Bombshell: TheSquatchMaster Was Not Attacked By A Bigfoot

Bamabuckster1 (Paul Hulsey) is not a fan of TheSquatchmaster at all. We once received an email from Paul about the articles we were posting, complaining about how unhappy he was about all the attention we were giving TheSquatchmaster. Paul didn't take too kindly to the fact that we called TheSquatchMaster, "Everyone's favorite Bigfoot hunter from Ohio", so we wrote back stating that we like to call everyone our "favorite Bigfoot hunter"-- even Alex MidnightWalker.

Paul's problem with TheSquatchmaster is that he believes the man is a hoaxer. He's disgusted by the fact that the Ohio Bigfoot hunter received worldwide media attention when his video was featured on the Finding Bigfoot show (where his video was debunked). Paul believes the "Got too close" video is another perpetuated hoax by TheSquatchmaster that needs to be debunked.

Paul was recently asked by a viewer about a video where TheSquatchMaster claimed he was attacked by a Bigfoot. The viewer asked Paul whether it was real or fake. Here is Paul's video response:

"Submitted by a viewer the question was asked if I thought that TheSquatchmaster's video titled "Got too Close"was real or fake.So I uploaded it and watched it and found some interesting things.One was that he was implying that he was attacked by a Sasquatch,well when you watch the video you will hear him say what attacked him.It's the Crap like this that I don't care for and believe me He is Full of Crap." - Paul Hulsey


  1. How does he know he was'nt attacked by a bigfoot? Does he know sqatchmasters shoe size? If his feet are big and he tripped over a tree, them that would mean a bigfoot attacked him right?

  2. torgo walks slow because of oversize knee implants

  3. If you go to Squatchbeaters site and comment on his videos in any kind of negative way he BANs that person. So the only people left are those family members and idiots that believe everything they see on Youtube. The guy uses his kids like TimberGnat to hoax videos to the public. He even admitted it in a video in January 2011 then deleted the video. SM is a hoaxer of the worst kind.

    1. Timmy boy, why are you so fast at calling everyone a hoaxer but yourself. Just because you want and need the youtube hits you create drama for people to come watch. Well Timmy, you are right in that catagory along with squatchmaster. have a good day.

  4. Hello all:

    Just got off the phone with my close personal friend Jack Bindernagel. I said "jack what are you doing" he said "what the hell do you think I am doing, you know how old I am, I am thanking my lucky stars I am alive.... and cursing my fates because my DVR is messed up and it did not tape the Price is Right".

    I said "well did you hear Shawn is getting his balls busted by Deadbeat Paul". Jack said "WTF, I hope like hell Shawn put him in his place." I said "jack he is all upset about the Squatchmaster being called everyone's favorite from Ohio". Jack then seemed to choke on something and coughed for a few minutes. He then said "damn right Squatchmaster is- anyone who disagrees with me can write me a check for $500 bucks because Squatchmaster only paid me $400, and I will change my opinion".

    He then said "well you know, you know actually I am still fighting with that hotel in Whitehall NY about the bill for the mini bar. If its not free then dont leave it in the room". he then said he had to go to the olive garden and wanted to beat the crowd.

  5. Shit like this makes me want to give up!

  6. where are the sounds of the sasquatch's footsteps in the dry leaves?

  7. Bunch of drama queens. These attention seeking hoaxers find a Bigfoot every time they hit the woods. They're all creepy weirdos.

    1. Nailed it. A bunch of lunatics (SquatchMaster/Alex/Timbergiant/Fasano/Facebook Find Bigfoot/Joe Black/Ketchum) and a few more have ABSOLUTELY RUINED the Bigfoot field. With the new blood entering (Bigfoot Chicks etc etc) it has become OBVIOUS that this is more about the amount of BULLSHIT pics/video one can put up than it is to do SERIOUS research. The serious researchers are so few and far between that I feel this field may NEVER recover. People SERIOUSLY need to STOP giving the clowns mentioned above ATTENTION, period. Its the ONLY WAY we can take the field back. I feel sorry for the Jeff Meldrum's, Cliff Barackman's and SnowWalkerPrime's (say what you want about SWP as a few people dont care for him BUT theres no arguing hes a no non-sense kind of guy, dead serious even and calls out the bullshitters) in this field. People like them are serious about this field AND there are a "FEW" others (that's why I added the "s" to each of their names) but for the most part this field is OVERRUN with LUNATICS. Its just a shame that the people that we have NOW (again, the clowns mentioned above) seem to be getting WAY TOO MUCH exposure and they ARE KILLING this field, setting it back YEARS even. We seriously need to pull together and start calling the Bullshit out for what it is. Again, its the only way to get serious about this field.

    2. I agree 100%. Although I did appreciate Tim showing us the entire trail cam sequence so we could all see the tree peeker was actually a fern. Why in the world Oxford is giving this field the time of day is beyond me. I wonder if reading this blog for a week would change his mind? J.D.

    3. 3;10;00

      best comment here. trhese peole need ignoring.they are making bigfootery a joke

  8. This shit is like a soap opera. Very Queer......and of course TheSquatchMaster didnt get attacked. Has anyone watched the video? He trips and falls and while the camera is rolling he films a tree/stump/branches/leaves/shadows etc etc and of course all of that =Blobsquatch.

    If this field doesn't clean up its act soon, I'm done with it. Its one flew over the cuckoo's nest type crazy. It seriously is that bad.

  9. The squatchmaster, along with Fasano and the retard midnight walker are all bags of dogshit

    1. i can get behind that.....
      and this

    2. Scott aka Joe Black; stop spamming this site, with the link to your stupid blog. We get it already. You want people to go to your blog and increase the hit count. Instead of spamming this site to death, why not do the work; post interesting articles, and people will go there. No one is interested in you pretending to be someone else; constantly posting your drivel here as bait to lure people to your blog.

    3. actually i was posting the blog address.Im not joe black. I just thought some people here would like a non sensationalized blog, not the national enquirer of sasquatch research.
      actual research,minus all the bs.
      Im not saying his stuff is the be all and end all on sasquatch but just a site minus the need for hits and sensationalism....

  10. Can you imagine what any young person wishing to enter into this field, or even a witness who really needs help, or a possible investor etc, when they discover this site then read these posts and comments; what they must be thinking?

    Sensible articles get very few comments. However? Bigfoot Babes, Ketchum, Fasano et al. lets bash them with sometimes over 100 comments.

  11. Ketchum and Fasano deserve every bit of it.

  12. Nobody who has psychological problems, which many many in this field have deserves any of it. What they need is help.

  13. I have offered him twice to come to my 9000 acre ranch in a prime location for Squatch in Ohio but have never gotten a reply from him. Saltfork is roughly 17,000 acres of public forum.

    1. Just for the sake of some semblance of continuity here who is the "him" you are you referring to ?

  14. This is the dopiest ohio hillbilly I have ever seen

  15. If the "Squatchmaster" was attacked by a Bigfoot. He'd be dead; and we wouldn't have to listen to his crap.

  16. This post is a complete 100% Lie.I never mentioned anything like this to Bigfoot Evidence.In fact they contacted me first because I mentioned their name.I will be posting a video responce to this fabricated BS posted by Shawn and Bigfoot Evidence.I posted the video about the Squatchmaster because of a post he put up on his blog and that's the only reason.I never emailed them and threw a fit or even complained to them about him.

    1. Uh oh, sounds like Shawn may be hoaxing.............. us? Damn, even the Bigfoot "news" sites hoax their stories. Surprising?

  17. This post is a complete 100% Lie.I never mentioned anything like this to Bigfoot Evidence.In fact they contacted me first because I mentioned their name.I will be posting a video responce to this fabricated BS posted by Shawn and Bigfoot Evidence.I posted the video about the Squatchmaster because of a post he put up on his blog and that's the only reason.I never emailed them and threw a fit or even complained to them about him.


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