Robert Lindsay: Dr. Melba Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Study Lifts Press Embargo Tomorrow?

Press Embargo
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It sure has been quiet around here lately hasn't it? Here's a machine gun's worth of Bigfoot DNA Study gossip courtesy of Mr. Robert Lindsay:

Dr. Melba Ketchum DNA study to be released tomorrow? There is an embargoed article with the sole keyword genetics which was embargoed on April 23. The embargo will lift tomorrow at 12 PM EST. A lot of people think this might be the Ketchum paper, but no one knows for sure. We will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Ketchum study will be released before May 18, but probably before May 4. On March 8, Ketchum said the paper would be out in 6-8 weeks. 8 weeks will be up on May 3. However, I was told that there was some sort of delay in the interim, and that the paper could be released after May 3 up until May 18. The chatter now is that it will be released before May 18, but my sources think it will be before May 4.

Ketchum does have a publication date for her paper. She definitely has a publication date for her paper, contrary to what she said on her Facebook page. She just doesn’t want to tell anyone about it. There are probably only about six people in her inner circle who know the date, and it is a closely guarded secret. I don’t have access to her close inner circle.

Ketchum camp preparing for article release. The Ketchum camp is working feverishly behind the scenes making preparations for the release of the study. This also implies to me that the release is coming sooner rather than later.

Ketchum has Bigfoot video that will be released after her study is published. She just revealed this on her Facebook page. This video was apparently shot by her. She also has photos of purported Bigfoot stick structures that she took and has also posted those on her Facebook page. These photos have stirred up a hornet’s nest of controversy.



  1. I'm so raw from the foreplay. Someone please just shoot me.

  2. YES, everyone has my permission to publish my images. Since I am saying I do NOT believe there will be a paper, I had to publish what the possibilities are. It takes very little for the worship of Ketchum to be renewed. I picked the only article that had no keyword other than "genetic." Many in the genetic topics also have key words like "cancer."

    However, to maintain my integrity, as little as some think there is, I published this at as well as tagging Shawn and Michael Merchant about four hours ago.

    Since Ketchum's credibility is zero with me, I would not use anyone in her crowd as a source. I have already be lied to on that.

    However, you now have a source:

    1. So the press embargo was lifted two days ago, and not a single press leak. The press would love to be the first one to break the news IF it really involved Bigfoot.

    2. Read it again - with your glasses on this time.

    3. Hey Dumbass, grasp your shoulders and pull hard because your cranium is buried 18 inches past your sphincter. The document was released to the press on the 23rd.

    4. But they can't PRINT a story until the embargo is LIFTED and that is TOMORROW the 26th. Another example of someone not getting their facts correct. RIGHT!

    5. So who are you that Dr. Melbum needs your opinion on her credibility????
      Chad W

  3. Oooops. The above was meant for the anon @06:05. Sorry there buddy.

  4. Gee all of a sudden she goes from studying DNA, to getting video, and bad pics of stick structures, from her property,and having 5 Bf there as well, Please, i smell greed and $$$.. i see nothing conclusive happening..

    1. Of course you don't you need to remove the blinders first.

  5. "Ketchum has Bigfoot video that will be released after her study is published."


    "She just revealed this on her Facebook page."

    Perhaps. And perhaps it is the one who keeps referring to herself as "Sally here..." Sally Ramey seems to be the one in control of that site. Who knows what is from Ramey and what is from Ketchum, for sure.

    That smacks of "justifiable deniability." If Ramey says something that is wrong, then Ketchum can deny it. Ramey can just say whatever it was is from her and take the fall. "Oh... I forgot to say 'Sally here" on that one.

    If they have a real Non-Disclosure Agreement, then they should say NOTHING. If they have a Non-Disclosure Agreement [NDA] then there should be some kind of public record of it that has been signed by a Notary.

    Ultimately, why do we listen to this drama? Because they get away with making implications with no commitment to facts.

    1. Err listen grandpa this is all coming from Lindsay so far and not from Ketchum, so take it with a grain of salt.

    2. And a big grain at that. The "legend in his own mind" strikes again with yet another spin of his self serving rumour mill. He is just a gossip monger.

    3. Listen, little girl, at AnonymousApr 25, 2012 06:30 PM, NONE of this particular topic came from Ketchum.

      I just noticed that, unlike all the rest that were or are on embargo status, this particular one did not have a clue [keyword] about the topic. I posted it on a Facebook page I started for facts and CC'd it to Shawn.

      Since just about any keyword would give away this topic, I felt it could be a potential lead.

      I used to do investigations and do reports for a living. I was in Corrections for 26 years and the USN for six years. I do not believe I solicited your advice and there are not many more salty than myself.

      SINCE I have taken the position that no DNA report will be made, I am keeping on top of this. This is a place for adults rather than fulminating children.

    4. hey old Gandalf dude, u don't know your
      head from your ass, if you did, you would have put up a picture of your better and smarter half.

    5. Wow..Annie 8:31. You really got him didn't you? And what educational contribution have you included in this conversation? Oh about none?
      He knows his head from his ass a whole lot better than you.
      This paper is a sham and all of you cult followers will very soon find out.

    6. Child, grow up and stop hiding behind "anonymous."

      Why would you want to see who I live with? Certainly they are not interested in children.

      You are a perfect example of why anonymous posts should not be allowed. The juvenile reparte by internet trolls is inappropriate.

    7. hey pa-pap! what else is not allowed? liberal thinking will cause you even more brain damage!!

    8. Hey douche nozzle, the NDA covers the paper, so she can say whatever she wants outside of that.

    9. Sorry, his name's not grandpa it's Santa and Bill just can't handle the truth so now he's referring to the paper as a sham. LOL

  6. I'll believe it when I see it (or when hell freezes over, whichever comes first).

  7. Bad timing if true. Tomorrow is the NFL draft, thus, the news media will not care of any other breaking news until about Sunday morning. However, this is most likely disinformation anyways.

  8. Fingers crossed.

    Hope this is actually something.

    It's been looking pretty grim lately.

    1. Given I have no expectations of Ketchum, it is hard for me to have any emotions about her ever releasing anything. I put this information out on Facebook simply to keep people aware of how the process works and what it might look like if there were ever a release.

  9. For the first time in the history of science we are looking at the DNA of a supposedly mythical critter. No one other than the researchers know what is coming or when the paper finishes the INDEPENDENT review but there are sure a lot of people who profess to know what they could not possibly know and then attack the head of the research TEAM for their own agenda because they are not getting what they want, but then they think this is all some sort of hoax.

    Join the world of reality, educate yourselves a bit more and PLEASE give us all a break from your childish hissy fits.

    Being patient is obviously a skill that many never learnt while growing up.

    1. Without a body you don't know what your looking at and scientific community isnt going to buy it , you need to educate your self before you make a rediculous statment above.

    2. Nero, Ketchum has have far longer than needed to do the DNA sequences and publish them. It is you that needs to educate yourself on what is significant regarding DNA research.

      This work is not nearly as significant as you think and will not be confirmed unless others can replicate the work.

      Had Ketchum done a direct submission to the Genbank first, it would have been available to all right now and any researcher could see whether this is worth more investigation.

      Had Ketchum submitted to Plos One, Ketchum would have paid a pittance of only $1350 to publish in the open so anyone and everyone could see the paper. I certainly am not going to pay $50 for a paper published by Ketchum.

      Now she or her representative are making outlandish claims about contact with Bigfoot and she is scheduling appearances for the next ten months.

      For a professional who does testing of farm animals, these statements and claims would be way out of the norm.

      Ketchum is not a danger to herself or others, but this posing prevents others from investigating. Either they think it is already being done or they want nothing to do with this circus.

    3. "For the first time in the history of science we are looking at the DNA of a supposedly mythical critter."

      Hey Nero...did you think about this when you were droning on about the rest of what you said? I am just curious cause you either didn't or you are one of the supposed researchers you went on about. You came to this absolute about this mythical critter but then went on to say only the researchers that worked on this know about it.

      Just wondering. Kinda confused with what you were saying. Don't know if you are claiming to be a researcher. Yeah...just let us know...k? Ok?

    4. @ ed smith
      How do u know that their isn't a part of a body
      and other evidence to go along with it.
      That is what you are pitching.
      Riddle me this?
      how do they know dinosaurs or any other extinct
      animal ever existed? they never had a body,
      and they were excepted into science before DNA testing was ever done.
      Dude your just here pitching your bigfoot in
      a box gig. NO SPAMMING ALLOWED!!

    5. Uh, Dinosaurs left behind thousands and thousands of fossized bones jackass.

    6. Ed Smith is just a big wind bag. Him and the MABRC wackos. All talk and no substance. Ed is no better than Ketchum. Empty promises.

    7. like you could get dna a from a fossil, you fuckin idiot

    8. John, I am a scientist and what you say is not "entirely" correct re Genbank and the rest. The data and the conclusions must be checked first before it is included in that databse, hence the paper review process and that is best done through a highly regarded Journal. I suspect you may think you know what is going on here but with sincere respect you have taken a wrong interpretation. Presuming this is not the greatest hoax since Piltdown Man and that Ketchum is not insane and is not deliberately destroying her career and livelihood by running a hoax, then there will be a paper. What is in that paper only her and her co-researchers know. No one else. I think you have taken a very dangerous stance on this and I hope it does not come back to bite you in the stern. As they argue in legal cases, there are only three clear choices here. Point 1. What she has said is either true or not. If it is true all will be revealed in time and many will owe her an apology. Point 2.If it is not true and she knows that it is not true, she is a liar and her career and business are wrecked. Point 3. If it is not true and she believes it IS true then she is certifiably insane and her career is wrecked.

      If this was just one strange individual doing all this on her own then perhaps she might be certifiable, but she has a number of other Phd's who worked on this. So I ask - what are the odds of them not pulling her up before now. Likewise do you believe they would all follow a lie and are doing nothing to protect their own careers.

      I am sure that there are many out there in troll land who will not be able to follow the logic here or who just do not want to be bothered and find the easy path is to have a mindless rant. Frankly that is their problem. I just suggest to you that on the balance of probabilities that there is only one conclusion that has merit. Rather than focusing on the rumours we need to just sit back and wait either for the paper to be published, or for the train wreck if it is not.

      My last point is this. Look at the volume of comments about her work in this site and elsewhere. There is tremendous interest, either in support because many understand the process she is going through, or against by those who do not or are unwilling to try to understand. The existence of BF is perhaps one of the most contentious subjects imaginable and attention has never been more focussed in the entire history of the topic than now. If I was carrying out research in such an environment of close scrutiny I would be doing exactly what she has done. Telling no details. The only thing I would not have done was start a BF DNA Facebook page because it attracts to much uninformed opinion and too many bigoted tirades for the most trivial of comments.

      From one old salty to another, be careful to not pull the gangplank before you go to step ashore. It's a long drop into the abyss without a lifeline.

    9. Excellent points, Harold!!!

  10. Rumors rumors .. And more rumors.. All talk.. "...........and more talk ... And ... No paper .. And ......more rumors..

    1. No DNA sequence submitted. No peer-reviewed journal paper published. No body or tissue available for independent research.

      What you are getting is weasel words and, now, even more fantastic claims.

    2. This is a useful description:
      Vaporware is also a term sometimes used to describe events that are announced or predicted, never officially cancelled, but never intended to happen. The term also generally applies to a product that is announced months or years before its release, and for which public development details are lacking. The word has been applied to a growing range of products including consumer, automobiles, and some stock trading practices. At times, vendors are criticized for intentionally producing vaporware in order to keep customers from switching to competitive products that offer more features.

    3. where is your proof of your claims ?
      Wiki and the free dictionary

      Here's proof that old age does not make you wise.
      I guarantee you will not post one word after
      doc slams you down.
      this guy is buddies with you know who that got the boot early on.

    4. We know you don't like Ketchum John, but get a grip on it no need to spam it.

  11. fatty fat fat. fat lying fatso.

  12. I would shoot that family of 5 bigfoot... I want a body!

    1. That would make you a murderer blah,blah,blah the giant hairy people are not apes blah,blah,blah they are a species of human etc. also, of you don't believe in Bigfoot why are you here blah, blah, blah, etc.
      you are immature,etc,etc,etc blah blah aren't open minded yada,yada,yada...... Fill in the blank etc.

    2. swp wants a body& its cool, I want a body & im a murderer... we need a body!

    3. Really? You think the NFL draft will supersede this? No freakin' way. This will be the talk for MONTHS. GO MELBA! Make it so!

    4. New species are discovered all the time. It hardly ever makes the news.

    5. Quote:
      AnonymousApr 25, 2012 08:25 PM
      New species are discovered all the time. It hardly ever makes the news.


    6. The NFL draft is the greatest event in the USA this time of year. You cannot take away the creature comforts of the American people. Beside's if people gave a shit about the discovery of Bigfoot this server would've shut down hours ago. Thus nobody is paying attention to this "discovery". All the players in this field need to quit the throwing fecal matter at each other and put all the evidence on youtube for the world to see. If the evidence is good it will go viral. From that point on, everything else will be history and the appropriate parties will be compensated accordingly. But the cloak and dagger needs to stop.

  13. I'm guessing if the paper ever gets out, these photos (perhaps videos) Melba says she has will follow shortly - but my question is will they become part of the Erickson dvd? Or will she release the photos/videos for free?

    I don't understand if she has mind blowing photos, why not release them already...only reason i can think of is because she knows she can make cash...

    1. She has talks lined up at upcoming bigfoot seminars. If she released the photos, she wouldn't be able to charge people to see them at her talks. This is all just a money making scheme, nothing more. Has been all along.

    2. I have no idea about the motives of Dr. Melba Ketchum. The profit motive is a good thing from my perspective. Riding your horses of in all directions at once while locking up all the data is NOT a good thing.

      What is needed is some Glasnost. What is need is some open access. What is needed is some forthright production of information. Going back and forth between making claims and refusing access to data is the style of Freezer Boy Dyer and Company.

    3. @ JLS What you need is to get a life and go back to the USSR you Commie bastard! You have the right to be ugly and I see you have taken full advantage of the system!

  14. How quickly are we going to find out if this is it or not? Right away?

  15. we know your motives JohnLloydScharf

  16. It appears the only thing people on this site enjoy more than bashing each other is poor spelling and grammar.

  17. Any other time ol' Robert has metioned Ketchum or her progress she jumps on facebook and denies his "rumors". But tonite there has been no word from the kethum camp

  18. I wonder something. Some people insist the body of a Sasquatch is needed to prove the existance of the species. What is your opinion about Denisova hominin? Because researchers possess just a few bone fragments, not a whole skeleton.

    I wonder something else, too. Do some people think that hominin did not exist?

  19. The right word should have been existence, not existance. I'm sorry for that.

  20. This is what happens when a nation puts education on the back burner.

  21. Journalists won't adhere to an embargo when the story is big enough. Biggest red flag about this whole study.

    1. certainly a red flag but not the biggest.

  22. Ketchum is the titanic and her worshipers are the captain.
    The ship is sinking fast and about to break in half, but the captain must do the honorable thing and go down with it.
    Even if she came out and stated that it was all a big hoax, there would still be some that would hang on, thinking it was a diversion for the skeptics or government conspiracy or some other weird shit.

    Their behavior is truly fascinating, like a bad car wreck. You just can't look away.

    1. Excellent analogy -- you said it all.

    2. Anonymous you must be so proud of yourself!

      Are you part of the democratic underground too? Like you friend from Red Wood City!

      Democratic Underground - Group Of Pediphiles...Group Of Perverts ...

  23. To sum up:

    "Something may happen tomorrow. Or it may not."


  24. lol, the foolery here is just that foolery~~~It's sad to see and laughable at the same time!

    Fools and losers...

  25. Well where is the damn thing?!!?!!? Release it already!!!!

  26. Give it a rest already.. Will people still be waiting for this thing to be released a year or two from now? My guess is yes, sadly.

  27. Ah, my beloved Bigfoot community. Still doing what it loves, fighting with each other and talking Bigfoot. If only it were MORE Bigfoot and less fighting.

  28. I agree with Cathy C, and this is why some people will no longer report sightings or share information.

  29. Lindsay is not in the BF community he's part of the Democratic underground:

    Democratic Underground - Group Of Pediphiles...Group Of Perverts ...




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