M.K. Davis Compares High Resolution Photo Of Himself To White Bigfoot In Video

Say what you want about M.K. Davis, but he's one of the few investigators to go the extra mile when it comes to the analysis of purported Bigfoot videos. Davis is a legend in the Bigfoot community for analyzing the Patterson-Gimlin film and he has been applying the same skill set to breakdown whatever it is that's running across the field in the "White Bigfoot" video.

In this latest video, M.K. Davis compares the white figure to a high resolution photo of himself standing at the exact same location where the creature was running. Davis notes how much larger the figure is compared to him in the photo.

Watch below:


  1. In Bigfooting there is no such thing as negative media exposure.

  2. Wow, these size comparisons are so far off that its udderly (pun intended) amazing. Seriously, the process was immensely flawed.

  3. He should have used his image overlapping the frame of Whitey coming out from behind that tree. Maybe that's next.

  4. Replies
    1. Are you in the bowl next to the turd looking up at the picture of MK?

  5. I think he's on to something. I just cut and pasted some of his still images of whitey coming up to the tree MK is standing near. Laid it over to get a somewhat close scale. Tough to do with the pixelated blurry tree of the original, but close. Whitey in full tilt running mode is at least the same height and is obviously behind and down hill of the tree. Take into account the bent legs and distance and it would be substantially taller than MK.

  6. YAY!!! Another M.K. video!!!

    Was missing his analysis. The fellow really is awesome!!

    It's still just a horse, although a large one.

    1. Yeah, a horse running on two legs. Maybe it's a werehorse. Mr. Ed's half-breed son with Wilbur.

    2. Where in that video do you see a white horse? I'd really like to know.

    3. Partially white horse, like a painted possibly. The "creature" doesn't go down on all fours, the horse runs away from the camera creating the illusion of getting smaller. When the "creature" reemerges on the other side of the cow, it doesn't go bipedal it's getting closer to the camera making it appear to gey bigger. For god's sake, am I the only one that sees the bushes in front of the horse as it comes back toward the camera?

    4. There are so many f'n retarded people in this field that it blows me away. That isn't a horse and MK is right on with the size comparison asshats. I can only imagine that you stupid f'ks must be minions or the leaders of the clan themselves that don't know anything about this field. Alex MW

    5. Hey Alex, have you seen any more black people that look like monkeys? You're the bigoted f'k!

    6. they all look like monkeys

  7. Hello I'm Johnny Cash I mean MK Davis...

  8. MK Davis' videos are awesome. It's like watching my grandma try to navigate Facebook...

    "Which button makes the email?!"

    "Someone 'poked me' is that legal??"

    "I was tagged in a photo, does that mean I'm it?"

    "I spent $20 on the Farmville, when will my vegetables be delivered?"

    Keep it up, MK.

  9. I thought that this was the clip with the white bigfoot on the unicycle.

  10. Hello everyone, I just downed 3 dozen jelly donuts and 5 orders of fatback, who am I........................... why im the GREAT FLABSINO of course. And for 5 bucks and 4 youtube hits ill let you touch my man boobs.

    I just wish i was half the man M.K. is. But wait, as far as body size, hes half the man I am, so maybe it somehow balances out. Oh well, bow down and behold, I AM THE GREAT FLABSINO, BEHOLD MY MANBOOBS!

    1. Maybe Fatsino is trying to morph into Patty. Hairy floppy boobs on a boob.

  11. M.K Davis likes to see what he wants to see, but just to throw him a bone, I do believe what he's analyzing is a real white bipedal primate. There are quite a few white bigfoot sightings around the alabama/kentucky area of the U.S.

  12. The white bigfoot runs funny. It has no rhythm.

  13. This forum is really quite amazing. So many morons allowed to post here. It's amazing that anybody that gives a crap actually takes time to look at it. I guess the secret is to NOT read the comments. Maybe Shawn or the moderator should put that in the heading. Just in case someone with credentials just happens to drop by.

    1. Sally here - Again, if all people want to do is complain or start an argument, their posts will be deleted.

  14. Anon @ 7:56, Every time i ask my husband to do something and tell him he is doing it wrong he says to me.. Your absolutely amazing ya know that.. I always says thank you and he rolls his eyes. is that how you mean the amazing to be in your post?

  15. I would like to see this footage in its entirety from start to finish. No stops, no editing, no analyzing. Just the original footage as it was taken. Is that available for viewing anywhere?

    1. Nope. Just bullshit edits designed to hide the real truth.

  16. I would like to see what MK does with some of the videos that FB/FB shows. He definitely does a good job analyzing them.

    I cannot believe there was any sort of massacre nor see braiding in Patty's hair, but MK, if you're reading this, my hat is off to you sir for at least trying and taking the time to do what you do. If it weren't for people like yourself, this BF world we inhabit would be a lot less interesting.

    1. I also appreciate the work M K does. I do not agree about the massacre theory and I do not think he does either, only puts it out there. I would like to see what he could do with an old VHS from the early 1990s that a gentleman I know has that was filmed at night in Ohio. The property owners had ongoing occurrances on their property near Newcomerstown and involved an old shed on the property that was open in the rear and had an open door on the front. Bob would set up a VHS camera to record at night looking directly at the shed. He also place an old semi truck tire (100 lbs) and a concrete foundation block in the shed. On the VHS you can see a large dark figure through an open window moving around and then throwing the tire through the open door like it was a frisbe and moments later heave the concrete block effortlessly also. With modern enhancements maybe more can be brought out. The property owners had enough and moved away and the new owners would not allow any more investigation.

      I will bring this up with Bob and see what he says.


  17. MK is one of only a few people in the industry I would trust implicitly. The man is the real deal. I wish more folks like him would stop bickering and just roll up their damn sleeves and use their natural-born intelligence and give us some answers. I thank him for his hard work.

    1. What industry? The YouTube industry? And what answers has he given us? We'd have much more "answers" if he would simply post one unedited video. Instead, he posts videos of videos with constant starts, stops, edits, etc... that suspiciously makes it very difficult for the viewer to clearly see what's in the footage.

    2. No way Autumn. Supersoylent exposes MK's flaws routinely and I'm glad he does, otherwise wed be getting flawed analysis.

  18. I am curious as to why the cow didn't seem to be alarmed by the critter.

    1. Because cows are people food and deer are bigfoot food. DUH!

    2. That's not a cow, its an even bigger albino bigfoot.

  19. Davis needs to share the unedited footage or shut up. Each new "analysis" of his only further begs the question: WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE, MK?

  20. i dont know if tis is hoaxed or not. my guess is it is or MK lucks out on getting his hands on BF tapes. These white BF film are either all real or fake
    I dont understand guys saying his size compatrisons are way off. an easy thing top say! but they offer nio explanation as to why they are way off. It seems likey that the size hes using is feasable. give or take the figures being a foot or two back etc.. eitherwy its a substantail sized figure and certainkly not the white pony i thought it was. Its either a hoax or the real thing ,its aint a white pony with 2 different coloured legs ,for me,anymore. its man in suit or the big fella. interesting and way better than the usual films on here


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