Bigfoot DNA Press Embargo Unveiled With PressPass [Humor]

This just in from the Facebook group, Coalition for Reason, Science, Sanity in Bigfoot Research. Thanks to Steven Streufert of Bigfoot Books Blog for the tip.

As reported by Robert Lindsay earlier, there's currently a press embargo placed on Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA paper which only the Press has access to. Luckily, someone with a PressPass has access to the press information and here's a small detail of what to expect from the scientific paper:


  1. So funny I forgot to laugh. M NY

  2. That paper is actually more believable than the bull doo doo Ketcum is peddling

  3. That's humor, pal... that's HUMOR!!

    1. I see Steven must have read some of Zecharia Sitchen's books, or at least heard about it. By the way I heard you on coast to coast the other night when I woke up during the night. I will listen in the archive section later this week.
      Nephilim is an ancient Hebrew word that roughly translates to those who have come from above. The earliest know stone texts of which you speak (from the Sumerian culture) call
      them the Annunaki. Though I do not remember large hairy giants, many references do include giants on the earth and got passed down through the millennia into the Old Testament. To sum up very briefly the ancient Summerians' earliest know creation literature wrote of humans as being a hybrid race and if that is true it could hold true of the Sasquatch as they also wrote that in doing their cross breeding and genetic manipulation many mistakes were made. Even the Bible says "Let us make man in our image".


    2. The Wiki is strong with this one.

    3. You might find this interesting reading, Chuck, if you haven't already read it:

  4. Today is the day then? I am so excited, I've been waiting for this day for a long, long time. I had a strong hunch that there was an alien connection, but this just confirms it. I wonder if that's where they get their special powers.

  5. I knew it all along, but no, you wouldn't believe me, would you!?! Well, all of you who doubted TopBP1's protective brain functions can now eat crow and go to hell!!!

  6. That is the weirdest publication thing I have ever seen.
    Chad W

  7. What is the website this can be found in.
    I might like to view it after the release date/time.
    Maybe it was a ploy to get attention, lol
    Reminds me of a new radio station that setup in my city here in Canada.
    It was the middle of summer and they started this radio station under the ploy of being an all christmas music radio station. They even sent people out in santa clause outfits handing out pamphlets and stickers. The thing was it was the middle of summer. Sure enough the christmas music played for 3 days, then they switched to pop music. It was a clever ploy to get everyone in the city's attention, and it worked. Maybe, just maybe, this is case with this press embargo case?
    Chad W

  8. Well, it's 1/2 hour past eastern standard time. Lets see if it's been lifted?


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