of her unprofessionalism. She needs to remember Proverbs 17:28, "Even a fool is considered wise if he keeps silent."

  4. This paper reminds me of a crap I thought had to take. My stomach made a big deal about, bad cramps and all that shit, then when I got to the toilet it ended up being nothing but a big fart.

    1. Here I sit all broken hearted, thought I shit but only farted.

    2. How old are you boys?? 8 or 9 years old? This is the level of this blog. I'm totally disgusted with it and will no longer be reading it.

    3. Dont let the door hit you in the ass! Nyah, Nyah!

  5. Her only mistake was opening her mouth about her "hobby".. With that said, I can completely see where she is coming from. IF.. she were to release irrefutable evidence that these things exist on her "Lease" then she may find that she can't renew it and trespassers are eminent.

    But such evidence from video, still pics, or audio is impossible today. Look at Hovey's photo. Clear as a bell and still scrutinized. I remember the time I first saw a gorilla at the zoo. I saw the dermal ridges on it's feet and thought they were stitches and this was up close against the glass. Fact is that even if we did get clear video of one, would we know what we are looking for to prove if it is real?

    I want these things released but I can understand why she would be reluctant to release them. I just hope her paper comes out first. I do not want Britain claiming the discovery of an American Cryptid.

    1. "Britain claiming the discovery of an American Cryptid"- Ha ha ha. Tim, U.K.

    2. I totally agree with your article Michael and have stated such in the past.

      A agree with you Tzieth about the Brits and was thinking the very same thing last week. This is what happens when you have an academia that sits on there hands here, at least is this case.


    3. Ha-ha-ha, he said Hovey and "clear as a bell" in the same sentence, what a hoot!

    4. It doesn't matter who finds evidence/proof. Besides, the samples are primarily being sent from the U.S. Furthermore, I don't care if Vlad the Impaler verfies the data. Evidence is evidence and you could NOT ask for a better geneticist to be heading this up.

    5. "AnonymousMonday, May 28, 2012 8:28:00 AM PDT
      Ha-ha-ha, he said Hovey and "clear as a bell" in the same sentence, what a hoot!"

      Okay by clear, I meant that it was not blurry. The object in the pic is clear and looks like a real creature. But then you had all the supposed photographers talking about the lighting and then the supposed creature effects artists saying the hair was fake etc..

      If Dr.Ketchum were to release such photo's it would not only prove nothing, but it could jeopardize everything else she intends to do. While it would most likely not sway non-believers, it may entice pro kill guys to find the property and bag one. In regards to the Hovey pic, someone said something about how all new digital cameras have a GPS code on them? I do not know how much truth is in that but if this is true, then Dr.Ketchum would be giving out the location.

  6. "I do not want Britain claiming the discovery of an American Cryptid."

    Couldn't agree more Tzieth!

  7. I agree with Mr. Higgins "Put up or Shut Up" and Please no more agreements to do Bigfoot Conventions anf not show up....Thanks

  8. Did anyone see the much hyped Animal Planet documentary last night Mermaid, The Body Found.
    It was the greatest piece of documentary work I may have ever seen and should be watched by all. There were a lot of parallels to Bigfoot research and how the show ends will astound and disgust one at the same time. In any case one's eyes will be open to ideas that have been discussed on this site. Two words are mind blowing.


    1. I think the Mermaids show was filmed like a "Blair Witch Project".. a pseudo documentary. There were only a couple of things about the show that were real: the govts experimenting with sonar and the recording of the "Bloop" sound. The scientists were totally fiction as was the rest of the show. No part of any "mermaid" was found by and taken away by the government. Google it.

    2. It appears you are right. I had no idea they were sneaking an Orson Wells war of the worlds type fake show on us. GOT ME. In any case it was very well done.


    3. The mermaid show was FICTIONAL. Jesus Christ you footers are gullible saps.

    4. Honestly, if people don't have the critical faculties to determine a faux documentary is fiction, what does it say about their conviction on any subject?

    5. What, the show was fictional and there really was no body? WTF?

    6. So, wait, if it's not on Google, then it doesn't exist or hasn't happenned? I forgot that everything on the internet is all factual, and that if it's not, then it isn't factual. If the government covers something up, then that would be on Google ? I don't get the logic here. Where is it said that the show was fictional ? It looks to me that Animal Planet is pitching it as factual.

    7. so i tried googling paul robertson noaa, and clicked on his website... guess what came up?

    8. Some people really need to get in touch with reality. It is all over that the Mermaids show was fake and you still have difficulty not believing something isn't real. God help us all. Maybe an article from the NY Times will help:

    9. With gullibility so prevalent in society, it is easy to see how Jim Jones was able to initiate his followers to commit mass suicide.

    10. "Dr Sean Michael" was in such great movies as Home Alone 4, Ernest in the Army, and Shark Attack 2...

      David Soul was the narrator.

  9. Michael....

    A few things to consider:

    Dr Ketchum continues to be a lightning rod for debate in this field. She has stated on NUMEROUS occassions that she does not post on these forums and it is a known fact that others have posted claiming to be her or Sally.

    She is at the mercy of the "publishing magazine". Meaning that she has no control over when they decide to publish; it has to be a helpless situation.

    If Oxford ends up publishing first, it isn't on Ketchum, it's on whoever is supposed to publish her work.

    If you were banned from speaking about your work until it was published, would you hint around about specifics and disclose some pictures at the risk of getting everything thrown out. I don't think so.

    Michael, she is in a tough spot and I'm sure she wants this thing published as badly as we all do.

    The Oxford study has pushed this research into the news again and the more legitimate interests "we" can gain, the better.

    Cliff G in Texas

    1. She is damned if she throws us crumbs and damned if she doesn't at this stage. I personally think the reach out on FB was a neccessity given our demanding evidenced by the recent poster insisting she release something now. Wow, that's bold! Her response was measured IMO.
      On the other hand, she did "hint around about specifics" (contrary to above post) as have many participants, teaser's are fuel to the internet fire, as Okie points out in his article.
      IMO the "leaks" by the anxious: Smeja, Stubstad, OP, EP, (who ever else) brought it to this stage, fueled by detractords, now a year later. And some of those players may have been justified for their impatience, but I don't see their chatter anymore...
      The Oxford entrance, to me, is tangible evidence she must be gaining some ground among the genetics crowd.
      Those of us outside the circle trying to peer in or judge in advance shall have an answer in time, and the "facts" to ruminate and challenge for all the future.
      I am all for a little restraint at this point, and not making "news" of a Facebook exchange on her own public site. We can all read it there.
      I wonder if we shall be as rude to Dr. Skeyes on any public page he might create as we have been to Dr. Ketchum?

    2. detractords?
      detractoids? was meant to be: detractors.

      pack up your camp gear, get out there, it's summer!

    3. and Dr. Sykes....mispelled above....

      Shawn maybe the "like" button could be replaced with "edit" :) sorry for visual mess here!

    4. Cliff, Thank you for your comment. Dr. Ketchum's hands are tied, she can not say nor write a word about the DNA paper until *After* the journal is released with her study. Melba would sink the entire project if she responded to any of these comments. There have been numerous snags and quick small rewrites needed because no credible journal would publish ground breaking and, indeed, earth-shaking news such as this will be without the report being *perfect*. However, We are close to publication if nothing else pops up.

    5. Whew, and just in time! Thanks for that input Linda.

    6. Hey Cliff!

      Yeah you are right about her being at the mercy of the "magazine." I wonder though, if her posting one of her personal pictures, that she claims to have, would compromise the publication in any way? Idk. I'm for the paper 100%. I'm excited about it from the standpoint of "what exactly are they?" and "what significance will this have on human evolution?" What I'm not for is her continuing to lead people on. I think it really has a negative effect on the community and continues to provide material for the so called "trolls" or people that don't care about the study to come on here and ridicule. Then again, that's probably not going away until something is proven. If anyone in the Ketchum camp sees and takes to heart what I have written about in my post then I have accomplished something. On a separate note-did you get out and about over the weekend?


      I think you are right and the Oxford study may just vindicate the Ketchum study. That's what I'm hoping for! She could definitely change her posturing though. Hopefully she doesn't get after Dr. Sykes like that. They'd be wise to collaborate on the findings or not speak at all IMO.

  10. Chuck (AlphaDog) from Ohio if you think that Mermaid Show was a Must See! then you are as nutz as I thought !

  11. Mike, are you going to do an article on your sighting?

  12. Anybody know how much each submitter paid to have the tests conducted?

  13. I'll go ahead and let the cat out of the bag. Dr.Meldrum found human genetic markers, as well as undefinable markers within the sample(s). Her thesis is based around the unidentifiable, and cllassifies these new markers as a part of a "Feral Human" sub-species. Sasquatch is not mentioned. Because there is no cross compaison research which also identify these markers, no scientific journal will accept the results as final.

    1. That's not true, Anonymous, and surely you know that. Stop bashing someone who can't respond. It's beneath you to do so. Just wait, the Journal DNA report is coming soon! Please, just hang in with us a little longer. There are several scientists besides Dr. Ketchum involved, all with advanced degrees, and some with prestigious academic jobs who are also part of the this study.It's a huge deal to reveal for the first time a totally new species which has been considered a joke among mainstream science. The report needs to be perfect, and it will be when it is published. It is coming out soon.

    2. Can we assume you meant, Dr. Ketchum ?

    3. I dont understand. 1) Cant they compare the samples to each other?
      2) They cant draw conclusions unless they cite someone elses research and can only publish what the tests showed?

    4. i'm to damm tired of waiting. waiting since the first time l. nemoy told us about it on regular t.v.! so many things have been discovered and invented in these long years that are going by so fast. when will we get the damm truth. i know just about everyone who posts here believes but wtf man. tired of watching all these a-holes with their so-called final proof. or the once and for all time evidence. and if your hanging out with a family of sasquatch's then show the damm photo's under a false god damm name melba. there are no photo's honey cause you could of made mad loot from them. go away melba! do it for your family group of bears!!!

    5. sweetsusiq is a delusional weirdo cat lady , her opinion is worthless.

      Ketchum is lying, she has decided she can spin a polymorphism difference into bigfoot dollars. Because she knows that you footers are gullible enough to believe anything that confirms your silly belief in an imaginary creature

    6. This is the real Linda Sedlak. There are no Ph.Ds or other academics involved with this study. Are you all really so stupid as to think a group of professional researches would tie their names to such an amateurish production? If there were real academics involved, Dr. Ketchum would have been given a seat in the corner while the pros from Dover took over.

      I challenge anyone who thinks I'm wrong to provide proof of these academics. I'm talking names and university affiliations, not "Dr. Ketchum says..." hearsay BS.

      Oh, and I never want to see you using my name again, fake Linda Sedlak.

  14. I seen one. It had light-ish colored hair and was thick through the neck and shoulders... it was wearing a white lab coat and told unbelievable stories.

  15. Forgive the mis-type above. It's Dr.Ketchum, NOT Dr.Meldrum.

  16. I've stated here before, that at the very least the Ketchum study will spur more funding and study at the university level. It seems that has already happened. I don't know Dr Ketchum, have never corresponded with her or anybody in the "official" bigfoot world, but I hate to see her keep getting bashed on this site, when those doing the bashing simply do not know all the facts. It's prejudiced judgment, and slander, and becomes "fact" in the minds of many with repetition. I agree that Ketchum is in a tough spot. Being the first to DNA study the squatches is ripe with controversy before the start. If all the slanderers of Ketchum could do better, then let us know how it works out, and demonstrate your superiority. I can see why any well respected journal would take more than the usual time to publish on such a controversial subject. I'm sure they can see how Ketchum's being flogged in public, without the floggers knowing the facts. There is a DNA study, it has been submitted, just wait to find out what the data shows. We've all made mistakes in the past, that would 'taint' us were we to run for political office, or be a first in the DNA study of sasquatch. We all generally mess up before we get good at anything. Especially when we do it for the first time. Perhaps Ketchum should not have defended herself on facebook, against the slanderers on this site. Remember, you are not anonymous, and can be held legally accountable for slandering online. If the owners of this site continue to allow it, they too can be held liable. That this is now a "tabloid" site in Ketchum's opinion, is not inaccurate.

    So what is the target market for the owners of this site? The mentally lazy and dimwitted two sentance slanders who think their uncreative and compulsive negative, prejudiced slanderous opinions are entertaining? They should consider cleaning up this site, require URL's for posting replies, and have legal disclaimers against slandering, at the very least banning abusers. The advertisers would multiply, not diminish.

    I would normally prefer to speculate on the nature of sasquatch behavior, the evidence they leave, and the growing hominid data, and love to read when others do so. I apologize for this diatribe, but felt the need to defend those being slandered by uninformed, immature, prejudiced posters. I would like very much to not have to wade through so much mental garbage to get to some interesting input.

    1. Agreed. But you can't be a communist and stop people from posting no matter how silly and ignorant they are

    2. Well said, James, and 100% correct! Thank you from the bottom of my heart..

    3. Yes, awesome!!!

      Down with freedom of expression!!!

      Down with criticism!!!! Down with parody!!!


      Wow, the "trolls" are right. Now I have no faith in your study.


    4. Inspiring! As for the owner of the site? I have asked and the answer was straight forward. He wanted a site that was fun, that included ths silly and the serious, to entertain and stimulate discussion.
      The anonymous format just comes with the blog, a limitation of blogspot. The features you describe do come I think with Wordpress. He created a Facebook page with some of those controls to a still unresponsive friend list.
      In the end "hits" make money, and of course a wage earner like us all, money must accompany what I believe has become a rather demanding blog. It seems to be successful in that regard. Apparently the formula works.
      On the troubling posts, yeah! Who cannot agree? And if you write the owner directly you shall find him eager and willing to remove serious impersonations or libel, but seems to be steadfast in the right of anonymous posters to speak their mind. I think I agree with that. The responsibility for one's words rests with the speaker doesn't it? I don't actually know internet law on the issue of anonimity, but am fairly certain any particular post or poster can be discovered should one file suit. And the party to take it up with might be Blogspot?
      I will push back on your harshness to those of us that frequent the site and do take the time to post our thoughts, even if unwelcome to some. I post here because I hope to influence the discussion. Do I? Haven't a clue, but I know I enjoy the certainty my post makes it up and is often answered by some friendly and thoughtful people with a similar passion for the subject.
      I found the world of BFers quite opaque and difficult to navigate by visiting individual or group websites. Shawn does an excellent job for me of trolling the net for their recent posts, who can keep track?
      I do agree and do encourage Shawn (LOL- he ignores me!) to spend more time on the education, the prehistory of man, and related topics. But, I think he is driven by the "hits" per article...and maybe you are right...maybe people prefer the tabloid aspects. I have discovered some things here I would never have anywhere else, in the comments.
      Pretty hard not to check in here now with the visibility the subject has should be an exciting summer.
      I don't think I am the only one who feels this way? Although I feel singled out for being stupid to be here!

    5. I hope she sues every damn slandering troll here once this whole thing's over and with the help of this site.

    6. Melba calls this a "tabloid" site. That's rich, considering the source. Yes sir -- from the lady having picnics with playful bigfoot families, announcing they braid her horses' tails, and stating *as fact* that a pile of sticks is the complex work of her buddies. Hell, that story wouldn't pass muster at even the National Enquirer!

    7. You can't sue people for what they think.

    8. can we sue you for being stupid?

    9. hey annon@9:57- how do you sue someone that posts annon just like you! what ever happened to our freedom's? obammy anyone! for you liberals out there i ment obama anyone!

  17. I'm new to GT and a fairly new casual fan of all things Big Foot. Love this blog BTW.

    What I am a veteran of is marketing. Been a career marketing manager for over 16 years now and one of my duties as a marketing manager is to work with and manage PR efforts for the products I work on.

    Speaking as a marketing manager who has coordinated and seen 100's of PR campaigns this Ketchum Project has got to be the worst PR /marketing strategy I've seen in a long time. Typically, you know when you're product is going to release. Whether it's a specific day or month, you have a general idea. In this case the product is the Ketchum report.

    From that release date your PR person works backwards planning out what information is released, what assets like photos, videos, etc are releaased, what types of interviews will hit and with what team member will be conducted and when, leading up to launch day. It's all planning and timely execution to drive interest around your product on day one of launch.

    With all that said, one of two things could be happening. 1) This is just simply a string of really bad PR decisions that have been going on for a long time. 2) The project has run into a lot of unforaeen delays and rather than admit that fact, they stick with the "it's ready when it's ready line.

    If I was the PR person for the Ketchum project I would be advising my team to either release some tidbits of information to maintain credibility at this point or "go dark" and do not post on Facebook or push out any form of communication until we were ready to actually communicate information on our project. Really, what's the point of even talking about your project other than to fuel egoes.

    1. I think marketing strategies are a fsacinating topic, if not a Dark Art! Born to a PR manger in news, both print and broadcast, I gained my interest at the dining table conversations over four decades. The differnce here is the product, a scientific study subject to peer review and the Journal's demands. Which may be extraordinary given the subject....Bigfoot. We are talking about Bigfoot...the same guy in those great Beef Jerky commercials!?
      I am glad you are here and commenting. It is an entertainment site mostly, or relief valve for our passion the world cares little for. But real nuggets do come through. BFers could definately use some marketing tips!

    2. Word got out from the people who submitted the DNA samples which were used in the report, and that is how the entire world now knows about this DNA study being released. Dr. Ketchum was caught between a rock and a hard place, and has been trying to keep the silence needed to keep the journal happy while others just bash her needlessly. Should Dr. Ketchum say just one word regarding these DNA results,or release the name of the journal, or the DNA's release date, her entire project would be ruined! Her silence is needed to keep everything up to the journal's standards.

    3. And she also has a video of 5 bigfoot.

      Do us all a favour and just go get f'ked.

    4. Linda, that is a load of crap. People talk about and pass around their papers before, during and after the submission. The only thing you cant do is submit to 2 journals at once. You make it sound like the journal editors are all consumed with her work and are terrified about the waves of publicity that will great the study of the century. You are not helping her. You are setting her up for failure, even though she may have a nice article.

    5. Right 9:23. Let us all stop for a moment to remember this "code of silence" issue is the version coming from the horse's mouth.... the same horse that tells us loony tales on her public FB page. She can't have it both ways -- she and her compadres whine if she's criticized. Who's feeding the fire???? KETCHUM!

    6. Linda OBVIOUSLY HAS NO IDEA what she's talking about. Her words are INFINITELY WRONG.

    7. Anon 7:00,

      Why are you here?

  18. Please people, enough with Dr. Ketchup already, it is so old, but funny!

    1. I say send in Colonel Mustard with the candlestick to shut her whiny, teasing mouth.

      *DISCLAIMER That is a joke, Melba, not a "death threat" that should stop you from keeping your conference commitments.

  19. Excellent post, I completely agree with the author. Put up or shut up. Stop threatening people, just release the videos, photos; and what ever data you have. The threats, and posturing is ridiculous, and this childish behavior is straight out of high school. Far from what you would expect from a professional person. SWP

    1. You give her more credit than I do... This is pure 7th grade "I was always the last one picked" behavior.

    2. But she didn't choose to study Bigfoot, she was chosen... to eat dinner in the dark.

  20. Sally here:
    Just because my billboard campaign for the Heartland Institute didn't work out, don't think I can't turn this Ketchum thing around. We're planning a media event/endorsement by Senator John Edwards and also a guest appearance on the TV show "Dirty Jobs," in which Dr. Ketchum is shown shoveling out "waste" from equine barns and male cattle pens.

  21. Linda you are truly a pathetic follower. Do you think you're being recognized and feel special regurgitating her taking points?? Only one person knows if theres really phds involved and its melba. But dunces like you who want to be part of something w lack of attention in your personal life (maybe??) defend her red flqgs and all

    How can you blindly follow someone who claims to have mindspeak with bigfoots, bigfoots braid her horses hair, bigfoots have appeared on her ranch since she started testing, blurry stik pics are ya kidding, as someone here said she acts like shes in jr high on fb, and the real bombshell thats yet to come out that I got from someone I trust who knows.... Dr ketchum wanted a submitter to actually destroy the rest of his samples so they could not be tested by anybody else. Yep, there's your professional. Is that
    science?? She wont get away with it ive been assured. No wonder there are ethical researchers going completely around her as well as regretful submitters.

  22. Jeezussss christ people.........

    Theres no f'king paper, theres no f'king family of bigfoots, theres no nothing. So PLEASE, for the love of GOD, stop it.

    1. Anon 7:02,

      That's twice in 2 minutes you posted nothing but "troll".

      Why are you here? This blog is for debate and you obviously aren't equipped to do that. So, why are you here?


    1. She's old enough to be. Don't let the glamour shot fool ya.


    3. As a result of anal intercourse.

  24. Unless the journal she has submitted to is unlike most other scientific journals, then presenting preliminary and unpublished data at scientific meetings or telling where in the process the manuscript is should not jeopardize the study in any way . These things are done all the time . What she cannot do is disclose the details of the research directly to media sources . I do understand that the content of this work makes it different , but I do not believe for one second that if she were to say something like: we have submitted to journal 1 for example, and it was rejected and then we resubmitted to another journal and it is now in revision number 3 with one more revision expected, that anything would be jeopardized. I think people would just like to hear some honesty rather than a series of excuses which are known by those in the scientific community to be just that . For me, that is the part that I find disturbing. I have published papers and have served as a reviewer , and I know that she is not being honest. This perceived dishonesty casts doubts in my mind regarding her credibility. She does not even need to give details , but just be honest as to why all the delays . I do know how long the typical review process should take and this one , if we believe that it has been in review for as long as she has stated , exceeds the average by several fold . Some lengthening of the process is to be expected due to the subject matter, but this far exceeds the amount of time that a single journal would take to complete a review for any study. It is my guess that she has had to submit to more than one journal before finding one that would examine the work seriously and this may be the cause for much of the delays . That is fine and is to be expected. No one would fault her for this . However, people including myself at this point feel that there has been a lot of excuses and falsehoods presented by the ketchum camp and that is what many are reacting to . Additionally all the statements saying that any information that has been revealed has all been from leaks and not from Melba Ketchum are also not true . Look back at interviews she has given in the past or even her posts on the recent facebook page and you will clearly see that she herself has made many statements about timelines, has dangled many carrots, and has hinted about the evidence. It oozes inconsistency when someone says one day that nothing can be revealed and then the next day presents very extraordinary claims.
    I think that a lot of the bad press would stop if she would just honestly admit what the cause of the delays have been , even in a very generic form, and at what stage of the process this manuscript is in rather than saying over and over that "we are at the mercy of the journal" . This would not jeopardize publication and is not in opposition to any policies of any scientific journal, and anyone that says it would is either misinformed or being dishonest

    1. The only thing left to say is about the peer review itself. The journal contacts 2-4 people who dont even work at the same university and asks them to review(which they do anonymously and for free). They exchange a few emails and accept the paper( and ask for some revisions) or reject it. The end. They dont move in with you and hang on your every word.
      Glad you and 9:58 commented; it seems wrong that intelligent people are being misinformed about this aspect of academia.

    2. Exactly, Linda should take notes from this guy. He KNOWS how the process works. The Ketchum camp is at minimum being dishonest. Credibility non-existent.

    3. Anon 7:04,

      Thats 3 "useless" posts in 3 minutes. Why are you here? Try and engage in a debate. Tell everyone "why" you you think they're wrong. Its not hard or IS IT?

  25. First of all, if Dr.Ketchum, (and I use the term Dr, both loosely and only in the respect that she is a licensed animal veterinarian), were in this for anything but the money and fame, she wouldn't not have had so many people signing Non Disclosure Agreements that prevent them from not only talking about what they submitted to her, but stopping them from submitting samples to other studies as well.

    Secondly, the journal, just like any journal, will publish when it wants. However, and this is hugh, that does not in any way stop Melba Ketchum from telling what Journal the paper/study was submitted to and what the title of said paper/study is. If people had just those two pieces of information then they could check where in the process that the paper/study is themselves online, with no cost, no waiting, and it would verify Melba Ketchum's claims.

    So to Melba Ketchum, I would say this, first fire your current publicist because that person is doing you no favors whatsoever if they are telling you not to talk about it. Secondly, publically rescind any and all NDAs because again, these are doing you no favors. Next take down at least your facebook pages. Neither of those are doing you any good either. The public one should have waited until you were ready to talk about the paper/study and the private one shows your traveling all over the word. Not the least bit concerned about what is going on with people that are enamored of you. Have you stopped to think what damage you are going to do to these people that have so defended you and your paper/study when this all fails or stops?

    1. Great comments 9:55 and 9:58 (wow, you're fast!). Agree with all you say she needs to do, and will add that she should quit worrying about this blog and get that pile of damaging BBB Complaints cleaned up.

    2. Best statement ever ! This needs to be put in a petition. Footers let's do this !!!!

    3. Exactly! I love it when people WHO KNOW what they're talking about share THE TRUTH. The Ketchum camp is a joke, a farce to THE HIGHEST DEGREE.

    4. Lots of troll jealousy over Ketchum.

    5. Correct. I'm especially jealous of her F-Rating with the BBB.

    6. Anon 7:07,

      That's 4 "worthless" statements by you in 7 minutes. Why are you here? You clearly aren't intelligent enough to post ANYTHING beyond "troll". What's your point? You ARE WASTE of bandwidth.

  26. The only "paper" is the one she wipes her crack with!

  27. throw us a fucking bone ketchum.

    please think of dedicated bigfoot researchers who have been doing this years.

    by not releasing even the tiniest of details that could confirm what the hell you are up to, you are simply trolling them.

  28. well its getting warmer at night in the pnw, the snow is melting, campers are filling dumpsters and cooking meat over open fire. Think the dog, my 10mm (bears only) and a back pack full of roofied up snickers bars will be hitting the trees this week out in the trees.

  29. Dr. Ketchum I'm hanging in there till the end, I know you'll come through !

  30. Dr. Ketchum I'm hanging in there till the end, I know you'll come through !

  31. anyone got an up to date picture of ketchum?

    1. Check out the episode of Destination Truth she is on. It's on Netflix.

  32. Curious if this will end up as some type of fraud, money making scheme. I've Heard the number 10k per submission. Multiply by two hundred submissions and that's a cool 2 million. Does it take 10k to run a nuclear DNA test?

    1. can only imagine how frustrating it must be for those who submitted samples!

    2. Depends. Is ~$9500 enough profit for you?

  33. Anyway. The only thing I don't get it is how people think that the proof of Bigfoot will be "earth shattering" and will change the way we think and view science and blah blah. It would be awesome if there is Bigfoot's running around deep in the woods. If this DNA project is real and Bigfoot is proven or if this is just a big hoax, we all still have to go to work and pay are bills regardless. Maybe Bigfoot can run for president and fix the national debt. I guess I just should have said there are way more important things than finding Bigfoot

    1. Finding another ape might not be earth shattering, but to find a close cousin who uses tools and language, and organizes in social groups would be just that. For mankind to have to realize they share the world with another Hominid of high intelligence would be the Biological discovery of the century. John

    2. Yes and no doubt why the trolls are planted here to ridicule hoping people will lose interest if ridiculed enough.

    3. Good grief! You talk like there's some National Organization of Trolls...(the "NOT" yeah, that's it). And "planted here" yet. Take your psychosis meds and then accept the FACT that skeptics less gullible than yourself will be equally happy if this species is proven to exist.

    4. Anon 7:40,

      I think you have it pegged. Meds indeed. I "almost" feel sorry for her (anon 7:11).

  34. It is my understanding that the good Doctor Ketchum charged people for doing the DNA testing on the samples that they submitted, can someone find out if that is true or not? Because if it is true, then this paper is a wash at best and a straight out Fraud at worst. No Journal will publish if they find out that she charged for testing on samples.

    1. Yes, she charged them. How that affects the study, I have no idea BUT she did charge them.

  35. It appears to me that she is going to end up in a fringe journal . If this paper really proved BIGFOOT like she claims, Nature or Science would be all over it. It would be amazing for their circulation. The fact that it isn't in either one of those journals should really tell all of you exactly what you need to know. She doesn't have the "proof" she claims to have.

    1. Yep and therefore she FAILED miserably. She.stated it would provide proof but it hasn't. Now, she's been scheming a grand plan (for the majority of the time) to help line her pockets with cash. Thats the truth and why this has taken so long. Take that to the bank.

    2. Follow the money, always good due diligence!

      What did you find in Ketchum's case?

      Where is the shopping cart, the peronsal brand pushing a product or the relentless speaking schedule?

      How is she lining her pockets?

      So far, I don't see it, there are easier ways than a hoax of this duration to con folks out of some cash.

      You better have something more than "fees for DNA testing..."

      Just saying...

    3. And here ya go, for the money....

      The documentary “Sasquatch, the Quest” is part of the Erickson Project and will unveil, for the first time, a host of never before seen sasquatch footage and other evidence chronicling the journey of the Erickson Project. The release of the documentary will coincide with the release of the DNA findings collaboratively with Dr. Melba Ketchum.

      The Olympic Project is working in conjunction with scientist Melba Ketchum and DNA Diagnostics. Multiple Olympic Project tissue, hair and saliva samples are currently being analyzed with forthcoming results. On behalf of the entire Olympic Project team, we'd like to extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude for her hard work and extraordinary diligence with these samples.
      Results will be posted here when permitted

    4. You can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a fee for both of those sets of results of which Dr Ketchum will receive a cut, and you can bet that she will receive a fee for speaking engagements as well. It might not be money but I am betting that there is something there in writing that will benefit her.

    5. I agree it's money-driven, and perhaps the delay is in coordinating book or DVD release dates, or tying up legal loose ends on profit percentage agreements. It's a bit too early for that shopping cart, brand pushing, and relentless speaking schedule, but do stay tuned...

    6. Thanks, 9:58 -- you nicely beat me to it. I forgot to mention director and managerial salaries to be made by a Bigfoot Protection charity.

    7. Just wait for the release of her cheesy book.

  36. What needs to be done is to have someone from a peer reviewed journal explain the process that they use, the timeframe that is usual, and what authors are or are not commonly allowed to do. That would end alot of the questions on what is or isn't true in what people are being told to a certain extent. In this day and age of technology moving so fast, if you blink you miss something and I don't see any journal missing out on an opportunity like this if the evidence is there to back up the paper/study.

    The person doing the contacting with said editor or whoever will need to be someone that can be trusted to put out exactly what is said because no doubt this would need to be done by either email or phone.

    1. if there was really a paper about to be published in a science journal proving the existence of the nearest living relative to humans it would be have been leaked to the press by now.

      fact is the press arent interested because its like all other bigfoot BS

    2. Leaked? We already know about the paper and what it'll probably say, namely there is this new relative.

  37. There are a couple of published scientists on the BFF who have explained the peer review process and the extent of the limitations. They have pretty much stated that the contained work and data can be discussed freely during the peer review process. They can say where they are submitted at, and what it's about. Once accepted, they can't make public press releases or grant interviews about the data as it now is the "first publishing rights" property of the journal.

    The secrecy involving this paper is very suspicious and is entirely $$$ motivated. NO JOURNAL BANS DISCUSSION BEFORE ACCEPTANCE OR PUBLICATION!! HELL when the paper was written regarding the possible weaponization of H1N1 virus, it was discussed freely at symposiums and online amongst the peers of the scientist. You can't post your actual paper online or anything, but you can discuss the principles of it.

    1. I would love to hear Ketchums response to that. If she was an open scientist she would happily answer that.

    2. Umm..I don't think pretend published scientists count.

      Anon 12:26, You aren't referring to daily posters Parnassus and Saskeptic are you?

      Between them they boast at least 10 different careers yet mysteriously have the time to post about a "mythical creature" all day, every day on the BFF and JREF. How can anyone possibly believe these clowns are legit ?

    3. I think it' pretty much an unwritten rule that as long as you're pretending to be a skeptic, you can make up all the stories you want. It's especially like that between the JREF footers, they're afraid to call each other out for fear of being labeled a bleever by their fellow closet bleevers...LOL

    4. I happen to know that Saskeptic is who he says he is. Parn.... I have no idea. But Saskeptic is out doing owl studies in the field and has been published. I myself know a marine biologist who studies whale sharks here in the gulf and her response matched Saskeptics in regards to the peer review process.

      You can take that or leave it. But if you are a believer you should be getting on her case about her foolishness and public relations disasters.You should be taking her to task for saying all the dumb things about braided horse manes and family photos. You should be angry that she has turned what could have been an important piece of data and turned into a carnival of wild claims and nothing to back it up. No scientist acts the way she does when they have a paper in peer review. She either has nothing, or so incompetent about what she is doing that it makes it darn near impossible to believe anything she says. Hanging at her every word and taking the position that her paper "must be true and mind blowing" is not logical. In fact it borders on religious fundamentalism. When and/or if the "paper" get's published/ released, the data will speak for itself.

      Nobody would like for Bigfoot to be real more than I . But it ain't looking so good for this paper . But if it turns out to be proper...well...yay!!!

      but like Monk says "you may be right, but I don't think so"

    5. Exactly! Money motivated to the maximum. That is ALL.

    6. @ anon 1:58

      Nice try Saskeptic...LOL

    7. I would agree that's there's something rotten in Denmark about Saskeptic. Even if one of the titles he claims is true, for instance college professor, then at best he's an underachieving academic stealing his University's time to satisfy some odd obsession with Bigfoot.
      Not someone I'd want to be spending thousands of dollars on to teach my kid.

    8. Saskeptic is a good guy.

      Parnassus is the bad guy.

      A bad guy cardiologist.

    9. Where did Parnassus claim to be a cardiologist ? On JREF he claimed to be a pediatrician and on the BFF he's claimed at least 4 other different ones.

    10. btw, I'm not Saskeptic or Parn, I was StankApe til i had enough of Sasfooty's insane ramblings and went the eff off on her one day when I was hung over..... oh well

    11. Parnassus had claimed everything other than what he is. He is a cardiologist in California. And he is published in the American Journal of Cardiology. Many people know this.

    12. It's not a matter of belief as Parnassus has never claimed to be a cardiologist. If you know where to look his identity is very obvious. Very very obvious.

    13. Too much of a clown and too much time on his hands to be cardiologist.

  38. I have no more faith in Dr.Ketchum. I predict that the journal A) Is non-existant , or B) Will not live up to all that we hope it is going to and be as vague as the situation remains today.

    You all can camp on either side, but you can be sure the Ketchum is making bank and LOVES all the hype...........And having pics of a family and deciding no need to share....Give me a break.

  39. Sally Ramey posted a article about the fair use and copyright and what will happen once the paper is published and again what she posted was wrong. Here is what is going to be available to the general public should they so chose to buy a copy.

    Actually what they will put online is the abstract and from there you can likely order the entire paper online. Electronic media guidelines state that you are allowed to copy the title of the article, paper, or study, and one to two paragraphs, and then the link to where you found the article.

  40. After years of studying the BF phenomenon, the one thing I have established past doubt is that humans can be abysmal creatures.

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