Bigfoot Alaska: Bear Encounters Bigfoot And One Story About Inverted Trees

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

Check out this excerpt from the documentary Monsters and Mysteries In Alaska, a Discovery network special from 2010. The focus of this segment deals with stories from Alaskans regarding the presence of sasquatches in the immense wilderness of the state. The first half of the video gives us an account from an eyewitness, and the last examines the peculiar phenomena of 1000 pound cedar trees that have been driven several feet into the ground root side up, rumored to be the work of sasquatches according to Alaskan natives.

The clip begins with the account of Thomas Fisher, a local fisherman, who witnessed something strange on the shoreline from his boat. He and his deckhand observed a large grizzly bear on the beach for several minutes, seemingly oblivious to the two fishermen in their boat one hundred yards from shore. Suddenly, the bear alerted as if sensing danger, and then fled from the beach. The men were perplexed. What could have spooked Alaska's apex predator? Fisher describes a massive hair-covered creature walking out on the beach which he believes was a sasquatch.

About six minutes into the video, a local native points out the inexplicable inverted cedar trees. According to tribal elder Al Jackson, the trees are the territorial signature of "big, black gorillas" that live in the mountainous areas of Prince Wales Island. The 1000 pound cedar trees were first noticed in this position in the 1940's and do not show the tell-tale markings of logging equipment. They have been driven into the ground upside down with considerable force.

This documentary features the uniquely gifted narration of Peter Thomas, who some may recognize from the series Forensic Files, one of the better true crime television programs from the network Court TV, now known as Tru-TV.

Fast-forward to 1:00 minute:

Click here to watch Part 2.


  1. I've seen this a couple of times on TV and Thomas Fisher is very believable. I don't know if the video clip above includes the segment where a woman that reads peoples expressions said she is convinced he witnessed what he saw. This may be the only account I have heard of where a bear, and a gigantic grizzly to boot interacts with a Bigfoot. The bear moves on quickly and wants nothing to do with the bigfoot. I believe this is very telling. Maybe the grizzly is not the alpha predator in Alaska.

    As for the cedar trees I do not know what to think. I could not imagine even the large and powerful Sasquatch to be able to drive a 1000 pound cedar tree into the ground. Maybe a group of them. Maybe a different explanation. I have heard of this phenomena in other parts of this country.


  2. The inverted tree wasn't caused by Sasquatch. It was placed there by a log loader operator having fun, simply enjoying himself by creating a mystery for any passerby. If you look closely at the roots on clearer photos of the tree, you can see some damage where the root was grabbed.

    Not done by bigfoot.

    1. logging money is made by volume.....The guy taking time to create "curiosities" for passerbys would not have a job very long. I'm sure everyone in his logging crew just waited for a 1/2 hour, while he got it situated....because it's not like they were trying to make money.......not saying its a sasquatch, but you sound like someone who works a nice salary office job and thinks people in construction and labor jobs just jerk around all day....

    2. In the Alaska Dispatch there's a story of a family fishing on the river when the father notices a bad smell and tell everyone to pull their lines in as they hurried to get out of there. One of the kids notices some trees uprooted and placed up side down in the ground and was later told that they are done by the bushman (sasquatch).

    3. I wouldn't be surprised if there has been a logger or 2 that have pulled that prank. But there are thousands upon thousands of instances where this has hhappened-giant trees being stuck in the ground upside down. So to assume that every one of those cases was perpetrated by a logger playing a prank, is not only ignorant, but downright stupid.

    4. Absolutely! And weren't the trees checked,by boots on the ground, and found no corresponding tool marks from heavy machinery? I know many heavy equipment operators, and they are professional men who are there to work. They aren't going to risk their job to play a prank, in a remote area, where it's unlikely to be seen. Give me a break! At least come up with more probable explanations.

  3. Yes, I agree that the inverted trees could only be done by some type of machine.

    It is interesting that such a large bear would be afraid of a Sasquatch. I say this just because that grizzly would still have a size advantage (granted, not nearly the advantage it has over normal humans). This is not to say I doubt the story- it's just interesting to note.

    1. Sorry to burst your bubble, but many grizzlies, polar bears, black bears are afraid of humans. I have personally spooked grizzlies walking along the shore.

  4. Yeah, even a 20 foot squatch with huge muscles wouldn't be able to uproot a big tree like that and upend it.

    1. I think a twelve footer could do it, they're pretty strong.

    2. Actually there's no sign of machines anywhere at the scene, a group of Sasquatches could do it though.

    3. Offer some proof that BF is 12 feet, uproots trees, or even exists. There is none, nada, zip. You are all crazy.

    4. Bigfoots exist. They can uproot trees like that. Stay alseep

    5. They do exist.i know what I saw, and no one is gonna tell me different. If you did your homework
      before making a statement, you wouldn't end up sounding like such an idiot, as you do right now. It wouldnt take a "20 ft sasquatch", it wouldnt even take a 12 ft sasquatch for that matter. A good full grown male, 8 to 9 ft, would have no problem accomplishing this task. If you disagree, then you obviously know NOTHING about apes. A chimpanzee (80-100lbs) has the strength of 5 grown men. An average full grown male sasquatch (800-1000lbs) is 10 times the size of a chimp. You do the math. Thats the equivalent strength of nearly 50 GROWN MEN. Lets even say 35 men or even just 30, just to be modest. This animal has the strength of at least 30 men. And if you ask me (or anyone with half a brain) 30 men could easily uproot a large tree. Saquatches CAN do this. They DO EXIST. Case closed. Do your homework next time.

  5. Any scientist would have brought forward footage, physical proof, DNA studies. It is nowhere to be found, nothing but more bullshit. Bigfoot isnt real, sorry folks.

    1. Scientists don't bring forth footage, physical proof or DNA studies because scientists dismiss the whole thing and refuse to look at it seriously. Hence the insane logic loop you're currently stuck in. Such things as unknown, undiscovered hominids could be bullshit just as much as they could be real but when "real" science doesn't investigate, I suppose we'll never know and you are left with your worthless opinion like the rest of us.

    2. But aren't they providing said evidence? Footage is brought forth on a regular basis, unfortunately not by official scientist due to public/verbal abuse. Physical proof is brought in the form of casts of actual foot prints and studied by 'real' scientists. DNA is being studied by dismissed by the general public and scientist because it comes out as cannot be determined.


    3. Actually, as far as "scientists" confirming the existence of species, until recently the local wildlife preservation where I'm from denied the existence of large cats and even more recently alligators in the area because they did not want to be held liable for any incidents concerning these large predators. Now they have come forward with confirmation of these local predators and even began an official" 'gator season" where the state gives away only 50 legal tags to 50 lucky hunters. It's amazing what the government, local or otherwise, will deny to the public just to protect themselves legally. So, with that, who knows but the locals what really inhabits the area. We have always known the wildlife inhabitants where I'm from obviously but yet the state denied hunting seasons and even the animals existence in the area just because if they did they'd have to monitor the species. The fact is, the cats were in the woods behind our houses, the alligators were in the water where we fish, but the state said "no they're not" for a long long time. Just an interesting POV concerning the argument of whether the government would lie to the public or not.

    4. Actually, as far as "scientists" confirming the existence of species, until recently the local wildlife preservation where I'm from denied the existence of large cats and even more recently alligators in the area because they did not want to be held liable for any incidents concerning these large predators. Now they have come forward with confirmation of these local predators and even began an official" 'gator season" where the state gives away only 50 legal tags to 50 lucky hunters. It's amazing what the government, local or otherwise, will deny to the public just to protect themselves legally. So, with that, who knows but the locals what really inhabits the area. We have always known the wildlife inhabitants where I'm from obviously but yet the state denied hunting seasons and even the animals existence in the area just because if they did they'd have to monitor the species. The fact is, the cats were in the woods behind our houses, the alligators were in the water where we fish, but the state said "no they're not" for a long long time. Just an interesting POV concerning the argument of whether the government would lie to the public or not.

    5. the gov. wont allow any proof....

    6. Manowar, Why come to a Bigfoot forum to chide people who think differently than you? You bring nothing to the conversation, except being a troll (notice you do not use your real name), and trying to make yourself feel like something bigger than you are. I love REAL discourse, not tiny trolls, who come to places like this, just to hide, and cower like the small, non-imaginative people they are. Have a NEW argument, something that YOU thought up, not something that you have regurgitated from others.

  6. one they didnt say they uprooted it they said that sasquatch up ended 2 blowen down cider trees now weather it was a sasquatch or not is something else altoghther would have to see it for myself .however i do have a friend that has seen this he is from thereand told me this story many years ago before this show was ever made.I must add he is a believer as am i but i am skeptic when it comes to the stories sorry I look at the evidence from all angles befor i buy it. As far as MR.Fisher the man has seen something he believes to be sasquatch and so do I. In that industry (fishing) those are hard men very strong willed men and a close bunch not much BS to them and i would say that to say you seen sasquatch you would take quite a ribbing plus he also had a deckhand with him that he named the man would'nt talk about it but i dont think MR.Fisher would include him in a lie knowing he wasn't going to colaborate his story.

  7. I did read somewhere about a hunter that skinned a grizzly bear and it had been all beat to hell with a club. There were also a big human like bite mark on its back. The Indians in Canada said this was rare but it does happen once in awhile. Evidently the bear moved into a area where the bigfoot was berry picking and the bigfoot was protecting its family members.

  8. Inverted trees? My money is on Bobo.

  9. I live near here,in Alaska. I've seen these trees. They're massive trunks slammed into the ground, with no machine markings or anything... it's amazing.

  10. I also live in S.E. Alaska. I talked to a Forest Service employee that told me he had never had any reports of "Bigfoot" being in S.E.. Not to say it is not true. Now, I don't know if "Bigfoot" is real or not. However, I love the stories and reading all about "Strange happenings" in S.E. Alaska.

    Ralph in Petersburg

  11. these beings are inteligent and it would be an easy task for them using TEAMWORK this is the reason you cant catch them they work together,thats how WE built the pyramids, ect.

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  37. Ive spent a bit of time on POW in the turn lake and cahlder mtn area, I have had my own experiences there, Ive actually heard them conversing with each other, on the shoreline at night, No other animal produces the sounds i heard that night But they are identical in descscription to some of those heard in colorado. Its not a roar like a large beast, its a series of broken tones at many diferent pitches and low end grunts. It makes your back hair stand up..Although ive never yet had a sighting, i am return8ng to POW , within next 4 years. Im sure i Wont be dissappointed.


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