Photos of the Day: Bigfoot Baby on Mom's Back, Wildman Stills

Bigfoot Baby on Mom's Back:

A guy named Jerry Lehane III shared the photo above on Facebook. He claims it was taken in Oklahoma and supposedly shows an adult Sasquatch with a "baby" clinging to its back.

Here's an outline of the "baby" sasquatch by Jerry:

Wildman Stills:

YouTube user wildernessman001 uploaded this "Wildman" clip on April 6, 2012. You can see a dark figure on the left side of the screen. It's not clear why this user does not allow comments in any of the videos.


  1. The that says stills is a guy in a suit!! Looks like a man walking,

  2. So my dad thinks the still is a bear, but I don't think it's a bear. I also don't think it's a bigfoot. The first video walks funny, but not enough like Patty to convince me. It's also very far away. The second video is a tree.

    1. Why compare to patty? That's fake.

    2. PARTY WAS FAKE!!! what are the odds that they actually filmed that a year after Patterson drew the "female sasquatch" that looked identical?

    3. Patty, Damn phone changed it. Above...

    4. Shut it troll, keep your disbelief in PGF in check Patty's a real Sasquatch without a single doubt. Now trolls are much easier to spot, they like to comment on Bigfoot sites where they have no business.

    5. Anon above really interested in truth, not just blind belief in fantasy? This pic is a joke, Patty WAS fake and Bigfootrrs are a bunch of 12 year olds.

    6. Ohh burn!....Not.

      Yeah, you are showing your age and I.Q. here. I guess if "bigfootrrs" are 12 years old, you must be in the six to seven year old range.

    7. I am not touching the PGF. It tends to start an argument that strays from the topic and stays strayed.

      But I will say this; "Why does it HAVE to walk like Patty?" Personally I do not think all the Bigfoot sightings in different parts of he country are the same creatures. But for the sake of argument, lets say they are.

      Region alone effects gait. Different people from different parts of the country walk and move differently. I saw this more when I was in the Army. Everyone you saw was from somewhere else. I began to be able to pick out my fellow Texans by they way they walked. Normally with a slight sway and head down (it's considered rude in most parts of Texas to look someone in the eye unless you are talking to them.) Where the guys from New York had a faster gait and head was always up and they looked everyone in the eye while walking.

      Most of that is cultural differences but then there are landscape differences that could effect the gait. You are not going to walk barefoot through a field full of stickers as you would on a sandy beach.

      Yes I think the PGF is real personally, But I hate how everything Sasquatch related is judged off of it.

    8. Patty's still the queen Sasquatch, best footage of this unknown species and to even doubt that shows how dumb you are. Most of these here are fakes.

    9. That's a really good point, Tzieth! I should have said it walked too much like a person.

  3. Jerry Lehane is a damn fool, that was proven to be nothing more than a bear skin on the back of someone. It was supposed to be taken with a trailcam, but the damn trailcam had legs I guess, because it kept taking pictures from different angles.

    1. I'm not sure it's a bear skin, but it's painfully obvious that it is a dried animal hide draped over someone's head & back, that's for sure. I can't believe anyone would be so stupid as to post something that obviously fake as a bigfoot, let alone one with a baby on its back. I'm with you, DW

    2. I always thought it might be a ground sloth of some sort.

    3. Ground sloths are extinct, and if it's a baby then it is burying its face into its moms ass.

    4. I agree. A guy with a coyote pelt.

  4. Yes a bad hoax.Coyote skin maybe, or Bear on a mans back same b.s.

    1. Yeah, that's what I was thinking or maybe an old wolf's hide.

  5. oh yes clear as day!

    MR. Magoo.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes though Bigfoots exist this photo's a fake.

  7. The Bigfoot videos are getting better all the time. When will science face reality and admit that these things are real. The proof is right there in front of their face.

  8. How can science deny their existence any longer? Give them their own genus for crying out loud!

    1. When Ketchum's DNA paper comes out these magnificent creatures will finally be protected from hunters and poachers.

    2. Of course and the sooner the paper comes out the better, murder it'd be anyway. Considering the time it's taken so far it looks like they have a good deal of proof so I think it's promising.

  9. After viewing so much bigfoot stuff, I dont understand two things about pages like this.

    1. Why post material that is obvioulsy a hoax? It just discredits the whole aim of the page.

    2. Why do people even make hoaxes in the first place? A child may think its funny, but really is this field overrun by infantile adults. Cmon guys get a life.


    1. With something as controversial as the existence of these creatures, it is important to recognize hoaxes, as well. This helps to train our eyes towards evidences that is less straightforward.

  10. 1st Video FAKE
    2nd Video Tree Stump
    Picture Bear or FAKE (look you can see 'paws' not hands.

  11. First picture is a bigfoot. No baby on the back though. What an awesome picture!

  12. the knee bend is at 90 degrees, and yet looks natural. try doing walking like that and then come teel us it's a hoax.

    1. True the chance it's real is there, but it's so far away it still could be fake.

  13. Looks like a SkinWalker to me.

  14. If thats a Bigfoot cause of 90 deg bend you better get up off the Bar stool.

  15. If the creature has a baby on its back, the baby has been flayed and tanned first. That's a hide and it lies flat to the back. As a matter of fact this costume looks like a lot of mismatched hides bundled (and not sewn) together

  16. today I'm thinking about the small woman

  17. Bigfoot baby - Utter bullshit. This is some guy wearing an animal skin, nothing more. Too many people today have wishful thinking and they see what they want to see. What's worse is, now they're trying to get others to see things that are not even there. I think they're just bored and have nothing better to do.

  18. To all the ignoramuses 1. notice the video ends before the subject is viewed on the left side of tree. 2. The video ends as the subject reaches the tree. 3. Common Sense !
    Second video ! ditto

  19. Pic: looks like a bear paw for a hand.
    Vid 1: a park ranger
    Vid 2: tree stump

    1. Ketchum is in Telepathic communication with that Coyote pelt.

  20. Dont forget, this guy is either real close to or involved with Dr Ketchum, so if you are disappointed in this fake shit just wait until he DNA paper comes out......more fake shit!

  21. He doesn't allow comments, because it's a guy wearing a dead coyote. If he had only collected some DNA. ;)

  22. That is not coyote fur. Aside from it being blonde, it's way too shaggy. If this was a coyote hide, it would have to be splayed out completely if this was on a human. Coyotes aren't that big and only their backs are that shaggy. What this does look like though, is a Beefalo Hide. It's the right color and texture. (Cow-Buffalo Hybrid)

    But to be fair, We do have Almasty reports here in the U.S. But every hairy bipedal creature that gets reported is called "Bigfoot"

    1. What would you say is the difference between Almasty and Bigfoot? I thought they were just different names for the same creature.


  23. Almasty are thought to be Neanderthals. They are reported to look more human in the face, ware hides and carry weapons and make fires.

  24. I think this is something out of the ordinary. It's not a Bigfoot with baby on board but it's something worth investigating. Look at the outward turned hand. Very strange. An anthropologist should look at this photo. I don't think it's a fake.

  25. I see no baby. I smell bullshit!

  26. The picture looks like an old photo of a native American wearing a skin, perhaps while performing a tribal ritual.

    This looks to be yet another case of taking something and trying to make a bigfoot out of it after the fact.

  27. There's nothing about any of these images says "Bigfoot" to me.

    I guess you have to be in the right frame of mind

  28. Look I here people getting upset calling people names for no reason! The bottom line is this until someone can bring indisputible evidence then we all need to shut up! You're going to believe what you want all I can say is so far there is no real evidence period. If it was we wouldn't be arguing about this. So let's just wait until someone or scientist can bring this topic to a close the end and good day people.....

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