What SnowWalkerPrime Does When He's Not Looking For Bigfoot

Are you getting tired of SnowWalkerPrime picking on Dr. Ketchum and her "Stick Structure" photo? Here's a little more lighthearted video of him tracking wild animals such as coyotes. You'll learn about casting and how to look for signs of animal activity in an area.

Watch below:


  1. This shows he's a legitimate researcher who knows about the outdoors. Its always the honest people like this that don't have a story of seeing a Bigfoot. Funny that....

    1. Are you saying that Ketchum is dishonest? Are all the mind speak nutters dishonest?

  2. Snowball Why don't you take your pretty little ass into the deep dark forest away from your backyard for once and actually see if you can get some original evidence of bigfoot on your own instead of talking about everyone else. If you have the balls get your ass out there and see if Big guys come up to your campsite at night. I think your chicken !

    1. Is that you Rick. From what I hear, you're scared to go into the woods. lol

    2. Think he means Freezer boy Rick Dyer.

  3. Respect is hard earned and easily lost when you seem to have double standards. SWP lost my respect of late and it will need a lot more than this show and tell to get it back. Treat others as you would like to be treated, hey!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Amen, Nero, Amen to that!

    3. I'd like to compare their BBB pages. That is a clear record of how they have treated others.

    4. Thing is, the mind speak supporters are the ones making bullshit claims and not backing it up. Sick of their crap. Show us a FUCKING BODY.

    5. Ketchum's BBB page gave her a rating of F. That is a pretty clear indication who the real villains are here.

    6. Shut up with the body crap already, not gonna happen. And enough with this fan club too please, this is not why we come here but to get Sasquatch news.

    7. Melba could have Buyer Beware tattooed on her forehead and her fan club would still be around as long as she is telling them what they want to hear.

  4. I hate SWP. That fake laugh sends shivers down my spine.

    1. Its OK ketchum, your paper will prove him wrong.

    2. Keep dreamin...for another year or so...

    3. No, It's *not* a year away. Just hang in, it is coming this year! Sooner rather then later...

    4. This paper will not establish Sasquatch as a species. Get over Linda. Why don't you try doing some real field work.

    5. Sometimes I think people want to have proof so desperately that they will believe anything.

    6. What's not to believe? No evidence, just plenty of mind speak, blurry photos, and tall tales of Bigfoot traveling in space ships.

    7. oh yes shallow skunkapes, the paper will definitely prove it no matter how wildly SWP and his minions promote against it. There's tons of stuff in it, what, you thought it'd just be a few hairs and track casts? LOL

    8. If the paper was going to prove anything. CNN would be all over this. Doesn't seem as if any mainstream news is interested in this. Just the nutters that believe in mind speak. Shocking.

    9. The Sacramento suit hasn't been revealed yet.

    10. Why are you watching his videos then?

  5. I've seen them. Field work is not needed by me at this time,and the truth is coming out soon! Be patient my friends..

    1. What did you see Linda? Invisible Bigfoots? Show us the photos or shut your trap.

    2. Bigfoots are invisible to dickheads, so you Anona and Snowball Primerib, will never see bigfoot.

    3. The dickheads are the ones claiming mind speak.

    4. "Field work is not needed"? Really? We need a body, just like SWP is pointing out. Your attitude that field work is not needed because you've had a Bigfoot seance and saw the Ghost of X-mas past, is silly and childlike.

  6. When did this become the snowwalker blog? Come on, I rather see no new content than every other post be about this so called "researcher".

    1. If you'd rather see content. Get off your ass and produce some, stop with the trolling and whiny bitching.

    2. I wanna see more of Snowwalker Prime... Bow Chica Wow Wow

    3. Me too SWP rules. some of you just hate he speaks the truth about proof. Stories and bad images and videos do not prove BF exist. I agree wiht SWP if you have a BF in your neck of the woods, prove it!

    4. What are you doing for research, oh great and all knowing Anon? Oh that's right, nothing. lol

    5. Hi Rictor, I'm sure if you were a TV show producer he would be putty in your hands if you offered him a his own show. I have to admit he must be handsome to be sought after by both sexes.

  7. Linda...

    Unless you have signed NDAs your opinion is worthless. Stop acting like a 13 year old cheerleader.

    1. A signed NDA means you can't speak not that you're wrong. Linda has nothing to do the NDA but her opinion's just as valid as others' here.

    2. I disagree. Her opinion is based upon magical thinking without no evidence to back up here claims. How in the hell is that valid?

  8. Replies
    1. Do you mean Ketchum? You know she's a woman, right?

    2. I'm referring to this video. Why does anyone care about what this guy has to say? Prior to this I could only handle about fifteen seconds of anything he's done. I only sat through the whole thing this time because I was hoping he would put his coyote shit covered fingers up to his mouth. Which of course he did.

    3. You sound like a jealous troll

  9. he reminds me of a 70s gay male from the lower east side, in a freddie mercury kind of way.

    1. which is of course great. Love lower east side, love Queen.

  10. I have been interested in Sasquatch for over 20 years. Until recently I had never heard of this guy, and I have yet to see him doing research to find a Bigfoot. he def. likes to talk though!

    1. They've done several excellent interviews with bigfoot witnesses

    2. True! That is a very important part of research. I stand corrected!

  11. SnowWalkerP talks the truth and is engaging with it......its a like from me !

  12. SWP this was the first of your videos I watched and at least in this one I don't see the asshole behavior many have accused you of. How has the acidification of the streams and lakes from acid rain effected the wildlife in Maine? A hunting guide from Quebec told me the effects are quite noticable particularly on the sugar maple trees and there output. J.D.

  13. I enjoy these kinds of videos from SWP. It gives me a chance to see what kinds of flora and fauna are in this area.

  14. He does gay porn when he is not looking for bigfoot!

  15. I use to subscribe to Snowalker, but quickly found that all he does is make fun of other people. When I'm looking for the latest info on bigfoot, I'm not looking for comedy.
    Because of the way he acts--if he found a bigfoot tomorrow--I don't see how anyone could take him serious.


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