FB/FB Releases Footage of Bigfoot With Screaming Infant

The Facebook Find Bigfoot guys recently posted a stabilized video of a purported Bigfoot with an infant. In the video, you can see the figure thrashing in the trees while making a bizarre grunting sound. FB/FB claims that the scream heard at the end of the video was probably an infant.

If you're frustrated about the video being too short (30 seconds) and calling it fake, FB/FB has contacted the original poster and they urged everyone to calm down and stop sending questions to the person.

Published on May 29, 2012 by facebookfindbigfoot
The video starts with the Sasquatch near 12 oclock, it peeks around, then breaks a tree after waving it. Then it proceeds to the tree on the far right and peeks first on the right side of the tree then proceeds down toward the water it ends with the foot stomping on the ground at about 430 on the screen. very close to the water's edge. A grunt and a infant scream are heard. We have contacted the poster please don't bother him.


  1. Your 20 ft away and the video just stops!!! People really wonder why the Bigfoot Community is a joke. Next time I watch a guy filming Grizzly Bears or a Moose I wonder if the camera will cut away right before they show the good stuff.

    1. He's armed with a camera, not a rifle. There is this thing called fear - most people have it, it keeps us alive. Except for the 1st guy to go down the basement in horror movies. They always die - we don't forget that - so when our opportunity comes we bolt. Our script is something like this: I'm curious... I can't quite see it... can't quite see it... OH SHIT!!! I run away. Because I can.

      But then later... why didn't I stay longer and get the money shot??? And another frustrated convert is born. Such is the Cycle of Bigfoot Life.

      It could be real, it could be fake. Personally, I don't think that sounds like bird call, it sounds like the baby T-rex from Jurassic Park 2. Frankly I was just happy it wasn't narrated.

    2. yer a pussy, there is nothing there you basement dwelling half ton loser.... lmao.... you wouldnt know a confrontation if it kicked you in yer sallow balls

    3. Anon. 11:57,
      What you said about being the first to go to the basement reminds me of something that I have always thought was really funny. It's unrelated to Bigfoot, or this video, it's just a funny story.
      Back when I was dating my future husband, his best friend was telling us about an incident that happened at his house when he and his sister were alone in the house late one night.
      They heard a strange noise from their basement, and it scared them enough to think someone may have broken in or something. So the guys sister told him to go down there and check it out. He was like "Hell no, I'm not going down there". So the sister says, "Ok, I'll go and check, but if I'm not back in 5 minutes, you come down there." to which he replied, "If you don't come back, I KNOW I'm not going down there!"
      It's just so logical and against the guy being the brave one I thought it was really hilarious. Makes perfect sense though, lol. Hope you don't mind me injecting a funny story here for a moment. Okay, back to bigfoot...

    4. People below agree with this opening comment, and so do I. There is no reason for the footage to stop; nothing seems to move out of the frame. If the guy is so terrified that he had to stop then why turn the camera on in the first place. Of course we should listen to backstories and reasons for lack of clarity, but we should not have to provide them. This video is worthless.

    5. There's no way to know how a bigfoot would react, especially a mother bigfoot with a baby. No matter how amazing it would be to actually see a baby bigfoot and mommy I'm thinking its probably very dangerous too.

  2. That's a wonderful video. It's a Bigfoot, I just know it is.

    1. :) I know your pain Anon.
      Suggestion to FB/FB: Talk to witnesses first, always, before you post this stuff. An added bonus to the poster (who you beg folks not to bother) is few would be aware until you post..don't you have thousands of FB friends?
      It has no value as credible evidence beyond entertainment, or musings, without the testimony of a witness. And,some kind of investigation of those claims, however you are able.
      If that passes your sniff test, then an analysis of the media might be more fruitful. It certainly will reduce your load of worthless videos and refine your reputation as "expert" in this type of internet analysis, by focusing your energy on analysis that is productive.
      This could be one, who can tell? What would be valuable here IMO, that isn't present in so many vids, is behavior and accommpanying sound to analyze.
      Of course, your FB thing might just be a club of sorts, for just that kind of musing in advance, seems we are stuck in that mode here on a few pending "studies,"
      so just my two, or three, or four cents.

  3. At the end we see two legs and the video stops??? WTF?? I don't know about this one. You really can't see much of anything even with the stabilized video. Most likely a hoax. Maybe not.......

  4. you won't find any real BF video on youtube outside of the PG film, any recent and new stuff is fake blurry garbage, sorry any REAL video will be kept off the internet till its analyzed and proven to be real, all these other ones that show up are weak and lame, many more to come im sure, but they are fun to see what people come out with, this is a good example.

    1. The freeman footage is on YouTube.

    2. As is the Hoffman video.

    3. let me fix this: "you wont find any real BF videos".

      Now its correct.

    4. The Hoffman video is w/o a doubt a living creature. Not to say it isn't a gorilla, but it is definately not a hoax.

    5. this is better than that bfro home-made picture that we seen yesterday. atleast this makes you wonder,has sound, and moving trees. note:you can hear the dude say wtf. that don't make it legit but!

  5. Lots of red flags. First thats awful close and the person is very Brave? Then lots of branch waving, but that could be real if a parent was involved with an infant. Then as many say the dang thing ends. Why do these videos end SO quickly? On the other hand, had I been brave enough to film this there is a point where, unless I was armed, I would have ended and fled the area my self.

    wheres our report?

  6. I didn't see anything and all i could hear were various bird calls.

    1. What type if birds did you hear?

    2. Are you the same asshole who posted at 10:55:00, Anon?
      I don't know what kinds. Various. I'm not a bird expert. Are you? All i know is that when someone tells me these sounds are made by a "bigfoot", and then i hear them and they sound like calls a bird could make, guess which option i'm going for. I'm sure you'll correct me, but birds do live in the woods, right? If you hear something that sounds like a bird would the first rational thought be to attribute that sound to a mythical wood ape that know one can prove to exist? You can't see anything conclusive in this video, and the only thing you hear could have been made conceivably by KNOWN animals ie birds. You tell me, Einstein, what are the migratory patterns and breeding habits of bigfoot based off this inconclusive video? Go fuck your mother. And fuck everyone else on this backwards thinking sorry excuse for a website.

    3. Congratulations on such compelling and erudite logic.

      "all i could hear were various bird calls." What sort you get asked? "I don't know what kinds. Various. I'm not a bird expert."

      Did you actually read what you wrote? Doh!

    4. fuck you, idiot. what difference does it make what species the birds are. It's beside the point. If something sounds like a bird, why would you believe it's the yeti? Oh, right, because you so desperately want him to exist to validate your pathetic non-existence up until this point. Kill yourself now, scumbag.

    5. Another keyboard warrior. I'm not sure what the sound is, that's why I didn't say what it was. Unlike you who first says its a bird then says he doesn't know what bird cause your No expert. Why did you bother saying it was a bird if you have No idea if it is your not.

      Another loser spending hours on a site and a subject he doesn't believe in. And then the obligatory abusive dribble at the end if the comment, make you feel tough??

      Think about this , who's the biggest loser.. they guy who has a passion to study what he enjoys and believes in or the guy who spends all day looking at and writing on something he does not.

      I feel sorry for you trolls. Go get a life.

    6. Haha How do you know it Sounds like a bird if your not an expert hahahaha ahhh man that's priceless. What a fool. I het you have never been in the woods before troll. Hahahaha

    7. right, apparently only an ornithologist can say whether something sounds like a bird or not. You're an absolute fucking imbecile 7:51:00. And incidentally, i'm not a "non-believer", i just don't believe every poorly shot video is crawling with yetis. This is the worst video i have ever seen. It's shaky as shit, all we hear are bird-like chirping noises (sorry, am i qualified to say that?), and all we see is a branch moving. you want to know why people don't take this seriously, it's because of fuckwits like yourself who want this to be real at the expense of logic. Maybe it is real. But show me something other than birdcalls and 30 seconds of nothing.
      Oh, and for the sake of being a troll, why don't go and crawl back inside your mother's filthy wizard sleeve-hanging cunt and drown yourself in the gallons of cum she's got stored in her bloated guts. Fuck off and die.

    8. Hahahaha you really are some retard. You getting all angry behind your PC. Hahahaha. Don't go smash your wife up (if you even have one) coz some man made you mad on the net.

      What makes people so abusive when people don't agree with them, Get over it man, did you not get enough affection as a kid, Maybe you got too much ha. In Anyway your an Idiot. Go chill out. @ Anon 8:19

  7. Any fool could do this. And the "What is that?" at the beginning sounds like he's talking to a baby. ie: didn't sound very authentic to me. Strange behavior from a BF indeed. I'd say this is 99% fake. I'm surprised FBFB and this blog even bothered posting it?

    1. Because FBFB wants first dibs if there is more footage? They've "contacted" the person, yet offer no further infomation to indicate there was a dialogue. Was that to say they dialed first, nobody answered, but everybody else should back off?

  8. Also, did that not sound exactly like bird calls that were the infant screaming? But of course since we don't really know what an infant bf scream actually sounds like pretty much any high pitch sound could be it, so we might as well just call it an infant scream, because that sort of gets the adrenaline going...

    1. What type if bird calls did you hear, species??

    2. Unless you post video of a bigfoot baby screaming, close up, undeniably the sound is coming from the face of that baby bigfoot, only then can you say that the sound is of a baby bigfoot screaming. Until then, every chirp and cheep in the woods is a bird.

      any attempt to link the scream to an animal for which the evidence to support that link does not exist is a lie.

    3. Anon @ 5:53:00. Sorry, apparently your logic on this one is absurd because some fat 40 year old virgin living out of his grandmother's basement says that the sounds in the video are indeed the legendary bigfoot. Can't you understand that it's more likely than a bird? I mean, it has to be bigfoot, obviously.

    4. Yeah but if you guys recognise the noise as birds, what type of bird is it? I'm not saying its a bigfoot but can you guys say for sure its a bird. If so, what type of bird is it?

      If you can't you shouldnt really get so abusive, I think anon at 7:31 is projecting cause we all know keyboard warriers like himself are most likely to be 40 year old virgins.

      The trolls on this site are gas, I can't imagine spending so much time looking up and writing on a subject I don't believe in.

    5. So, using your logic, what I am hearing outside my window right now may not be a bird because I cannot identify the species? I guess my next door neighbor may not own a dog now that I think of it, since I've only heard it and cannot identify the breed based on what I believe to be a bark.

    6. Anon 743, I am a bigfoot believer. I just take it seriously enough that I would never put any stock in videos that are such reaches that they can be scarcely believed. If the people who followed bigfoot were a little more grown up maybe the entire subject would be taken more seriously. As it is, we're posting videos because of a dark figure tree peeking that is exhibiting behavior completely contrary to any legit bigfoot footage we have, and claiming to hear infant screaming that sounds remarkably like the sounds of birds. We shouldn't be so kneejerk to categorize people just because they want to hold important blogs that traffic information to a higher standard.

  9. Everybody knows Tom Biscardi is the REAL BIGFOOT HUNTER and these people are a joke. None of these people here hold a candle to the Real Bigfoot Hunter TOM BISCARDI!

    1. Freeze the video at about the 24 second mark as it peeks around the tree. It's real.

  10. All I saw was trees moving... where's this supposed creature peeking out?

  11. My problems with this footage are these the filmmaker is feet from the thing and actually has his camera on and focused but he can't even keep the subject in frame. Footage just ends while subject is still in front of him, what happens next ? Typical of the video presented to be bigfoot. nada !

  12. Yep,it really doesn't matter what the subject matter is although it is usually paranormal, ufo, cryptid related if the footage makes you ask, "And then what happened", then it's validity starts to drop away rapidly, it is like a an antique at auction with no provenance it just isn't worth the money.

  13. Most people don't push the stop button before they run, and this is just a bigfoot putting his daughter on punishment! I witness it all the time in the wild!

  14. ANOTHER Bigfoot video that just STOPS for no reason at all. I wipe my ass with this footage.

  15. And this is proof of wind in the leaves and birds sqauwking. How typical that every sound and movement is attributed to bigfoot when nothing is seen.

    new anony

    1. You're wrong. It's bigfoot. The video says it's bigfoot. there's no scientific evidence supporting the existence of birds living in the woods. Process of elimination. Video tells me it's bigfoot. It's bigfoot.

  16. I second that. How can someone put this on the internet and not expect to be bothered after claiming this is a BF. And to the guy challenging doubters as to what species of bird the sound was, grow up, stop trolling and get back to reality you silly little nerd.

    1. Yeah but if it was a bird, what type was it??

    2. Wait, how's he the troll. Are you not the troll? Troll @ 7:40

    3. Anon 8:01; Is there anything in this video that supports taking the time to rule out known animals? I think the vid is crud because like people are saying, there is no reason for why it ends abruptly in the midst of the "action". Why would anyone care what kind of animal, let alone what particular species, made a sound during the filming of a lame hoax. They could have dubbed in noises to improve their vid, too. Just my opinion.

    4. I don't know if this is a hoax or not, or if the filmers are aware of the BF "community". So not taking sides here. Just want to mention, that I think many who are heavily involved in the so called BF community, whether through field research or just on the net, may sort of forget that there are probably more people out there who are not into it, than are. I think a good percentage rarely think about the subject. They might watch a show now and then, but no more. So, I'm saying if some person filmed something weird and thought they would post it (this only counts if they have one post on the topic of course), they actually probably get a big surprise when they get so much response, questions, and criticism. It's possible. Just saying to remember that everyone is not heavily involved in Bigfoot or cryptids so presuming they have nefarious motives is a little harsh.

  17. That is a bird making a noise in the woods because some guy in an ape suit disturbed it's nest by shaking the tree in which the birds domicile had been established. Thanks guy in suit for destroying a bird nest during Spring time in which i'm sure little babies were nesting. Mama got mad and made a defensive noise. No Bigfoot baby here folks.

  18. yep, that there was a "Crane (bird)" making that sound.

    Here 'em almost every day. Nothing here folks, hoax.

    Next..film please. (pop-corn eating here)

  19. This is obviously a negroid hiding from the poe-poe in the bushes. Listen people, I am a critical thinker and I can say beyond a reasonable doubt that the chirping and sqealing sounds being heard are from a negroid who is afraid of having their cover blown. What has happened here is so obvious yet many of you want to claim this is a sasquatch, or a bird. I has fooey to you. Negroid hiding in the bushes while wearing brown baggy britches.

    1. Finally, some sense, and a like-minded individual!

    2. This is a very plausable theory, but what about the lack of shine? I'm not talkin' eye shine either. It's obviously sunny in the video. Wearing a hoody maybe?

    3. 2012 and we still use the work negroid? thank god you're kind are dying out.

    4. The chirping noise you hear and the trees moving is the birds and the negroid fighting over the kfc he stole. That's why the poe poe are looking for him

    5. Ha-ha-he-he, oh lord, my side is splitting here!

    6. This racist talk is unconscionable. Shame.

  20. did not even have to wait for it on this one Shawn! lol

  21. Anyone sane would ask the same questions as everybody else has above, why stop filming, nutless? So obviously the reaction to this video is going to be negative and humorous, as it is. We know nothing about this except FBFB has released yet another analysis of what they say is definitively a Bigfoot and a juvenile vocalizing, like they are the king shit of all things Bigfoot. Yes, Bigfooters will remain humorous to non believers because of stupid videos like this one.

    1. That is why I chuckled on another thread when I asked for one convincing photo and/or video other than Patterson-Gimlin and the reply was to look at FB/FB because they have 70+ such pieces of evidence. Right, like this crappola. Rather than say this was submitted and we cannot determine what made the sounds it seems Bigfoot is the fill in the blank creature for any such non-evidence.

      new anony

    2. They made a good idea for a page practically useless with their complete lack of discrimination. I'm starting to believe its a parody/hoax in which case they are doing a great job.

  22. I hope this video wasn't posted by the goofball in OHIO, can't remember his name but was the one on Finding Bigfoot pushing the tree over; father of the year, getting his kid to lie for him. It sure sounded like him saying "what is that". If it is, i just wasted the last 30 seconds of my life.

  23. I feel the pain bigfoot mami..Sometimes they just won't be quiet when their suppose to, I guess bigfoot babies and human babies are probably the same. Omg I couldn't imagine how cute they probably are..probably very hairy, but very cute :)

  24. F*** y'all talking about??? i would have stopped filming & went home too, sure most of you can talk tough behind your computers, but just try i dare you to try and go into bigfoot territory try to hold the camera steady without getting the feeling i gotta get the heck out of here, just go try, until then. SHUT UP!

  25. It was that dang baby Sasquatch that ate the sandwiches!


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