One of the Four Horsemen of Sasquatchery To Speak at Ohio Bigfoot Conference This Sunday

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

Just a heads up for folks planning to attend the Ohio Bigfoot Conference this Sunday, or for those itching to go but haven't bought tickets just yet. Famed Bigfoot and Yeti researcher Peter Byrne will be making an appearance and is scheduled to speak. The former big game hunter turned sasquatch enthusiast is a legendary personality in the world of Bigfooting.

Born in Ireland in 1925, Byrne is tagged one of the original "Four Horsemen of Sasquatchery", a title assigned by the award winning documentary, Sasquatch: The Odyssey, alongside equally legendary colleagues John Greene, Rene Dahinden, and Professor Grover Krantz. Dahinden and Krantz passed away in 2001 and 2002, respectively.

Here is information about Peter Byrne's scheduled speaking engagement and ticket information for the Ohio Bigfoot Conference from the

CAMBRIDGE -- Peter Byrne -- a legendary adventurer, big game guide turned conservationist and seeker of bigfoot -- will be a special guest at the Ohio Bigfoot Conference at 1 p.m. Sunday at the Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center.

Byrne, who served for the British in World War II, made India his home for decades and developed an interest in the yeti. This interest culminated in a multi-year expedition in the Himalayas financed by Texas oil baron Tom Slick, who eventually convinced Byrne to organize an expedition to seek the sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest.

Byrne is founder of the International Wildlife Conservation Society. Other speakers at the event will include wildlife biologist John Bindernagel, surveillance and technology expert Bill Dranginis, and Believe It Tour sponsor Mike Esordi.

Tickets are available at the door for $10 ($4 children 12 and under). Civic center doors will open at 11 a.m.

Bigfoot related merchandise will be for sale and attendees will be entered for door prize drawings.

Henry May put together a brief tribute to the fabulous free thinking four in honor of their groundbreaking contributions in the search for Sasquatch.

Here's Peter Byrne featured on "Sasquatch Odyssey - The Hunt for Bigfoot":


  1. It must be disappointing that, after many decades of sasquatchery, there still is no proof of the evidence of bigfoot.

    1. Proof and evidence comes in many forms. It doesn't have to be on a lab table to say it exist. In the 70's while taking high school chemistry and physics classes I ofter wondered how we knew so much about atoms and molecules, when they had never yet been seen. There is enough proof and evidence to fill a large warehouse.

      I remember seeing Peter Byrne on several Bigfoot/Yeti documentaries in the 70's and 80's, and it helped get me interested back then.
      I really look forward to shaking his hand tomorrow and also Dr. John Bindernagel.


    2. To science, I think that it is safe to say that a sasquatch would have to be on the table before they say that it exists.

    3. Jack Bindernagel is going to be there too? Why didn't he tell me?

    4. I would love to be able to be at this conference to meet Mr Byrne and Mr Bindernagel. Ive watched many Utube videos of them talking and im always fascinated by what they have to say. Hope you enjoy your day at the conference.

  2. It must be fulfilling to collect all of the evidence and eyewitness accounts that this man has done over the past many years; to now realize that the world is prepping to finally acknowldege the existence of the creature that he has known to exist for decades.

    1. I hope so.

      As of today, there is no proof in the eyes of science. Skeptics/science claim that there is no irrefutable evidence for the existence of bigfoot.

      Bigfoot eyewitness accounts mean nothing to science as well. There are many people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. Are they telling the truth? Were they really aducted by aliens? They are eyewitness accounts, aren't they?

  3. A true Icon of Sasquatchery...

    I treasure a poignant complimentary email from Peter years ago, a true gentlemen in a world of miscreants.

    A toast to Peter Byrne...three long and prosper sir. Great to see you in the quest.

    live and let live...

    Steve Summar

    PS...I still have more hair than Don Keating...

    1. He is one person in the BF field I would like to meet. And, as we see so many others attract critisism, he is one that seems to only recieve praise, really a testimony to his efforts and humanity. Nice to see this article and the upbeat comments.

    2. Of course it's well known that Robert Morgan doesn't like him very much and the feeling's probably mutual by now, I still wish they'd make up and get along because they both seem to be on the not-ape front.

  4. Some of these old farts have been at it for 50 years and still...nothing.
    Oh, but there's tons of evidence and sighting reports.
    Beast in a box is the only thing that will cut it.

    1. Yes. At this point nothing but a specimen will be sufficient to convince the world that bigfoot is not merely folklore. EVERYTHING other than a specimen that is put forward to try to show that bigfoot actually exists is a colossal waste of time.

    2. Yep' the bleebers have raised the bar to it's highest point. Enough Bigfoot pajama parties, it's time to put up or shut up.
      Beast in a box, NOW!

  5. Byrne will no doubt lead a safari into the dangerous wilds of Salt Fork State Park.

  6. John Green won't talk to Peter Brynne, or Rene Dehinden, even on his death bed he wouldn't call him. Green his a hate filled man who won't tolerate anyone not agreeing with him.

    1. I have heard that from more than one old timer, seriously. I have also heard some pretty nasty stuff about how he swept away a few others in his pursuit of being "the journalist" on the story. It seems the habits and attitudes of those involved in the original Bluff Creek event continued to permeate the community of "ape propeonents" for decades. The Fall is here.

  7. Byrne will be there to talk to individuals and sign anything, but he will not be speaking at the conference.

  8. It would be great if something would come out of these Bigfoot conferences and symposiums that would help to prove the existence of these things. They just regurgitate the same old crap and make a social function out of it. They promote their books and and bring in paid 'Bigfoot experts' or some crusty old guy that couldn't find BF either.

    Hey, let's all get together and talk about how we still haven't found Bigfoot or maybe we'll talk about how it hasn't been captured on a trail cam yet, even though there are millions of trail cams deployed throughout the country. Trackways are hot now, we could also talk about those. No wood knocking speeches though, they're so 2010.

    1. Yeah, that about sums it up. As long as money can be made, bigfoot will continue to exist.

    2. It's not about money, never was.

    3. It's always about money. It's also about getting attention from people that just happen to be the same kind of weird as you.

    4. You married for money? You go fishing for money? You indulge in other hobbies/ interests for money?

      It is not always about money.

      That is just a sad statement that says more about you than it does about those who are interested in BF.

    5. Billy, what you said makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Typical of a delusional Bigfoot fanatic.

    6. That pretty much says it all by the sound of it! Some want to know if it is true or not, others have made up their mind based on their own comfort zone beliefs. Have you never been curious about anything? It does seem there are many sorts of fanatics.

    7. Pity the poor naive juvenile trolls, Billy.

  9. I seen one in the hills near Chico CA but it was short. I seen it clear as day: a hairy monkey with a man face.
    At least 5 and a half feet so does that make it a Bigfoot? It walked like a man but it tweren't no man.

    1. I think it does. They don't start out at 6'+ so if that is what you saw...yeah.

    2. They end up somewhere around 12ft though, I've seen it.

  10. Where's the Matilda footage?????


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