Dr. Melba Ketchum Shares Photo Of Sticks, Says Sasquatches Are Playful

Check out the photo above. We already know what you're asking: "What is it?"

My friends, what you're looking at are known as "stick structures". Bigfoot researchers believe these unusual stick formations are left behind by sasquatches. Some say it's possible that these sticks could be used as markers. Others believe that the sticks are some kind of intelligent message or symbol.

The photo above was posted by Dr. Melba Ketchum on her Facebook page. She's the person in charge of the purported Bigfoot DNA study (currently in peer-review). According to Ketchum, she has seen a few Bigfoots on this property, up to an "entire family of 5".

Here's what she wrote about the photo:

Thought you guys might like to see the interesting stick structure I found when I was out of state this weekend. The base on which the sticks were laid were two broken cedars that were growing beside each other. This was not naturally made. I found a number of very interesting structures besides this one. The Sasquatches were playful to say the least and I saw an entire family of 5. I never get tired of that. Left me some huge footprints for the next morning also. This post is for the enjoyment of those that like this page. It has nothing to do with the paper but I hope you that have seen these types of structures will enjoy the photo. Sorry it was a little dark as it was already dusk when I found it. Maybe some computer genius will lighten it and re-post it.

Sasquatch are known to make unusual stick formations in the woods. This is a great example of an unusual one. This area is remote and it would take someone with hands to make it and it is also an area that is not open to the public. Those that have a lot of contact with Sasquatch or read a lot about them will recognize this. For the novices, welcome to the indescribable world of Sasquatch!

I do this for my own enjoyment. I know they exist because of their DNA and also because I have seen them. I have nothing to prove so I would rather see and interact with them without a camera than to not see them. I don't care if people believe it or not. It is just enjoyable to me. I am very thankful that they trust me enough to come out. Of course I have always had a good relationship with many species so I think that they know I am harmless. :)

Most species can tell if you are a friend or a foe. Dogs, cats, horses, cows or any other animal can "sense" your presence if they want to.

There are a lot of people that see them easily like I do. Most just will not discuss it for fear of ridicule. I already have had a lot of criticism just doing the paper so I really do not care what people think or say or if they believe it or not...I will reiterate, I do this for my own enjoyment. The paper is serious but this adventure in learning about them is just for me. :)

Some guy named Matt wrote this comment: "I hope there population is growing bigger as the years go by.I would hate for them to be proven as a real species then be but on the endangered list because stupid hunters wont to go out and kill one.They need to be left alone and maybe humans and the big fella can interact some day without fear of being killed."

Ketchum's response: "They are already hunting them. Want to be the "first" to get a body. It is revolting."


  1. This takes confidence, and since I know Sasquatches do exist, and many others have also been able to approach them with the right attitude and techinque, I accept this at face value.

  2. Good for her, but I wish she'd hold her personal opinions and experiences until her paper is published. Why risk slanting anybody's opinion (pro or con) when we're supposedly so close?

  3. There are parts of Oregon where lodge poll pines have fallen down due to a wind or disease or both that could look similar.

    What I notice is that the shutter speed is slow or the light is low, causing smearing, and what appears to be a left index finger over the top of the lens opening. It looks like Blob without the Squatch.

    1. John I have seen both, and you are right, careful inspection of drainage, wind, and also doubling (arches) from wet snow are common. But, I have also seen a Bigfoot struture, a few in fact, personally. You can tell the difference. The only other explanation for those would be humans, and often that is below significant probability, but always something to consider.

    2. And how did you determine these were Bigfoot structures? Did you see any crawl out of them?

      This is the kind of nonsense that causes conflict on this board and why mainstream can't take this topic seriously.

    3. Where are you located in oregon? Or where have you seen evidence of bigfoot? I lived for several years in the area between yosemite and lassen in california. Most of the spots of activity were in the mokoloumne valley and north of pinecrest lake. I would love to search some new promising areas.

  4. To many skeptics, this is like Linus blowing the election by saying the following when giving a speech in front of the school while he is running for class president:

    "I'd like to take a moment to talk about The Great Pumpkin..."

    1. Biggest laugh I've had today, 4:55.

      Some of the commenters here have a great sense of humor. Usually get a few good laughs every day.

  5. I always cringe whenever someone uses the old line "I don't care if people believe it or not." How many times have we heard that one? If this is true, why does she have a publicist?

    She also states "I have nothing to prove so I would rather see and interact with them..." Hello? You have nothing to prove??? Why in blazes are you writing a scientific paper then?

    I don't know. I hope this is not all one big publicity stunt or bizarre human behavior experiment, but the longer this drags on the more certain I am that in 2022 she'll still be teasing the world about how "soon" this will all be published.

    1. I knew someone skeptical would pick that line up. More importantly, why do you even read here if you're so skeptical? It's hysterical how people do that, they claim to think it's all bogus and they're the most avid posters. LOL

    2. Hey, everyone that has personally never seen something that has never been proven to exist should be a skeptic.

    3. So everyone should be skeptical about God?

    4. Absolutely,
      Everyone should be skeptical about anything that others tell them, that they can't see and touch for themselves.
      Blindly believing anything, including religious things, is not good or healthy.
      And everyone should especially be skeptical about bigfoot, ghosts, UFOs and aliens. Until you see one, you should take everything others tell you with a grain of salt.

    5. I forgot to add Politicians, Political parties and government in general

    6. "A man without beliefs is not a man at all". (or woman, don't want to get in trouble)

    7. Skeptic on a subject doesn't equal not existing.

    8. Having worked in intelligence and law enforcement for 25 years. I'll tell you what I believe.

      People are liars. People will lie for almost any reason and often for no reason at all.

      If you can't verify what you are being told. If your source is not absolutely and demonstrably beyond reproach. Be skeptical. Be suspect of what you are reading and/or hearing. And do not believe it. And never believe or be turned by anyone who speaks in quotes from others or uses their source as proof that others should take as reality.


  6. Evidently all things bigfoot are as blurry as bigfoot himself; at least when photographed. Who knew?

  7. Stick structures!!!!!!! dosen't she have irrefutable DNA evidence. Why would she post pictures of stick structures. I just lost all hope that she has legitimate DNA evidence, she has lost all scientific credibility IMO. What evidence is there that a Sasquatch made this? Why not post a pic of the footprints or better yet the family of 5! This is so frustrating.

    1. Please stop reading then. I suspect she's posting this because she's passing the time waiting for the paper.

    2. Why are some visitors here so dumb ass stupid. I am sorry for being rude but for crying out load. Here is a women telling you what she enjoys doing and it is related to the blog and you feel this crying need to bag her and everything she has done and is doing. And you have never even met her. Get a grip folks. If your life is so socially bereft that this form of personal attack on a complete stranger is all you have to fill your day with, then maybe you need to get outdoors more often. It may come as a complete surprise but not everyone organises their life to suit you. I imagine you probably have no idea just how juvenile and ridulous the logic of your whining actually sounds. Go for a walk in the woods and make a friend. Surprises await around every corner and you may even learn something about the complexities of life.

    3. Will sign that. Too bad and pathetic how some people must belittle others in order to feel better about themselves, seems in a way like internet trolling is the safest serial killing tool.

    4. The Squatch are camera shy, duh! They see a camera and they run for the hills!

    5. I don't think it filled his day. It was just a few sentences.

    6. It's funny how when you belittle someone that you are accused of trying to make yourself feel better when in reality you belittle someone to make them go away, or to quit saying or doing stupid crap like taking pics of sasquatch matchstick structures.

    7. Haters! Ive seen things that would sound like fairy tales! We should all go camping and out flank bigfoot!
      That would be more productive than hating.
      SOOO tired of hearing haters, whiners,complainers, back biters, and the like........ Start living

  8. This Dr is being a total twat, take a damn photo and lets prove this giant monkey exists already.. She doesn't care if people don't believe her???? SIGH

  9. Ketchum is turning into a total flake more and more each day.

    Her paper is doomed.

  10. "This was not naturally made."
    "Sasquatch are known to make unusual stick formations in the woods."

    Well that sums it up for me. Every tree that has fallen and is stacked on each other in uniform way means it was a sasquatch playing in the woods. Time for me to go squatchin' cause they've been all over the woods near by.

    Just remember people, there is no mother ship riding the comet's tail.

  11. one can rent a FLIR with video and resolution above 160x160 for three months for $450...or just a fortnight for about $100. My experience indicated they tolerated FLIR nicely (vs any Night Vision or Ir stuff, or plain old flahlight and video cams). In my case the flir was small handheld and perhaps b/c it was white, not so camera/equipment looking? I was able to use it in the field with very little reaction and it is the only way to see in darkest conditions, so I suggest she rent one. For those who think snapping a photo is easy, you just have to be in the situation: lift the camera in day and gone, use NV or IR source at night same thing. Flir worked.. I see recently some Alabama Researchers posted a FLIR..and guess what? At Camp, and guess what else? They sang and played guitar. Put away the camo, and the glucks....
    I agree it ia all just about too much in advance of a publication, but she hasn't said anything in that post that is in conflict with my own expereince, so pretty hard to shoot down. Personally, I am glad she got out in the field.

  12. Mother fer why the hell would she publish this when she says " Left me some huge footprints for the next morning also" where the hell are those pics? I'm honestly thinking that she is either lying or she flat out believes this stuff in her own mind. Think she is just seeing what she wants.

    1. I'm starting to feel like a chump for being interested in what comes of this.

    2. Sticks and Stones.
      Bigfoot is all about sticks and stones.
      Either Bigfoot throws and stacks them.
      Or we cast them at Melba Ketchum

  13. I Think this all smells of a hoax to be honest. How long has this publication thing being going on.

    A family of 5 come on, what where they having a picnic or playing twister. Wouldnt you just film them and show the world, of course you would.

    1. And have people like yourself say it's fake?

    2. melba isn't everything sasquatchTuesday, April 24, 2012 at 6:57:00 AM PDT

      not if it's comming from your hero now would it. and what about this comment from her "i know they exist because of their dna and also because i have seen them" hum, most people that have seen them would of said that part first! not the dna part, cause mammoth's can still produce dna and guess what? they have been dead for a long time now. right? you melba freaks keep putting all them eggs in one basket!

    3. Listen freak, it doesn't matter who snaps the photo you'd still say it's fake. PS, you sound drunk!

  14. Wow, that's one blurry photo. Why not just take a sharper picture and post that?
    I come across things like that all the time. Trees fall in the strangest ways, and so do branches of trees.

    1. It looks like cell phone shot, notice finger over lens. At dusk the shutter speed would be slow, hence the blur. I am choosing to beleie her posting, even a blurry photo of an easily contested stick structure, is indicitive not of insanity, or malintent, but confidence. Perhaps she knows now they publication is certain, I hope so. If not, if I am here still waiting? Not much, I'll be older. Maybe wiser, maybe not. The problem is, I have been in the field, extensively one location, and it is frustrating to have noobe of import to share the info with...no traditional scientist/academic will consider...not without at least one decent peer-review paper. Or so they told me...we'll see, I hope.

    2. I wasn't intentionally picking the Dr. apart and I would agree that it looks like a cell phone shot. I'm quite sure a person can stand still long enough to get at least a decent photo.
      I do find many of these "structures". Some I spend a lot of time looking at, and I'll even revisit the interesting looking ones, and others I just glance at.
      Dr. Ketchum believes what she photographed is a hand made structure, and I can accept that.
      I just wish to the photo was in focus.

    3. C'mon you two!!! She's starting to sound like the "witnesses" everyone hates to hear about. "I don't care if you believe me or not"...she SHOULD care if she is going to bring the entire world the evidence of this species. She is supposed to speak at the "primal people" conference the first week in May. I think if (and that's a big IF) she shows up, she might be saying some strange things about the DNA (if she can, that is - LOLOL), like that is is ALIEN. Like, from outer space!!!

      Apehuman and SN...you are both voices of reason. Do you not smell something entirely rancid about this whole deal with her???


      (Sorry, can't log in as Sasgirl...on a public computer)

    4. Good points. I didn't think you were being rude actually, it is obviously blurry. Perhaps her post is a bit of a tease? Or, maybe she was so impressed with the encounter she wants to shout it out like most witnesses do.

    5. JN, I have followed this rumor/news since June 2009. I am determined to see it to the bloody end now. But, I also insist on idealism/altruism and that kind of hope, and so it does make me vulnerble to those who don't. I am just going to bet she is not a charltan, ambitous yes, but not an outright fraud. The result of her (and many others waiting patiently who have contributed to the study) efforts, the paper, will be come out in some fashion surely?! It is difficult when one knows BFs are approachable at a rather close range, peacefully, or guardedly anyway, to just blow off everything as a hoax or con game.
      I thought at one point no "proof" is better for Bfs, and then I read a story like Justin Smeja's, or the other's here bent on capture or kill, or even proving. it is nonsense on so many levels, so now i say just get the truth out. And I put my hopes out there, fingers crossed, that soon we will be addressing the real issues, like how we respond in Public policy, will be front and center. And, perhaps some real Anthropologists with really great clear photos and analysis of purported BF structures, and so on!

    6. The Sierra kills are more recent than 2009.

    7. Lets go looking for bigfoot! I need an excuse to go camping

  15. Right , why not take some pictures of the prints to go along with the structures . Left me some huge footprints ? What ? It seems like whenever things start getting dull and people start losing interest in the study, she either dangles a carrot , gives people hope by posting some cryptic statement , or just says soon . I have been hearing soon for a very long time.

  16. Can't you clows see what she's doing ? She's doing this so you'll think she's NOT being serious, ONLY for the shock to be that much greater for all her haters and skeptics when the study's finally released. This is one smart lady guys, I've known that the whole time. It's merely to throw her critics off balance, then return with the final shameful blow that'll knock your socks off.

    1. Ohh I see her strategy: say some really dumb stuff so when she says smart stuff later she will seem smarter....brilliant

    2. No, I think she just wants to show assholes to be assholes. You-all are hanging yourself.

    3. Nah, think what she's doing is making you all look stupid by attacking her. She knows these beings are out there, and all she's doing here essentially is preparing you for it.

      Makes no sense anyway that a serious scientist should damage her own career and reputation, which she'd be doing if there's nothing to her story and study.

      The truth is in the detail, fact is there's nothing to gain by lying i.e. no deception going on except perhaps naysayers refusing themselves free thoughts.

      Many of us have seen the secretive bfs and know they're there which is why bigfooters can handle the ridiculers.

  17. Melba also says she has video of Bigfoot's that she will show after the study on her FB page. Why cant she show us this video now..Is that under embargo too..

  18. Pardon my ignorance, but she states that this little post about her encounters is for her enjoyment only and has nothing to do with the paper. So, the scientific paper that she is writing to convince the world, scientists and laymen alike, that bigfoots exist, has nothing to do with any first-hand encounters she claims she is experiencing? Maybe she doesn't care if the scientists believe her either at this point? That's the attitude I'm picking up.

    Then, she ends on the tragic note that these creatures which she absolutely loves are being hunted right now. But yet, we don't see any public outcry or plea from her to try to protect them, just some passive disgust.

    I'm sorry, but this whole thing sounds like a rejected idea for an essay from a C student's high school creative writing class. If this "paper" is what all the die-hard BF believers are basing their ultimate hopes on, I'm afraid its going to be a very disappointing decade for all as this drags on and on.

    1. Well said. She has damaged her credibility

    2. How exactly has she damaged her credibility? To me a lot of you on here just sound like folks who have been jaded by past disappointments. Your comments and reactions just ooze bitterness and vitriol. If you do believe that Sasquatch exist then a little positive energy will go a long way towards proving it. You'd be surprised!

    3. This is for the person above who said she has never spoken out publicly about protecting Sasquatch from being hunted.

      "Dr. Melba Ketchum
      5 hours ago
      Just so you all know, I can't think of anything in the gossip mills of late that is correct in assessing the paper or its status or for that matter, me personally or what I say or do. The old untruths just continue to recycle. It is not worth a response and I will continue to let all these people think what they want. They don't know me and I don't know them so the really important thing is the publishing of the paper. Not a single other thing is important other than protecting them as soon as the paper is out."

    4. And what happens if it takes another 10 years for the paper to come out? If these creatures are real and are in such peril, why not move to protect them first and foremost? Or bust ass getting that paper out instead of worrying about keeping up appearances on Facebook?

    5. She has damaged her credibility because in saying that this branch was put here by a sasquatch which ignores the scientific method. It makes her definition of "truth" questionable, as well as her logic and reasoning.

      How does she KNOW that a sasquatch put the branch there? Can she provide evidence to support her claim?

      Positive energy? evidence, logic will prove it's existance. Blind faith is detremental to bigfoot community. But I appreciate your enthusiasm.

    6. I think you are missing the point. You are assuming that she alone has the resources to assure protection for Sasquatch. What more can she do than what she has already done or is in the process of doing? Do you expect her to go out and buy up all of the government owned forests and swampland that Sasquatch call home? Or, maybe you want her to form a private militia to patrol every forest in north America searching for Sasquatch "poachers"?
      In reality, she has done all that she can do at this point. She has presented her evidence for Sasquatch existence to a reputable scientific journal for peer review. Which is the first step towards protection. Modern Science must recognize a species in order for modern Governments to justify spending the resources to protect said species. That's just the reality of the world we live in.
      If it takes 10 years, or 100 years, at least Dr. Ketchum has made an effort; which is more than I can say for most people with criticism of her.
      I end my wall of text by asking you with 2 final questions.

      1. What efforts have you made to change the world?
      2. If you were Dr. Ketchum what would you do differently?

    7. 1. Jumping a little ahead of ourselves, aren't we?

      2. For starters I wouldn't be on Facebook acting like I'm working on a big homework assignment.

      I think the point being is that if she has had these personal encounters, and it sounds like she's leading us to believe this is a semi-common occurence for her, why is it taking so long for her to prove their existence and why such an emphasis on only DNA when she can obviously provide other solid evidence as well if she's playing patty-cake with these creatures? I don't buy the "bigfoots are camera shy" for one second or that they'll only show themselves to true believers.

    8. because thier demonic and screwing with your heads, and hers.

    9. So let me get this straight, you actually believe that a video of Sasquatch will actually prove it's existence? Been there, done that, and every time some footage comes out what do the skeptics, analysts and "scientists" do? They go out of their way to discredit it and label it as another hoax, or explain it away as a known animal. In the case of Sasquatch evidence, video will not work without scientific proof to back it up. If the Erickson project came out today with the most stunning video evidence the world has ever seen it would still be lambasted and ripped apart by skeptics like the "Anons" who come to this site solely to rip and criticize.
      You want definitive video. Guess what? We all do. However, I think that past experience and strategic thinking suggests that Dr. Ketchum is playing it the only way she can play it to ensure the validity of her work. DNA first, video to support the DNA evidence.
      If posting a picture of a stick structure ruins her credibility in your eyes, then maybe you should just admit that she never had any credibility in your eyes. If that is the case then that's fine, and solely a matter of personal opinion. My opinion is that I will wait until all is said and done before I pass judgement on her work. i most definitely will not base her credibility on a picture of sticks posted on, of all places, Facebook.

    10. Touché. It'll hardly be another 10 years before it comes out, much is pointing to a whole lot sooner than that. Like this year if we're lucky. Is 3 years a long time? Not in the sasquatch search or if you realize how big and important this new discovery is, so why feel too disappointed already. The Ketchum camp hints it'll be soon, I read this as a matter of months and theoretically a year but probably not.

    11. Love your well-written and intelligent replies, Avion Ertage!!!

    12. Thank you Amethyst. Sadly enough though, you may be one of the only people here who actually read them. I'm still grateful you took the time.

    13. All is being said and nothing is being done.

  19. I read that she has stated that bigfoot communicate telepathically, is that true? Does she actually believe that?

  20. Melba's a shame and her followers are loons.

    She is of such piss poor charicter she has resorted to pictures of sticks to try and make her case for thier existace .


  21. Unbelievable, its hard for me to grasp that mature people are writing on this blog. Some of you bloggers should take and find something else to do. Some of your comments are embarrassing to the senses.

  22. Replies
    1. So sasquatches would never leave sticks like that, is that what you're saying?

  23. Does not make any logical sense whatsoever. This is a fun website, but it's too bad that people want to believe so bad that they are willing to throw common sense out the window. Don't get me wrong, as a kid who was blown away by the Patty film in the 70s, I would be overjoyed if someone proved its existence. However, with five bigfoots in front of me and a simple iPhone, I could trump a peer reviewed journal based on DNA evidence. Let's put it this way, if I had a picture of OJ with a knife and next to his victims, he'd be in jail right now.

    1. With her latest Facebook posts, I'm convinced this is all just a huge practical joke.

    2. I see that many here are drinking the Ketchum Kool-aid. Drink up Bigfooters for you'll all be very pissed off when you end up looking like fools.

    3. LOL These pretending skeptics coming here are so stupid, man. I vote she studies them next! Can you believe people acting like this, thinking bigfoots aren't real yet they still read the sites!

    4. Yes ... But not in jail for murder. I guess you proved that Bigfoot exists. Do you really wonder why the academic and scientific community does not want to be involved with this endeavor? Pay attention to the point and you may learn something and focus on seeking truth. Also, drink milk, don't do drugs and stay in school.

    5. Yeah! A dog and cat DNA technician SHOULD study sceptic culture!! Yum, more koolaid anyone???

    6. Obviously many haters are here because they realize something's about to happen, they want to be there and not feel left out, something they won't admit to of course. Otherwise why come to a site about sasquatch if they thought it's all not real, there's plenty of other such options. Must be something in their psyche then, a selfcentered need to belong and be the leftover bigfooter much like scavengers roaming savannas.

    7. Oh for God's sake (sigh) the original post to this thread stated a belief in Bigfoot. There's a difference between someone who "believes" in Jesus Christ (his birth, his existence, etc.) and someone who “believes” that Jesus is appearing to them on their burnt toast!!! You guys are chasing and worshipping burnt toast!!!! Wow, I really do feel sorry for Dr. Meldrum.

  24. Melba Ketchum... "Gotta Ketchum all" like Pokemon.
    That's what this all amounts to.

    Maybe she's been compromised by the men in black, and she's now trying to be as goofy as possible.

    I do believe in terrestrial animals like Bigfoot, with the solid work of bindernagel, Krantz et all.

    Melba Pokemon Ketchum had better do something real special to reverse her display of disregard for credibility, or well, lol she'll be plastered over weekly world news... if she hasn't been already.

    1. Go away comedian, she never had any credibility to you anyway so why are you still here. Btw, they're not animals so Krantz' wrong.

    2. They are creatures with ape-like animal characteristics.

      LOL...u boob! :)

    3. Nope, sorry you fell for old Grover there bud.

  25. I think the comments on this page need to be moderated or taken down completely. It drives me nuts all these "sad little trolls" on here take away from the enjoyment of this site. When it first started off this site had the same great content as it does now, with great comments. Now it's a bunch of cowards who hide behind anonymous and say whatever they want to stir up shit.

    I think a lot of the people on this site and others think that they will be the "first" with a body, or evidence. Bigfoot has turned into the white trash "get rich quick scheme". All people with a camera who visit a creek now think they are scientists and find evidence each trip. They attack other people's work to discredit them, just in case they find something they believe they can make money on.

    In what is supposed to be one of the most awesome times of our lives (regarding the DNA and videos the Erickson project and Ketchum have described) it is being ruined by asshats on the internet too scared to put there real name next to their posts. Sad

    1. You tell 'em! You'd never hide behind an anonymous name - right Mister 8802?

    2. Trey's right, momentarily trolls think it's a free for all hoping to get responses and assume somehow it's safe now. If the people behind this site really think bigfoots exist, and I sometimes doubt they do, it'd only be a serious site if they removed all negative comments and blocked haters. They can shout communism all they like, if this site wants to be taken seriously it needs to start doing some weeding. You either think it's real or you don't, if you don't you're welcome to create your own skeptic site.

    3. If that's what you all want is no difference of opinions go to BFF or BFRO forums. At least there you there you can be told what to believe, SHEEP. BAAHH BAAHH Nothing I hate more than spineless followers.

    4. Then you hate yourself you whining jerkoff, this is not a place for your moaning so beat it.

  26. DaFuc?
    Not even gonna comment on the sticks.
    So she says some are trying to hunt bf, if so then why is it so hard for skilled hunters to bag one when a DNA Lab geek like herself has no problem making contact?
    Nevermind. I will answer myself as the sheeple probally will. "thats because bf knows who it can show itself to, just like they know cows are people food" you stupid troll!!! /s

    1. Because the ones who know where they are and care about them will show her but not the ones just out for a body. Would you take potential claim jumper to your secret goldmine. I sure as hell wouldn't.

      Wonder if the skeptics here know how to say 'sorry, you were right' when the time comes.

      Attacking science with counter arguments is one thing; this personal attack is like a mindless childlike tantrum, only worse.

    2. Science?
      What proof of has she shown us? Photos of sticks?
      Show me one scrap of proven repeatable science she has shown us.
      Just post a link on here where we can all go look at the scientific proof she has.

    3. That is a load of claptrap logic. Start with facts and work to a conclusion, not the reverse.

    4. Ok..here are the facts:

      1) pictures of sticks
      2) she's sees these apes all of the time but no pics
      3) she has seen a family of 5
      4) she is working on a mythological paper
      and last but not least....
      5) she has nothing to prove to nobody because she knows they exist

      That last one sounds like back peddling to me.

      So far the facts add up to ZERO Harold.

  27. If she was so appalled at those who are bent on proving BF's existence with a gun, wouldn't posting pictures or video of the cavorting BF Family, along with her DNA work, go a long way to proving their existence and dispelling the need for a body? ("Only a body" is a notion held by many reasonable people, including many scientists, after all).

    Were she to provide to the world the evidence that is so readily available to her, any hunter would not fail to anticipate the worldwide moral revulsion that killing one would cause. That alone, without even considering the legal aspects of committing possible homicide, would deter most shooters.

    Presenting such evidence (DNA + Video) would surely assure protection of the species.

    Instead she gives us sticks...and tells us she doesn't care to prove anything to anyone. What kind of a scientist lives by that credo?

    If she falls back on the old "If they are proven to exist then we will proceed to destroy them" argument, then why is she pursuing her DNA work?

    I no longer believe this woman has any evidence at all to show us. Or, if she does publish anything, skeptics will shine the kleig lights on her wacky antics and use them in an ad hominem tear down of her paper.

    My name is Carmine

    1. Why is she pursuing the DNA work? To prove the species is real and prevent any harm to them. It needs to go this scientific route, blurry cell photos won't do. Who cares about skeptics later on, as far as bigfoot's concerned it'll be proven real so any skeptics from now on can go sit on sticks in the most uncomfortable of all imaginable positions.

    2. Best post of this thread, Carmine!

  28. I'm addressing ignorant and stupid people. I'm tired of reading your silly comments. Don't waste your precious time on this site. Leave us alone.

    1. I agree to an extent, but where does common sense come in? How do you think the scientific community will react when they find out that the person behind this DNA study is telling people that sasquatch build these stick structures, braid the hair on her horses, and communicate telepathically? Do you think that these things add credibility to the study, or as someone pointed out above, are these comments like "Linus blowing the election" by discussing goofy, bizarre ideas as if they are fact.

      The best thing would have been for her to keep silent and let the DNA study do the talking. Now, if this study gets out to the scientific community at large, skeptics will be all over her using ad hominem arguments about stick structures, horse hair braiding, and bigfoot telepathy.

      Yeah, some people are poking fun with their comments, but I think that a healthy dose of skepticism is not out of line here.

    2. "Ignorant and stupid people." Surely you're referring to Ketchum supporters, yes?

    3. No, referring to you. Yeah, suppose it's difficult to wrap your head around sasquatches in all probability exist and how they probably also do things with their big hands. Be such a waste of limbs if they didn't put those long arms to good use somehow, don't you think. Gee, people are so dumb.

    4. It's actually not probable at all that they exist. No evidence in the fossil record, no physical evidence, no reports from credible researchers (biologists or zoologists). Nevermind the fact that we know with high certainty the total number of all megafauna in the North American continent... wolves, bears, cougars, etc... not just that they exist, but what their range is and approx. how many there are.

      It's very, very, very unlikely that an unknown large bipedal apelike creature exists in the forests of the US.

      What's VERY likely is that some men in the 1950's decided for whatever reason to hoax the existence of the mythical Native American "wildman" legend. They made fake prints in the mud, which caught the attention of a logging crew, and then 10 years later Patterson and Gimlin hoaxed the infamous "Patty" footage. And since then it's become a part of American pop-culture, and it's spawned countless hoaxes, misidentifications, and an entire field of pseudoscientific research.

      And despite having no evidence better than blurry photos and easily-faked prints in the mud, there still seems to be a market for bigfoot books, dvd's, and merchandise.

      And yes, I'm a skeptic, but I think it would be very neat for a bigfoot to exist and be discovered. Unfortunately without critically examining each alleged sighting and each purported piece of footage or hard evidence, we'll never be any closer to a discover. Yet the predominant attitutde amongst bigfoot "researchers" seems to be that if you don't immediately accept all claims at face value, then you're a "troll".

      In short, it's very unlikely that bigfoor or sasquatch exists, and it's even more unlikely that a discovery will be made by internet "researchers" who seem unwilling to perform even a basic sketpical analysis of the evidence.

  29. "I have nothing to prove so I would rather see and interact with them without a camera than to not see them."

    She states "without a camera..." yet she has a camera to take a picture of the stick structure? Also, like others have posted, why not at least take pictures of footprints as well?

    1. She has nothing to prove yet she's allegedly authored a peer-reviewed study to prove the existence of bigfoot. If that doesn't tell you this whole thing is a farce, nothing will.

    2. Only tells me trolls still flock to bf sites, must be such a dilemma.

    3. She is right. She has nothing to prove to her detractors who base everything on an emotional response and no logic. What ever you do, don't allow facts to get in the way of a good mindless rant. Heavens above, if you had any patience you might actually learn something. Then again, that might overload your neuron bank so be careful.

    4. Facts? You gotta be joking right? You just said facts?

      WTF kind of facts are you talking about? Dna? Bigfoot stick structures? That they leave footprints for her? Help me out here cause so far I can't seem to pin point these facts that you are talking about.

      Some of you people really have no idea as to what you are saying and why you are saying it.

  30. I I know this sounds wore out because everyone posts a comment like this but if you have seen the big people out the multiple times even a family of five why is there no pictures or flir our thermal images honestly if it happens often enough you think they would direct their efforts towards tour not sticks...


  31. This whole thing is getting kookier by the day. She talks about seeing Bigfoots like it's a common everyday thing. She walks into the forest and they all surround her and make little cooing noises, because they love her and know that she loves them and cares deeply for their well being.
    She's a regular Dr. Dolittle.

    1. Only kook here's you, if thta's your view we actually pity your limited intelligence that miraculously brought you to a Bigfoot site.

    2. 6:08

      Love it! That's some funny stuff right there!

  32. I enjoy coming to this site and reading about Bigfoot. Its a bit of fun and I enjoy reading articles and looking at the videos.

    I am sceptical about bigfoot and would love it to be true, maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

    But if People think that this whole Ketchum issue is rubbish. They should be allowed to say it and not be censored.

    People have a right to be sceptical.

    1. thank you, I don't understand why I'm an ass for not covering my eyes and just believing.

    2. I think it is because most "sceptics" here are very rude and hostile, also they repeat the same thing over and over and that is getting a bit tired. I am also sceptical about this Ketchum-ordeal and I feel there might be some truth to Sasquatch but I am not convinced, but I don´t feel the need to curse, be agressive or rude. Sadly many people here are and most of them are "sceptics".


    3. Not very good english, I know. I didn´t bother to proofread and this is my third language.


    4. Hey sweden.....
      Do you have bigfoot in your country?

  33. If these creatures exist and she is trying to stop the imminent killing of one or more of them, all she has to do is immediately release some legitimate-looking proof, whether it is in the form or a photograph or video, to the world while waiting for the DNA evidence to come in to further back her claims.

    The whole idea about killing one of them is to be the first one with absolute proof. Sure, video will not be conclusive evidence, but good, detailed footage done by someone with a respected reputation would be that initial first important step, enough to bring awareness to their existence and make the killing of one seem that much more unnecessary and unethical.

    How do we know the Siberian tiger still exists in the wild? Because even though only a handful of people have claimed to witnessed one in the wild, we also have proof of its existence through recently captured film footage and that is very much accepted by the science community. Why should bigfoot be so different?

    So for all of the Ketchum supporters and believers out there, how long is too long to wait for this paper/evidence to come out? 6 months? Another year? Will people still be making excuses for her 5 years from now when she is still on Facebook and saying it won't be much longer now?

    1. How about taking David Attenborough on a field search? He's already said the Yeti very well could be a real being, and going to a US forest hot spot seems a whole lot easier than alternatively trotting off to Tibet.

    2. Yes, it's true - David Attenborough DID say that the yeti could very well be a real creature. Dr. Jane Goodall has also stated that she is "sure" that Sasquatch exists.

    3. It's unfortunate that most of these famous people won't get involved even if they may feel it's likely a real living species, but they have their own media image to think of. We can basically thank the tabloids for the bad reputation the subject has, mainstream science's general attitude never helped much either that's why it's such a relief to finally have someone determined enough like Dr. Ketchum. I don't think the haters can break her, she clearly wants to see this to the end.

    4. The problem is that mainstream science will not accept film because film will portray a guy in a suit every time. Why? Because it walks up right on two feet and only humans can do that according to them. Not to mention, no matter how many times you analyze the hell out of film, it will always be a guy in a suit to them because they know that it can be replicated through FX.

      There have been many shows that have studied DNA and a lot of it has come up inconclusive or it doesn't match human or any other known animal's DNA. I don't understand why this paper is supposed to be so much different than any other that has been discovered. No one got all excited about other findings.

      Sadly, it's gonna take a body to prove that this ape is real.

    5. What a pickle! Need a body to prove they are real. Then they will all be hunted to extinction. But we are trying to protect them.
      Has anyone ever been in the presence of a large creature in the woods(bear, moose, cougar)?
      I would bet 6 months salary you would not be able to do anything but react naturally. The natural reaction is to freeze. I am not super woodsman who can laugh off death. Now imagine an 8ft. Tall ape man confronts you...... There are no bars, no 20'moat area of separation between you, no plexi-glass...... When confronted by death you dont take a picture

  34. just give us a body then we can believeTuesday, April 24, 2012 at 7:10:00 AM PDT

    you melba fans remind me of the obama fans! no matter what you can't convince a liberal. just like eco-nazi's they will never think about the other opinion. what happens when the melba papers fail? then it will go something like this- they(other experts) never did believe in sasquatch in the first place. or it was all about skin color or some other bullshit you melba nuts can come up with.(just like LIBERALS) you call us skeptics what about realist's! sorry until we have a body you won't convince us otherwise.

    1. There you go again, injecting your poisonous political leanings into every subject that comes up. How about you? Are you willing to listen to both sides of every story before you make up your mind? You sound just as stubbornly close-minded as those you constantly rail against by your stereotypes.

      Here's a new flash, I'm one of those liberals you despise so much and I think this whole Ketchum situation has become a joke after having some initial hope. Wow, guess what? I actually used some personal experience and my brain to reason things out. Now get back to your Limbaugh broadcast so you can get your daily marching orders.

    2. Jim Jones would've loved most of the folks on here. They are just his type...lemmings.

  35. This all reminds me of the Todd Standings crap. I am

    LOL on all this bigfoot baloney. Its a PT

    Barnum thing going on here folks trying to make some

    bucks off books and DVD's.

    Got to have a lol myself.

  36. Let it go people if you must insist on this negativity just do not comment good lord you negative people will never be happy even when the paper comes out. I can here you now the samples were contaminated the science does not prove anything I want a body. Good lord stop the madness if you don't have anything nice to say then I believe the saying goes don't say anything at all. God bless to the good DR.

    1. Real classy there, Sport.

    2. What is crystalizing, is that haters know two basic things perfectly well. One is they secretly guess this DNA study will prove the existence of the species, while publicly making fun of it. That's human nature after all, to defend yourself against any unknowns and ridiculers are only people too stange as it sounds. Two, many of them believe in Bigfoot probably about 10 times more than most bigfooters but will never admit it. That's the premiere explanation to thick troll trafic.

    3. DNA will not prove this species science will need a body nothing else will suffice if you would just educate yourselfs. STop drinking Melba's mouthwash!

    4. Did I hear you call me a female dog in heat?

      Another stunning example of our intelligent well rounded open minded human race!!!!

      I feel so sorry for people of such caliber they just seem so sad, uneducated and unteachable to boot.

      Education= the one thing no one can ever take from you!!!

    5. No anon 08:39 science won't need a body to prove it. DNA btw is a body, so keep your personal blood lust in check that's not how science proves new species of mammals/primates anymore. Doesn't work that way today, grow up thank you.

    6. Explain how that doesn't work. To me and probably about 99% of everyone else it's quite simple. If you kill it you have a body to present. The method is repeatable with the same results so it's very scientific. Explain to me how giving someone a dead body of an undiscovered animal is not proof.

  37. I've got to hand it to you Shawn, you've created a genuine intellectual cesspool with this blog..... Let the hateful responses begin now!

    1. Shawn needs to do some thinking about the future of this place, if not then the serious footers will simply take it elsewhere and leave the trolls here.

    2. Yeah, leave us alone so we can talk about our monster fantasy.

    3. If this thread is any indication of what the future holds for this blog, it appears that everything will be just fine, even if the crybabies leave.

    4. welcome to the new america! how's that hope and change?

    5. So the trolls are already trying to hijack the site, are they? Calling mods.

    6. Yeah, this blog should be just like Ketchum's facebook page, where you get blocked even if you say the slightest negative thing or ask a simple question that she thinks is negative.
      Then it can be one big happy echo chamber.
      Ketchum's cronies are crying the loudest, it only happens in Ketchum threads. Hope you haven't forgotten to log on to her FB page today, to tell her how wonderful she is and how hard she works. She really needs your support.

    7. That method sure as heck is a lot better than the madness here, it's like fucking youtube here lately.

    8. freedom of speech is essential in this type of environment. it makes everyone muc more skeptical of the evidence which lets face it most of the time is ridiculous.

      if only believers were allowed to post it would hinder not help the search for sasquatch

  38. Now that she's provided a blurry photo of a pile of sticks; I can see no reason to publish the paper. Sasquatch exists. Thank you for clearing up this mystery for us. SWP

  39. You know, I am sick of all of this nonsense. I've made a decision. I am a skilled hunter and the first chance I get to bag one of these things I am gonna do it. This is going to be the only way to convince anyone.

    I may go to jail but I will also go down in history as a killer of sasquatches. That's something to be remembered for.

    1. Being a hunter, you probably see them all the time, because they are everywhere. They're just plain fallin' out of my woods. I'm always having to shoo them back in there.

    2. You wouldn't last very long in those small prison cells - Billie - you'd not make it through that life sentence for homicide and poaching, science will prove this via DNA so let it work.
      Smeja already did it anyway you utter nitwit, what's in store for him is determined later by law once the species is known. Shooting a humanlike primate or possibly a new human like he may have done, is not how the world discovers new creatures. No large animal in recent times has been discovered by the gun, and you want to bag an eight feet tall hominid? Don't make me laugh! LOL

    3. LMAO...if he did it then where is the body? DNA...you're laughable you utter nitwit. Besides...killing an ape isn't homicide, it would be considered poaching.

      Apparently the world discovers large animals through wood knocking and stick structures. Well, that just isn't working any longer. Time to tag em n bag em!!

      BTW...yeah..it may be 8 feet tall but once it's dead it can be quartered out. believe me I'll have me a box of Hefty Extra-ply in the truck when I go to do this awful chore. Then idiots like you won't have to wait on some phantom DNA paper to be published to know the damn thing is real.

      LOL...what a boob. ;)

    4. I say blast a squatch if and when you have a chance. If someone in costume is trying to hoax people and gets a butt full of shot, that's there own darn fault for acting like an idiot.

  40. I hope this "paper" does exist and its in peer review. I have seen a squatch and evidence I believe to have been made by a squatch. I just want to prove my skeptic buddies wrong lol. I believe, however, that encounters are by chance except by people who have regular interactions. Do I believe in viable habituation sites? Idk. Part of me wants to, the other part finds it difficult to believe.

    1. First time I read that I thought you meant that you were created by a Sasquatch...pew.

  41. "There are a lot of people that see them [bigfoot] easily like I do."


    You can see things that are invisible to others?

    That borders on schizophrenic.

    This is troubling coming from someone who practices vetrinary medicine and testifies in court.

    1. I think its plausible that there are people that see them regularly. But I doubt she does. I'd sure like her to prove that claim.

    2. the people that see them all the time or the habituators are insane.

      "no you cant come and see bigfoot you dont have the right attitude and bigfoot will know and not show himself"

      do these people not hear themself speak. jesus.

    3. I think habituation may be going on but it loses credibility from people seeking attention. But some people do sound crazy at times.

  42. She's beginning to sound a lot like her good friend, Arla Williams.
    She may have done DNA testimony for court cases in the past, but I seriously doubt that she has since her name's been associated with Bigfoot, all over the internet. The other side's attorneys would laugh her out of the courtroom. They'd be calling her Dr. Bigfoot.

  43. I REALLY hope Dyer shoots a bigfoot before this paper is out (if it even exists) just out of principle.

  44. I think the problem here is most people dont like the fact that melba is involved with the hobbyist side of bigfooting, ie the blogs, lindsey etc, and has a publicist and facebook page dropping hints and teasers etc.

    I think people would rather nothing was said, and that a scientist was hard at work get the research done without any regards to the bigfoot community. You never know, a scientist somewhere may be doing this and we just dont know about it. Thats our only hope.

  45. Stick structures!!! cmon real evidence please!!!!
    Stop the b.s. Put up or shut up already!

  46. How does Adrian Erickson feel this week? Poor guy.

    Did Ketchum play him like a fiddle?

    1. If he was lucky it was more like a big trombone!

  47. It's time to unfriend Ketchum. Deny her the attention she desires. Make her pay.

  48. Wow. I need to sit down and seriously ask myself why I come here. Let the nasty remarks begin!

    1. Because there's just enough of a possibility that sasquatch actually exist.

    2. 3:52

      Kinda late with that comment aren't ya?

  49. yes, "nothing to prove" because she can't prove a thing...

    1. No..well sort of. Nothing to prove cause there is no such thing as bigfoot. So yeah, nothing to prove.

  50. As far as this study is concerned, Melba is toast.

    Thank you ladies and germs. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.

    1. Wait, get it? Get it? He said " Melba is toast" . Damn that is some funny stuff. See, he said "Melba" you know, like Melba Ketchum? But then he said "Toast" INSTEAD of Ketchum. There's a food called "Melba Toast" ( are you following me here?) get it? Melba (Ketchum) + (Melba) Toast= Melba Toast!!!! Oh, man...that is RICH

  51. What do you call a doctor that graduates at the bottom of their class?

  52. What Melba meant to say is remain clam and assertive around bigfoot.

  53. What is revolting, is this woman's line of B.S.

  54. Posting anything under the alias of "anonymous" basically conveys one primary assertion. That being, said poster doesn't think enough of his/her utterance to sign off with either their legal or known screen name(s). As such, their comments, by their own admission have as much value as .02 waiting upon change.

    1. And posting under a number is no different?

      How bout...shut up.

  55. did anybody else catch "the FIRST to have a body"? i though she had meat steaks and bigfoot tenderloin....

    a penis? a bigfoot penis, does he have it?

  56. She ate it. That's what you do with steak and tenderloin. You can guess what she is doing with the penis.


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