Set Up Surveillance System Inside Your Car To Better Observe Bigfoot

Matt Pruitt, Bigfoot researcher, field coordinator and investigator for the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) wrote on his blog about an interesting technique he's been using to better observe Bigfoots visiting the campsite. The theory is that rather than us going into the wilderness areas and back country to pursue the sasquatches, it's probably better to wait for them to approach us. According to Pruit, sasquatches looking for opportunistic food sources are known to approach areas of human habitation/occupation:

"Sasquatches will approach camps, lone vehicles, etc. in very specific scenarios; usually in search of food. Many people (witnesses and researchers alike) have heard them moving into camp in the wee hours of the morning to investigate human "stuff". Often, they'll even hear the sasquatch(es) touching/examining tents with human occupants. This occurs frequently, and offers a great opportunity to document sasquatches. However, at the first sign of human movement (unzipping a sleeping bag, unzipping a tent, etc.) the sasquatches typically vacate camp immediately. Dr. Jeff Meldrum experienced this during an expedition in the Siskiyou Wilderness of northern California. Many people have heard sasquatches doing this, but only a few people have seen them in the act. Most tents don't allow you to see much through their walls or mesh windows in total darkness."

Pruitt writes about a few accounts from witnesses where under certain scenarios, sasquatches had approached their vehicles. He also quotes researchers like Matt Moneymaker on how to take advantage of the situation:

BFRO Director Matt Moneymaker wrote about setting up surveillance systems inside vehicles for documenting camp approaches. He states: "The most passive camera traps are ones requiring no installation, testing or camouflaging at the site, such as when cameras are already set up inside vehicles. Rigging up surveillance cameras inside vehicles is a much bigger project than one might assume, and needs to begin long before the expedition. If it succeeds at a given spot then it can succeed repeatedly there. If it does not succeed, it can be relocated to other spots as quickly as the vehicle can be moved."

Dennis Pfohl (Colorado BFRO investigator and Erickson Project member) recorded this example of a sasquatch walking through a small camp during a field excursion in Oklahoma. From this BFRO article: "The night this clip was recorded, a search and rescue professional (Rob B.) attending the expedition said a tall massive figure came up to the vehicle he was sleeping in (a 4x4 pickup). The animal pushed up and down on the tailgate with tremendous force. It then walked around to the door of the pickup. It leaned over the hood of the raised 4x4 from the side, to look down through the front windshield. It then it grabbed the door handle and rocked the vehicle a few times. It pounded lightly on the door a few times before walking away. Rob couldn't move while it was happening. He was laying on the seat, in his sleeping bag, looking up through his slightly fogged windows. He could see the figure's size by its silhouette against the starry sky, when it leaned over the hood of the raised vehicle to look through the windshield."

Veteran researcher (and friend) Tal Branco often used his vehicle as an observation blind. In addition to trying to observe a sasquatch approach his camp from within a vehicle, Tal would mount a parabolic dish on the roof of his vehicle and listen with headphones, anticipating an approach. This method yielded several recordings of approaches and vocalizations for Tal, as well as one sighting.

Kansas-based bigfoot researcher Randy Harrington had an extended observation in southern Oklahoma from the cab of his truck. After devoting time to researching various "hot-spots", Randy decided to set up a small camp in an area where the resident sasquatches had a reputation for taking human food from campsites and trash bins in a heavily used recreation area. He was also monitoring the area with a microphone mounted to the roof of his vehicle. He was able to hear the sasquatches approaching his camp, and therefore was able to anticipate their movements and observe them.

Read more about Pruitt's technique on his blog here.


  1. where can we hear this?

    "The night this clip was recorded, a search and rescue professional (Rob B.) attending the expedition said a tall massive figure came up to the vehicle he was sleeping in (a 4x4 pickup).

  2. Useless. We don't need any more blobsquatches or easily faked.videos or anonymous internet reports. Body or else.

    1. Not really. SWP says body, preferably alive, OR body of evidence. Wouldn't it be easier to find one if you could tag one?

      Maybe someone can expand on the ingenuity of setting up cameras and hearing devices on vehicles to adding a *gun* to shoot a tag as the creature walks away. If it's not a sasquatch then no harm because a tag won't kill the target. Of course there is a risk of pissing it off and your vehicle ending up on its roof.

      But if you don't care to be innovative and just wanna kill stuff, go play GTA on your xbox son.

  3. By reading the original blog. It includes a link to the recording.

  4. I just updated this post with the link.


  6. So, does this mean we can just sit in the parking lot of our apartment complex???? ;>

    1. John! you fool! You have to sleep in it under a mountain of ginchy campy guy stuff before it will really work. Other wise you'll probably get molested by a hobo! Matt, you need to get a alum. camper shell rig like mine with a comfy bed and security cams with a lap top to see who's outside.Spooky stuff......

  7. Replies
    1. Oh yeah...

      Did you see the back of that 4Runner? What a shag pad. I bet it smells like sweaty balls and 5 hour energy. Sure makes me want to knock some wood around.

  8. 4 incidents and nothing but anecdotal evidence...typical.
    Their working on a solution though, right?
    Show the trunk monkey or he doesn't exist.

  9. At least they are following an interest and trying to answer the riddle. Better than just sitting behind a screen all day flapping your gums.

  10. You betcha they will work out the kinks. They took a picture of this poor homeless man to demonstrate how high-res the photographic evidence will be.
    Prepare to eat crow, and be sure to share with the hungry.

  11. Observation of any kind is probably going to lead to better photographic evidence than anything else. Even a calm stroll down a mountain trail scares off everything within a reasonable distance. Let's say, instead of hunting large game with bullets, you were hunting BF with cameras and FLIR, etc... Most hunting tutorials will break down the process into steps. It may sound familiar, but many times, I think, folks forget the last steps:

    1) Select a site with good habitat or knowledge of quarry in the area
    2) Survey that site for sign, scat, tracks of that quarry to decide where they might choose to move through
    3) Set up trail cameras on likely game trails to see what species are utilizing them and at what times (you can't shoot in the dark and it may be a trail used mostly at night)
    4) Select a "contact zone" with the collected data, usually in an open, non-obstructed area with likely sign of quarry
    5) Select an area for your blind that has clear line of vision to where you intend to contact your quarry. This should be far enough away (as far as you can be accurate/in focus), as not to disrupt your quarry's natural behavior or make them aware of your presence
    6) Sit and wait! If you have done your due dilligence, you are in the most likely space to come into contact with your quarry and should stay put and stay quiet. This is the "zen" moment that actually sounds appealing to a non-hunter, like me. :)

    You can set up multiple contact points and multiple blinds, etc... but each should be exhausted (days, not hours) before moving.

    Plus, who would wander around during an open hunting season, through a gauntlet of rifles, scaring away all the game with your big, noisy, clumsy self? You might not make any friends with the other sportsmen! LOL
    David from the PAC/NW

  12. Bill Draginis gave a nice survaillance lecture at Ohio
    Sunday and this was his specialty before his and two FBI agents sightings that got him started in this field and he is trying to employ new techniques.

    There are new field cameras called time lapse cameras that eliminate the infared and electro magnetic noise.
    They take continuous photos every few seconds and require 6 aa batteries and will last 5 months. For demonstration purposes he employed a series of them each looking at the next along a creek that covered a total of about 900 yards. He put them high on trees well above normal sight lines. When downloading to thousands of pictures they will play back in a movie type form and you can then go single advance if you find some interesting movement.

    The bad news is that they turn off at night. Of course the good news is that they take pretty good pictures during the daytime and last a long time.
    Just might be a way to make a daylight photo ambush, and a daylight clear picture is much more convincing than any night would be.


  13. yep, I like the technique. I'm using self-made dash cam system in my car (IP based) to get some evidence, not much luck so far.


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