Dr. Ketchum Addresses Fake Sally: "There are sick individuals out there that are impersonating us"

Sally Ramey is the publicist for Dr. Melba Ketchum. She has been busy working on an official website where breaking information about the project will be posted once the Bigfoot DNA paper is published. There is someone (or perhaps more than one) on this blog (and probably others) who have been going around posing as "Sally".

This person appears to have intimate knowledge about Dr. Ketchum and other Bigfoot habituators. On Dr. Ketchum's Facebook page today, she released a public statement (for the second time) regarding the matter:

One more time... I am not and Sally is not posting ANYTHING on the BF tabloid sites or any sites for that matter. There are sick individuals out there that are impersonating us though and are posting things in our names. Of course the owners of the sites don't care because it gets them more BF drama and therefore more readers. They do not know me, they do not know Sally or any of the other people that are so generously helping with this endeavor. If you don't read it here, then it isn't me posting it. I hope this is abundantly clear.

- Dr. Melba Ketchum

Of course, since this is the first update in over two weeks, a Facebook follower named Vincent, took the liberty to suggest to Dr. Ketchum that she should release a photo of the "family of five" Bigfoots she has been talking about.


  1. Ketchem is such a retard. You know, a video of this family of 5 close up, if real, which it's not, but if it was, would easily prove their existance

    1. How can you say that if you haven`t seen the video?

    2. Well, i'm pretty sure. If a video of a family of Sasquatches up close would pretty much prove it. Especially if you can prove that it isnt CGI or a suit.

    3. Anyways, the fact that she said "I dont even know if I will show it" is a big giveaway that it's fake

    4. Videos are intangible and do not prove squat. Sure, they are interesting and entertaining and can tell us alot about what a Sasquatch might look like, but that's about all it does. DNA won't even prove the existence of this thing. The only things that will are:

      1.) A dead body


      2.) A live capture.

    5. Agree completely. A body in a box, coffin or a cage. SWP

    6. JP; Meldrum chose the Patterson tracks for his 2007 paper partly because they were accompanied by film. I am not trying to start an argument about the PGF, just pointing out that in the past a professional thought film useful when one aims to name a species without a body.

    7. Sally here-it is SO pathetic that you people lie and proclaim Melba a fake when her evidence is the best chance to legitimize. Cowards posting anonymously on blogs like this are the reason NO ONE now receives public updates. You trolls will see that Melba's silence is worth the results. Stay tuned....
      The Real Sally

    8. If Sally isn't posting here what in the world is she doing? Certainly not controlling the absurd things coming out of camp Ketchum.

      Has video of Bigfoots but might not release it ????

      Seriously ???

    9. Flyerboy couldnt you think of any other word then retard????Due to people with down syndrome children the use of that word hurts alot of people. thanks

    10. Since when is it a manuscript? Would anyone refer to a peer reviewed study as a manuscript? This smells more and more like bullshit by the day. I bet she is writing some kind of Fiction to be released before the "study." Just $25 and you can read about all of Melbas encounters before the study even comes out! This is so over already. She was chosen... to eat donuts. John

    11. DNA is the opposite of bloodlust for you circus freaks, it is how science is done today. Especially with primates. Like it or not, if you don't you're in the wrong century. Future bodies will only arrive by accidents or natural causes, why do you think there's been none so far. LOL These aren't animals you put in a lab like rats so you better believe there won't be any caging or boxes, you can bet your bottom dollar on that or everything you have in the bank rather.

  2. DONT BELEIVE HER LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Please leave the site . If your Only interested in Anything other than Bigfoot why are u on this site . You obviously have a facinatipn about Bigfoot or u wouldn't be searching this site out. Unless u just like to hear yourself talk!

    2. Anon 8:24. You're not our boss! I'm telling Shawn!

  3. In other words: "I don't have ANY audio or video to share. I have been lying my ass off the whole time about communing with the family of 5 as well."


    "I don't even know if I will share any of it at this point"

    What? But Melba, that could get the "protection" you have so desperately been seeking.

    She's so FOS. A total joke and embarrassment to REAL Dr's and Scientist's everywhere.

    1. Furthermore, if this latest garbage doesn't convince her blind followers of her fraudulent scheme then nothing will. She's been preaching protection the entire time and she has video (supposedly) that could once and for all PROVE the species and get that protection she's desperately been seeking but "doesn't know if she'll release it" AND get them protection?

      Hmmmm, very very telling. She's a TOTAL LIAR! She has NOTHING!

    2. Yup - FOS. Her "protection" scheme is nothing but an avenue to line her pockets on the faith of the warm and fuzzy followers that blindly accept her nonsense. Sad, really.

    3. anon 6:09 quote "A total joke and embarrassment to REAL Dr's and scientists everywhere"

      Even fake ones like Parnassus and Saskeptic.

      Melba should ilicit the advice of Parnassus, the crime fighting Pediatrician who's also retired from 2 different academic careers and pretends to be at Bigfoot conferences. This asshole should take over her study !

    4. Anon 7:21,

      Sounds like we'd be just about where we are right now, its a "push ". Haha.

    5. Parnassus is a cardiologist. Get it right.

    6. @ anon 11:40

      LOL. You mean he added another pretend profession ? When did he make up cardiologist too ?

    7. And still the trolls think we'll stop supporting Dr. Ketchum when they spam lies, how foolish of them. LOL

  4. I never once for even a moment thought Sally or Dr. Ketchum were posting here.
    She has audio and video she doesn't want to share? Isn't that special.
    All I can do at this point is laugh.

    1. The joke is on her blind followers. I must say that I do get a kick out of people who have been so gullible and have eaten her info up like its the greatest thing since sliced bread. Fools.

    2. This all reminds me of Oral Roberts raking in millions from idiots after proclaiming he was visited by a 900-ft Jesus.

    3. She does not have a credible paper that proves the existence of bigfoot. There is zero doubt about that. The chances that she has an interesting paper that would be useful to the argument that there is an undocumented primate in NA are rapidly diminishing. All they had to say is the article is complete and has been submitted to such and such a journal. We would have rooted for her. Instead, we get pictures of stick structures implying we're a bunch of rubes. Joke.

    4. So why do you follow this site? You obviously love the subject or you wouldn't be on the site. Unbelievable!

    5. Anon 8:27,

      Are you drunk? That's the second time you've posted that and it still doesn't make any sense, at all, none.

    6. Anon 9:07,

      You leave, moron. You contribute NOTHING. There's a "comment" section FOR A REASON, genius. The reason is to share your actual "thoughts" on the topic at hand. Its NOT designed for a moron to post: "why are you on this site" OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Come back when that peon brain of yours can muster up something/anything worth typing. Until then, get those hamsters turning that wheel in that lump you call a brain. That clear enough?

    7. Now your religious ? Nice.

    8. Why are you on this site? Lol.

    9. Comment section is for people interested in the subject , not people who sit by their computers 24/7 and rip on others. I work in the field and you?

    10. Anon 10:04,

      Now you're getting it. Like you said: "the comment section is for people interested in the subject". "Belief" is NOT required. I work at something waaaay more important than pseudo-science.

    11. Why are you trolls on this site? It's obviously the same idiots writing and replying to themselves. Suppose they're here out of actual knowledge or fear this whole thing is real, why else bother going ape shit everytime it's to do with this study.

      They should know by now it's not changing bigfooters nor is it stopping or holding back the study, and I suppose therein lies their desperation. All they can do about it is type bullshit.

  5. Sally Here;
    I kept trying to tell her everybody knows its not really us( except now!) but she would not listen. My apologies for the insane ramblings of Dr. Ketchum,

    1. STOP CALLING YOURSELF SALLY! I am Sally. Me. The rest of you are impersonators; and when we finally track you all down...we are going to....well basically do nothing. Kind of like our paper that we will never publish, and the photos and videos, we are never going to release. So everyone out there impersonating me; had better stop it. Because when we find you; we are going to do absolutely nothing. Sally


    3. Hilarious; the person who started this joke should have applied for a trademark or something. Coulda retired. The best is that the facebook morons respond to us. Cant make this shit up.

  6. Btw, this thread has potential.

    1. Heh heh... I agree, Sally xD

    2. It has legs, Sally, LEGS, I tell ya! We'll make tens of dollars selling popcorn and autographs! ^5!

    3. Why not play "What's My Line"
      Im am a PR person working for a famous Dr that has a video of a family of bigfoot playing, WHO AM I?

  7. She called BF Evidence a tabloid. And doesn't seem to have a sense of humor, since she is worried people actually believe that the 'Sally here...' posts are genuine.

    I'm so glad she set us all straight. Lol.

    1. If she's so bright, you'd think she could up her game above the level of calling anybody that questions her "pitiful with no self-esteem or life". Bite me, Melba -- my life is great, thanks, but you're still a lonely, delusional hag monitoring horse tails for braids. Who will even remember you when you're gone? Oh, that's right, the Better Business Bureau. They NEVER forget.

    2. Sally here. And I mean it this time. I am the real Sally. Honest.

    3. Me, I am Sally. Sally.

    4. Leave Sally! Does your mother know you are on the computer again. Get a life!

    5. This is Sally-
      I like like when Melba rubs my bunioned, corn covered feet.

    6. I'm lost. Is Sally the tall woman in the bikini or the small woman in the bikini?

  8. No, it will go downhill once the morons get a hold of it. Would be nice to have a decent conversation about this whole dilemma but there are loads of whack jobs out there and since we can all post here anonymously, well...people are truly, creepily WEIRD.

    Watch what happens....

    1. Huh? Try to make some sense, man. What morons? What dilemma are you referring to?

    2. Yes indeed. All the try outs for Idiocracy Pt. 2 will arrive shortly.

    3. It would be nice to have a decent conversation but no one understands what the hell you are saying.

    4. Why do people complaining about others posting anonymously always post anonymously? John

  9. Melba is AT LEAST 55 years old. I think it's time she retired that 30-yr old glamour shot taken at the Big Texan Steakhouse & Outlet Mall.

    1. That's the other thing I can't figure out. Why does she use that pic? Its creepy in itself that she continues to use a quarter century old pic as her FB profile. Totally creepy.

    2. shes trying to get laid!

    3. Sally here (Really)! That is a recent photo of the almighty Ketchum, my personal hero. Her patented gene splicing therapy (soon to be released at a beauty shop near you), is responsible for her youthful appearance. And she was going to release the photos and videos, but since you guys were mean, she changed her mind. We will however be offering up a DVD of a powerpoint Ketchum did 20 years ago, for a generous donation. Save the Sasquatch before it is too late. Sally

    4. She's cancelled out of two conferences now. Afraid to show her REAL face?

    5. LMAO; Gene splicing huh? I thought it was a high-end makeover paid for with monies fleeced from Erickson and company. My apologies.

    6. It's an invisible beauty cream derived from the bark of sasquatch birthing station scrub pines and the essence of birch-bark manuscripts.

    7. You're forgiven. Fleeced? Ketchum has this paper see. That is where the money went, testing for the paper. Haven't you been keeping track. She did fancy DNA stuff, that she won't let anyone see; because it's secret. That is how we do sciency stuff now a days. In secret. And the video of the family of Bigfoot's playing hop scotch is also secret, and the many, MANY photos she has of Bigfoot playing marbles, and soccer, and flying around in their space ships. All secret. Soon to be released for a nominal donation. So we can travel to Ireland together in first class. And maybe Cuba. Always wanted to go to Cuba. Oh and I am the real Sally. STOP IMPERSONATING ME! Sally. ;)

    8. Protect Bigfoot. Sally

    9. Protect Sally. Bigfoot

    10. Too funny; they deserve every last crack for complaining about the comment section of a bigfoot tabloid. I thought these super smart sciency types read the Times. Yahoos.

    11. If your not intetested in Bigfoot why are you on this site?

    12. I am here because I find your interest in Bigfoot fascinating.

    13. Anon 9:52,

      Breaking news! They're here because they're interested in Bigfoot news. Simple concept really. You have "BELIEVING EVERYTHING POSTED" and "the reason people come here" obviously confused. They're not the same thing. I know that's a tough pill to swallow but its REALITY.

    14. Of your Sally dude your not here because your interested, but because you like controversy !

    15. Im here because im adicted to reading all these ridiculous remarks left by the real Sally....lmfao

    16. Im here for the tall woman and the small woman (in bikinis). What's everyone else here for?

    17. This is now the Troll Evidence Blog.

  10. it shouldnt matter what she says the pg film, freeman footage, utah video, &marble mtn are good enough evidence for me. everything else is just bullshit & lies for fortune & fame.

  11. Is that legit to call a scientific research paper a "manuscript", or is she rushing to finish a book she'll be hawking?

    1. Freudian slip on her part. This whole thing has always been about a self published manuscript.

    2. No. Journals have page limits. Nature, for example, I would guess at about 10. "Manuscript" would apply to a work akin to Darwin's "On Species" or a cheesy book. You decide.

    3. That's easy Anon 7:22,

      We (at least the smart people) all KNOW she's no Darwin so that kind of narrows it down. "Cheesy book" it is.

  12. Gee I would have thought that the Oxford study would have had a lot more worth commenting on than the humorous posters here. Has she even commented on it anywhere? J.D.

    1. Couldn't she join forces with the Oxford guys? There's no reason this study should be some sort of competition it's way too important for that, such a union would really shock and above all disappoint the trolls.

  13. Bigfoot tabloid sites? I find the stuff here more credible than her.

    Of course her BFF Sally isn't posting here. Just look at the posts by Sally they are all in good humor.

    Finally I said it a month ago. What is she gonna do when someone puts on a reputable study and she hasn't released anything? She is gonna hide or make claims that she didn't do this to prove anything to anybody.

    When she says she doesn't know if she will release anything because it will stir the pot at this point says one thing. I couldn't get my BS published and I really didn't have anything worth posting and couldn't prove jack! Sorry but her 15 minutes of BS are up.

    I do like how she said this study chooses her. Seriously, We didn't land on Plymouth Rock! Plymouth Rock landed on us! Stuff right there.

    1. Blatantly obvious she's promoting a book. She has nothing of value in reference to the existence of Sasquatch. Its all about money and ALWAYS has been.

    2. Haha BB! And to think it just happened to "choose her" at the same time she realized she could charge $xxx per sample. Lucky lady.....

  14. Melba Ketchup is 'old hat' that is that.

  15. Melba,

    "Pitiful" people run a business with a Grade "F" rating by the Better Business Bureau. "Pitiful" people flat out scam people out of their hard earned money and never deliver the service they originally paid you for. "Pitiful" people never attempt to resolve the customer complaints filed in reference to your pitifully ran DNA operation. These are "PITIFUL FACTS" that are easily VERIFIABLE by anyone willing to background search on your business through the BBB public record.

  16. Sally here, I just got off the phone with John Bindernagle and he told me that Ketchum's paper is really just a made up study designed to get her attention. He had to go quickly though as he had an appt. to go squatching with Tom Fasano and Todd Standing on their new show " Stalkin' Skunkapes"

    1. Um, it's JACK Bindernagel, and the REAL Sally would know that, so you must not be the real Sally. Lol

    2. I was trying to fit as many of the little meme's on this site together as possible and I blew the Bindernagle one...oh well

    3. The troll got another one wrong too, who's Tom Fasano?

  17. For the last year it's been "any day now". I've lost all hope for Ketchum and her research project. On the other hand, Oxford's study ought to be interesting....

    1. I have zero doubts about the Oxford DNA study. Whether they prove anything in regards to the existence of Sasquatch is up in the air BUT one things for certain, they WILL deliver when they say they'll deliver. These are true "professionals" heading this DNA study up and they WILL NOT jerk the public around with their findings. I'm willing to bet additional studies will be done by Oxford as long as there is some sort of circumstantial evidence to go off of. What I mean is, even if this particular study doesn't once and for all put the debate to rest as far as "proving" its existence, my money is on another study being conducted by them in the future.

    2. That's probably a realistic scenario. However, I still think Ketchum's got the real thing in terms of Sasquatch proof - and all the troll junk's not gonna make me or anybody else with a brain seeing through that think differently - so wouldn't it be the best of all worlds if her proof were to be presented side by side with the Brit study. Provided they get any good results but why be competitors in this, the Bigfoot field's full of that already so no need for scientists to do it too.

  18. She shoulda never said anything about her research or the paper-and especially not about ineracting with them. Not saying it isn't plausible...but its definitely "stirring the pot," which apparently is something she wanted to avoid. That's why the bigfoot community is going nuts. Her PR sucks!

    1. If she truly has some verifiable results, she'd be wise to get some professional PR help and knock off the 'teasing' with her photo and tales of BF picnics. Now she might not share that video of the playful family. Big surprise............. IMO she's a sicko loon.

    2. Lol you are right. I wouldn't venture so far as to call her something like that but she has little credibility with me. If/when I see some results my view may change.

    3. Well like you Okie I know they exist and I also know that she knows it too. Interesting and exciting times ahead for sure.

  19. This is the real Sally here. Just want to let you anonymous people know that I and a team of investigators are working on obtaining your true identities, and once discovered, we will be prosecuting. FYI

    1. lol Prosecuted for what exactly? Being Sally? Since when was that a crime. The prosecution is going to happen right about the same time; the paper comes out. Best of luck with that.

    2. Prosecuted in a court of law, for making fun of a DNA bigfoot study, done by a Cat vet with a F rating by the Texas BBB. Be very afraid people.

    3. what if someones name really is Sally. Thats not really an original name

    4. Be awesome if Judge Judy got a hold of this. lol

    5. Is this the real Sally or the real "Sally here" Sally? The Real "Sally Here Sally" has much more of a beef then the "real Sally" cause the real" Sally here" Sally actually contibuted to society by making people laugh while the "real Sally" has done jack shit.
      Love Sally

  20. Shes very Defensive isnt she.Show the video to us and improve your image. But maybe the video is not that good and will be picked apart.

    1. She's defensive, because she's got nothing. Never had anything, doesn't have anything now, and isn't going to have anything. Wasted all of our's time.

    2. Best be careful. Sally is telepathic.

    3. If you don't follow this site seriously then you should find a new hobby. Those who make stupid comments on this site about Melba has to seriously look at themselves and wonder what they are doing . Like a serious crazy stalker!

    4. Are you suggesting we should take Ketchum seriously? After the delays, and more delays, and now this? Give me a break. This whole thing, is one big joke. Cat vet with F rating from the BBB embarks on DNA study, never publishes paper, has friend who claims telepathic communication with Bigfoots, but refuses to release any data or proof.

    5. Grow up. I work on scientific papers and u apparently have no idea about the peer review process. It can take a long time. It's not like she is working on s new butterfly! This is a large process. Please go back to your arm chair recliner and keep making your bozo remarks u have no qualifications to comment on!

    6. Anon 8:14,

      Peer review time aside. Defend the rest of the circus? Do I "need" to post all of her wild ass claims or do you think you can figure out what I'm getting at? I will post them if need be but anyone who's kept up with this should be clued in.

      This is the biggest issue with her, NOT the process. Ready go.......

    7. Anon 8:14,

      Ah screw it, defend this:

      For starters: Lets talk about her paranormal claims of Sasquatch. Lets talk about Bigfoot braiding her horses hair (yet she has ZERO EVIDENCE). Lets talk about her communing with a family of 5 Bigfoots (yet she has ZERO EVIDENCE). Lets talk about her claiming Sasquatch built a stick structure (yet she has ZERO EVIDENCE). Lets talk about her Grade "F" BBB rating (PLENTY of EVIDENCE there). Lets talk about how she claims to want "protection for the species" supposedly has video and audio evidence but doesnt want to share it (which by the way would go a long way in making the protection happen). Lets talk about her calling people "pitiful" when she hasn't addressed her business short comings (all verifiable and are public record) with her paying customers.

      These are the reasons MOST people are fed up with her debacle.

    8. And why you on this site?

    9. Maybe that was Shawn, who OWNS this site. Are you the new self-appointed gatekeeper or what?

    10. Anon 8:47,

      That's the 3rd time you've posted that and it STILL doesn't make any sense, at all, none. People are on the site to discuss the topics given by Shawn and others, thats why there's a "comment" section, genius.

      Why the hell are you on the site? Just to post: "Why are you on the site?"

      I swear, if you're not drunk, you have issues, weirdo.

    11. No I don't drink. I'm still wondering why you are on this site? Mental problems?

    12. Dude who's weird ? You surf Bigfoot sites to rip on people?

    13. I agree ! Is this person searching these sites to be an idiot or do they just do this as a weird obsession? Who's the weirdo?

    14. Anon 9:15,

      The TRUTH is ripping people? I think not. Buy a clue and get a room with that imbecile Anon 9:13. This site is designed for debate, period. If you can't handle that, its best you avoid the comment section and take the topics alone as the gospel. Strange little world you two live in.

    15. Guy has an obsession with Sasquatch or he wouldn't be on the site! What's his point? Lounge Lizzard!

    16. Gospel? And your on a Bigfoot site? Wow! What is your beef? Again why are u on this site? If I have no interest in daisies I don't go on those sites!

    17. Babbley babbley anon 6:80

    18. Your not debating! Your bashing! Grow up!

    19. I'm here because I follow Sasquatch news. Its a pretty simple concept really. Even someone with limited intelligence (such as yourself) "should've" been able to figure that much out but I digress. Now what? Let me guess, this is where you tell me to NOT QUESTION and BELIEVE every theory and claim in every article regarding every researcher posted? That's it isn't it! You little peon, that's it.

    20. Anon 9:45,

      They're called facts. Please read them and debate them if they're wrong. That's what the site is for. Otherwise your "bashing" comment is just your opinion. Again, look at what I've posted and debate it if you can. Opinions like your last comment are worthless.

    21. And again why are you on this site? You don't debate you just post stupid comments!

    22. Anon 9:58,

      Please don't EVER have children. You're too dumb to grasp the intent of the comment section. Once again, its NOT designed to post "why are you on this site?" If it were, that dumb ass question would be automatically posted everytime you pressed the reply button. Forrest Gump dumb I tell ya.

    23. You know probably you have been on this site for some time bashing people and it's stupid! When u use terms like peon and other words I guess u don't know the mental state of others so good luck and please leave the site and go back to sites that interest you!

    24. And by the way I have three great children and I'm in the top 10 percent of all salesmen in my field in the USA.

    25. You don't need to bring up ones children. That's totally uncalled for. You just lost all credibility!

    26. Wow! Increadible! I can't belive this guy! Claims to be religious? Rips on someone's children?

    27. You guys need to stop this bickering! Who brings up ones children?

    28. Melba is awesome! Met her in Houston. She will get it done!

    29. Anon 10:19,

      Stop bragging about being a used car salesman.

      Anon 10:37

      Claims to be religious? Stop making shit up. Ignore the voices in your head.

      And nobody brought up anyone's children. I said don't ever have any, peon.

      And finally, stop pretending to be different posters. Everyone knows it's the same moron posing as different people. Whack-O, agreeing with yourself, Fasano 'esque.

      I'll sleep well tonight knowing I used to give nerds like you wedgies in the hallway for a reason.

    30. Anon 10:51,

      Dr Meldrum and Dr Sykes could "out doctor" someone like Ketchum while armed only with the "Operation Board Game". Its really that simple.

    31. Keep believing that! Can't win with people like you , never sold cars in my life. Again you don't care about the subject your commenting on. Oh yeah that's me commenting on my own self- Sally! Why do I care? Done with arguing with you because you apparently always right. Just to let you know that the public will not put up with rude Sally comments anymore!

    32. Oh by the way I didn't walk around like a bully in school like you giving Wedgies to people. Explains a lot about you.!

    33. Anon 11:25,

      You think I give 2 shits about some servant named Sally? You have me confused with someone else (not surprising). However, I will address you one more time. "The public" you say, won't put up with the rude Sally comments anymore? The public? Well that's real rich considering you have been the only one attempting to defend her for like 4 hours straight by posting over and over again while pretending to be different people. You're one strange individual and sleep well knowing that whack-o's like you are a major contributing factor as to why real science shuns this field. Congratulations on setting the field back 5 years in 5 hours. Looney toon.

    34. Back at you freak. And you havn't been at it for 4 hours? Says a lot about your character! In fact this field will be better served without people who sole purpose is to seek out these sites to only bash rather than contribute something useful .

    35. You're like a child, every post has to be broken down to a first grade level for you. Speaking of, do you finally grasp the concept that "believing" IS NOT a requirement on this site? Being interested IS enough. The 4 hours comment was in reference to "you" stating that the "public" will not be putting up with the Sally comments anymore. You pretend like a whole bunch of people have been defending her relentlessly for 4 hours when in reality 95% of the posts in her defense was by "you" and you "alone". Don't even try to get me in this Sally shit, I don't give a rats ass about her, as a matter of fact the first time I ever typed her name was in my last post, genius. I'm tired of schooling you, some people are just not very intelligent.

    36. It's painfully clear those bashing this study aren't bigfooters, well in a sense they are because they're at it nonstop, but they're dead set against it proven real due to their little black book beliefs.

      You see it all the time, they'll talk tough and even claim to be atheists but their motives you don't need binoculars to see so take their alternative abortion clinic speeches with a grain of salt, no difference same breed of mass insanity.

  21. Sally Sally Sally Sally Sally Sally Sally

    1. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL-LEE! You've got me on my knees!
      SALLEEEEE! I'm beggin', darlin' please!
      SALLY! Darling, won't you ease my worried mind!

      I made the best of the situation
      Before I finally went insane
      Please don't say the Doc will never find a way
      And tell me all my beleevin's in vain...

    2. Cecilia.


      Now all together.......!!!!

  22. The fact that she says she may not even show it at this point because why bother is a really bad sign. Video and audio, if legit, would be absolutely essential to proving the manuscript. I was half-heartedly taking her seriously until I saw that, now I'm extremely doubtful. Like the kid that decides not to jump off the high diving board because "why bother?" and backs off.
    When presenting the paper, if she really did have close up mindblowing video she would use it to create a more compelling story to the manuscript and it would all complement each other.

    BUt in one sense, I feel bad for the academics trying to make things happen, because it appears the bigfoot culture brings out the low points of humanity.

  23. I think your doing a great job! Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see the final results!

  24. Leave Melba alone, her data is glorious and spectacular. Her findings will change the world.
    Her paper will be released soon and all of you will be sorry for disrespecting this woman who happens to be a genius.

    1. The person who thinks they are Sally- has mental problems. Why are u on this site if obviously you don't believe? There is a syndrom for u! It's " I want to search out sites I don't believe in and listen to myself talk " and waste my time I could be actually be doing something productive with my life!

    2. U R right. Tomorrow I'm going to start a BPS... Bigfoot Protection Society. That will be both productive AND profitable! Win-win!

    3. Please allow me to address this logic vacuum: this site invites the reader to draw their own conclusions. Belief is not required. It is possible to find a subject interesting without investing it with belief. You are demanding that others share your views or leave, violating the intent of this site. Therefore, you are a glassy eyed slack jawed moron.

    4. Thank you Anon 10:12,

      I REALLY hope that she is the ONLY "Forrest Gump dumb" imbecile in existence. God help man-kind if she's not.

    5. Take a look at the comments on this blog for an answer to that one!

  25. Or... it could be a bunch of 15 year old kids that get a kick out of easy targets like bigfooters or old people that dont't fully grasp the concept of a blog. You make it so easy for them, lol.

    1. It's like ripping on people with disablities. They search out easy targets like bullies! I totally agree. Otherwise why would they be on this site?

    2. I should say they are bullies!

    3. If you are saying belief in Bigfoot is a disability, I agree.

    4. fuck you! we are not bullies you piece of crap, Melba is! I still cant share my picture of Bigfoots hemorrhoids because of that damn NDS!

    5. The NDS would never hold up in Law. So, Let's seem them.

  26. So Melba has access to an apparently super-reliable habitation site. And beyond that, she has pictures and videos.

    But she'd rather wait for her DNA study which, at best, will have DNA of an unknown hominid?

    Way to back into this one.

  27. What? "The proof will be at the fish fry as Sally stirs my pudding pot"? All of the southern lingo she spews seems to be blending together like alien and human DNA...so to speak. It is incredibly obvious that she has isolated a new hallucinogen from BF toenail and is putting it to use.

    Please move in with your happy five member BF family forever Melba!

  28. Way to hack into this one. (fixed it for you)

  29. I wonder if they have Tootsie Rolls at the Concession Stand tonight.

  30. Looks like Sally has had her cover blown! Time to stop the dumb posts!

  31. Melba's study will reveal for the first time DNA evidence proving that Bigfoot is made of wood. The analysis was very difficult as the only way to prove this was to actually build a bridge out of a living Sasquatch. Early tests using ducks and modified scales were unsuccessful as the Sasquatch kept registering as much heavier than the duck. The stick picture posted by Melba is actually an early failed attempt at building the first Sasquatch bridge.

  32. Replies
    1. where do you think I am typing from? Hold on, my names not Sally.

  33. It is amazing that so many think this site is imbued with magical properties. The trolls come here and, hey presto! they delude themselves into thinking they become intelligent for a few brief magic seconds. What piece of groundless gossip will they leap onto next to feed their OCD. Little wonder that the US is headed down the S bend. At what point Shawn does putting up with the sprays of invective exceed the important right to express intelligent opinion. You have a right to express an opinion; you just do not have a licence to say whatever you think without considering the damage it does to others, especially when it is done from a cowards hiding place.

  34. Im flattered BFE decided to include my facebook posts in the iriginal article. I have to admit i was a bit bliwn away by the "even if i had them i wouldnt waste time showing them" type stuff and the "video isnt enough".... Video IS enough, unless its shaky grainy taken from 1,000 yeards on a thermal cam or something. But good video showing a living creature would be amazing.

    1. I agree Vincent, its common sense. Did you ever ask her if the study was finished, or if it was submitted?

    2. Hi! No, i didnt ask. Im surprised she even responded to my commments, which was pretty cool of her.everything i asked is right up top. Itd be great if she can prove something, but i still fail to see how releasing a pic or video she claims to have would hurt the paper. If she had a video and released it, i think it would really perk up
      The interest of both footers and non footers.


    1. And it goes straight onto the same crap-heap with her "death threat" BS preventing her from attending that conference.

  36. I think melba & bobo should hookup & swap dna!

    1. sally & rene should hookup too!

    2. melba + bobo = mkdavis' white haired squatch


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