SnowWalkerPrime Bursts More of Dr. Ketchum's Bubbles [Bigfoot DNA]

Mr. Straight Shooter, SnowWalkerPrime says DNA isn't going to prove squat (there's a pun in there somewhere, hint: squatch). SnowWalkerPrime says the peer-review process is not designed to identify intentional deception.

Watch below to see why he believes DNA alone will NOT confirm the existence of Bigfoot:


  1. For a Buddhist he sure seems quite angry.

    Shaun, UK

    1. Enough with the sticks already, stickhead. LOL Look at him getting all high on this, no way is this guy a bigfooter. Buddhist my ass, government agent under cover more like it. He's more clueless than I thought, now it's almost embarrassing how he's outing himself.

      Of course pictures can be bettered, look at the clean-up work the Patterson film's gone through if it hadn't we'd still be looking at a tiny smudge. Mainstream science is 100% accepting DNA, they'd accept a body too but it's not required.

      Especially in this case, where sasquatch clearly must be considered too intelligent and humanlike a hominid to be put in a box or coffin, so once again this guy shoots himself in the foot.

      Everybody except old grannies are convinced there's no Sasquatch relation to Gigantopithecus, yet this joker still thinks so to justify his box song.

      And whenever did Ketchum go on a talkshow? So many things he's wrong about it's not even funny anymore just getting sadder.

    2. everything you said is wrong.
      mainstream science isn't accepting DNA for unknown animals only you are.

      sasquatches are dumb animals. face it, you don't know what you are talking about.

      you are double wrong, old grannies have no idea what a giganto is and you do not know if they are related or not.

      you are wrong again. she did go on a talk show...i believe it was a radio interview.

      you have been constantly wrong about everything you said. this makes you dumb. please move along.

    3. buddhists are allowed to be angry because they are human beings. the samurai were buddhists and they killed tons of people. your comment makes you dumb too.

    4. Michael, mommy here. Me and granny know very well what giganto was and you know too it's not bigfoot, besides it's not nice to go off unannounced to the woods alone and make incoherent ranting videos again, then upload and pretend you're somebody else commenting in flattering terms of your own words. Off that computer and off to bed, this instant!

  2. Every damned day we have to have some words of wisdom from this douche bag.

    1. yes we do...and he's not a douche bag.

    2. That's right. There's so much more to this than this guy will ever know.

    3. I can't take any more of this attention whoring from that fake SWP.

    4. whats the matter, cant handle the truth?

    5. Sure, the DNA truth from Dr. Ketchum not this guy's solo act.

    6. Snow walker Prime sucks so bad he reminds me of that dirty ol bum that never shuts the F*#K up!---- And this reply---"yes we do...and he's not a douche bag".< Pinhead you sound like a snow walker stalker. All this bum wants is to have 15 sec of "fame" riding the coat tails of other peoples work , hence the douche bag comment. Down with SWP !!!

    7. he's not a douche bag. he doesn't suck. he doesn't need to shut the F*#K up. he's funny and right. he needs to post more videos everyday.

      everyone who posts hateful comments towards him is wrong.

    8. How many times must you be told not to comment on your own videos !

    9. SWP FOR PRESIDENT HE GOT MY VOTE whats up you guys is your xbox broken or are you out of cheetos you dont like the stuff that is on this sight PISS OFF

  3. At least the stuff he says makes sense and he is not hiding anything. That's all we can ask for.

    1. But thirteen bleeding minutes!!! Give it a rest bro, you can't do a damn thing about it anyway it's coming down as proof this way whether you like it or not.

  4. Just a hater..................despite the fact whether the report proves the existence or not it still is important scientific research that needs to be done assuming it was done from valid samples.

  5. It just cracks me up these obliviously arrogant pseudo crackpots opining on something as complicated as genetics and sorry really snow walker? really? I guess you might want to equally enlighten the world of geneticists that their work on human origins and their ...wait for it...wait for it....definitive identification of various species along the hominid line............. that indeed they are out of their minds!

    Yes how can they believe that through genetic profiling, dna comparisons and applying what we know today about hominid DNA that any would be so brash as to define a species...based on...a TOOTH and FINGER BONE!!! hello Denisova! Here is a link from Nature on that concept...educate yourself you blowhard......

    The process of applying genetics, anthropology, historical dna facts and data to recognize new not rare in science and not even remotely arguable.

    But yes Snow Walker and other repugnant ignorant fools...give us a body and only a body!

    Of course that doesnt mean those genetic and DNA findings cant be open to some interpretation...hello Peer review...but im sick of hearing people say only a body will prove their shallow and pathetically uneducated.


    1. Mark, the first sentence from your link is:

      "Using DNA extracted from a finger bone found in Denisova Cave in southern Siberia"

      Are you claiming that we have a fingerbone from a sasquatch?

      "A tooth found in Denisova Cave carries a mitochondrial genome highly similar to that of the finger bone."

      Or do we have a sasquatch tooth?

    2. Hello, peer review is NOT independent verification of the conclusion. The process only looks at the methodology and determines if the scientific process was followed and the conclusion is supported by the data provided. The peer reviewers do NOT conduct independent research to replicate the conclusion. That happens AFTER the paper is published. There are plenty of examples of papers printed in journals that have been peer reviewed but were based on fallacious or concocted data. That is the point. You can dry lab anything to achieve a predetermined conclusion.

    3. @451 -- 12:00PM

      The BF DNA was extracted from something right?

      Or are you assuming the BF DNA was manufactured?

    4. there is no BF DNA. you are dumb for believing there is.

    5. So many idiots so little time. Mark, do you always just go off half cocked and stupid? Did you see the picture of the tooth in the little article that you posted? HMMMMMMM? Look again ok. Where is the evidence that the DNA study in question is coming from?

      Mark, did you notice that in your article that they have specimens? Did you pay attention to that part?

      Mark, while you are Googling things that really don't support your theory, try Googling "unknown primate DNA" and see what you come up with. See, Mark, unknown primate DNA has been found before and guess one gives a shit. There has been no attempt at trying to find the species by mainstream science. No attempt to map it's genome. No attempt to ascribe a name to it and pass laws to protect it. Now, Mark, take a moment and try to figure for yourself why this is.

    6. The more people telling you there's no BF DNA the more there's got to be.

    7. Wow dickhead Bill I guess it really is too complicated for you? Lets, blood a nail and potentially part of dead bodies for the dna extraction im sure those things wouldnt have near the dna that centuries old teeth and finger bones have huh moron?

      The attempt to map its genome is happening now and odds are you have not a clue what that why dont you enlighten us Bill?

      Lets educate you a bit...unknown primate DNA results from ....yes not enough dna from the source or that poser. Want to place a wager that this does not come out as Unknown Primate? With mitochondrial and nuclear dna that cant and wont happen...oh except in your ignorant world.

      As for your other drivel...gee I wonder Bill why has nobody passed laws to protect this creature hmmm? Ok Im going to consider that, have you? Because there has not been enough scientific data? Like there was for Denisova from a tooth and finger bone? Its just not that complicated....

      I love the part where he asks someone to explain to him how since Humans have human DNA and its alleged sasquatch has human DNA how we could identify anything as a sasquatch. Wow...did you tell him that? haha...maybe someone should tell him that Chimps have about 98 percent of our dna...hmm no that might be a little too complicated...go back to your basement Billy boy

    8. well, IF she has samples that can be independently analyzed bu other scientists, and her primers are valid and can be used by other scientists, and she has an anatomically identifiable piece of bone matter (like a finger bone). and her data isn't made up, or altered or just modern human with a strange aleal, and she didn't make presumptive statements in her paper.

      Then maybe, she might have something. That's a lot of "ands" though.

      I would like to hear a bleever answer the question "what if this gets published in a fringe journal(like say the journal for scientific exploration) and is ripped to shreds by mainstream science?" will you still hold it dear like the PGF? or admit that she did a lousy job and reject it?

      The treatment that you bleevers give to people who dare to be skeptical is shameful. It shows how much you have emotionally invested in an imaginary animal .It's akin to religious fundamentalism. It's the saddest thing ever.

    9. Nick b you speak some very wise words +1

    10. What's most sad here is that Nicky can't or won't see that SWP seems to have an agenda, maybe it's a self-serving one or maybe his old hunting view's just wrong but it's one of those.
      Want an indication of that. Okay, why doesn't he take a swing at that goofer with the guitar yesterday instead of a scientist actually trying to prove bigfoot via scientific means?
      He should be thrilled, instead he's acting like his world just ended and the house of cards crumbled in a realization it's all over. Maybe that's it, just sadness on SWP's part.

    11. Everything that you just posted is dumb and doesn't support any of your claims at all. Who cares about purple shirt? It's more productive to go after crack pots that believe sasquatches use telepathy to control people, know what cameras are and believe it will steal their souls so they disappear when one is pulled out, build stick structures cause they are playful, hop trains, steel picnic baskets, eat pancakes, habituate with them, claim to have bigfoot steaks, believe that DNA alone is absolute when dealing with unknown animals, and so on.

      The more attention drawn to this bullshit the less likely it is going to keep taking place. Freezer boy left a bad taste in people's mouths because the entire world was tuned in to him and look what happened. The same thing is happening here.

      It doesn't take SWP to point this out. Many here in the community already know this and have seen it coming. He just happens to be putting videos of him and his opinions up. You should be thanking God that more people aren't doing this.

    12. Awww...what's the matter Marky Mark? Did I strike a nerve with you? I must have cause you seem a wittle upset.

      Let's, blood, a nail, and potentially part of dead bodies? This is interesting cause I don't recall them having any fingernails from any specimens. Is that something you just tossed in there cause you are a little upset right now?

      So the DNA wont come out unknown if we have both mDNA and nDNA? That's interesting cause if the source has not been verified then how do you know where it came from? Hang in there with me Mark, it's not's science. If there is nothing to verify it against then it remains unknown. All that you can do is compare it to other primate samples taken from verified primates, Marky Mark. You make comparisons and you can determine what each have in common but it still remains unknown Marky Mark until a sample comes from a verified animal...Marky Mark. Why? Well I will tell you Marky Mark, parts of the sequence may be similar or the same but other parts will be vastly different. I hope this is making sense to you Marky Mark.

      Now Marky Mark, I hope you can understand all of this and that there is a difference between an incomplete DNA sequence and a sequence that says it's unknown as well. But who knows, Marky, maybe your fingernail DNA will pan out for you. Have faith little man and keep saying your prayers. Bigfoot Mass is held on Saturday nights at 10.

      Marky Mark, please do come back and join us again. But calm down first. Your misunderstanding of things is making you angry.

    13. What happens if the paper is published in some type of "middle of the road" scientific journal. Will the skeptics accept this? Answer: NO.

    14. Of course skeptics won't accept it, either will science. Presenting preliminary findings even in a quasi-reputable doesn't mean case closed, far, far from. The DNA source material and proprietary primers must be made available for independent verification of the conclusion. That's the beauty of the process, it HAS to be repeatable. IF he results can be replicated, then you can reach the stunning conclusion that you have either an UNKNOWN PRIMATE or UNIQUE HUMAN POLYMORPHISM. Those are the only conclusions. It's a logic flaw to assume that unknown DNA automatically means its Bigfoot. You can't eliminate all other possible explanations and say it is Bigfoot because all you have is DNA. You don't have a type specimen, aka a body. No body, no new species, only "unknown primate.". Will science be turned on its ear because someone has DNA from an unknown primate? Hardly. The reaction will be a collective yawn, put the paper in the folder with all the other unknown primates, move on, and revisit it when you produce a BODY or large portion thereof. So keep dreaming that Footers will be hoisting tankards of ale celebrating proof of Bigfoot finally confirmed by science. Science will hardly notice without the type specimen.

    15. This point has been driven into the ground and I can't understand why people don't understand this. If she produces this paper along with concrete evidence that these samples were taken directly from a specimen it will turn out to be a good thing. If she has DNA alone and it comes up unknown, this whole circus will be for naught and this subject will continue to go unproven according to scientific standards.

    16. Shut up already, Billy. Why are you so much against the idea of bigfoot that you feel called to fight it so? All your dumb excuses are futile anyway and you're not fooling people into thinking you want the species to be real, you're more like some religious mental case spending all day in the cell writing useless shit nobody else cares about. You're the fly eating Renfield of bigfoot. DNA is science and science is DNA, that's fact and you're getting nowhere here with your body blood lust.

  6. I'm sick of this joker's constant negativity and this site's relentless promotion of him. It seems like every other day there's a video of him talking smack. Still, let him enjoy his moment of relative fame on this blog. He'll be forgotten about soon.

    1. Don't cry, it'll be alright. Bigfoot will still be real, in your mind.

    2. In your mind maybe, to the world awake it'll be scientific fact at last.

    3. your post is dumb. it won't be scientific anything. this has been gone over and over time and time again. face it, you are dumb. please move along.

    4. More trolls with teary eyes, here's a towel losers go join SWP in his despair.

    5. Totally agree. The guy's got nothing to offer but bitching. The only reason he didn't get bitch slapped in Venezuela was because they needed him to catch turtles and carry a backpack.

    6. In the out of Venezuala series a guy had to go home because of hemeroides. Just how did he get that injury anyways?????

    7. Geez, I have hope for this paper, but why is everyone who disagrees a troll? Not everyone has to worship Ketchum. SWP is allowed to have his own opinion, you don't have to bash him for it.

    8. Only when he talks trash like here.

  7. Im SO glad that someone calls out all the B.S in the world of bigfoot! Of course all those that don't want to hear it call him a hater,douche bag, or whatever you want to call him. Your all angry because he is speaking the truth!

  8. He is just jealous that hes not the one to break the existence of bigfoot.Yeh hes funny to listen to and straight forward but geesh give the women a break. matt

    1. Let me know when that happens. We are all waiting.

      new anony

    2. Bet your ass SWP's jealous and probably a tad annoyed it's all over for his monster hunting days soon, but the sooner we're rid of his trash talking kind the better.

    3. everyone who posted is wrong.

  9. I bet his camera is sick of his shit.Instead of the camera always on yourself try pointing it into the woods instead.

    1. i bet that this blog is sick of ur shit. ur statement is dumb. please move along.

    2. Nah, we're just plain old tired of narcissists like SWP.

  10. Holy fuck I hate this guy and his fake laugh. He speaks the truth and all that, but that fake laugh and his way to tell stuff just gets on my nerves. If he didn't run around barefoot in the woods, shouting and laughing like Goofy, maybe I would really listen.

  11. SnowWalker is just saying what many of us feel..enough of the B.S. from the hoaxers, and wannabe BigFoot experts. Show us the proof...period...very simple. Unless there is none.

    Keep up the good work SnowWalker Prime.

    new anony

    1. Totally agree, so tired of the "religious" mentality that exists around this subject. Sick of hearing people just give up rational thought and just believe.

    2. Rational thought? SWP wouldn't know what that is if it fell on his head, I've so had it with his jive talking.

    3. He's soon forgotten along with the other kooks.

  12. A herd of Bigfoots?...On the hoof?
    A side of Bigfoot won't do?

  13. Ketchum's Facebook page has been removed.

    1. No, it has not. If you can't see it, that just means you've been banned from it.

    2. You made the mistake of asking a legitimate question and you got banned im afraid

    3. It's just a matter of time before it disappears completely along with any other sign of her. Whoosh, she be goned.

    4. you are wrong. the freezer guy didn't disappear.

    5. He will. Who's taking Dyer seriously anyway.

  14. Seems like this guy really likes the attention. How does he know what the paper will or won't prove? Nobody will know until it is published. Is DNA the only thing included in the paper? Or are they going to offer conclusive physical evidence with it? Nobody knows but the people behind closed doors.

    1. Exactly. I'n getting tired of this SWP and all the attention whoring, it's clear to me he's doing this now because he suspects the paper is close at hand.
      He sounds more like a skeptic to me, I think he's a phony bigfooter actually working against the cause most likely thinking bigfooters are basically idiots he can string along and educate while stirring things up, or he wants to be the pro-kill voice even if it's totally unnecessary just to satisfy an Elephant Man carnival curiosity.

    2. Pro-kill is nonsense. If skeptics need a body they should get off their asses and hit the woods or dont bother with the debate.

    3. Okie, I haven't gone snipe hunting since I was in cub scouts. It was fun, but it doesn't really appeal to me as an adult. If all you need as proof are blurry photos of sticks and unsubstantiated claims of a DNA analysis, great. Good for you. Enjoy your place in pseudo-science and fringe seminars.

    4. As a matter of fact I'm an eyewitness which is why I'm so ready to accept the paper. As far as rhetorical idiocy goes, Im sure if snipes were real you probly wouldn't be able to catch one because you most likely sit around a computer all day waiting bash other folks' reasoning. Furthermore, if you came across a squatch in the woods all by your onesie, id bet my last penny that you wouldn't have the balls to shoot one anyway. What gives us the right to kill one of these things? Nothing. Its only in human nature that we are destructive to things we don't understand.

  15. This stuff just cracks me up!!!

  16. Super Market Tabloid Headlines read : DNA Proof that Bigfoot is Real!!

  17. This guy is driving the church of Bigfoot people crazy.
    I love it. I can just imagine them yelling and spitting on their keyboard, as they're typing.
    Melba is their pastor.

    Don't forget to pray to Bigfoot before you go to bed tonight.

    1. Yeah whatever troll, but don't think we ever thought of him as genuine.

    2. No, he clearly came zooming into the field out of nowhere with an ulterior motive/hidden agenda. Mighty suspicious, as far as I'm concerned.

    3. Hey, you two, don't forget to say your prayers tonight.

    4. the two cult members are dumb and wrong. when entering this "field", who has not come out of nowere?

    5. And SWP's heading right back there.

  18. God I love this guy he is my hero

  19. have hit the nail on the head and drove it flush with one strike. I agree, I agree, I agree. I have a new hero.

    1. Are you mad? Sorry no offense, didn't know you were.

  20. Sorry, there is as much irrationality in Snow Walker prime as in the most vociferous of the believers. What an asshat.

    1. you are wrong. he is not an asshat.

    2. He looks like one so he must be, and you sound like one so you must be too.

  21. SWP --- Get over yourself. You are only a biologist. You are not a geneticist or a forensic scientist. You have no clue what you are talking about.

    1. I would say he has more clue than 99% of bigfooters.

    2. Sorry guys, but he has absolutely zero idea and dreams this shit up as he goes along.

    3. everyone that posted here is dumb..cept 01:11.

      he said he wouldn't be able to understand a paper on DNA. that makes you dumb for saying he is not a geneticist.

      he is a wildlife biologist and knows how the how animals live and react in their environments. this also makes him aware of the physical characteristics that allows an animal to survive in particular habitats. you are even dumber for saying he doesn't have a clue.

      1:03, 1:26, and are all dumb and wrong. please move along.

    4. Shut up troll, he clearly doesn't have a clue. Here's your towel again.

    5. you are wrong again. you have great trouble understanding what you read and this makes you angry and dumb.

      you are also wrong in believing i need a towel as well.

    6. A blanket then, all small trolls need that to play on.

    7. yes...i will take the blanket.

    8. Of course you will, it's standard practise on prison yard picnics.

  22. I really hope ketchum has seen these videos.

    1. You can bet she has and whatever she says will confirm what he's saying. Are we still on step 4?

    2. She doesn't care, why would she the guy's off his rocker.

  23. Hes the biggest joke of all the.

    1. That sentence needs some work.

      new anony

    2. Hey snowy, that beard will never be what it was.

  24. One day. Who knows when....?

    One of these blowhards. Either Michael(snow wanker) or Lindsay or Ketchum or Moneymaker or
    any of the anonymous 1 thru 1000, or...god I could go on and on. Will rise to the top and prove themselves to be the number 1 pseudo-authority on Bigfoot.

    That's all I seem to hear is, this person said this and then the endless negating of what that person said and how the other person is an idiot and, again, on and on.

    I use to find it entertaining. Now it's just childish and irritating. I've never seen such an adolescent grab for attention and validation from so many. Especially when it involves subject matter that has no verifiable proof of existence.

    I think I like it better when most folks would laugh at you for even considering the existence of Bigfoot. At least then. what you read was in the context of conjecture and not a group of "want to be experts" vying for top spot.

    1. Yeah it has become a huge pissin contest. I'd laugh if someone that wasn't named erickson, ketchum, or moneymaker came forward with conclusive evidence. Hopefully not by way of our destructive nature, but something conclusive.

    2. Now,
      Even though I said what I said above.

      I still agree with the logic of what Michael(Snow Wanker) says.

    3. Haven't even watched the video & dont plan to. I'm just agreeing that the aforementioned folks are stepping all over each other to show that they are the premier expert on the squatch. Its rediculous. I came to realize that moneymaker is a quack job when I'd see him assume every dead animal that was found on finding bigfoot was killed by a squatch. You could dangle a run-over armadillo at him and he'd find a non-plausible explanation for why a squatch had killed it-despite the fact that he saw it get ran over. So I laugh at the pissin contest.

    4. You're not missing much, only difference is there's a name and a face to SWP's one-man pissing contest. Even IF Sasquatches were apes on the intelligence level of chimps or gorillas, does that justify shooting one? It's a despicable thought considering we constantly condemn similar slaughter on Africa's great apes, and if Sasquatches are thriving nicely why do you need to shoot one then? And what if they're more of a human, they're very human looking aren't they and there's obviously higher intelligence maybe even speech, so far I've not heard ONE SINGLE pro-kill jerk explain the justification then. Don't you think it's just a little unlikely a huge ape can remain undetected in America? I do and therefore conclude they're in all probability a species you should not shoot at. If that's the case then THAT's logic, but SWP's missing the ball completely not realizing DNA can tell us exactly that first clue.

    5. Yeah pro-kill is nonsense. Unfortunately human nature is to destroy what we dont understand. Myself, id shoot-but only if my life was hanging in the balance. These things may be human ancestors that have stood the tests of time, and could have families. Pro-kill is completely unjustifiable. If youre a skeptic or believer and you need definitive proof go out in the woods and seek it out then observe it. Unlikely for a giant ape to go undetected? Absolutely. Something that is human or in the genus homo? No. very plausible. How do our special forces remain undetected? Training. These things have perfected it.

    6. Very well said and in all likelihood how it is. Makes me sick hearing people - scared people, mind you - make fun of what they don't understand like the outlandish idea to them of bigfoots having families. If they're just a little bit like us then they do, early man did too so why wouldn't these guys.

  25. I have read all the comments. You people are all so stupid.I haven't watched the video yet.
    Whet if the dna is from an unknown bird, lizard, How about an unknown mouse? Where is the video that shows a bigfoot depositing its dna somewhere? Melba Ketchum is in a class with the squatchmaster, fasano and rick dyer

    1. Lol what if they offer anatomical evidence of sasquatch after the paper is publish to add to its credibility? How do you know that thats not what they'll do? Nobody knows. Bashing the whole shabang in such a manner is really useless. I do think that the"insiders" have handled the whole thing the wrong way. But what can you do? Lol

    2. you are dumb. what if a frog had wings?

    3. I'm not the one using rhetorical questions to satisfy my need to annoy humanity--like you are.

  26. I just got an email from someone inside the project, a very reliable source btw. They said that the paper has been rejected for the third time and now they have nowhere else to publish. They are considering the use of a TV network to get the truth out there, since science refuses to accept it. Sad news indeed.

    1. And who are you Mr Random Anonymous?
      Who is your source?

    2. he is wrong. he has no source.

    3. He's nobody or related to SWP, just another fool thinking he's funny posting stuff.

    4. you are wrong and dumb too. he is neither.

    5. This is actually true. The news hasn't been released by Ketchums camp yet.

    6. Probably within a week and a half of everyone will know. This is why she has a press release tab on her company web page.

    7. Go away dreamer, this is the real world.

  27. Sasquatch needs protection from destructive Mountain Top Removal and the poisonous by-products, sludge coal ash, it creates. WE are destroying their hiding places, and habitat. That may or may not contribute to an increase in sightings. not to mention the advent of the world wide web!

    Big Coal companies, Politics, greed, waste and, self rightgeous attitudes and egoes will be the down fall of all of us. After all, were do they think this pollution is flowing too. Shit rolls down hill. If everyone here would stop bickering and yes, in-fighting we might make a difference. or are We the animals in the equation. If we continue our ways we will self destruct. and The meek, more intelligent, Sasquatch will inherit the earth. and ill be happy for them, They know respect and sacrifice!

    1. Don't get out much? You are just the type of person they write those stories for.

      The reforestation of this country is rapidly taking place. I see it every day. Get out of your sub-division or apartment complex and check it out. Heck, even trailer trash know dat.

    2. The national first service covers 193 million acres of forest and grasslands. I dont think theyre running out of hiding spots.

    3. *national forest service. Swype text.

  28. Not ONE person here, including SWP, knows what she tested, what she tested for, how many co=researchers worked on this in her lab, how many other labs were involved in blind testing and whether she just tested for species markers or has in fact sequenced the whole genome. NO ONE. This obvious ignorance of essential facts doesn't seem to stop the rampant speculation, because that is all it is. What he seems to be saying is that DNA cannot determine if a new species exists and that is simply incorrect. What is his agenda exactly.

    1. Shit its hard to get that point across aint it! Until the paper is published or rejected nobody knows and everything is speculation. Im gonna go out on a limb and say (if its published), we are looking at homo heidelbergensis or something relatively close to that. Only speculating folks...

    2. That could be yes, they apparently did get quite big in height only I wasn't aware they were haircovered too?

    3. you both are wrong. dna can determine an unknown species only if there is no viable specimen to compare it too.

      if melba has dna and it shows up as unknown primate how do you say it's sasquatch dna? what if there is a version of north american orangpendek running around and this is what the dna is from.

      you can have dna but with out a source you cannot verify a species. this is why you are dumb and wrong.

    4. Uh-uh it's actually where your trolling is wrong again, DNA will show a whole slew of things including the host's height. Let's say it says eight feet, hardly any of us then is it. By the way, using small letters only makes you appear even dumber.

    5. How are we wrong? We are only speculating just like everyone else. It's the only thing that we can do until the paper is either published or rejected--correct? How do we know this is an unknown species and not a species of the genus Homo? I believe its highly unlikely that the DNA will show up as an unkown primate, but again, that is only speculation. And describe to me exactly what orangpandek is? Because from what I understand it is a smaller version of Sasquatch. And is orangpandek definitively primate? Or is it also in the genus homo? Similar to a hobbit perhaps?

      I'm not sure that homo heidelbergensis was completely hair covered, but (and I'm just speculating) what is the probability that sasquai carry some sort of trait similar to hypertrichosis? Only theoretical.

    6. LMAO..really? It will tell you how tall it is? That's the dumbest shit I have heard. According to you..a police forensics investigator should be able to reconstruct a complete profile just from a sample of DNA alone. It doesn't work that way Timmy.

    7. Who's Timmy? Yes, it actually works that way Mr. Clueeless.

  29. Oh my. I think SWP needs to be put in a cage at a zoo. He's really freaking out over this.

    It's funny cuz he's done some really great interviews with witness encounters and other stuff. But, it's VERY obvious he's not had any encounter of his own, nor has he seen any "evidence" he is so down on.

    Autumn dear, I do hope your crush on him has dissipated. Me thinks he may be a misogynist.

    1. Legitimate people do not have Bigfoot encounters. I wonder why......

    2. Wrong again troll, many sane people have had encounters in fact most were. Spamming on behalf of SWP isn't helping whatever you think you're helping.

    3. you are wrong. no sane person has had an encounter. have you looked at the red map? too many sightings going on all over the map for this to be real.

    4. What is a legitimate person?

    5. Too few sightings actually, lots more sightings occur undoubtedly than what we ever hear about. Dumb trolls wouldn't know this likely statistic, of course.

    6. Skeptics and trolls never heard of hiding in plain sight, I guess. The bigger it is sometimes the easier it is to keep something off prying eyes, applies here too. In huge forests and mountains what could be easier.

  30. 110 comments, who the heck is SWP? LOL j/k
    Seriously Shawn, I don't watch many of the self produced vids of selfs talking...Mike Rugg's are an exception. But, thank you for your summary this time, it seems we all have a great deal of anticipation/angst waiting for something of import to come will, eventually. Let's just hope we can all recognize it!

    1. Who the man with the missing glove fingers is? We don't know exactly, but by the sound of it an escaped lunatic is a good calculated guess.

  31. Mr anonomys. I happen to live in WV. Not an apartment. And I also said mountain top removal" Not deforestation. There is a difference. Take your negativity elsewere

  32. This thing is turning into a 3 ring circus, what is it with this guy the internet has become a dumping ground for people who like the sound of their own voice and with nothing worth saying.

    1. How can you seriously say he has nothing worth saying? Every damn thing he said rings true. He's holding a mirror up to the actual 3 ring circus of bigfoot enthusiasts and you don't like the reflection. That doesn't make it false.

    2. Yes it does, he couldn't be more wrong. Since these beings obviously aren't normal animals in the bear or ape sense it'd be madness to kill them just for our own curiosity, especially since wild apes would not go undetected this long. So it's fair to establish already they're not that probably, that leaves the alternative of higher intelligence and of the homo family.

  33. melba wants to protect them from the infamous anus flea. it inhabits hairy, dark sphincters and likes to gnaw on the inner lining. the anus flea can devastate hundreds of bf a-holes in a matter of days. the paper is in peer review process right now.


  35. Me anonymous why do you care where I live and why are you in a huff about stupid" little old me. I hope you feel better about yourself for disrespectIng everyone on this site with your heckling and negitivity

    1. why? because you are dumb and make dumb comments.
      I don't need to feel better because you are dumb.

    2. Oh brother, the circus' in town. Don't send any more clowns, we have plenty of trolls all out of myths to follow soon.

  36. I think he is angling for a TV show.

    1. But who in their right mind would hire him? MTV maybe, M for Mars.

  37. Bigfoot does not exist.

    If you think you saw a Bigfoot let me tell you something: you didn't.

    Its time to admit to yourself that what you saw was not a Bigfoot but just a figment of your insecure attention seeking imagination.

    The ONLY thing keeping the discussing going is "eye witness accounts" which are all in fact bullshit. There is no hard evidence of a giant ape in north America, not now, not ever.

    SWP I admire your work, but as you are clearly a critical thinker I think you know the likelyhood of this being real is slim to none.

    We need 1 in a box you are right. But its never going to happen as they do not exist. SWP I hope you don't waste too much time on this but while you are here I will enjoy your videos:) They are some of the only videos on the topic which are not batshit insane.

    1. Listen to this asshole. Just another obsessed closet bleever.

    2. I'll be darned, know who I think that is? Our favorite piss poor guitar player from yesterday gracing us with his asshole presence. LOL

  38. Please confirm for me how we can confirm your credentials as somehow being relevant to or for the discovery of Bigfoot. In at least, what verifiable or peer reviewed study or research have you conducted to support your 'many' conclusions you make on any subject you have addressed that is or might be published anywhere. Dude, you come off as a your own circus act. I understand your frustration of BF not being proven as of yet but, spare us the drama and complete just a little reading on perhaps - histone, and the effect of genetic variation over time; for example and actually inform folks of something new. I say that because what you 'yell out' is nothing new except the volume of your drama which is by the way, just as dramatic as the Melba family of actors. However, at least their volume is turned down to low levels... You speak of being able to know about mammals and their behavior. Are you a biologist or maybe Army RANGER? What years-on experience do you have that is verifiable? Just say'in...

    1. He's a wildlife biologist.

    2. Okay, I believe he is a Biologist because you said he is... Well, I have come to many bio types and he speaks not in a manner consistent or of the language Biologists use.

    3. Don't take my word for it then asshole...look into it for yourself.

    4. He has a Phd. in giving a turtle a rimjob.

  39. We need more people like Michael involved in this. BTW, Michael, you remind me a bit of John Cleese sometimes :)

    Fantastic stuff!

  40. He just wants some REAL physical evidence, tired of all the phonies, with lame evidence...

    1. LMAO...some douche just posted they have fingernail evidence. I really wanna see this!

  41. Would everyone stop fighting, you'er gonna make BF cry.

  42. I will give you the last word Mr anonamAss. It warms my heat to know that my comments make u so angry. Maybe you can go beat your kids or wife now and blame it on me or maybe you are a wife yourself.

  43. If so please forgive me. I would never talk to a lady that way. My last word.; When u see a comment by me. Don't read it!

  44. Hes right one specific note, the celebrities cashing in, its about bilking folks out of money,

    and they are many and they will be out this nspring to be chastised later.

  45. Glad to see you got your jollies off again today Shawn by posting more stuff from your butt buddy snow walker deuche.

    I think at this point its easy to see that this individual is for certain retarded. Its hard to say if he was born with a mental defect or if he was dropped at some stage of life. But it can be confirmed that this pile of deuche is indeed mentally retarded and rode the short bus all his life. Its easy to see why rick dyer, fatsino, and shawn are such good friends with him. They share alot of the same qualities.

    Oh and how could we forget Rick Dyers gas ass brother! I mean shit, he will be hosting the rainbow pride parade at rick dyers house in the middle of may. Come by and congratulate rick dyer on being an embarassment to the human race, and rick dyers gay brother for just being plain gay. I imagine you can congratulate fatsino for being fat and stupid but he gets that enough. Snow deuche could be their if the short bus driver isnt busy that day, so its up in the air.

  46. Hey SWP, If I can set it up so that you get to "boff" one of the big guy's in the ass, will you belive it then?

    Somebody call Rick D and tell him to get his barrel ready and his costum pressed, cause ole SWP is coming to visit!

  47. Sadly, the lack of moderation of comments is eventually going to undermine the quality of this site.

    1. Agreed, but how else would Shawn allow his friends like Snowflake come on here and anonymously tell people they are dumb and wrong if they disagree with what he says?

  48. Another great video, SWP. Endlessly entertaining as always.

    Well done!!!

    1. Quit using all these aliases, Mike.

    2. Quit using all these aliases, Mike.

  49. He's got a point. Why tease the supposedly amazing evidence then not show it, unless you are lying/hoaxing/deluded? If it's actually amazing it will speak for itself and stun the world.

    Also, I am hoping if thee things are proven to exist that there are protection efforts made... to protect us humans from a species that is immensely powerful and capable of tearing heads off, kidnapping, raping, etc. as has been reported since early Native American days up into the present. You cannot ignore this if you are going to believe the rest of it, it's all part of the consistent lore regarding these animals.

  50. I'm starting to like this SWP guy. Will he be the one who will finally call Ketchum out?


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