Dr. Jeff Meldrum Suggests Idaho Footage Filmed By Students Looks Like A Sasquatch

The footage that was uploaded by an Idaho student last March recently caught the attention of Dr. Jefferey Meldrum of Idaho State University. After examining the video, Dr. Meldrum said the dark figure in the video "bears a striking resemblance to descriptions of Sasquatch".

According to the student, it didn't look like a bear, and it didn't look like a human either. "It was big and bulky and black,” the student said.

Here's what the student wrote after posting the video:

I am the person who filmed this video, I was searching the video on google to see what came up and found this. I am not a Bigfoot researcher or anything, I don't even have an opinion on Bigfoot. To respond to some comments and hopefully answer some questions, we initially saw the figure from a different angle where it was a little easier to see. The way it walked and how easily it traversed through the deep snow seemed somewhat unorthodox. I got my camera (which I was using for other things, not searching for Bigfoot) out of my jacket and filmed until it went out of sight, thinking this could possibly be a Bigfoot. How did I zoom in on it? Most video cameras have view finders, and I use this camera quite often and I know how to point and shoot, its simply not that difficult when you're in a fairly open area. Also, its a 4 or 5 year old camera, sorry I didn't have an expensive hd quality camera. And, we did go up there to look for tracks. It was extremely steep down the canyon and up the other side, not to mention the 2 feet of snow covering the ground. We did find tracks. Not being a Bigfoot researcher I didn't think to video the tracks. But I am a hunter and know any track out there, and this seemed legit. If it was somebody up there performing a hoax, they went to new extremes to try and fool somebody else. It took us about an hour to get to where we saw it, and we're in shape people and it had us huffing and puffing. I don't know what it was, but it seems very unlikely to have been a human. And it definitely was not a bear. I hunt bears, know what to look for in a bear, and it's arms were way too long in proportion to its body to be a bear

From LocalNews8.com:

POCATELLO, Idaho -- A strange sighting by some high school students near Pocatello has Sasquatch hunters coming to southeast Idaho.

The students were on a school project near the west fork of Mink Creek south of Pocatello, when they say they saw a dark figure watching them from a ridge.

One student grabbed his camera and caught a glimpse.

A few fleeting seconds of a dark something disappearing into the tree line.

"It just didn't look humanlike. I don't know what that is, it's not a bear, it's not a moose or anything. It was big and bulky and black,” the student said.

The students climbed the ridge and took photographs of some big footprints they found.

Idaho State University professor Jeff Meldrum is a Bigfoot expert. His office is filled with suspected photos and plaster casts of Bigfoot prints.

He examined the photo and the short video of the distant figure.

"It nevertheless is a large dark figure that bears a striking resemblance to descriptions of Sasquatch,” Meldrum said.

Most people associate the Sasquatch with the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, he said. But Meldrum said there's a long history of Bigfoot lore in the Intermountain West and Idaho, though with different names.

"The notion of the immigrants coming into this place here and encountering strange and marvelous things like stories of wild men and mountain devils,” Meldrum said.

Or it could be a hoax.

But the high school student who shot the video, doesn't seem to be looking for attention. He requested that we not release his name or picture.

And he said he's simply not sure just what it was he saw standing on that ridge.

"I'm not going to say yes it was a Bigfoot or no it wasn't, because I don't know., and nobody knows,” the student said.

The Animal Planet show "Finding Bigfoot" is making a stop in Pocatello in mid June to see whether anyone else in the community has seen something Sasquatch-like.

Meldrum is doing a presentation on the history of Sasquatch along the Oregon Trail in Montpelier on Friday and Saturday.

Watch Dr. Jeff Meldrum talk about the footage on LocalNews8:


  1. I remember when this popped up a few weeks back and was impressed with the limited footage available also. It just seems to move like one and appears to be massive. Can't say for sure, probably no one can. I imagine FB will analyze this for the show. It could be interesting.


    1. Lets see-a two second stablized clip that shows a dark blob in trees. Meldrum then proclaims it a sasquatch, and it is from a HS kid.
      Wow, doesnt take much credibility or proof to convince some of you in something there is absolutely no proof for.

  2. Defineatly a Bigfoot. I can see the midtarsel brake in its' foot

    1. I can see a stupid ANONA.

    2. Learn to spell before you make another stupid comment.

  3. I have doubts as the shot opens with a very wide distant view of a ridge and from the distance you could not have seen the dark figure in the trees and then it is zoomed to the spot for a very brief appearance. It does not add up.

    new anony

    1. "...from the distance you could not have seen the dark figure..."
      Are you sure about that?

    2. Don't get out in the woods much with video gear do you? Your eye is far more sophisticated than the typical video gear one might have walking thru the woods.

      At my home, several mornings a week a male pheasant perches on a rock about 50ft from my house and crackles every 5 minutes to all the hens hiding in the bush. Can i get a good shot of that bird, NO WAY and I know where it will be and approximate time of day. I inevatably scare it off or flub the shot then scare it off.

      The bird has a brain the size of my pinky. I can't imagine how hard it would be to capture on film a noctornal, un-discovered species with a brain bigger then ours!

      Your criticisim is flawed and the film is consistent with my experience as an amature taking wildlife photos or video. I have to start wide and zoom in to what I see and hope the camera lens can see what my eye can see.

  4. Can't really see much on my iPad but it may be legit. Need to view on a bigger screen.

    1. Oh, okay, because there was a bunch of us just wondering if you would be able to view it okay or not.

    2. Before anyone gets curious, let me add that I am unable to see much on this video due to the small screen of my iPhone. I confess I will not be attempting to view it on a larger screen of any kind.

    3. I viewed it on a larger screen. I will not be viewing it on a smaller one, because it's just a shadowy blobsquatch even on the bigger screen.

    4. Eat a dick. Prick. I hope you get your face eaten off by a deranged psychotic drug addict. Fucking loser.

    5. Bosco LaBonza here -

      There will be not mention of face-eating allowed here, though butt-munching and chili-chomping may be tolerated.

      Just sayin'

  5. I agree with Meldrum. This distant, brief, and indistinct video is clearly a Sasquatch.

  6. It DOES look just like a sasquatch! Blurry, indistinct, could be almost anything... exactly like all the others.

    Honestly, it does look like what we know it ought to look like, but this video is too poor and vague to get excited over. Could be we are seeing what we want to see, and even then it is not clear by any stretch of the imagination.

  7. Frame at 0:12 shows a brown, hunched over bipedal figure. People will blow up some of these frames, and those of us who are not so swift with video will learn more.

  8. It's a bear. This is a re-run, posted earlier this year. The CyptoCrew debunked it here: http://www.thecryptocrew.com/2012/03/bigfoot-sighting-in-idaho-breakdown.html


    1. Yep, great find...it is a bear.

      new anony

    2. Thanks for the info 6:53, I'll check it out

      Anon 4:10

  9. The racist comments are totally out of bounds and should not have a place here.

    new anony

    I still doubt anyone could see the object with their eyes first and then pick up their camera to zoom in. The opening shot it simply too far away and the creature is in foliage. Now, if they have film of it walking against the sky or other unobstructed view...maybe.

  10. As noted above...it is a bear that rose up and then dropped to all four legs and it has cubs with it.

    I assume the spied the movement with binoculars or saw it against a more open background before moving into the trees.

    new anony

  11. cubs on dubs.

    ~morgan freeman

  12. This story just hit ABC news.

  13. it's a bear and a cub...nothing more..did a breakdown on this a while back...the bear was on it's back legs at the first.

  14. "I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here."

  15. Negroids, poe-poes and Melba? What has this site come to? Blurry Bigfoots roaming the countryside? I have many questions and few answers.

    Bosco out...

  16. As a Ph.D. in Zoology, I can you Meldrum should not be taken seriously. There are no Bigfoot and I could list 100 reasons. He is simply taking advantage of the craze and making big money off other people's stupidity.


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