A Glimpse Into The World of One Bigfoot Habituation, Or Type-2 Bigfoot Contact

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

In his book Impossible Visits, Chris Noel explores claims of Bigfoot 'habituations'. Habituation is a term assigned to the practice of humans forming a trust or bond with a clan of sasquatches, much like what acclaimed biologist Dian Fossey accomplished with gorillas. Habituators often say they have regular encounters with the species, despite bringing forth no indisputable evidence corroborating their claim. After Dr. Melba Ketchum, a veterinary physician and animal dna specialist made admissions to participating in such activities via Facebook, her credibility has been under fire regarding the much anticipated scientific paper purported to confirm the existence of the sasquatch species through dna testing.

In this video compilation, Noel brings audio and thermal imaging from various alleged habituation sites, along with footage of some possible foot impressions he believes may have been left from a bigfoot. In one of the clips, a large tree is heard falling to the ground which he discovers to have been within an estimated six feet of where he had been sleeping. He includes wood knocking audio and an image of what he speculates to be an arm belonging to one of the creatures as it hides behind a woodpile.

[via www.mylifeaftercontact.com]




    1. is that why the site no longer posts reports, someone said from 2010..?

  2. Having a habituation sucks! Every time I look out the window, there's a sasquatch squating in my yard dropping a big'ol deuce! I got to run out there and start beating them with a broom to run them off!

    1. I know, right!? I'm always all, "Damnit! The damn BF are eating my roses again!" I open the window and shout, "Git!" and a four-pound turd hits the window! Ugh...
      David from the PAC/NW

    2. I've got 26 inch biceps from heaving those turds out my yard. I made the mistake of letting a squatch in the house to use the toilet, damn thing dropped a shit the size of a log that bowl.Totally clogged the shiter. I had to use a jack hammer to ram that turf down the toilet! The toilet hasn't been the same since.

    3. I know, right? The big bastards pluck my tomatoes right off the vine, eat the daffodils, leave divots in my yard from their croquet and badminton games and leave empty Pepsi cans and Jack Link Jerky wrappers everywhere! Actually, come to think of it, they're just like a clan of inbred West Virginians. Not happy!

    4. Damn worthless lazy squatches!! GET A JOB YOU BUM!!

    5. I didn't realize they let children on this site. If your not a child and writting comments like these; don't you think you oghta grow up and act like a mature person.

    6. Shut up you guys! Mom's here! Heheheheheeee!

    7. Tell that to those bigfoot bastards. The problem with this habituation i've got going is the squatches found a crack pipe some where and are now a bunch of crack fiends. They hit that pipe and then freak out. I've got bigfoots jumping up and down in trees throwing turds if you get to close while others hide in the bushes waiting for you to walk by so they can jump out and piss on you.I stole their crack pipe once, boy did that piss them off. They started banging on the doors wanting to get to that pipe. When they couldn't get in a couple of them squated and dropped some big'ol shit logs on my door step and lit them on fire! I got a lot of shit on my shoe stomping that fire out, so I threw the crack pipe at them and they ran off howling.

  3. Nice Video. Well done. Keep up the good research.

  4. Craptastic video. Worthless.

  5. If a tree falls in the forest, and it makes a sound, did a squatch push it over out of meanness?

    1. naw. He was drunk and staggered in to it

    2. Only if no one else heard it fall

    3. Yes, if there was a trailcam attached to it.

  6. squatch dont drink, he eats shrooms.

    1. In all likelyhood, they do use fungi as a food source like most other forest critters do. I do not think they consume "active species" based on the fact most other animals seem to stay away from the "magic" fruits.

      However, I have seen entire cannabis crops wiped out by deer,bears,rabbits and even coyotes. I bet some nor-cal "farmers" have some interesting stories that they will never share because of the nature of there livelihood.


  7. Can we please get some comment moderation, these 13 year old anonymous posters and their toilet humor are really making this site suck right now.

    1. Lighten up! Its entertaining and all in good fun.Smile every once in a while, laugh every now and then, its good for you!

    2. Hey I normally hate these Trolls... But in this case, what they are saying is pretty funny. The likelihood of Fossey/Goodall contact is minimal. Most of these claims seem to be made by people who are either mentally-ill or buy hoaxers trying to make a buck by selling their vids.

      However, in the case of Dr.Ketchum,so far she isn't making outrageous claims about them taking her on-board their spaceship to meet cousin Chewbaka, nor is she trying to sell any vids. She isn't really even saying anything. I give her the benefit of the doubt.

      But maybe all of it is true? Maybe it is happening more and more as the lazy sasquatch who have been raiding the marijuana operations, decided they no longer wanted to forage or hunt and are now squatting in peoples gardens as part of the "Occupy Humanity" movement?.... hmm that was meant to be a joke, but sadly, I just realized that the joke actually made more sense than the real occupy movement did. lol

    3. oops I meant "Most of these claims seem to be made by people who are either mentally-ill or (BY)* hoaxers trying to make a buck by selling their vids.

  8. I have a 13 yr old and he is ten times brighter than some of these commenters. I'd go with 6 yr old humor...

    1. Then you're not raising him right, sounds as dumb as you.

  9. Vickie thanks for this post, and especially to Chris Noel for putting it out, good stuff!

  10. There's no such thing as habituation in sasquatch. This video shows nothing, like all others. It's not a peek into anything

    1. There's no such thing as Al W.

    2. Oh no.. Habituation is not just people who make contact with Sasquatch. The more scarey reports that come out of the U.S. South could also be considered habituation in which occupants of a house are regularly harassed and farm animals are regularly killed as well as dogs. That is one of the reasons I do not think what is in the South is the same thing that is in the Pacific Northwest. PNW Sasquatch seem to be nomadic and possibly migrate back and forth. The things in the south seem to be territorial which would make habituation more likely.

  11. Why do some people insist on stepping in sasquatch tracks? This just seems dumb to me, to be destroying evidence like that.

    1. If there were a forum, or someone to send those tracks to as casts, you would be right. there are plenty of track casts out there, literally thousands and onlyone guy who will "look" a them, if you are lucky. Who wants to store plaster casts in a crowded garage forever? The joke is that the Circus Masters have convinced the public BFs are rare and hard to find...
      But, they aren't, not if you ask them to come to you and don't chase and say vigilant. These types are "beyond" the tracks and stick structures, and "proving" to a public still thinking giant Apes. No, i'ts not proof, it's something else, maybe better, it's a kind of respectful inquiry, and one regardless of what we say, is real and that's just the way it is. Why don't we take up a collection and g3t him a FLIR with an eyepiece?

  12. He has habituated trees?

    He sure habituated those footprints ... with his shoe.

    The woodpile video is interesting.

  13. This Nancy-boy has one intention and that is to sell books.

    1. Your comment is a perfect example of the typical BF tough manly researcher, and carries a gun. Those aren't nancy boys are they? But this guy, in a sleeping bag on the ground is? Are all thoughtful college types a Nancy-boy for you? Too much thinking, too gentle? Part of the problem, actually a big part of the problem, with BF "research" is such a great deal comes from the mouths of the rough and ill mannered. It doesn't make thier data wrong, just distasteful in it's presentation.
      This guy is a change from that and welcome. I think BF types have hung around each other too long and lost sight of how the mainstream behaves and thinks.

      Anything but a nancy-boy...

    2. What about a gun ? I did not understand your comment. I ALWAYS carry a firearm in the woods, often just my glock26, mainly for cougars and bears, it is nice to be able to shoot into the ground and watch a cougar change its mind on having a chunk of me or my dog for dinner.

      I dont think I could I could "duce" a squatch unless It was a me or them situation.


    3. Sorry Chrissy, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was just making reference to the effeminate way you speak. The other thing I said was my main point. It's all about selling the books and making money from people that have been duped into believing that there are those that have Bigfoot settlements on their property.

  14. AIW. what makes you so certain theres no such thing as "habituation in sasquatch"? or is it you just think there are no sasquatch? or are you just speaking about something you know nothing about?
    J.S. smith

  15. I really enjoyed the DVD that C Noel had put out. Great clips, great interviews. I believe he's done a fair job as providing information as he has.


  16. Fantastic footage of an invisible Zebra

  17. If you have a good area with ongoing activity, sling your cam's high, use multiple types of cams (FLIR,ns,standard hd) draw em in, pop a naval flare and watch the show, lol....

    Really wish a good flir set up didnt cost as much as a used truck, lol...

  18. Hello everyone negative it's so easy to comment videos but where's your commitment where's you so much more awesome cuz I would do out better sasquatch video... I think the guy did well and meant well it's not like he's running to the local news our tom biscardi looking for instant fame and wealth for just a cpl tracks and some wood knocks

    1. He sells books and wants people like you to buy them.

  19. Anyone can make a Bigfoot video these days claiming they see or hear one but they never actually show one. Look at me I am a Bigfoot researcher and I have been doing this for decades However just cause I have not seen them does not mean they are actually coming out of their UFO "space saucer" for you noobs. Glowing neon green belts with fire red eyes as big as softballs.


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