Alex MidnightWalker Thinks Tim Fasano's Bigfoot And Deer Photo Is Too Good To Be True

These Bigfooters can be hilarious sometimes. A few days ago, Tim Fasano caught something on his trail camera which he thinks is possibly Bigfoot stalking a deer. He has been super excited about the photograph and plans on sharing the high-rez photo on his team's website

Then comes along Alex MidnightWalker, who believes trail cameras are a waste of time because Bigfoots can magically detect them and will avoid the area. Alex hates the idea of using trail cameras so much that he wants to drive down to Florida and kick Fasano's "ass".

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the world of Bigfoot. Watch below:

Published on May 29, 2012 by BFResearchSE
Do I trust this guy? No. Do I trust his shot? No. Can I kick his ass up and down Florida? Yes. Do I like Tim? No. Do I enjoy exposing his bullshit? YES IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, Timmy may have captured the David Lee Roth Monster on camera ... see video below


  1. AMW is right on with this one. Fasano is telling tales. Where is his usual nonstop bluster how he seeks the elusive skunk ape in the deep forbidden jungle? He calls it a bigfoot. He just wants to show some results to his trailcam supplier.

    1. Fat Timmy should hold up another bird ass bone and proclaim it the skull of an unknown hominid with devil horns and ears made of bone.

      Bigfoot people, anyone involved, can kiss my big ol white butt...pucker up buttercup.

    2. Now Ed, maybe you just don't understand the bigfoot groups. There's the Beleebers, the Habituators, the Wishful Skeptics, the Troll Skeptics, the MindSpeakers, the Protectionists, the Profiteers, the YouTube Money Ho's, the YouTube Real Deals, the Book Humpers, the Sock Footies, the Forum Masters, the Pro-Kills, the No-Kills.........

    3. Lol, what's a Sock Footy?

    4. Oh now with the old movie references. This boards comments are literally all over the place too funny Ed and Grace....Save Ferris...

  2. and fasano CONTINUES to get the attention he so desperately seeks and needs

    1. except in the bedroom, we all know he dont get any LOL

  3. We all seem to agree that Fasano is an idiot and an attention whore..But this midnight walker is just like fasano. He claims to go out in the woods to play bocce with 9 bigfoot..He even names them.

    1. And he even records them, gaining recordings that most would dream of having. Big difference from just telling stories...Ay. LMAO You teamtazer folks are amateurs (surely that's who commented or fatsano while he was eating a twinky between taxi cab runs). Go back to bigfootforums and talk bigfoot philosophy. Alex MW

    2. We all envy your recordings. A picture is much better evidence. Which you have none. Go into the woods and play hopscotch with squeaky and twitchy leg

    3. I liked your presentation Alex. It did not occur to me at all that there was anything to his "wizard of oz" crack; thought it was just an off the cuff kind of remark. Could it be pareidolia due to a fuzzy photo of another deer's ass ( or a bigfoot)? It seems to me you would bet its photoshopped but you are not 100% sure. Thanks

    4. Mightnight Squawker smells from here.

  4. To those that support me, I want to thank you. Please do not worry, I do not care what these people say or do. As we say here in the south, I have bigger fish to fry. :) These folks are pitiful and have no self esteem or life or else they would have better things to do than to worry about me. :) It is a sad testament however, to the state of our society today.

    Tim Fasano

    1. if this is true what that dude pointed out, then you should be banned from this and all other real bigfoot sites. what's the deal FATsano how come you lie like you do? that's why you didn't get that t.v. gig cause just like us they are on to you. ever think about finding mothman or something? do us a favor you known hoaxer and let the big boys do the sasquatch thing. even if you found a dead real bigfoot on the road with your hoaxing past and now present no-one will ever take you serious idiot.

    2. The "fish" are the sucker that loaned you a couple of trailcams, and Kevin, who you give no credit. "I may have captured something here, folks." He's worked twice as hard as you, and you pimped him. The truth is you'd never put one toe into those areas without him breaking trails for you.

    3. That's a quote from Ketchum with Fasano's name attached...Dumbasses

    4. Anon 647; they probably know that, if they read this blog. Could be Fasano trying to be funny, no?

    5. Haha 6:47! I thought it sounded familiar...

    6. @647 dumbass sr. it just as well of been a sasquatch who is stealing your wi-fi! was it not about FATsano in the first place? justen bieber is on again. you better hurry son cause you need new dance moves for the under 21 night at clownville.

    7. Well well Fatsano finally captures something moving on camera. I am proud of yah man-tits-Tim, yah done good son. At least its better than the blobstain squatches of nothing on your other vids you least this one moves...een though its probably just Ricky Dyer

    Timbergiantbigfoot is much better and he is for real, not fake fat money making pig

    1. got your back on that one!

    2. Bigfoot is fake so shut this site down!

    3. only cause you pointed this out! now we know and should do what you say. just cause you like he-she's we aren't asking you to stop bending over for them!

    4. TimberGnat is one leg of the Four Fakers,

    5. Alex is a hoaxer too. Might even be worse than Fasano. He thinks Bigfoot knows English and Spanish. What a bubble head. If these two guys are Bigfoot experts; we'll never find the big guy.

  6. Fasano is the greatest bigfoot hunter this country has ever seen. JUST ASK HIM

  7. Haha! Midnight Walker found the mask, alright. Even Fasano mentions the "enormous mane of hair" and "the lion from the Wizard of Oz". That's a pretty scrawny tree for a 7-footer to be hiding behind, not to mention the image suddenly appears rather than coming into the screen as to be expected with a running video cam.

  8. Tim here - I don't understand why you people feel a need to be so mean and hurtful towards me. I'm just a lonely little fat guy, with no friends and nobody to talk to except Hajib, down at the Quickie-mart. The people that ride in my Taxi won't even talk to me. Every time I try to speak to them, they say 'shut up and drive you fat loser'. I just want to be somebody and have people look up to me. A little attention for a lonely person goes a long way. Please don't hate me, I try so hard and just want to be liked.

  9. The mask aside, either thats a fake deer or it's asleep, because if a human was staging this, any deer would be long gone. only a bigfoot could sneak around so easily. just saying..

    1. And conceal its 7-foot self so well behind that skinny tree.

    2. timmy slipped him some roofies!

  10. Neither of these men should be taken seriously! I really wish that this community would stop giving ANY ATTENTION to people like both Fasano or Midnighthacker

    1. Bigfoots are serious stuff man. These clowns are making all the experts look like fools.

    2. Au contraire, that Alex is suave and debonar...I mean debonaire. As a gal, my mind was in the gutter thinking of him. Then I thought of Tim and it sobered my hormones right up. Alex is also at the pinnacle of the truth and you twits are in pre-k. Ta ta to those who speak so poorly of Alex are just plain jealous.

      Heather (and yes I am Hot)

    3. Pfffft, you have to "prove" it. This is Bigfoot Country afterall. BTW, I got 8.

    4. Yeah, hot chicks always have to remind you they're hot. I think "Heather" is Alex's alterego...tuck between the legs and play Silence of the Lambs.

    5. Is "Heather" one of the Bigfoot chicks?

  11. Tim Fakeo, freezer boy dryer, and all the rest of the clowns showcased on this site 'BELONG HERE!' This is NOT a site for 'Credible' Sasquatch investigators who have 'Integrity' and no self esteem issues. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence will leave this site and never come back. Leave it to the drama queens, hoaxers, and media whores. Let them swim in their soup of half cocked assumptions, uninformed hypothesis and sophomoric speculations.

    I'M OUT!

    1. Ok, buhbye. Don't forget to take your ounce of intelligence with you, you may need it at the next place you discuss your mythical fantasy monster.

    2. Why did you put scare quotes around the words credible and integrity? Are you implying no such person exists? I for one think people like Tom Biscardi and Justin Smeja are paradigms of honor and the field needs more people like them. IM OUT TOO!

    3. later gator, don't trip over your new wizard of oz lion mask on the way out the door!

    4. Like we care what you think Sharon.

  12. im thinking Freezerboy Dryer and his inbred brother took there "fuzzy fetish" to the everglades for a little game of hide the swampy sausage and just happened to start there "game" behind Thumpers Sausage Shack. Which by no coincidence is where "T-Fats" likes to spend time and place cameras.


    1. "T-FATS" is the best name going dude! f-ing love it! glad i got outta bed today!! ha-ha

    2. thank you, it was here first folks, "T-FATS"


  13. Waiting for TF to rebut with a brand new skIn tight Affliction Tee on!!

  14. Can we please get back to talking about Melba

  15. i think this taxi driver loves being hated! cause if every time i was to put out crap and then take the hard beating's he has for it you would think he would just give up. he must get his jolly's on this stuff? think about it, he gets pounded more than a whore in vegas!

  16. I love Tim Fasano more than life itself.

  17. i hate all this nonsense, thats not a bigfoot? where is the white suit? the oscars?

    ~morgan freeman

  18. Replies
    1. fasano's farts are foul too!

    2. Dyer says Fasano likes scrotum tickles that give him giggles. He says that every time he reads all of the negative comments about how "fake" he is he runs into his room and grabs his favorite "teddy" and locks himslf in the closet...crying himself to sleep. Only oe of Ricky-boos scrotum slurpees will help him to feeeell better.

  19. I don't understand all of the jealousy Tim gets. Granted he's a great researcher and an Adonis but instead of tearing him down we should be holding him up as an example of what a great researcher should be.

    Don't let these chumps get you down Tim.

    One of your many fans.

  20. You guys are mean. Personally attacking someone on physical attributes is just plain bullying. If you dont like his research or what he has to say, there's plenty of other things on You Tube to watch. Have some compassion, he is a human being after all and has feelings. I just hope if any of you are in a situation which you require a little compassion, you wont have people such as yourself to deal with. Remember the Golden Rule?

    A Visitor

    1. Put down that wide paintbrush, A. If you read thru the comments, you'll soon see it's usually just one or two people writing the vast majority of insulting remarks.

    2. he's not just a fat stupid liar but is also gay and suffers from giant walnut-sized hemorrhoids. and we are being nice.

    3. why dont we hate melba and smeja this much-they are fuggin liars too!!!!

      Bigfoot is a lie!

    4. Bigfoot is real you jackass !

    5. Bigfoot is real? Prove it!

    6. but it is okay when fasano the bag of dog shit bashes everyone else? He is an attention whore

  21. Is that the one that says "The hoaxers shall inherit he earth?" or "Hoax thy neighbor as one would hoax thyself?"

    1. If being sexy is a crime then yes Tim is guilty !

    2. He's definitely not a hoaxer. Sexy yes, hoaxer no.

  22. Replies
    1. Tim is a hoaxer! Tim has done more to substantiate that he is a hoaxer/media whore than he has done to verify the existence of a North American primate/hominid.

      I don't ever hear any of the top Sasquatch researchers referencing the work of Tim, Rick, or any of the other clowns highlighted on this website.

      Guess why? That's right! They are all losers with no credibility. End of Story!

  23. This idiot "Alex" sure likes to threaten people.

    1. Alex is an idiot. He thought Rick Dyer's photo of the gorilla mask was a BEAR. A bear.

    2. Alex here...shut up beeaaaatches or I'll kick all of your sorry asses.

      Alex MW

  24. Alex should wiggle his ears. Maybe his head will fall out of his rectum

    1. Alex here...dis iza berry berry stupido statement and not even funny. But remind me to kick your ass anyway. Damian, you're a puss

    2. Aren't you a Christian Alex? Is this the behavior of Jesus?

  25. looks like a classic nephelim to me

  26. Fasano has ordered Shawn to quit posting his videos here. What a tragic loss. May 30, 2012 -- a day that will live in infamy.

    1. He can do that until he's blue in the face, once they hit you tube, fair use takes over

    2. It will last a month, if true. He will kiss the attention.

  27. Alex here. I am going to KICK EVERYONE ASSES!

    1. Go ahead. What do we have to live for anyway... no more Fasano vids for us.

  28. I am going down to Florida to kick Fatsanos ass..As soon as I am done in the woods playing volleyball with fuzzy and screech

  29. Hello all:

    I just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagel. I said "Jack, how" and he immediately cut me off and said "why does everyone call me when I am watching the Price is Right? Son of a bitch I missed it, now I am never going to know the actual price of that ice cream maker". I said "jack do you want me to call you back" and he replied "yes, I want to watch the ShowCase Showdown in peace".

    I called him back and said "jack what do you think of Alex Walker" He then said "well, well you know, you know Alex is actually a former student of mine. I have taught for many years, as you know and many others know as well, and I have to tell you, that he, Alex I mean, was a star pupil"."I am actually very proud that I introduced him to the subject of Bigfoot or the North American Sasquatch as they are called". I said "Jack you introduced Alex Walker to Bigfoot" and he said "You know how many students I have had? What the hell do you think I talk about for 50 minutes three times a week". "My damn course is called Intro to Sasquatch".

    I then said "Jack, I really dont know what you do, we talk about Bigfoot an awful lot and to be honest I thought you were retired". He said "retired, if I were retired do you think I would be walking around with Timbergiantbigfoot, hell I would be on the beach drinking margaritas with Mitch Waite.

    He then said "I have to go I want to watch Mob Wives".

  30. That's it. I'm outta this site for good. I'm tired of wasting my time here.

    1. good riddance to bad rubbish!! We finally did it.

  31. Alex is as full of shit as Tim is!

  32. Nothing less interesting than watching two sufferers of OCD go at it hammer and tongs. Give us all a break. Midnightwalker is a complete doofus and will label anyone who disagrees with his view the world as a deluded fool, or a liar, or worse. Stand by to eat crow you expert on everything, self opinionated Wally.

    As for Tim .. he is just Tim. Every royal Court needs a crown jester, hey Tim.

    MNW will argue that

  33. Bigfoot is so fucked up......

  34. You all can add some more creeps into this bag of garbage. How about this....Put TimmyTune, AlexAnal BamaBigMouth, and know it all, Visits of the Impossible, together in same room for one night. Hmmmm, worse than a room full of politicians with the Secret Sevice thrown in. No not worse but alot more funny.


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