FB/FB: Auburn Bigfoot Watches Go-Kart in Northern Pennsy

This new video from Facebook Find Bigfoot analyzes a video from Northern Pennyslyvania filmed on May 5th, 2012 near LaRayesville. The video shows an auburn Sasquatch walking in the tree as it watches a go-kart driving by. FB/FB believes the auburn color makes the Bigfoot almost invisible at night.

They believe the video shows a real Bigfoot and confirms it on: "Long Arm, Brow Ridge, Sloping forehead, Uniform Auburn color, compliant gait, shin rise and rise pause fall to step".


  1. Well it´s kind of ridiculous that they find so many confirmation points on that little snippet, that being said I think it looks kind of good. Walks a lot like Patty, look att the bent leg as it lifts back. It has that angle that Patty has and that was analyzed by someone a while back.
    It´s well performed if it´s fake.


    1. Okey, I see now that they did that comparison also, didn´t watch the whole thing first.


    2. Check out audio at 5:37

      Burping confirms actual FB/FB analysis.


    3. Why does it have to walk like Patty..That may have been faked too

    4. To state that Patty may have been faked "too" means that you assume everything is faked and the PG film is probably a fake. I would politely disagree.

    5. looks squatchy, its not an ape, oh my stomach I need to go squatch real fast

  2. Wow, even more things we 'know' about bigfoot. They have oil glands in their shoulders that makes then all shiny. I assume we found these glands in the necropsy performed on all the bodies that have been found. Has FB/FB ever considered that the leg angle is due to having to provide clearance for the big clown feet that are part of the costume?

  3. Did you ever notice that all these videos from FB/FB are 6 ft man size subjects. Most witness encounters are huge 8 ft 600 lbs creatures with 4 ft shoulders and chests 2 ft thick. FB/FB is fakery at it's worst. If Dr. Meldrum is sending FB/FB videos I'm worried about Meldrum !

    1. A couple of points. Not ALL videos of FB/BF are man sized. I can recall at least one that was supposed to be quite tall based on measurements of surrounding features in the terrain. Also, playing devil's advocate, some discount the witness reports of them being huge, saying they are afraid, etc. and exaggerate. If that were true, the man sized figure might be correct.

    2. Well their called bigfoot for a reason...lol 16" is the average print cast. Most bfro reorts are of large creatures..if you doubt that I say your misinformed.

    3. How do you know what size the object is in this video? There is nothing to compare it to for scale. It could be 4 feet tall or it could be 8 feet tall. There is no way of knowing without a comparison.

    4. Also keep in mind that there is likely a size difference regionally. The large ones are more often than not sited in the northwest and Canada where there are much fewer people. Ohio, Pennsylvania and what is considered the "eastern" sasquatch have been pretty consistantly of the 6ft and 7ft range. Bergmann's rule talks about the advantage of larger mammals in colder climes. The 10+ footers are more often than not seen in Canada..

  4. the angle of the leg rise as it walks made sense to me alot, i have never noticed that, this is a real suatch, it has to be real, its back is bent, knees too, cupped hand, long arms & the coned head.

  5. i like the baggy pant leg on the rear leg

  6. Whether the subject's in these analysis videos are real or not, FB/FB is still interesting to watch.

  7. its clear facebook find bigfoot is a mock group.

    noone can actually think like that.

  8. How long before we gonna see Moneymaker riding go-carts through the woods?

  9. This totally looks legit. Moves smooth, kind of holds it's arms the way bigfoot does. I just don't think this would be very easy to hoax.
    Sort of odd that it's walking right out in the open when they're usually sort of hiding, however I'd have to gather this is legit.

  10. FB/FB claims a video of mine called "Further audio of movement" shows a Bigfoot. In fact, they rate it as one of the top Bigfoot videos of all time! I was there and there was no Bigfoot (I never claimed a BF). Jack finally called me after he was using it on his site. I had no idea what he was talking about. There was no Bigfoot. I was the only one there.

    He also rates me as the #5 best researcher of all time (ahead of Meldtum, Burnes & others). Give me a break. Just because he was the first to corner the Bigfoot name on Facebook means nothing.

    He even authenticated two of Timbergiantbigfoot 's vids. Skinny white boys in suites are not Bigfoot. Get real people.

    1. Tom,can you brag on your self any more? You know we little people just love to hear how great you are.Sheesh..............

    2. lol what about bulky black guys?

    3. I was discounting what they claim. Anomalies 1:19 never read my entire comment (same as my videos) . Name is Tim. If your going to blast me consider my entire body of work first. You have nothing.

      Tim Fasano

    4. No sir.You bragged in a round about way.Anyone can see that.Hell,even Ray Charles could of seen that,may he rest in peace.And I know what your so called body of work is.It's you just walking and holding a video camera hacking and scratching your behind while you talk about how great of a researcher you are.As for your name,I know what it is,but you will always be Tom.Anomalies.P.S.Thank you for your reply,Tom.

    5. To me, the video shows a normal size negroid wearing a cheap suit and a toboggan on his head. I believe the negroid was hiding from the poe-poe in the wood while planning to 4-wheeler jack the guy on the atv.

      You bigfooters think everything is a sasquatch. I am a critical thinker. It is obviously a negroid.

    6. Tim,
      Is that the one they call "Blinky"? You said you didn't see anything. I am really creeped out by that video that shows eyes. Do you not agree that there are blinking eyes behind the tree/foliage in that part where you zoomed in?

      If you don't thing it was a skunk ape, what do you think it was? It does sort of look like it could be a big cat's eyes, but it looks like there's darkness surrounding the eyes. Just curious what you think about it.

    7. Can I get someone to admit that they wore the suit in any of these videos?


    1. Timmy still trying to milk more subs to Youtube...fat lazy loser who just admitted to creating and posting fake vids, then making fun of fb-fb.

      fat liar loser go back to sweating in the Keys!

  12. Obviously a guy in a baggy suit.

  13. Fasano's a hot-headed idiot. Ignore him. That said, I think the subject moves just like Patty. Anyway, it was a good stabilization and zoom job. As for FB/FB, meh.

  14. Oil glands? Oh please. Bigfoot site, you make me sad for humanity.

    1. Dumb isn't it. I hate when people in this field state (with confidence) the morphology of an unproven species. It irks me beyond comprehension. What ever happened to stating that you "hypothesize" this or that about Sasquatch morphology? It just makes the people who do that EVEN LESS credible.

    2. Oh AIF, you make me sad for atheists. Go play in your own sand box of self righteousness.

    3. Sweat oil glands. You have them too - we all do. Dumbass.

  15. Well, this one is better than many. However, it could still be someone in a (baggy) costume.

    Also, I don't believe that there are any sasquatches in Pennsylvania.

    1. You must not live in PA or only do couch based research. A whole buch of woods, all you have to do is get up and walk around.

    2. Yeah 2:23...just go out into any local wooded area up in PA and you are guaranteed to find one. Just like 3:51 said...all you have to do is go out into the woods and look...they are everywhere.

    3. I didn't believe that either. Until one hit my car in North Central PA near the Kettle Creek Reservoir in Clinton County. I've since lived in WA state for 24 years and hiked all over here - not one encounter. Go figure.

    4. Believe me there are sasquatch in Pennsylvania, but this isnt one of them. Some parts of this look really good but the person was trying way to hard to get the leg movement just right and the arm swing. Just because the one in the PGF film swung its arms like that everyone thinks they all do. but just like humans, we all dont walk the same or talk the same way, or even dance or
      swing our arms while walking. BUt hoaxers read up and think they have to get every thing just the same as that film. I don't believe this is real this time.

    5. Anon at 7:43, guaranteed to find one? Really? If you're guaranteed to find one, why haven't you or someone else proved their existence if you're guaranteed to find one.

    6. 5:39...i was being sarcastic in reference to the other anons response...try learning to read jackass.

    7. Hey 8:54, I also didn't think that you were trying to be sarcastic with your earlier post. Try being a bit more obvious if you intend to be sarcastic, jackass.

    8. 10:00...maybe you need to read what I wrote instead of needing an interpreter jackass troll. It's not hard to understand where I was coming from retard.

    9. My daughter saw a BF in Pennsylvania. She was surprised that it was only about 5 foot tall so she asked me about it. I told her it was probably a juvenile. It had been following her and when she finally saw it (after hearing it and fearing it was a human!) - it was pretty close, peeking from behind a tree. She clearly saw its face and hand. She was glad it wasn't a human following her! Anyway, the point is, yes there are bigfoots in PA.

  16. I love how he pronounces 'curious' at 4 seconds in.
    Why doesn't this guy do a couple more audio takes before he releases these??

    1. Yeah, this guy can edit videos just well, but he is having a hard time reading and/or editing audio-tracks XD


    2. Why does he even have to talk, he has it all printed out and tries to read it as its scrolling. He should just be quiet and let people read it for themselves. I always turn the sound down as i cant stand listening to him fumble to read what he put on the screen.

  17. The narrator isn't the evidence, the film is. So what is the point to critiquing the narrator? The film is no more or less legit based on presenter "authority"; remember CNN thought they had a "real" Bigfoot in Georgia a couple years ago and we know how that turned out. I think this guy grasps at straws and yeah, everything he sees is a Bigfoot. And his conclusions are drawn on what?

    Which is why I turn off the audio and just watch the video. The video is compelling. If it's a fake, it's well done. The suspicion isn't the look of the critter, but the behavior. Loud noisy machines in woods and I'm going to walk casually toward them... wasn't even trying to be stealth. So either uber-confident animal that aint afraid of no ghosts (or people) or hoaxer who settled for style over substance and didn't work through the narrative well.

    1. Could the guy at FB/FB be related to another person(M M) that seems to think everything is a bigfoot? lol

  18. Look at the 7:44 mark in the video. Clearly a guy walking with a jacket and pants. You can even see his fricken sunglasses! I don't think anyone was trying to hoax, just a misidentification. Clear as day on this one, and I'm a believer...

  19. You not only read between the lines. You add your own lines "TOO"

  20. So, there are huge primates walking around in Pennsylvania that are entirely unknown to science. You people need to stop hitting the boilo.

  21. it's a person...wearing a brown sport coat,black pants and sun glasses.
    see the blown up picture on my facebook page

  22. Clear enough to see the baggy legs from the suit this guy is wearing!! Now we know why all the videos of the Big guy are blurry!

  23. Its a man in a jacket and baggy pants plain as day at about 1:47 or so.

  24. I never thought there were mountain lions in Pa. Till I saw one.

  25. !!! Fake....Look at the moment on the video between 2:15 and 2:18. Can clearly see that at 2:15 the "squatch" is a human, can even see his caucasian bare arms, hes wearing a redish shirt with exposed arms from the elbow to finger tips. Then all of a sudden the next second he morphs into a squatch and is entirely brownish, can no longer see his exposed arms. this is nothing more than a trick obtained by someone using Photoshop computer software. You can achieve this by taking the image of the human walking in at 2:15, assigning a new image to overlay the human, setting articulation points and then letting the rest of the video continue......POOF!!! Bigfoot. Im too educated for fake BS. Stop wasting our time and yours, you know its fake, wheres the respect in that?

  26. Lol we call it either PA or Pennsylvania... not Pensy. Anytime I hear someone call it "Pensy" I know the persons from out of state, usually from "Jersey". Just sayin....


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