Why Searching for Bigfoot Makes Sense

In this video, Carl gives a real world example of why searching for Bigfoot makes sense now more than ever before.

We're not going to spoil the fun, so you'll have to watch the whole thing through. We guarantee it will blow your mind.


  1. Big deal, a different type of monkey in a jungle where people shoot and eat monkeys, and one is finally noticed to be slightly different and word gets out., Geeez, they have been seeing these monkeys out of the corner of their eyes forever and to them it's just another monkey, They set up cameras and they get some great photos of them. That is how it should work, We have a huge larger than man size creature that we've seen for years, near civilization and neighborhoods and we've set out teams and cameras and everything and we can't get one decent photo. Doesn't that tell you something.

    1. Yes, that you value their civilization less than ours. Myanmar has 229 people/sq mi (60 mil people divided by 261K sq mi), more than double the population density of the US at 87.4 people/sq mi. So it seems an encounter there would be even more likely. Yet they JUST got those pics THIS year after decades of nothing - no pics, no bones, no body (except for the hunter who ate his kill). Those jungles are their hunting grounds just like our forests are our hunting grounds.

      This is the exact same story as with the Bili Ape - a human sized chimp also "discovered" in the last 10 years. Locals knew of it for generations, there were hair & scat samples and footcasts, but no good photo evidence. And scientists ignored those locals too. I'm spotting a trend...

      We keep dismissing locals - hunters & homesteaders living for decades on the border between human culture and raw nature - and keep having to say "Oh, I guess you were right." While it's debatable whether we are the most intelligent species on the planet (my vote goes to dolphins and killer whales) there is no doubt we are the most arrogant. "I didn't see it so therefore it doesn't exist." Well let me bow down to your all knowing wisdom now. :P

      Not saying I know there are BF in our forests, but not willing to outright dismiss eyewitnesses either given our crappy track record. And besides, it's fun. I don't understand this need to suck all the mystery and fun out of life. As someone with little life left, I savor every drop of it.

      Feel free to attack me personally as this seems to pass as 'debate' these days. Sticks and stones may break my bones - so don't throw them, I'm in enough frickin' pain already. I thought it was a good video and the narrator did a nice job.

      I'm GuidedByPandas and the Pandas give this video 2 thumby-stubs up.

    2. I agree. The fun of the mystery is half the reason i do this. I have loved it since i was a kid. It makes me feel like there are all kinds of neat, kinda scary things out there, and this is as close to feeling like a child again.

      The other half wants good solid proof.

    3. I will always remember the words of Dr. Anna Nekaris who states and I paraphrase that she finds when the locals are talking about something, then there is a good chance it is so.


    4. Yea like.. Jersey Devil, Moth man, Wendigo, Shapeshifters, Werewolves, Vampires, Honest politicians. Etc.

    5. You will probably find all the things you mentioned before you will an honest politician.


  2. great video you have a very good point there thanks for posting

  3. I'm saying take out a squatch with land mines. You don't need to look for bigfoot. Set up some land mines and bait.

    1. You're not too smart, are you. Like trail cams they observe you planting that shit, nevemind it's deeply immoral too and endangering people.

  4. just like that family ate that monkey, I would eat bigfoot.

  5. Searching for Bigfoot gets fat guys off the couch and out of the house so yes, it makes perfect sense. And who knows, while they are out there they may be able to observe some real wildlife. It's a win-win.

    1. While the fat trolls stay behind at home.

  6. Shawn summaries please! I could have read this in under one minute...instead I did open because of your Promise...to dissapointment...and jumping through to a few keys points, and still this guy talking and talking and talking....and now six or more minutes later with partial plays I get the jist..old news. Is it just me? Does no one just want the story an not the talking heads?

    1. Nobody is forcing you to watch anybody's videos you know. I found the back story important to the whole point of the video. It's not about being entertained.

    2. That fact's lost on trolls though.

    3. Carl, please don't take that comment so personally. Your talking head is no less objectionable than any. It was more of a general dissapointment so few people write anymore. The cost/benefit curve on the self made YouTubes is pretty steep.

  7. This dude is quite ignorant he needs to stop eating twinkees and move out of the tent in his mommys backyard.

    1. He hasn't been in his tent for a few weeks. He actually went up in the mountains a week ago. Also, making fat jokes and uninformed insults makes you look like the ignorant one. I kind of like the guy, but then again I'm not a shallow minded teenager.

    2. I agree. Making fat jokes is incredibly juvenile and mean-spirited. I found this person to be well-informed, intelligent and quite interesting.

    3. Not nearly as fat as you troll.

    4. Sorry I didn't know there was so many fat people in the bigfoot community, you learn something new everyday. I will remember no more fat jokes.

    5. No its ignorant and rude. So are racial jokes and sexist jokes.

  8. Not a very good argument for bigfoot.
    There are at least 3 or 4 other types of snub nosed monkeys already discovered.
    Plus the photo with the hunter is really clear and detailed, there is no doubt your looking at a real animal. If you look closely it seems the hunter had every intention of consuming the animal (he gutted it) so this jibes with the story.
    Still cool though.


    1. Kind of freaky, but doesn't it look like Micheal Jackson after he changed his looks?

  9. How terribly appropriately staged against a back ground of thunderstorm.

  10. Where's the Matilda footage?????

    1. yes, or the bf eating pancackes

    2. Really enlightened comments from the childish trolls as usual, all out of arguments they can only make rude remarks which just proves they've lost this now Sasquatch's about to be proven real. It's over guys, nothing more to troll about very soon.


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