Leroy Blevins Tries To Prove M.K. Davis's White Bigfoot Is a Hoax

Leroy Blevins thinks he's awesome at debunking Bigfoot videos. He has been known to spend valuable time and money (up to $500 $243) on a Bigfoot costume trying to prove that the Patterson-Gimlin film is a hoax.

In this latest video by Blevins, he attempts to recreate the white Bigfoot running across the field as seen on M.K. Davis's video. His conclusion? Based on his tests, and how a person was able to run like the "Bigfoot" in the video, Blevin declares the video a "hoax".

"They claim the White Bigfoot seen in MK Davis videos is real. I did this test to see if a man can go through the same motions as the Bigfoot in that video. And yes it can be done." - Leroy Blevins


  1. Wow... this is the debunking equivalent of FB/FB. I can run on all fours, therefore the person in the video was as well. What rubbish.

  2. This is probably the funniest thing I've seen on the internet today!! I'm not mad at him trying to debunk the MK Davis video, he's entitled to that. It's his execution that makes me giggle.

  3. His grammar is on the same level as his video analysis.
    Size, speed, distance, morphology, and any corroborating evidence would need to be considered to absolutely consider it a hoax.
    I think this white bigfoot is really just a human, misidentified, but I cannot say so with utter certainty.

  4. His grammar is on the same level as his video analysis.
    Size, speed, distance, morphology, and any corroborating evidence would need to be considered to absolutely consider it a hoax.
    I think this white bigfoot is really just a human, misidentified, but I cannot say so with utter certainty.

  5. These demonstrations prove nothing. This guy needs to learn about how to prove things. At BEST, these prove that whomever that is, can (sort of) run on four limbs, then on two; other than that....they have proven exactly squat.

    He is the mirror image of BUTCHYKID624. One goes to the end of the earth to hoax BF videos, the other goes to the same extremes to prove everything is a hoax.

    Leroy needs to get off his little ass and get out in the field. Prove they don't exist from the lab buddy!

    1. prove they don't exist? That statement wraps up in four words everything that's wrong with bigfootery today.

      This guy is debunking a video that doesn't show anything of substance, and the response is to prove they don't exist.

      How about reversing that, get out in the field and prove they do exist. Because 0 people have done that so far.

    2. "Prove they don't exist."

      6:10 PM: Science doesn't work that way.


      I cannot fathom why the phrase "Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence" is so utterly opaque to most 'footers. The "bleevers" stomp their feet and shriek that we have to prove that their claims aren't accurate. By that logic, I can make the following claim:

      "An Army of Underwear Gnomes has invaded every state capital and is controlling the government using mind control and delicious oatmeal!"

      ...and it would be incumbent upon you to prove to me that I'm incorrect.


      What Blevins did here was demonstrate that one of Davis' claims -- that the individual in the video shifted easily from quadrupedal to bipedal movement, and therefor defied explanation -- was easily replicated by a human being. If you can't understand why that is significant, there is little I can offer to convince you otherwise.

      Lastly, after having seen "Chimpanzee" this weekend, the entire "bigfoot" phenomenon just feels more like utter rubbish than it usually does. Seriously, folks: No clear photographs. None. (No, Hovey's image doesn't count, because, face it, it can be a costume.) No video. No nothing.

      It's not real, folks. Move on.

  6. You mean you were not convinced? AH!HA!HA!HA!

    I do not see it as productive to speculate, whether it is a White BlobSquatch on a black background or a Black BlobSquatch on a white background makes no difference.

    Out of focus blobs with low definition and no scale for comparison could be called ghosts, leprechauns, or ET with as much authority.

  7. Seriously? Because of two tests done in 41 seconds, Mr. Blevins has come to the conclusion that the alleged white bigfoot video is a hoax. Simply amazing.

    1. You're right. He didn't need to bother proving what was already obvious. MK Davis has been hoaxed.

  8. Okay, what I always find interesting with any quadrupedal footage is the "head-up" orientation, which this obviously fails to recreate. Not sold on the white BF footage, but please... keep your butt down and head up. You'll probably need forearm prosthetics, BTW.
    David from the PAC/NW

  9. This website is the most entertaining on the net, I love all the characters and drama of bigfooting and the subtle digs everyone has at each other and the comments here are always funny and awesome.

    I love Leroy Blevins,his name sounds like a funnier version of Leeeroyyyy Jennnnnkiiiiinnnnss, which is awesome.

    Keep up the good work Shawn

  10. Replies
    1. Apparently he came face to face with a Bigfoot back in 2002, that's ten years now so how about a video recreation for the anniversary?

  11. First of all like I have said in the past if you don't believe in my research that is ok with me. However don't get mad at me just because I am the only researcher that do the test on these claims that these other researchers never do. Plus as for getting off of my butt to look for myself and see a Bigfoot that was done years ago. I have seen a real Bigfoot face to face in 2002 and I know for a fact what they really look like. But with all of these researchers backing these hoax films and videos it make it harder for real Bigfoot researchers to find the proof and show they are real. So next time when you put down my research you need to first sit back and take a look at these people that is doing these hoax's and videos and making claims they filmed a real Bigfoot. Plus most of the hoax's come from people in the Bigfoot field research.

    1. Holy cow. Off your butt to do what exactly, Blevins? Home made ape suits for Halloween and running around a grassy field? Have you ever considered these beings just might not all look alike, some are big and fat like Patty others more slender, they aren't all the same in appearance but perhaps just as diverse as our own species. Fakes though can usually be told quite easily by the gait for instance, and that's is just one point you're way off regarding the Patterson footage.

  12. "Plus most of the hoax's come from people in the Bigfoot field research." -Leroy Blevins Sr

    I agree I wish they would remain calm and assertive when they are hoaxing.

  13. MK white BF video isn't worth the effort in proving its a hoax, its too blurry,to see anything distinctive...

  14. Like all of Blevins' other videos, this only proves that Blevins could not have figured out how to hoax it.

    1. Yeah, you have to wonder what makes someone spend so much time and energy on trying to disprove what others think or some may even know is real, why he'd even want to. We should really question the motives of people like him, indeed their state of mind. Anyway it's for science to prove whether something isn't real or real, not some halfassed attempt like this dude crawling along the grass. He looks more like the cow in the video.

  15. At least this film has higher resolution. It is 2012. Film is not the answer. A specimen, preferably living, is.

    1. But you believe bin Laden's dead don't you? You never saw his body, you were just told and believed it. In the case of bigfoot a specimen isn't really required, that's for the disbelievers who for whatever reason don't accept what science will find.
      DNA's really enough. That's how it's done now not by demeaning and reducing what may be another human species to a zoo attraction, living or dead. I doubt we'll ever see a sasquatch presented that way, we'll see many videos of them from their home element though.

    2. Bin Laden died years ago. DNA results in 24 hours? yup okay.
      But that's a topic for a different blog.

  16. Its blurry on the internet video, but more definition on the original. even with low resolution, you can see how
    the back legs go in front of it's head when on all 4's,the speed,even though blurry, is much greater than our fastest Olympic runners, and the size was also excessive. This guy look as though he is running at 1/4
    speed compared to the video, and the agility is non existent.

  17. Not quite dude but, + for effort. you should work on getting your butt to go up and down more. Maybe think of your girlfriend during that part. Then it's not so much the speed but the reach of the legs. In the mk video the creature, whatever, goes from almost dead stop to a huge leap out from behind the bushy tree near the cow. Keep working on it. Maybe go to Walmart and buy a white sweatshirt, preferably a hoody.

  18. All probabilities in this test were acquired via gastrointestinal precognition and/or rectal extraction.

  19. LEROY BLEVINS.....Wacko !
    Ole Leroy is a raving lunitic. He is one of the Crazy Super Religious Nuts that paints everything in that light. He's been a nut for years and just look at his history online if it's still there. Screwball !

    1. What drives a whackjob like that, he must have a whole box of loose screws by now. No wait, make that a whole basement full.

  20. Leroy needs to spend a few years and a few thousand dollars on a white bigfoot suit, then do this test

    1. I bet that's next for him, another epic failure.


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