Eyewitness Interview For The Movie Skookum

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

Several weeks ago the trailer for an upcoming movie called Skookum was posted. Apparently, the film lost its funding and is on hold for now, but listen to Mike Wooley's account of a frightening encounter in the woods of Louisiana, an interview conducted for the film. Just 25 years old at the time, he admits to being truly terrified that day. You may also remember Mike from the first webisode of the online series Swamp Squatchers posted here recently.

Sitting atop a tree stand, a young doe darted through the woods as if it was being chased. Oddly, when it got to the tree where Mike was, it lay down in apparent exhaustion. Looking for the deer's pursuer, he caught sight of a hairy, black gorilla type shape. It quickly ducked behind a tree. Believing it to be someone horsing around, Wooley shouted to the prankster to take off the mask and stop the shenanigans. Raising his rifle and peering through its scope, Mike fixated on the eyes of a strange animal he didn't recognize. He detected a sinister and menacing gaze from the creature which then let out a loud and angry growl.

Hearing a whistle and a second creature's response instinctively triggers the fight or flight response. Mike wisely chooses flight. Listen to Mike's compelling account of his adrenaline charged sprint for the safety of his truck as the hostile beast parallels his escape route, bent on removing the unwelcome intruder from his territory, and the impact the event made on his life thereafter.


  1. Skookum is in Washington state, isn't it? Why the Louisiana story in a movie called Skookum?

    1. I may be wrong.

      But I think the word Skookum is a native American name for Sasquatch used by some people in the Pacific northwest.

      It may also be a name given to areas in that region, implying that those places are areas where the Skookum does or did reside.

      That it is used for the name of the movie would not, in my opinion, limit the use of the term strictly to the Pacific northwest area.

    2. In the Pacific Northwest, in the Salish/Chinook tribes, skookum is defined as "large", "great", "frightening"

  2. I want more swap squatchers!!

    1. more swamp squatchers is coming the next episode is being made as i speak hope to be on youtube by this coming weekend.

  3. Another account, years ago and no proof whatsoever, of course it involves selling a book, lack of funding, money. So an avid hunter is in a tree stand, holding a 30-06 or .270 or similar rifle when he sees "it". Then he does the exact OPPOSITE of what any other avid hunter would do? Leaves the tree and tries to outrun two unknown animals to his truck? Oh seriously people just let that sink in. Ask a pig, bear, lion, hunter if ya wanna be in a treestand or on ground when the shit goes down.

    This story, like all the rest, is utter crap. BTW Smeja killed two with a 25-06 right? So we all know a mid-sized rifle will do the job. All about shot placement, either this guy is a poor hunter or total moron, I think instead he is lying to sell a book. Just like Smeja and Gimlin of course.

    1. This same scenario has happened to hundreds if not thousands of hunters, and damn near every one of them either left the area as fast as they could, or waited until the creature left. By the way it happened just this same way to a very good and seasoned hunter friend of mine. You can not shot something you do not have a license for. Also most hunters have the morality to flat out know that something this close to a human is not to be harmed unless you are under direct attack which is very rare.

      Anyway this is what a real sportsman hunter does.


    2. In various articles I have read, some hunters claim that sasquai look so similar to human that it dissuaded them from shooting. I've also read (whether the source was credible or not had not been determined) that in some instances the hunters do shoot and when they come upon the body, it looks so human-like in appearance that they leave the body because they fear that they will get in trouble. Either way is plausible. I've heard and read stories where the hunter got so frightened during the encounter that they even dropped their gun. Me personally, no I wouldn't drop my gun. But note would I shoot one, unless I felt threatened. I'm not someone who doesn't believe in hunting-but I dont really condone sport hunting either. Shoot to eat. Lol

    3. *nor would I shoot. Swype text.lol

    4. I have to say that, I'm not sure I'd leave a tree stand while that thing was looking at me.

      I've been a hunter all my life. When i was 25, I was a paratrooper with the US Army, 82nd and in the best shape of my life. Not to mention the, "you can't kill me" attitude I walked around with. Even so, I don't think I'd leave a tree stand while that thing was on the ground looking at me.

      Just me I guess.

    5. You can bet I would shoot it, call my university's zoology department, jeff meldrum, etc....I'm calling the whole damn press too and we all meet at certain time and place with armed guards. I tell story that a giant monkey threatened me so I shot it...as. long as its not in Florida I walk away loaded.

    6. I am the producer for the Skookum movie and I can vouch that Mike Wooley's experience is true. He is the most honest, genuine person I have ever known and he went twenty years without telling a soul about his experience--for fear of derision. If he were trying to capitalize from his experience, he would have done it a long time ago. He has come forward with his story over the past years not for financial gain but to share his experience with others who have had a similar experience in order to help them cope and process it. The psychological impact of a personal sighting of a creature with a human-like appearance should be met with compassion and a spirit of respect, even if we don't personally believe that Bigfoot exists.

    7. You can vouch for the character of a person, but you cannot vouch that another person's experience is true, unless you independently viewed the shared experience.

      Only Mike can tell use why he choose to leave high-ground where he could defend and compete on foot (where he would not be able to aim and shoot) against a wild beast that was surely, bigger, stronger, and faster than him - because it doesn't add up.

    8. Manowar, sorry bub, but you are wrong. I will tell you what you would do...in your pants when you came that close! They are rarely alone in the woods, so go ahead and shoot one, and bring the full wrath of it's family upon you...and you will never be seen again.

  4. good point if something chased a deer to exhaustion the last option is outrunning it!

  5. He's seen like five or six other ones too. I wonder if he has the same ability to easily see them as Ketchum does. I wonder if the ones he saw are kin to the ones Ketchum saw. She should ask her Bigfoots if they know who this guy is, telepathically, of course. Then we would know if he is telling the truth.

    1. I'll have my Bigfoots get with your Bigfoots and get back to you.

    2. My bigfoot buddy sez this guy is telling the truth.

  6. He had me 'till he said one was apparently behind him on the road. There is no way a human out runs an animal.

    And his story was completely discredited once he mentioned he had "several more" encounters. If the first one scared the crap out of you, why would you enter the woods again?

    1. I'd bet plenty of people are terrified at their first encounter and then go back into the woods. Its curiosity.

    2. You know nothing of bigfoot behavior, and it shows! The bigfoot could have easily killed him, but it just escorted him out of it's territory by Parallel movement, a classic behavior of the creatures. Your opinions would carry some weight if you would take the time to do your homework, and not just assume things.

  7. This guy looks like he'd kill anyone who questions the validity of his story.


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