Dr. Melba Ketchum Assures Followers That Her Bigfoot DNA Study Is No Hoax

If you're wondering what's with all the "Dr. Melba Ketchum" updates recently, it's because she's been actively updating her Facebook a lot this week and we've been doing our best to pick up the small hints encoded in her messages. We also realized important clues and information about the project can be ascertained from conversations with her followers.

In this latest round of updates, Ketchum tells us that the project currently consists of "double digit co-authors many with PhDs and some University Heads of Departments". Also, if you're worried about not being able to understand the paper once it's published-- have no fear, because according to Ketchum, us regular folks should "most likely be able to understand the intro and conclusions of the paper".

Ketchum mentioned that someone had asked if the manuscript is legit. Her answer?:

It is legitimate science involving several disciplines. I wouldn't have double digit co-authors many with PhDs and some University Heads of Departments if this was nothing more than a hoax. We are ALL putting it on the line. Like one head of department said, this is so interesting, why wouldn't we want to be a part of this? Most of the authors have been in on this project for a long time. As we did more science, we added a couple more with a certain expertise. Our bases are well covered.

- Dr. Melba Ketchum


  1. Why is it taking so long for the DNA results?

    1. It's not the results that are taking time, it's the process of publication. If you're wondering why that is taking so long, do some research regarding peer review and publication for scientific papers and you'll understand that this process is typical and is not taking unusually long. Releax, read a book, you'll know when it's published.

    2. It's vaporware. And we are in stage 4. Postponement. Next up, stage 5, where everyone claims they were hoaxed.

  2. I'm not a biologist; but i assume that such a research takes so much time. DNA results can be obtained so quickly only in a series like CSI :) Greetings from Turkey.

    1. The reason it takes time is that so much time is the labs are backed up and take things in the order received. Given that Ketchum owns her own lab, I don't think there is be an issue with her cutting the line.

    2. there multiple, minor issues and the fact that itis going to change some things with wilderness policies, and the like.
      also there are issues with credits and sample ownership, and who knows what other issues
      the lawyers drummed up.
      It will come to the public but IMO it is going to beat least fall.

  3. Melba Please Just Keep Your Mouth Shut Ok ! Pretty Please !

    1. It would be nice if you would keep your pie hole closed. I want to hear what Ketchum has to say.

    2. Yeah, me too, even if she says really crazy stuff.

    3. Won't be crazy stuff, that's a promise.

    4. She has already released crazy stuff. Your promise doesn't amount to shit.

    5. The bigfoot bimbo is a personal fraud. She is sick with a form of munchousen psychosis. Yer all suckers, falling for a retard schtick

  4. I think we do have a Conspiracy ! Most people know that Guy Edwards is Snowwalkers Mentor or Idol which ever you like. But look whose spreading the DIRT on The DNA Project Bigfoot Lunchclub Hmmmm now will Damian Bravo jump in too ! Stay Tuned as the Conspiracy Widens !

    1. I think you may be onto something there. I bet they are conspiring to expose a fraud, those bastards.

    2. I would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling team tazers.

  5. My biologist friend says you can get DNA results in a day for a thousand bucks. It is in interpreting the results that the real laborious begins.
    Who is really saying this is a hoax? All of us out here just want to see the results already, not the endless leaks, rumors and presumptions about what it all means. We especially groan when we see pictures of downfallen tree branches.

    1. It depends on the test. If you're trying to map a genome, it's going to take a lot longer than 24 hours. If you're trying to do a paternity test or a straightforward "is the blood on the suspect's shirt from the victim," it can be done in a few hours if you're using modern tools; if you're using PCR from the 80s, it takes longer.

      Given Melba's unwarranted secrecy, it's impossible to know what's going on behind the scenes. I doubt that she's got the experience or equipment to identify an entirely new species, though, especially given that many of the samples have likely been heavily contaminated.

    2. Cont., Her testing is also limited by the database she's using for comparison; if she's analyzing a coyote sample and only comparing it to humans, chimps, and gorillas, it might come up as unknown.

  6. My biologist friend says you can get DNA results in a day for a thousand bucks. It is in interpreting the results that the real laborious begins.
    Who is really saying this is a hoax? All of us out here just want to see the results already, not the endless leaks, rumors and presumptions about what it all means. We especially groan when we see pictures of downfallen tree branches.

    Thank you for the info. If it's not a hoax, it will be the discovery of all times, not only this century.

  7. Your Biologist friend sounds like most Quacks in America today, Cash Talks, More Cash talks faster !
    Make me Rich and I will Say Anything you want !

  8. Sure wish I had the popcorn concession around here this week. More power to SWP and BigfootLunchClub if their relentless questioning is finally forcing answers from the MK camp. PhDs and Dept Heads on her panel? That's great! Why did it take this long to divulge that happy news?

    1. Ketchum's been giving info the whole time, so SWP's only forcing us to call him mad.

    2. Ketchum has been teasing the whole time.

    3. Ketchum is an expert as misdirection. She hasn't provided us with anything. Nothing. Empty promises and crazy claims. Yet the Trolls say SWP is nuts. He seems to be one of the few sane people in this field.

  9. What I would like to know; is who are these PhD's? Head of what department? Who, where? Once again we have empty promises and misdirection.

    1. Why would you like to know that now? Keep your shirt on, you'll here all the results in due time.

    2. Why do none of the other authors have FB page with stick structure photos. Why should I believe her?

    3. Probably the people who worked on the genomes for denisova and neaderthal.

    4. Why do you NEED to know? So you can attack their integrity as well?


      If you do not have the patience to wait for what will be probably one of the biggest scientific announcements in our history then do NOT expect us who do, to give you the time of day.

      For the record, it is possible today to derive the entire genome for a species in a week. What takes the time is to look at all the important sequences that are different from other species to determine just how they contrast with, say, human or other primates. Every step must be checked and double checked to make sure that the results are spot on. It is absolutely apparent now that there are many institutions and people involved in this study and that Ketchum's team has approached this in the most rigorous manner, so that there will be no stone left unturned and no room for anyone to claim that there are flaws or mistakes in the final results. If this is indeed the case then little wonder that it is taking the time it is.
      So to all those uneducated mindless ranters whose IQ is barely greater than their shoe size, go away and start doing some study on DNA so you can at least begin understand the introduction and conclusion to her paper.

      I am appalled at the obvious stupidity of many posters here but the savagery of their attacks on Ketchums professionalism, and also on other posters who do understand the amount of work required in this sort of study, requires a strongly worded response.

      I have no doubt at all that many posters here should be apologising publicly to her when the results finally arrive. Also, some that should have known better, like SWP, will be eating a substantial meal of crow. Somehow I doubt they will have the deceny or wit to do either, because that is just the way some socially inept people operate. They embarrass themselves and the country as a whole. Whe world is watching folks.

    5. What are you basing these claims on?

      If she's got some credible professional researchers as co-authors, it's a different thing than a horse doctor who thinks Bigfoot is the half-human offspring of angels.

    6. I actually take the time to read and I engage my brain before opening my mouth. Try it, you might be surprised. Better than embarrasing yourself repeatedly.

    7. Right on Nero
      think of the implications of this news,
      even politicians are going to stop in mid stride to listen to the news of this study.
      It's not something that you shout out on s megaphone as soon as you know what the results are. It's going to take a little more time and then it will be known to everyone.

    8. The BBB was created to protect others from people with low integrity.

    9. It says a lot about Ketchum, that her rating was an F

    10. total monies that were lost by people filing claims, not even 300 hundred dollars between all
      the complaints, She didn't get some samples dome in a timely manner, it's a small company
      with only a couple employees, if one person became ill or personal problems while they had multiple samples, it is easy to fall behind.
      bisically the bbb doesn't mean anything,
      she does dna work for the fbi,state police,
      local police, Etc... she does extremely good

  10. Not trying to put myself out there as an authority or anything, just my two bits for what it may be worth. I got my BS in Biology with a Chemistry minor. Took a whole bunch of genetics courses and a graduate level phylogenetics class. Did a boatload of research in a few different fields (gowth and development, AIDS, and a few other things). Now just starting a medical residency in Internal Medicine.
    Phone about to die, will post more later if anyone cares, but all in all from what i can tell about what is happening i give it a 50/50 shot at being legit.

    1. Of course it's legit, people are merely jealous or unaware how these things work. No matter what she says, and she simply can't say a lot at this time and must choose her words carefully, it'll bring the wolves out of the woodwork as we see.

    2. Haters gonna hate.
      They need to understand that science stuff takes time.

    3. @ Tyler. I have a very similar background, even worked on my PHD in Cytology before the MCAT and med school. I thoroughly believe DVM Ketchum is sincere and believes she has discovered unique genetic sequencing or else she would not be reiterating constantly, defending rumors, leading folks along. That being said, she MUST have complete faith in accompanying evidence, such as alleged toenail, blood, maybe pics and movies ala Erickson and Oklahoma habitation.

      I'm going to say that IF she has photo evidence, some sparse physical evidence and a legitimate research submission, Bigfoot will be legit. If its the DNA study alone, more questions than answers, Ketchum is battered mercilesly in media, etc....she needs to strongly make the case.

    4. Yes that's correct, hence the waiting time.

  11. Many of the people saying negative things about Dr. Ketchum and the study are starting to sound like they are throwing a tantrum.
    Maybe she would release all of the info if they threatened to hold their breath until she does!

    1. Good idea, all the trolls would explode at once.

    2. Maybe Ketchum should stop trolling everyone. I think it is great someone is putting her claims to the fire.

  12. Here's something to keep in mind about the "double digit" authors comment: there are only a couple authors on a paper to pay attention to.

    The first 2 or 3 authors listed -- they are the primary and secondary authors.

    The last author listed -- the senior author (think of them as an active and experience advisor)

    Everyone in between may not necessarily have an active role in the writing or research of the paper. Many people are not aware of this fact. Consequently, there is the practice of "author stuffing" wherein someone who knows their paper is of questionable merit will seek out input from many people and then include them as authors. The thinking is that it will impress peers or readers. While this does happen, it doesn't mean all papers with a lot of authors have done it.

    Having said that, I do find it concerning that Ketchum is bragging (?) about the number of authors on her paper -- especially on a topic such as this which, honestly, is outside her field and training.

    1. I forgot to mention a prime example of author stuffing -- the fraudulent Andrew Wakefield measles/autism paper. He included people as authors who never read the paper let alone participated in his "research".

    2. Thanks Myron. Good points. Quantity of authors in not something to brag about. We should care about the quality of the science.

    3. I see no bragging on her part just info.

  13. "double digit co-authors?" Can't remember the exact number of authors?

    I will be assured once I see data, methods, or names of authors.

    She claims to interact with sasquatch regularly, I give this claim about the same level of credibility.

    1. Yeah I doubt she regularly interacts with them. Every time I hear this she loses credibility. If she is having regular interactions with them, she should prove it because she could prove it while protecting them. She doesn't have to give up the location.

    2. I believe she's said there is evidence of this, we'll probably see all of that when the paper's out.

    3. Thats what I keep thinking too. But if shes gonna lead everyone one she should do a little better than stick photos. Hopefully she does include it in the paper.

    4. I was frustrated too many months ago and so I wrote a few likely Universites...the answers were: they knew, and some involved..how deep I can't say..but they knew, that was about August 2011

    5. Hmmm thats interesting. I dont know the credibility of all this talk about press embargo, revisions on the paper, etc...but I know that if it is published it'll be the biggest discovery of our lifetime. So I'm hopeful we'll see it soon. Especially since I am in the process of writing a persuasive essay for my research class on sasquatch and the effect it would have on science-particularly on the study of human evolution. I'd like for my paper to be vindicated by the publishing the ketchum report. May be wishful thinking but I hope not.

    6. You've seen a Sasquatch and the same goes for other witnesses, knowing what you saw it can and will mean only one thing - we're likely to have proof one day either via this report or some other later.

    7. Correct! I just hope its in my lifetime lol

    8. Within a year I hope, doubt the Ketchum camp can stretch it much longer than that now.

  14. Melba Ketchum ? , she sound like a brand of sweet dipping sauce !!!!

  15. Perhaps she sent all the specimens to her own lab

    1. Do you mean the same lab, that was unable to keep cat DNA straight? If her lab is unable to correctly manage Cat DNA, why should we believe she possesses the ability to be accurate with hundreds of samples of Bigfoot DNA?

    2. Anon 7:32: Read the pile of BBB complaints filed against her lab for incompetence, unreasonable delays, and not refunding payments when she failed to do any of the work.

    3. For all the bitching about SWP being a bully, he sure seems to bring up some excellent points. Would you hire a woman who's business got an F from the BBB, for such an important study?

  16. Dr Dolittle

    If I could walk with the Bigfoots,
    Talk with the Bigfoots,
    Grunt and squeak and squawk with the Bigfoots,
    and they could talk to meeee.

  17. Characters like SWP seem happy to criticize Ketchum for seeking publicity, but don't seem to see the irony involved from their own high level of visibility when bathing in the public spotlight of this debate.

    Mr Pot, can I introduce Mr Kettle who wishes to discuss the color Black with you?

    Here's an idea....

    Why don't people actually wait until Ketchum publishes something before trying to discredit it? Otherwise all anyone is doing is just adding to the levels of uncertainty and speculation. Let her publish any peer reviewed results, which will then stand or fall on their own. You can then choose to piss on her parade if your long held world view has been undermined.

    Just a thought...

    1. It's only been three years c'mon people have a little patience.

    2. Smeja was 2010. Anyway, three years is not a long time in Bigfoot history. It's been a long time coming so a little more waiting isn't so bad.

    3. Melba has unleashed the thought police. Dont question of the incredible claims Melba has already made?

    4. 06:54-u nailed it. This guy obviously enjoys the attention. The paper will either be published or rejected and then people should weigh in on it. Until then, everything is speculation.

  18. Not sure why I am bothering to comment as we seem to have hit bottom on new input. But, I too am anxiously waiting, and I did see something in that post I liked! The dept head who said, "why wouldn't we be interested?" Now that is a change! And hard to believe because of history. Why haven't academics been interested? Just take a look at this blog and the "researchers," they don't exactly support one another with critical review and suggestions, not to mention for the most part amateurs, however well intentioned. Anyway, I so hope so, I so hope several Universities are on board and some lucky Grad students primed to start a thesis on a new topic...I assume they'll send Grads out as guineas first? LOL j/k....but as soon as my University offers (or allows) us to pick that as a thesis...well FAFSA may get a few new apps.... that is a retirement plan!

    1. "why wouldn't we be interested?"
      She said it so it must be true. I know that Ketchum wouldn't make this kind of stuff up just to silence her critics.

    2. The quote was from a University Department head, we, obviously, are all interested!

    3. The quote was ALLEGEDLY from a University Department head.

      She could say she has porcupines crawling out of her ass and most of you people would believe it.

    4. Which department head at which university?

    5. Wait...she has porcupines crawling out her ass? This is new! Why are we just hearing about this??

  19. Or purhaps through a private foundation post grads could do thier work. I guess it could happen or happening, if it works for big pharma .

    1. You are correct Ed, and I see a real potential conflict in the future. Are you Okay with capture and retain them in labs for medical inquiry?
      I really don't think I am. The great apes in labs in the US are diminshing, but they are still out there. And some of the stories really heart wrenching. If you haven't in a while, go to the zoo and sit by the large apes...could you deal with the boredom and the cage? They don't have to be "human" to deserve better....
      And, I do think given the right people resources more meanigful contact can be made...we'll see I guess. Now, that was on the use in labs...we don't need to worry about killing for proving, we already know how we feel and it's to be expected, so many of us, so many opinions.

    2. I meant we don't need to debate "body to prove" as we have in the past...no need to convince there, but I am curious about the future: should they be a "managed resource" or have their own right to live free? ape-

    3. Ape
      When u say managed resource are you speaking in terms of wildlife conservation? imo, I think they should have the right to live free because that's what they most likely have been doing for a long, long time. We shouldn't try to take that away from them because for one we most likely won't be able to and two I'm sure humanity would hate it if (and this is only an example not my belief of the existence of aliens) some alien life form came to earth and did the same thing. Again, I dont believe in any sort of plausibility that aliens will try and take over-that was only an example lol.

    4. yes, that's what Imeant, as we maage other wildlife as populations rather than individuals..the downsides of that are the current way we do that, via the Endangered Species Act, our Public Lands or many other agency driven regulations/rules. In contrast with that "right to live free" we are now considering the individual Sasquatch, that's individual's right to live free roaming (not to rampage and kill...no human has that right) and to protect that right for that individual? I think in the end it will be some kind of dual system..b/c the pressure on their habitat is real, and yet they can't be managed quite like bears....it is a very interesting problem and one I hope many provide their thoughts on..even UFOlogists!

    5. I doubt we will ever get a BF in a cage or a lab. There have been and are persons out there who've been trying and maybe they've succeeded, but I don't think the mainstream public will ever see.

      Will the DNA prove their existence? I think that will be up to the individual after they read the results. Will we get to see the coveted clear videos and pics? Maybe...but they can easily be denounced as fraudulent.

      Combining the two (DNA and images) - people will still need to make up their own minds. And alot already have. Merchant (SWP) is a raving lunatic at this point about getting a specimen. And, he's way over the top in his bullying. The BF community is certainly used to this kind of behavior - it is rampant - but he is escalating to manic levels. And - getting alot of attention.


    6. Can't argue with any of that! I am pretty fried on waiting too, but no choices there. I think at this stage anyone who "bags a Bigfoot" might expect a hostile response from the public and Government, the cat is out of the bag so to speak, especially among Bfers...it would be hard to justify and i am certain action would be taken, especially if the resuts of Justin's ebvent are included.

    7. Ape-
      Good insight. I too think that those two possibilities will have to meet in the middle on this. Cause it does seem like they won't be able to be managed and land conservation will be front and center because of habitat destruction. Also, what rights do they attain if they are a species of the genus Homo?

    8. I have been certain before, once or twice (wink), and been dead wrong too..so it will be interesting...as for the raving now? It might be their last chance, the din is louder lately

    9. Nobody should bag one. But unfortunately, human nature seems to be kill what you dont understand. I'm pro guns, pro hunting, pro make my day law, but I'm not pro kill on the bigfoot issue. now if I was in the woods and I came across one and it started after me and I felt like my life was in danger, I wouldn't hesitate to shoot. But to satisfy my own curiosity? No. At one time I was pro kill-when I was ignorant about the subject.

    10. Great question and one I am trying to really look at deeper, and it is not clear... but promising for a right to legal counsel, or "standing"...but that wouldn't bestow what we often call "rights" for us...those are actually granted laws (the Bill of Rights in an amendment.. a'deal" was cut to include immediately after passing Constituion..to get that passed...interesting read..bet Wiki has good explanation). What we all have (comatose or not) is the right to go to court to argue our rights! Only humans have that right, our courts are for us. So, it may mean nothing more than that right to go argue for a "right" like not to be killed (and insert court advocate) as an an individual BF (or group of BFs)...damages in such a case? I think this is why I am attracted to that "standing" in that it will be a case by case adjudication on specific "problems" that arise..if none arise, then no cases...this forces (if a case ensues) our society to address through the rule of law rather than working through agencies, such as F&W or EPA which have limits to who can sue and why....versus civil courts available to all (ESA does have a citizen suit clause). That's for the genus Homo....it is just not ever been addressed before...a sperate species..and so much of the law that resulted from slavery or oppression of minorities never addressed actual "humaness" but rather the right to sue as citizens...it is a really interesting distinction and one I cannot predict an outcome without more info. But I am confident the arguments wiol be made for "legal personhood" by someone...if we don't pass something specific for BFs...but again, this is all novel and many will jump in at some point to argue their views.

    11. DNA is not a body. Specimens will be required stop deluding yourself and post such misinformed opinions.

    12. Okie, a very honest post and I am grateful for it. I too have changed my views over these few years I have been paying attention (since about 2008), it is one of the best qualities of humans, our ability to process new information and adjust appropriately! Thanks for that post!

    13. Sorry, but some of the talk here really fries my brain too. I think there's next to no possibility the sasquatch is an ape, and before critics say we're all apes let me quickly say that's just a clumsy excuse. People know very well what you mean when you say it's no ape, means it's more of a humanlike intelligence than many like to hear but it's probably the reality here. To stubbornly hang on an ape theory is either an excuse to justity shooting one, though even that'd still not be justifiable, or it's wishful thinking. It's simply not logical. So you can forget about zoos or lab experiments, won't happen. If they exist and I think they do, then we have no right to harm use these free spirits for anything.

    14. Ed, we disagree. I won't be trying for a body so it is a non-issue for me. If you are, I can't stop you, but I don't wish you luck with that. That said, I stand by my opinions, as unpopular as they may be.

    15. Shut up with all the nonsense Ed, your endless broken record doesn't make it more true. DNA is a body and it's sufficient for today's mainstream science, your body call was yesterday's world and the real pseudoscience. You can't call for a body here because it's simply not an animal like a bear or a moose, so you might as well give it up. Once we establish the existence - via DNA - you can watch them all you like on greater quality video in the future, etc. Find a body naturally deceased and you can have it to study, not until then. Until then I think they're smart enough to stay the heck away from us, have done successfully so far.

    16. Drink less koolaid your life will be better and so will your grip on reality.

    17. How's the weather on Mars this time of year, Ed?

    18. Ed what does a body prove anymore than how destructive modern humans are. A body will only satisfy curiosity for a short amount of time. Sure, anatomical and physiological evidence will come about with a body but to truly understand what we are living with requires understand from an observational view point. Observation and conservation are the keys to truly knowing these beings. Once conclusive ways to observe sasquai are developed, we will have a better understanding. Pro-kill? How would you like it if something you didn't understand killed a member of your family just to satisfy their curiosity? Is that truly justifiable? Is killing something to understand it justifiable simply because we are human justifiable? No. now we have come upon something that had most likely survived the tests of time, perfected the ability to elude the smartest, most destructive creature in the history of the planet and u want to kill it or capture it? These things are treasures. And id be willing to bet you could go sit in the "squatchiest" place on the planet, surrounded by these things and its likely you would wall away without harm. Your pro-kill/capture sentiment is unfounded.

  20. Prediction: Bigfoot-Sasquatch is discovered and leads to a cure for baldness. I kid..I kid..

    1. Bald or less hairy Bigfoots have been reported, apparently it's not too unusual for them though still more rare probably.

    2. I can see the late night infomercial now.

      YOU TOO CAN MAKE YOUR BALD SPOT SQUATCHY! ...and I'm not just the president and lab animal... I'm also a sasquatch.

  21. Private managed preserves, goverment and state enties can't do it there broke so its going to have to be private funding. Partial not for profit and the other for profit.

    The delusion of idealistic preservation and protection has to end and reality has to take over, the bottom line is sustainable funding that means commercialism.

    It's already in the design phase and as well as edowments at the non profit level, as well as the investment level.

    That is the future like it or not.

    1. Ed you could be right, we just have to find funding that doesn't involve dissection!

    2. The formal dissection of a body will happen we are pushing the MRI and CT Scan we are working with Those manufactures.

    3. Imaging technologies are a good option but there acceptability is question.

    4. An above Anon poster refers to a naturally found body as Okay..I agree with that. Otherwise, I am opposed to using, even a captured/plan to release BF, for such research. If the BF grants you permission, great. Get it in writing.

    5. I have no idea what Ed was just going on about there, he seems to be off on another planet all by himself.

    6. Okay enough today, I went way over my "don't think about Bfs" limit this am....obviously antsy over the wait and the rehashing of old news....Bye and thanks for responses!

  22. so when the results come out.....and its almost the same as a man....
    peer review is done by other nerds.

    then what? bigfoot comes out the closet and on letterman?

    dr. ketchup walks out of her home with a bigfoot on a chain?

    i dont get why this is so important. nless she shows up on jay leno with a bigfoot drumstick and a photo album-who cares?

  23. All I can say is that I'm glad you people devote your time to chasing fantasies instead of the real issues our society faces.
    It's like you're all acting out some sort of role playing game. Really, REALLY weird.
    Come play the latest version of Dungeons and Dragons, It's called Bigfoot.

    1. Instead of dissing those of us who find the question of sasquatch interesting, why dont you go devote your time to fixing the society?

  24. Hi,hi,hi!
    I'm here because I'm absolutely fascinated by delusional people.

  25. When you post these updates from Melba Ketchum's Facebook page you really ought to post a link to Melba Ketchum's Facebook page. It gets irritating having to get to Ketchum's Facebook page using other methods when I could have just clicked the link if the link was there.

    1. I totally agree, it takes enough effort to left click once. Twice is very difficult and three times is just out of the question.

    2. What are you talking about? If I could left-click twice just to get to Ketchum's Facebook page I would do it. If you know of how I can do that, please tell me, rather than making disrespectful comments. I'm sorry if I'm dense.

    3. You don't need to apologize for being dense. Quite a few people share your handicap.

  26. This is all so cool. Can't you see the chemistry and tension already. SnowWalker Prime and the Doctor will become lovers. He'll infiltrate her camp, very James Bond like, sweep her off her feet and get us answers. Someone has to take one for the team!

  27. Double digit PhD's and university heads?! This keeps getting better and better!

  28. Shes taking small pieces of evidence,and trying to put it all together to make one big solid chunck of evidence.Im sure thats hard to sell to fellow PHDs.

  29. Replies
    1. 5 is right around the bend. Who will they blame their failure on?

    2. Stage 5 will happen when whatever they will try to sell is rejected by the public.

    3. Melba is at the center. Her only way out is a Rick Dyer style blaming the MIB. Her sycophants will have to point the finger at her or join in on whatever her tangled web leads to.

  30. A portion of an earlier article on this topic that was posted on this site a few days ago reads as follows:

    Ketchum also notes that if she were to release everything that she has, "folks would lose it completely".

    The surest way for Ketchum to support her contention that her DNA study is not a hoax is to release something now that would cause folks to "lose it completely." That would help to silence the naysayers.

    Rather than just talking about it, if these recent comments about this study not being a hoax were backed up with something substantial that has the potential to cause folks to "lose it," that would certainly give support to the legitimacy claims associated with this DNA study. However, with nothing but words, naysayers will continue to remain unconvinced.

    1. If she were to name her co-authors, that'd be enough for me to start thinking it might be legit, assuming they aren't nutjobs. Of course, she'll never do that because she has no co-authors and no article.

    2. Is that you David? Why don't you let Ketchum do her own damage control?

    3. No it's not me. I strongly advocate people setting their own fate with their own actions. People of reasonable intelligence can draw their own conclusions well - we don't need others telling us how to think.

      I haven't always practiced that but I can admit my own mistakes. Trying harder and thus not posting.

      If you are curious, since I can QA research studies, I'd rather wait for the paper to be released before passing judgement on content. Whether she has 2 or 18 team members, a prestigious university, or online school of basket-weaving, none of these are relevant to the validity of the study. The structure of the study and protocol followed IS relevant.

      Unlike some here I do not believe that her current actions imply faulty research work. 1st her lab was not the only lab handling specimens. 2nd life is dynamic, not static. An illness impacting performance now does not mean that exceptional performance was not achieved in the past. That said, I believe she is damaging her own credibility and her future ability to sway the public to her causes. Don't give detractors ammunition: hire a spokesperson and keep chatter relevant to the case only. That's what a professional would do.

      Thanks for thinking of me though... didn't know I had that much influence. :)


  31. I think what's going to happen is an article will be published in a genetics journal announcing that the sequencing of some human DNA revealed interesting variations in some known and unknown genes. I doubt bigfoot will be mentioned. The variations alone are probably interesting to geneticists. I think the reason she is talking abut stick structures and the like is to assist those who would argue that the unusual human dna(established in the paper) comes from bigfoot. A skeptic called Parnussus outlined a scenario likes this on the rand forum. There is nothing wrong with this; it just does not conclusively prove if there is an undocumented primate in the USA. The paper wont argue that the samples came from bigfoot. This implies bigfoot is a known quantity. If that were the case, the article would be titled "On The DNA of Bigfoot". If you are expecting this, ypu will be disappointed.

    1. That is what I expect of the paper if it goes through a reputable journal. Ketchum is going to try to pass a human DNA study through and later claim bigfoot is really human.

    2. Thanks. I understand..."if".

  32. Anon @ 05:32 PM. That makes the most sense of any post I've read here. I totaly agree.

    1. Thanks. There are 2 questions: Is this a legit academic endeavor that will yield results noteworthy and original enough to publish in a good journal( a journal whose target audience actually reads it and would be happy to publish in)? If so, what will it say? Everyone knows what happens if the answer to the first is no: books, websites, dvds full of speculation.

  33. Remember a few years ago when those two guys from Georgia said that they found a dead bigfoot in the woods? There were millions of hits online from around the world related to this story. The civilized world was buzzing with this story, and journalists from around the world converged on the press conference where the bigfoot was expected to be presented. Well, we know what happened there. It was all one big practical joke/hoax concocted by a serial bigfoot hoaxer.

    Maybe this is something along those lines. Some jackass serial bigfoot hoaxer is behind this.

  34. Today i'm thinking about the big woman.

  35. At this point, my reaction can be whittled down to four letters: "Y-A-W-N!"

  36. If you have to call them followers they areca cult.

  37. This Dr. Ketchup BS is so old I can't believe she is still getting attention. Only a body will suffice, what a waste of time with this never ending DNA study. Enough already.

  38. Here I am posting 8 months after this was first posted AND THERE IS STILL NO DNA PAPER!!!

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