After Listening To Bigfoot Expert Todd Standing On Art Bell's Show, We Now Know Why People Like Him

All you haters can make fun of Todd Standing all you want-- He's still the best Bigfoot researcher Canada has to offer. After listening to his interview with Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM Radio, we are convinced that Todd Standing knows everything there is to know about Bigfoot.

He mentions that Bigfoot groups have "day-watchers", Bigfoots that look out for intruders during the day and warn others if humans are close by. Although Todd doesn't really know how many Bigfoots are living in North America, he claims that their native habitat and their numbers are diminishing. He believes "species protection" is the only way to ensure their safety and survival.

Listen below:

This powerful video about shooting Bigfoot is another reason to like Todd Standing:


  1. Don't need to be a hater to rail against hoaxers and realize this guy tainted his contributions so much so that most people don't give a shit what he thinks or does for that matter. The "DayWatcher" made a big mistake when he didn't chuck a rock down the cliff at Bozo so we could see how the costumed actor threw like a girl.

    1. I couldn't agree more with what you said! I am a Canadian Bigfooter, and I would love nothing more than someone to take such a strong approach like Todd, but with such a bad reputation, Fraud Standing, is standing alone, I want nothing to do with him. He sealed his fraudulent ways when he didn't want to take the finding bigfoot team to the spot where he filmed that 'daywatcher', didn't he realise what that would look like - Hoax! Whether it was or not!
      Sasquatch Watch Canada

    2. Yup. You hit the nail on the head. Standing and other serial hoaxers like him are a disgrace to serious bigfoot research.

      People like the late Dr. Grover Krantz and Dr. Jeff Meldrum were/are willing to put their professional reputation on the line for the belief in the validity of the existence of sasquatch. It's people like Standing and other hoaxers who make serious bigfoot researchers like them and non-BSing bigfoot believers a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

      Of course, a serial bigfoot BSer is once again popping up on this site as if they are credible.

    3. If you watch the second video, near the beginning Tod narrates he believes humans are on the verge of "discovering" BF. Has he not discovered them already if he has videos and numerous photographs of them??

    4. What I find amazing is that someone actually listened to his coast to coast appearance. The Guy has an agenda..get a law passed to protect sasquatch... It does not appear that sasquatch need this protection as of yet,they seem to be pretty good at hiding and surviving.

    5. I have seen real satellite shots of them. that picture is totally fake.

  2. Fraud Standing is like an M. Night "blockbuster" all right: initially people liked them, now they are seen as more of a joke.

  3. The most positive assessment of this guy would be " He is so hellbent on getting the species protected that he hoaxes videos in the hopes recognition leads to protection." At the other extreme one may say " He is a cynical con man, who doesn't even believe this thing is real and is trying to fleece us suckers. He wants species protection as a guard against getting his ass blown off while prancing around Canada in a monkey suit." If I had to bet, I'd go with the latter. Who knows? Tony

    1. I meant the first guess. I mix up my latters and formers..especially in the morning.I have no reason to believe he is a thief. Tony

    2. Tony, you haven't a clue what you are talking about. LOL.

    3. Are you saying Todd Standing's videos show actual bigfoots?

    4. Tony, yes and that's not the half of it.

    5. I second that. Tony my friend, it's probably smarter to wait and see.

    6. Fair enough. Thanks.... Tony

  4. I don't know, some of the people I see yelling "hoaxer" the loudest among BFers have a tainted past as well...or so others they?
    I do agree with Standings idea of sentinels, duh, how else to keep tabs on inturders, etc...
    And, I also noticed, back when I was looking at websites, looking for BFers that might have resources to "help" (LOL whatever that is...I was so niave about why people are in BFing), that his focus did seem to be protection, and he continues that dialogue in most of his work, something many BFers do not do...
    I cringe at his descriptions of the hardships he experiences to get close and so on,...not my experience...(doesn't mean it isn't difficult at his site though).
    Should one begin to "cut some slack" in some ways on those issues with Bfers, the funding of these volunteer trips can be overwhelming.... and I don't think we would have much evidence at all if not for their hopes to recover their costs, and more?
    I did pay I think about $5 once for a video he put out...couldn't find anything it it that screamed hoax, but just poor enough to prevent a conclusive, "yes!"
    I don't think he is "full of it" on some issues, but may be on others.
    So, not sure why I am posting here, except I haven't seen one video or amateur researcher's work that couldn't be subject to many of the same complaints...?

    1. You are too nice. His video shown on FB was a bigfoot or a hoax. The cast acted like they were dealing with a homeless schizo asking for change on the subway, so we know what they think. Tony

    2. So finding Bigfoot the TV show is the end all on authority as to whether or not a piece of footage was hoaxed? again, Tony, LMFAO!

    3. I must admit I rarely watch BF "shows." I can't tolerate the embarassment anymore.
      I have lately wondered how many BFers, who end up giving over their past lives to the "quest," end up broke, divorced, homeless, or estranged from society?
      It does seem a large number of BFers end up on the edge of their former lives, families, or employers if they go public too forceully, or with too much ambition?
      No way to look at those stats with any rigor, but it has crossed my mind of late, as I learn more about the path some of these individuals have taken..many started out quite grounded..or seemed to be?

    4. Ape, in response to the first post, I agree, any and all footage will and should always be subject to scrutiny. Second, I will say this, Todd is a very grounded man and a family man, and most definitely not estranged from society.

    5. Anon 7:30 I did not say FB was the ultimate authority on bigfoot video, although I admit I like the show. It seems to me that the general consensus among people with experience( not myself) is that his stuff is fake.

    6. Thanks to anon, I actually had no ideas about his richer personal life, or many others...and, it may be there is no "danger" to this research path in that regard, but I wonder...

    7. What is an "inturder?" Is that a terd that is starting to come out of the rump-hole only to be scared back up inside by someone slamming a door or twisting on the bathroom door knob?

  5. What's the proof he hoaxes anything?

    1. There is absolutely none. It is all rumors, hearsay and jealousy.

    2. Uh, common sense. The guy is a repeat bigfoot manure shoveler. Apparently, some you are buying his manure.

  6. I was a skeptic of Todd and had to hear it from the horses mouth because his evidence is very intriguing, so you know what guys, I picked up the phone and called the guy. I'm glad I did, he is a very passionate guy and is very willing to answer any questions I have, if he can. After spending hours on the phone with him I have become convinced he is the REAL DEAL, not to mention all of the evidence he has that has not been released to the public. 2012 is a big year for him, the support he is receiving is unprecedented. Please don't join the hate group, it's non productive, besides, is Todd on here like some of the other famous 'researchers' defending himself or making nasty comments or tremendous claims that he is the 'best' Bigfoot researcher out there, NO. He is out in the field more than any of you would know doing legit research mostly with first nations people. That's where results happen, not making videos bashing other researchers (SWP)(TF) and saying he is the know it all of everything Bigfoot this and that etc... 2012, wait and see, you may be surprised.

    1. Ape, I talk to him about once a week and he is so full of knowledge that he will share on a personal basis, I have learned a lot from him. What makes me like him the most is he personally doesn't get into the bashing and he focuses more on his research, he looks past the BS. So, I am proud to be associated with him.

    2. So...what does he have that he has not released yet?

    3. Ditto. Jealous people are so small minded, thanks for your testimony.

    4. Todd also uses sock puppets to big-up himself on forums and websites. By looking at the language used, its easy to see todd standing himself wrote this post. Just sayin.

    5. crazy delusional canadian hippy is crazy and delusional......

    6. Hi Todd OR one of his puppets. This post is as transparent as glass. You're not fooling anyone but the gullible. Todd you are a fraud, a farce to the highest degree, a looney toon.

    7. Sounds like you are Todd Standing trying to convince others here that "Todd" is legit.

    8. Also their is proof Todd's sister is a make up artist and Todd and Sister own a production Company. has a paper trail consisting of an add for 5-9 actors ranging in age from 25-37. What does a BF research group need actors for? Oh, DUH...For his production companies fake BIGFOOT scenes. One clip w BF running uphill in slow motion you see a white guy running opposite direction from "BF". A guy on YouTube slows it down and shows you where t he guy is coming from top right of screen. LOL
      Todd had me going for a bit, but I know he's a fake for sure now!

  7. Todd Standing is an indie filmmaker, who has made himself a bigfoot "expert" to further his business. That's no difference than Tom Biscardi or others who want to make a living off of Bigfoot. Anyone with a little patience and research skills can know everything there is to possible "know" about bigfoot with very little effort. The term "daywatchers" has been around for years. Spend any enough time on any Bigfoot forum and you can talk the talk and walk the walk with the best of them. Add a degree in biology, wildlife science or forestry and you are freaking gold. If you want Bigfootology to put food on your table, go right ahead, it's a hell of a lot more fun than selling insurance or assembling widgets. Just don't expect me or others to hold you in some high regard, I save that for war vets, Red Cross workers and cancer researchers. Bigfoot is entertainment, Todd Standing and his ilk are the carnival barkers, nothing more, nothing less.

    1. cancer research is a lot like bigfoot research many years of trying but no success
      why hold them up to respect?

    2. Anon @ 8:40, or finding a cure for aids...

  8. Thank for the info about Todd by Anon. and there is no doubt about his passion. As usual another good post from Apehuman.

    I really miss Art Bell on C to C AM. He is one great interviewer and I have heard many of his great Bigfoot interviews over the years, and it is a subject that was very dear to Art. I know George Noory is a believer, but he does not do as many Bigfoot shows and sometimes goes way overboard with tarrot readers and number people and the sort. Only my opinion of course.


    1. Well said... I too miss Art's insights.

  9. Maybe the Admins here should check some of the IP Addresses of Todd's supporters because IP Address matching is EXACTLY what happened in the past on a few forums and blogs. Shill posts were used to boost his visible support base. This occurred at GhostTheory and Various support posts originated from the same IP Address, originating right up there where Todd lives. I was the principal person along with Javier at GT where he followed the hunch Todd was doing this, and what do you know, after he checked, Todd was busted and Todd & group slithered off from the discussions. I then learned that he was doing the same at the Canadian forum after discussions on BFF. This demonstrated the extent Todd will go. So yes, Todd hoaxes.

    Here is an example of one of those posts on GhostTheory. There were others using different identities but with the same address. Well thought out shill posts:

    Author : Tracey (IP: ,
E-mail : *****

 "With all the research Standing has done and spent years working on with his team, I would think serious bigfoot believers would understand the immense cost involved.  He has never made any money, donating cash to humane societies.  It is my guess he needs funds to further research, as sort of indicated on his site.

    That aside, getting biologists involved can be so difficult.  People always talk the talk but when it’s time to get in action, so many fail to bring it.  It is my understanding that this is why Standing has gone to journalists, they can make the discovery VERY public and hopefully hurry along the species protection Standing is trying to gain before revealing their location.

    Kudos to Standing, I think he is doing a great job and needs more support and encouragement, not rude comments from derogatory, narrow-minded individuals who have never so much as been in the forest and have no idea what they are talking about."

    Someone should verify the posts here as well.

    And maybe Todd would share his first video of 2004 where they were days back in the woods at the mystery land of Sylvanic, the video that shows his late teen younger sister in her cute hat. The girl who would later be portrayed as the "Woman of the group". This young girl would grow up to become a professional makeup artist and General Manager of their very sizable video production company named OutstandingProductions.

    Heck, I'm still waiting for him to explain his "2' X 2' hole through a mountain chain" or the teens that were lost in the mysterious land of Sylvanic never to be heard from again. (No supporting police reports of course!) lol Of course he does have a supporting police report where Todd himself got lost, but anyone can get lost.

    1. Dave, do you have other "shill" posts made by people with the same IP address? You've only shown one so there is no way to tell if the comment you posted is genuine or not.
      Todd may have had a real encounter at some point but I find a few of his images suspicious.
      While there is evidence of hoaxing, there is no definitive proof. Only a few BFers have been proven to be hoaxers.
      It is funny though, there are others who have had evidence indicating they are/were hoaxers but people take their evidence of Bigfoot as legitimate.
      Some win and some lose, I wonder why that is.

    2. Hi Dave. Great post! J.D.

  10. Guys, please don't listen to all the comments made by anonymous. Todd Standing is nothing more than a fraud. And Sylvanic isn't even a Native American name. None of the media he made for "sylvanic" shows a body, or the even the bigfoots moving around. He doesn't have what it takes to pull a good hoax so he stuck with doing only faces.

    1. You are right about not having what it takes to pull off a good hoax, that is why what you are seeing is an actual Bigfoot.

    2. Nope. It's Todd's mom.

  11. Here is another of the shill posts from GhostTheory. This one from author 'Mark' but also the same IP Address. The one above was named 'Tracey':

    Author : mark (IP: ,
E-mail : ****

    "I bought both videos a couple of days ago after reading these articles.  I think their great.  The website explains alot, and i listened to his interview on sasquatch radio from the 28th of dec.  the link is here

    I hope he finds a body and proves all you nay sayers wrong.
    Given that these all originated from Canada and the same network and possibly the same computer, we can deduce that these comments are from someone who is either doing Todd Standing’s PR or this is Todd Standing himself. If this is the case then it is really suspect how the author “Mark” made the comment talk about how great the DVDs that are on sale on the Sylvanic website are.

    If there really are these creatures out there in a secret location and Todd Standing wants to protect them, why is he worrying about building up the PR for himself and trying to sell DVDs?
I would assume that his top priorities would be to get evidence first. Evidence that can be verifiable by the scientific community."

    So who trusts the guy now?

    1. NOT ANYONE with an IQ above room temperature. Its so obvious that hes a disturbed hoaxer.

  12. The whole topic of these types of posts, whether spammers or detractants, is a serious one, I agree. And if the above is true, it won't be the first such problem in this area. Seems to me Shawns site is subject to some of that type of activity as well.
    I tend to pay attention to posts that cite to academic references, or personal testimony, or the actual evidence produced. It is simply too tough to either follow or weigh the credibility of the rumor mill on BFers on the net. And, I am tired of not being able to just take people at their word, at face value, for their evidence, my bad actually.
    In the end, it will be the work product that survives. If it has value it will persist, if it doesn't eventually it will dimish....right?
    lol, I honestly am not sure at this point...!

  13. "haters" LOL. You mean people who realize he's hoaxing. WTF is this site coming to? I thought you were better than this Shawn.

  14. I see Todd is still standing his ground on promoting hoaxed videos. I think that's why Todd lost his standing in the Bigfoot community.

    I wrote this post while standing because I sharted and the seat of my underpants is moist.

  15. At the time, the IP Address originated from the Edmonton area of Canada. Tracy and Mark IP # also turned out to be from the same IP that Todd's Sister (and GM of their video production company) used in the same discussion at GT. Below is Louise' post at GT showing the same IP Address. In other posts it was verified that this Louise was indeed his sister:

    "Author : Louise (IP: ,
E-mail : ****

As the writer writing this NOVEL, I must say there are always skeptics and doubters.  I have all of Todd’s information and evidence, much of which has never been released and will not be without species protection.  I agree with him that the species would be threatened if he gave out this info.

    The problem with evidence, in my opinion, is that for real conclusive and irrefutable evidence you MUST provide a genuine body.  Without that, no skeptic, including governments will accept the reality of them.  Todd works towards finding a body and until such a time, there will always be those who just don’t believe.

    It’s nice to see such diversified opinions on this board!"


    There were posts on the Unexplained Mysteries site as well that were very similar.

    I've been following Todd Standing for numerous years because his claims & his so called knowledge of the outdoors and bigfoot really don't ring true. As inferred above, there is no Native term Sylvanic as Standing claimed because yes, Sylvan is Latin.

  16. Finding Bigfoot show has found Nothing. Todds videos the one like the Patterson video, the head shot looks Real.He has more than Moneymaker.Coyote calls and rock tossing from cast members. cmon people.

  17. Standing may or may not have a leg to stand on, so to speak. Ditto for everyone else. I reserve judgment.

    Its one thing to disagree or doubt or be critical, its another to be vicious about it.

  18. I definitely have to say that he is not the best Bigfoot researcher Canada has to offer. There are plenty of better researchers that have made contributions to the field. Rene Dahinden, John Green, Bob Titmus, the list goes on and on. But I have to say that although his videos appear to be hoaxes, his protection efforts are pretty good.

    1. It's time for some new guys with fresh ideas to make a mark on the world of Bigfoot research.

    2. The protection thing is about the best you can say about him, but the Ketchum camp is already doing that.

    3. @ Jon Poulsen, aren't those men all dead?

    4. Green is still alive and well into his 80s. Murphy and Steenburg are both not dead. I'm from Canada and I'm not dead!

  19. This is an old interview, is it not? Todd doesn't know shit if he still holds those cliched traditional fairy tale views, these beings aren't animals, nor do the First Nations people he talks so much about think so they see them as humans rather. In fact they know they are. If I were him, I'd take down that lame site with its Sylvanic fantasy and start all over or simply leave this Sasquatch field he really doesn't seem to understand above a romantic fan level.

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Art Bell is retired, so yes this is old.

  20. Todd Standing's accomplishments should be celebrated. He's the best at filming Bigfoots.

    1. Uh, TAXIDERMY does not count as "live Sasquatch's".

  21. all you guys are idiots, todd standing is not a hoaxer, u can easily tell a hoaxer by the way they act & talk, todd has a reason why he didn't show those finding bigfoot idiots the location of the BF, HE DIDN'T want he's research ground being contaminated by those idiots & many others, believe it or not in the end Todd will bring outstanding evidence to light up all you peoples narrow minded heads & thinking, i see haters saying on here saying he's a hoaxer, remember PGF.. UH YEAH that video is real yet you called the guy a hoaxer, if it hasn't been proven fake then it's real, plain and simple, CASE CLOSED!!

    1. If something hasn't been proven fake, it's real? Are you serious? Really?
      Maybe think about that for a few moments.
      It's far from being plain and simple.

    2. Todd the fraud Standing is nothing but a smooth talking and very disturbed hoaxer. He uses TAXIDERMY to fool the gullible. CASE CLOSED!

    3. Todd may or may not be a hoaxer. You, I, and many others have suspicions, but nobody has solid evidence.
      That's hardly enough to convict him of anything.
      I do think some of the stuff is staged,but opinions would not be considered proof.

    4. Sasquasi,

      If those images Standing posts are of flesh and blood animals then I'm Sasquatch himself. People can buy into his farce if they want but I will not and by not buying in, I will not be fooled by that smooth talking sociopath named Fraud Standing. None of these creatures resemble the other and that's the first giveaway. Next is just the sheer lifelessness of the images. Then, you have the traditional "just faces" of the creatures (unless of course he's a good distance away and then all he can do is show a very dimly lit back of a prop) . Why does he do that (only show faces)? Well because if he showed the entire body it would be even more obvious that its a hoax. If he's so tuned in to these creatures and can get close WHERE is the VIDEO? Where is the movement? Don't tell me you buy the animatronic eye blink vid too? This is so transparent that I cannot believe even 1 person is fooled by him.

    5. I agree with everything you said, and no, I don't believe those muppets are real Sasquatch.
      The faces are void of any life in my personal opinion.
      All I was saying is that there is no proof Todd is hoaxing. There is abundant evidence, and his professional career also puts him at a disadvantage.
      You at least took the time to say why you think Todd is a hoaxer, quite a few here have not.
      I really despise hoaxers and I find it amazing that certain hoaxers keep trying to convince people that they are genuine. What's even more amazing is the fact that some people believe these hoaxers are genuine.

  22. You know you're doing something right when this many haters and trolls come out from their mommy's basements. Todd's evidence is the real deal folks. Look for big things later this year....

    1. i'm in the attic and don't you forget it mr. standing!

  23. if that's the best you can do canada is hipe t. standing well i'd rather watch your so-called football then!

    1. Nobody in Canada is "hyping" Todd. Where did you get that information from?
      Todd has been on the news and in the paper, but that's not hyping
      There are plenty of suspect characters in the U.S. by the way, and those people get more "hype" than Mr. Standing gets.

  24. Anonymous 7:25 is todd standing. He uses the same language in all his shill posts.

  25. He's a phoney, anyone who could look at his ridiculous masks and think they are real is a delusional idiot off their meds. Seriously? You must watch Men in Black and be freaking out about all the real aliens on TV!!!

    They are fake, look at the supposed "EYE BLINKING" video. Half the face goes "snaaap" it looks ridiculous and nothing like how real animals blink their eyes.....

    Jeeez you people are gullible fools.

    1. Man, most serious bigfooters know very well those are muppets.

  26. seems like a nice enough guy, whats with all the beef?

    1. It's because he is actually onto something. People always want to tear down those who are having success in opposition to what they believe, it's human nature.

    2. What's he onto? Only the needed species protection, I'm sure he's got everything else wrong.

  27. Wow this forum really brings out the ignoramuses.

    1. Now, now, no need for self analysis on a public forum.

    2. Yes, a bigfoot blog is no place for introspection.

    3. My bad...I thought that was the point. Let's face it, talking about BF is like conjecturing on who will win the World Series in 2013.


    1. Speaking of taxidermy, how do you stuff a bigfoot? Leave out large amounts of doughnuts, bacon, and pancakes.

      (Boom-ching)Thank you ladies and germs. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.

    2. Anon 3:15, Taxidermy implying a real animal was killed and then mounted? So you are implying Todds bigfoot stills are of a once real animal that has deceased and the the hide of that animal was tanned and used to create the mount or 'replica' that we see? lol.

    3. Nope, it is known he has a taxidermist and makeup artist at his disposal. Nice attempt at spin though. You have no idea how easy it is for a taxidermist to form any sort of weird looking animal you could dream up. Buy his hoaxed DVD's all you want. I laugh "french-like" at gullible people out there.

  29. Is Art Bell the guy who years ago had that hillbilly bigfoot kill story on his show? It was the story where this guy called in and told this long story, that supposedly took place decades ago, about how he and some of his hunting buddies came upon some sasquatches and killed one as it was charging at them and killed its mate in a thicket after it also tried to attack them. The hillbilly hunters then got scared thinking that they had killed some deformed humans and buried the remains to hide the killings.

    1. Think so yes, Bugs or something back in '72 (?).

    2. I remember listening to that show. The "hillbilly" also said that a map of the location would be given to the host in the event of his death. I can't remember if it was Art's show though.
      Funny though, if the guy knows where the body is, why not get it?
      I know there was more on the show, I've forgotten many of the details.

    3. Yes. I believe that the hillbilly bigfoot story was later revealed to be a fabrication.

    4. Yes, that was on Art Bell's show and fraud Standing was on that same show as well. It was a fabricated story like 99% of Coast to Coast shows.

    5. Does Hillbilly Bigfoot smoke a corn cob pipe?

    6. Yeah, and he drinks moonshine too.

  30. Tod+his supporters = douche bags!

  31. Todd's a depraved man. He lacks respect for people, expecting us to believe the lies. Trying to earn money through it all. He hardly cares about the truth. His ultimate goal is money and fame.

  32. I have mixed feelings....he sounds very knowledgeable but in his DVD there is a portion where he says they were around him at night growling and you even hear it on the video, but then on this show he says he's never heard them at all.....kinda fishy.

    1. This was recorded quite a few years ago, before that piece of footage was shot.

  33. Yeah, the best at filming fake bigfoot heads made by his make-up artist sister.

  34. its not a question of opinion on him or beinga hater. his work stanfs alone. the puppet head shot is cleary a fake.its a felt ead,with glass eyes[that dont move nor does any feature on its face]and the woorstwig ever.if it were an animal it would have no prefriforal vision as the hair would stop him seeing out the fake one,it adds up,all his vids are faked as for the BF tht faces a wall stands up and crouches,why would he do that he would surely be facing the other way. its laughable and his work is cleary hoaxed

  35. Todd dontcha wanna punch moneymaker in his.....well moneymaker....I think you should send him a bag of squatch dung!! Keep fighting the good fight!! We love you Todd!

  36. Thank you so much for the great and very beneficial stuff that you have shared with the world.


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