One Possible Hypothesis: The Concurrent Evolution of Humans and Sasquatch

Richard Stubstad, a statistician, was once a major player in sequencing the Bigfoot DNA samples with Dr. Melba Ketchum. Back in June 2011, he published a paper updating us on what he had discovered during the research with Dr. Ketchum. In the article, he provided some of the most compelling evidence and scientific data for proving the the existence of Sasquatch.

Recently, Stubstad had been working on a new piece detailing one possible evolutionary path that these "archaic humans" may have taken to become what we now label as "Sasquatch".

The following paper was just published today by Richard Stubstad. Read below:


  • This article is not based on extensive scientific knowledge other than a limited DNA study. As such, it is a hypothesis at this point—but one of many.
  • Sasquatch is used in both singular and plural forms in this article, as in one deer; many deer.

Sometime in the not too distant evolutionary past, Homo sapiens sapiens or their closely-related archaic ancestors existed as a human progenitor species. This phase of hominid evolution likely took place in sub-Saharan Africa in the form of a predecessor to sub-Saharan Haplotype L. The time of the impending split between what turned into modern humans and modern sasquatch was approaching. It is quite likely that these progenitor haplotypes were hairy, just like all other land mammals were at the time (and still are today).

Living in sub-Saharan Africa, two warm periods on earth prevailed, each for several tens of thousands of years. One occurred roughly 65,000 ybp and before (evidently the warmest of the two); the other was between 25,000 and 55,000 ybp. A series of mutations took place such that the left-brained functions of modern humans began to develop in these archaic humans. These early hominids began to learn how to manipulate their environment, including fire, shelter and clothing. Agriculture also became a mainstay of the evolving modern human being as well, taking advantage of the highly developed left-brained functions of the mind. With fire and shelter, there was no longer any environmental need for hair or fur, so their genetic make-up slowly but surely evolved in the direction of less and less body hair.

Meanwhile, sasquatch continued to evolve, but instead their evolutionary survival mechanisms primarily relied on right-brained functions, which they successfully used to stay clear of their hairless cousins—pre-modern humans. By then, it was clear to the sasquatch that they were severely outnumbered and, therefore, avoided human contact at almost all costs. This was, as it turned out, also necessary to insure their survival to the present day.

During one of the two latest “Out of Africa” human migration periods, sasquatch also made their way northward, across the equator and into the cooler climatic regions of Europe and Asia. Here, their relatively excessive hair growth wasn’t as bothersome during the hot summers at the time and—of course—where there was enough food to support their hunter-gatherer life style. Later, they also migrated across Beringia, most likely during the late Wisconsin ice age, using the so-called “land bridge” connecting Asia and North America as a single continent at the time.

During these relatively recent periods of hominid evolution, off and on some opportune “interaction” took place between modern humans and sasquatch. This ostensibly occurred whenever a sasquatch male was able to either kidnap or coerce a human female into a sexual encounter and a life in greener pastures as it were. However, their progeny was generally hairy as well; those that were not hairy enough simply perished during the harsh winters, with no fire or shelter available or desired in the environment of sasquatch.

So—modern humans went their way, and sasquatch—as close to a progenitor species that still exists today on the hominid branch of the primates—went theirs. Without their acute night vision, a wide audible hearing range, incessant global awareness of their surroundings, and highly developed right-brained functions, the sasquatch would certainly not be among us today. Little surprise, then, that they have avoided modern humans for the most part, especially since the arrival of Europeans and other non-Indian human haplotypes starting in the 1300's or even earlier (not in 1492 as commonly believed).

Today, sasquatch most likely exist across North America in at least three different haplotypes or subspecies. The related hominids of Europe, Asia and Australia, variously called the Almasty, Yeti, Yeren, Yowie and others likely comprise additional haplotypes or subspecies of the original progenitor species of the sasquatch. This biodiversity is also fortunate; otherwise they would have reached an evolutionary dead-end, just as Neandertal and Denisovan apparently did—both of which may have been “helped along” towards their ultimate extinction by the increasingly numerous and powerful hairless humans within the last 50,000 years or so.

Below are two flow charts showing the five external bodily senses and the three internal (mind or perception) senses that both Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens sesqueqiensis possess, whether well developed or otherwise.


  1. Well, I suppose that's slightly more credible than Bigfoot as angel babies.

  2. Why not, as good as any other theory. I like it.

  3. Dear Richard...

    Thank you for sharing an intriguing and interesting hypothesis.

    We share a similar prognosis, I pray for your swift and certain recovery.

    Live and let live...

    Steve Summar

  4. Another retard from the retard group.. I bet he plays badmitten with melba and the family of 5 bigfoot too

    1. Yeah, wtf is badmitten. You mean badminton?

    2. Very good, anon (above)--who is the retard? That would we "private"

    3. he has been disassociated with the Ketchum study for a long time now. U idiot.

  5. So many sightings, so little physical evidence. Would somebody just shoot one already FFS! And not the hoax shooting like in Sierra, the real kind that puts a real squatch body in a real lab.

    But according to this chart, BF is clairvoyant, so they probably predict hunters en route and hide.

    1. What's it to you dumbo, mind your own business. Most, if not all of those screaming for blood are NOT seriously interested in this subject. We do well to remember that they're groupies.

    2. You pussys! We kill thousands of inncocent civilians in mideast each week, but we cant kill one freaking modern caveman ape to prove he exist? KILL BIGFOOT NOW!!

    3. It's better to kill a troll.

  6. This guy is actually asserting that sasquatch is psychic? Wow.

    1. Do you know they're not?

    2. Do you have evidence that they are?

    3. Its totally plausible. You think of animals, such as dolphins and horses. These animals always seem to have a preception of human emotion. How many times have you heard that animals such a these could sense fear in people. Or how many times have you heard of stories of horses being able to sense danger. Or how animals know when an earthquake is imminent. I think its animals like these that hone these senses from centuries from living in the wild.

    4. animals don't have a "6th" sense.They use/interpret they're 5 senses in ways that most of us have forgotten, so it just seems "supernatural"

    5. Its also totally plausible that they're responsible for the deaths of 100's or thousands of missing people throughout history. They very well could be vicious hunters of humans.

  7. Oh oh oh, I've come up with a name to describe what you people suffer from: functional schizophrenia.

    1. Actually, belief in paranormal things like telepathy, aliens, etc. does tend to correlate with schizoid tendencies, if not outright schizophrenia.

      Mindreading Bigfeet? That's a twofer on the crazy scale.

    2. The person's perception of an unnatural encounter, not withstanding... There have been interesting studies done at ASU with regard to ESP that may, may not apply. Just because you do not understand something doesn't mean we need it to fit into a box... There may be more than one valid hypothesis for the consistent claims of things of a 'weirder' nature, but ignoring them completely by relegating them to insanity does no good in seeking the truth.
      My personal (crazy) opponion.
      David from the PAC/NW

    3. Trolls are closeminded, David.

  8. Any time a person sits in a restaurant and feels someone's eyes upon them, lifts their head and looks directly at the culprit, they used a skill that BF would excel at and why it's so damned hard to chase him down. He can sense your intent upon him, just like you do in a public space. It's not reading palms or tea leaves, people. It's a sense that is necessarily for survival and remaining hidden.

    1. The phenomenon you're referring to (being able to detect someone looking directly at you) is a very well understood mechanism in brain function. Humans are able to do it so well because we have the greatest visible "white" area of the eye, thus its easy for us to determine the direction of one's iris/pupil.

      To claim that bigfoot also has this ability is unsubstantiated. Another equally plausible explanation is that bigfoot has a hyperdeveloped sense of hearing or sense of smell.

    2. This would fit the pattern that happens time and time again in Bigfoot encounters. The witness has an overwhelming feeling of being watched, but can not see who is doing the watching, although many times they eventually do.


    3. They are being watched. The sasquatch is eye raping them!

    4. Here's a test: Next time you're driving down the freeway, just before you come into the vision of a passing car... Look at that person. Eerily often, they will turn and look at you. Try it (especially if you're not driving - keep your eyes on the road!).
      David from the PAC/NW

    5. Huh, that's odd, I've always thought of this type of behavior as plain old paranoia.

    6. Well the other drivers looked! Im convinced now, Bigfoot is real!

  9. Hmmm, let's be honest here, this "paper" is pretty much 100% speculation. it has about as much validity as "witches did it"

  10. If sasquatch actually exist, this is the best theory I've heard to account for their origins. If you don't think bigfoot is possible, of course it will sound ridiculous(like Santa Claus or God).

  11. Sorry but stuff like this could be hypothesized by anyone with an IQ above room temperature. Purely speculation and its in reality, useless. We won't know anything "factual" until we capture one and study it, if it exists.......Until then, we can just pull random ones out of a hat and mix and match certain areas like brain function, the dawn of them etc etc and none of them are any more right or any more wrong than others.

    1. Your comment was useless, at least he has a theory.

    2. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

  12. I was actually enjoying his riff until the end..when words like global awareness (GPS?),clairvoyance and transcendent showed up. Not that those words represent bull, but they just didn't go with the somewhat rational theorizing above.

  13. If the Sasquatch came out of Africa, why are there none here. There are many mountainous areas to hide in. I find it hard to believe they all got up and left. Also nothing was explained to account for their tremendous size and strength.


    1. Good point! The size and strength could be explained by many more years of divergence (diet, climate, habitat, etc...) than postulated above. Look at the Jaguar versus the Leopard. How many millions of years have Africa and S. America been separated and the divergence is such that, side-by-side, most could barely tell them apart! This is not a completely fair analogy, but it may be close!
      The human fossil record needs to be reworked!
      David from the PAC/NW

    2. If they were to have come out of Africa then there should be fossil evidence of this. Africa is rich in pre human fossils. J.D.

  14. the witness is being watched. The squatch is eye raping them


    I'll stop shouting now.

    1. Beast in a box, nothing else will do.

    2. You say even WITH a body you won't beleive it? Then may I ask, why are you spending time reading/commenting/following it?

    3. There are no beasts only hominids.

  16. It's schocking to see so many idiots here. All they do is to poison us. By the way, it's a good hypothesis, Mr.Stubstad, get well soon.

    1. Stubstad is an asphalt engineer, his background has nothing to do with DNA research. Do your homework.

  17. What a fucking waste of time. We dont even know what these things look like or even if they exist. 100% effort should be to kill or capture a sasquatch, anything else is POINTLESS.

    1. Much like you contradicting views, you say we don't even know if they exist and still say kill or capture. It's a racist suggestion anyway, it's most likely another tribe and hominid species.

    2. Yep, pointless and a monumental waste of time. Anyone can dream shit like this up, but for what? Its bullshit. We need to capture one and then commence study. Everything before that is pointless. If these people with the Erickson Project and Ketchums staff ad "proof" they would've already came forward with it and protection would be established. The act that they haven't yet tells me they don't have "shit". Lets say they do though, what are they waiting on? Nothing seems to be more important to them than protection. Well, wtf are they waiting on! They're FOS.

    3. aborigines are well know for their dreamtime "awareness" that does confer upon them a greater ability to survive their harsh environment. Still in hunter/gatherer mode these primarily right brain functions, allow them to find scarce water, plants and animals to eat, and predators to avoid. They communicate with each other over great distances with this ability as well. Why not sasquatch. One demonstration for the British Geographical Society had an aboriginal tracker jog a hundred mile course (after shifting into dreamtime), that had been taken a year earlier by a group from the BGS, telling them exactly where they camped, and what they ate. Fairly impressive skills. Why not Sasquatch?

    4. What they're waiting for? To stun you with the proof, then you'll see why both kill or capture was a bad idea. Not that it wasn't always that in any case, it was.

  18. They have greater access to the subconscious because their conscious mind is not all cluttered up like ours with all the stimuli we are constantly being exposed to. When the subconscious is easier to access it is easier to become more attuned to the entire nervous system. When all systems are mainlined together it is easier to access information about the surrounding environment. That is how ESP works. There is not really anything mystical about it. Things become mystical only when they are not understood. The aborigines know how to do this and it would not surprise me at all if bigfoot does the same.

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