New Footage: Turkey Hunter Spots A Bigfoot In Hancock, Maryland

When we find a new "Bigfoot" video that we haven't seen before, one of the first thing we look for are signs of "bad acting". The second thing we would do is ask the uploader what happened to the rest of the video.

This turkey hunter in Hancock MD seems genuinely frightened by the squatchy figure behind the trees, but without context, we're just going to pass this one along to FB/FB and see if they can put it through their famous "6 POINT" confirmation program.


  1. Replies
    1. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Do you even know anyone on the Erickson Project? I doubt it. Heckeling people that made a real effort and great sacrifices is NOT funny. I just hope your man enough to let them kick you in the sack when all of their stuff comes out. But I doubt that as well.

    2. lol...yes it is.

      looked like the Erickson Project to me. I bet that was Matilda that just woke up. She's not a morning ape. ;)

    3. LOL! ROFL! LMAO! Rictor is a funny guy!

    4. I thought the same, until i heard things in the woods 2years ago. You really do get up and get the hell out of there. If you thinks a 12 guage is gonna effect an 8ft tall 400 lb ctitter , thats the last thing you think of, is shootin a bb gun at panther. Course ididnt run away screaming.

  2. Replies

    2. Sorry folks. There are no sasquatches in Maryland or any other part of the Northeastern United States. That's ridiculous.

    3. Really? You may want to tell the one that I saw two years ago in WV that they are lost.

    4. West Virginia is north east now?

    5. I don't know if it's a fake or not, but I've spent a great deal of time in Green Ridge State Forest (just got back from an annual 6 day fishing trip). There is plenty of area at there for something to remain unseen, if it wants to.


  4. Most hunters would sit and observe, that's what we do. We sit and wait for the game to come by. WTF with the screaming and running? You have a weapon to protect yourself if necessary.
    IMO, a total fake!

    1. I don't care if you've got a bazooka; if you suddenly realize something you've NEVER seen before, something that shouldn't even exist, is suddenly staring, at you, and it's eight foot something and seven hundred plus pounds ... you're gonna scream and run, like a little girl.

    2. Really? That's funny cause you can see stuffed kodiaks, grizzlies and polar bears all over.

      Usually when I hunt turkeys I am using a 12 gauge. Other use smaller shotguns but I guarantee a 12 gauge round to the face will make this thing think twice before it tries anything...that is if it tries anything in the first place.

    3. Screaming and running! Yeah that's the right thing to do... Your a hunter, my gosh! It's ok for you to kill an animal smaller than you, but boy throw a squatch in front of you and you run like a scared kid... But, I bet you sure would have blasted it had it been a tom with a long beard. Grow a pair...

  5. "What is that?"...Agggggggg wild running, end of clip. ????

  6. Maryland yes really. You may be shocked by the presence of East Coast bigfoot - but they do exist.

    1. You're can see them all over DC.

  7. Well,
    That was just useless and silly.
    I can't even comment on a video clip like that.
    Just silly is all I can say

    1. it was very useful and no where near silly.

  8. really a time waste, should have (humor) tag

    1. it's not a waste of time and it's not funny.

  9. at-least they tried!(NOT)

  10. That is the real deal right there. I've seen plenty of them and they have all closely resembled this one. Great video, best since Patterson.

    1. I see a baby Bigfoot behind it.

    2. It's not the real deal.

      You don't see a baby bigfoot.

    3. There are five more standing in the video! They are everywhere!!!

  11. Looks more like a fellow hunter in some type of camouflage. The most I would give it is "blobsquatch" status.

    1. It at not be another "hunter". Its most definitely another person though. In all honesty I doubt this guy is even hunting period. Looks like another genuine hoax to me.

    2. Doesn't look at all like another hunter or person.
      How exactly, is it that you know what the guy in the video is doing by the way? Those are some amazing glasses you must be wearing. They're called cloudy and deranged.

  12. I hate to break out a cliche, but whatever he is filming "looks big." Too far away to make out any detail, though.

    Also, the sudden fear from the guy filming appears to be in response to a vocalization by the creature (or person in a suit), which sounds like a bark in the filmers direction. Assuming it is real (big assumption), the guy took out his cell phone after seeing the creature minutes or seconds before. He was willing to investigate further until it became evident that the creature was also aware of him.

    If it is a hoax, which is probably the case, at least the vocalization adds a new wrinkle.

    1. The vocalizations don't add anything and it's not a hoax.

  13. Wow, Run and scream like a girl! FAKE!

  14. Another video that doesn't mean shit. Congrats, and good luck with the all speculation.

  15. Do all hunters randomly shoot video of the woods? What if you see a turkey and all you have at hand is a video camera?

  16. Replies
    1. Quit being a douche and go do your homework kid!

    2. No and I don't wanna do my homework.

    3. Funniest trolling since the Bindernagle-phonecall-bonanza.

    4. No way. I miss hearing about Jack Bindernagle's frequent phone calls.

  17. This one is tough without back story. The subject in the video has a Sasquatch presence about it and the facial structure is consistent with many confirmed sitings. The reaction of the videographer seems legitimate IMO. This one demands a recreation and detailed video analysis. Don't be surprised if this turns out to be legit. I won't be.

  18. Everything that you said is wrong and you will be surprised.

    1. Well said. You clearly know more than everyone else on the topic of Sasquatch Morphology. Touche! Was that you in a suit?

  19. yes I do know more than everyone else in all matters. yes it was me in the suit.

  20. I don't see any reason to run away ...
    I would have kept filming and if it came at me shot it

    1. because anyone who has a gun and does run away is a pussy.

  21. If u put it on full screen behind the " bigfoot " thier is somthing moving on two legs and it stay still. It's not a shadow. look close

  22. I don't see why everybody is giving this guy such a hard time. If he was turkey hunting then he wouldn't be equipped with the right kind of ammo to kill anything large. Bird shot wouldn't do anything to a bear, wolf, or Sasquatch. If he really saw something and it stopped and growled at him it probably scared the shit out of him. Everyone can sit here and play tough guy behind their computer. Go up in the woods and see how you react when some upright walking creature looks right at you and growls like an animal. Because everyone is laughing at this guy and calling it fake - nobody is going to go in that location now. Nobody will get an interview and a potential real witness may never go back or speak up about it again. It's not good evidence, but that doesn't make it fake.

    1. This mystery would be over if he had just run up and kicked that thing right in the balls.

    2. Ok now listen. Wild turkeys are pretty damn hard to kill. Most likely that hunter has a wicked hot 12Ga. load chambered. The move to make shoulder crushing 12ga chamberings has solely been brought about by turkey hunting.
      What i'm trying to say is that a turkey hunter is carrying a weapon that can put a golfball sized hole in a animal at 10 yards and kill a man easy at 50.

    3. Yeah I'm with Anon at 7:29. A 3 1/2 inch shell shooting 4-5 shot from a 12 gauge will do some damage. Especially when you got at least 2 more shells behind the first. I've never seen ANY hunter ever act like gives us a bad name

  23. The guy responding to every comment in the negative is NOT a complete Jackass. Your turn:

  24. I've been investigating Bigfoot sightings in Maryland since my encounter in 1981 near Sykesville. There are several very credible reports throughout the piedmont and mountainous areas of the state. Hancock is in Washington County...very close to Pennsylvania to the north and across the Potomac River from West Virginia to the south.

    1. I haven't watched the video. I had an encounter myself on July 23, 2009 here in WV.


    2. It's ten seconds long. You have time to watch it

  25. You can see the camo hood this guy/thing is wearing. Looks like his turkey hunting buddy and him wanted to make a quick spoof for UToob.

    1. I can see the camo hood that you're wearing. You know, the one that makes you lie.

  26. usually the video does no justice to what is being looked at live in person. I recently filmed a flock of birds that were flying in a strange pattern that looked horrible in HD. the video looked nothing like what I was actually seeing.

  27. Bigfoot sightings... 80% hoax. 20% mis-identification. No such creature.

    1. I whole-heartedly agree! "Bigfoot" is a made up name. The accurate name for the real living species is Sasquatch. Great point.

    2. Comments sections...65% legit, 35% ' skeptic ' troll comments made by one guy replying and agreeing with himself over and over.

  28. Lon, you're a liberal I can tell. Get off the weed and get a job man!

  29. pretty believable I would have done the same if I saw one. Anyone who would go towards the direction of one is stupid.

    1. That's because your a pussy, just like this so called "hunter" who ran of just because he saw Cesar in the woods.i would have stayed there & filmed until it disappeared, if it came my way i would have fucked it up with my smith & Wesson 500 & my sawed off.

  30. It's the erickson footage lol ... Matilda awake lol

  31. Dude, you are armed. You are in Camo, man up !!! You are the the freakin' wilderness protection watch ! Shoot the mf and take the skittles and ice tea off his hairy ass.

  32. Why would a turkey hunter be filming the woods, do they film the turkey before they shoot them?

  33. two things bother me, one is the pansyness of the hunter. He is looking through a viewfinder OR the tiny screen on the camera and in 2 seconds of film decides its some huge threat to him and off he runs? I dont know any hunters that would do that. Most of the Hunters I know would have sat there much longer to decide what he is hunting down there. Secondly, alot of hunters I know would have been carrying a pistol for protection, maybe a .45? so this hunter has a 12 guage probably and a .45 and he sees what could be another hunter in camo on a screen and pees his pants and runs off. Is that what I am getting out of this video? Thank GOD our military doesnt do that!!!

  34. You don't need a 45 for protection if you're carrying a shotgun.

  35. Fake or not... The voice of the creature scared me.

  36. A turkey Hunter using a 3" Magnum shell with 1+7/8 oz of large shot (turkey load) can put a big hole in just about anything.. The load is custom to tear the turkey's head and neck clean off the body.. So the big guy would of not liked the feeling of this ammunition no matter what unless he had on some Kevlar... The guy should of held his ground.

  37. The reaction of the hunter/videographer is consistent with several other videographers who witnessed purported Sasquatch, most notably Nassau NY Running Sasquatch Video where four young men freak out and run. It's a normal 'Fight or Flight' response. Most armed hunters who have have encountered a Sasquatch have stated that the weapon they had would NOT have done anything to stop a creature of that size.

  38. lol how do people think anyone is going to believe this crap anymore. aaaaaaahhhh runn!!!!!!!! LOL! no creativity or imagination.pretty sad. how lame clips like this even make it up for debate is beyond me. word to future hoaxers: bigfot doesn't trounce through the woods all day! if they did, there would be a lot more proof. any supposed video of a bigfoot where the creature is just stomping through the woods trying to get on camera IS A FAKE...end of story.

    1. "Trounc through the woods all day!". Yeah, Like Patty! Right? And Freeman too... Stupid people. Bigfoot is only Nocturnal! Stupid!

  39. The habituation discussion about throwing poo was way more mature than this one... Wow!

  40. The video is too short to tell for sure but it is probably a black bear.

  41. I saw a large harry thing in montgomery co md.. 3 days ago it snaped a tree in half and tore off down the bottom ....on 2 feet at that

  42. have lived in Md my whole life trust me they are here

  43. I saw one Memorial Day 2014 Just 1 mile up the Potomac River from the DC/Maryland line.. About 80 yards away, crouched down watching me from a wood pile.


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