Watch This New Guinea Tribe's Amazing First Contact Documented On Film (Includes Spoiler)

Watch this amazing video of the Papu tribe in New Guinea seeing "white men" for the first time. The YouTube description says it was filmed in 1976 and shows genuine reactions of fear, intrigue, and joy. This film reminds us that there are still tribes out there in the world with little to no outside contact. The reactions are amazing to watch in this video. It proves how fragile and bonded humanity really is and strikes hope and joy into our hearts.

While this footage is heartwarming and moving, there is something else you should know about it too: Click here for the spoiler.


  1. The video's wonderful, I just wonder how long it will be before they'll be sorry. How sad is that?

    1. I agree... Fascinating, but kinda sad. Their world will never be the same and probably won't be possitively impacted in any way. This type of video might not fly in S. America, where there are laws that protect uncontacted tribes' right to continue their existance without modern influence.
      Again, I'm fascinated, but I'm not sure how I feel about the disruption of a pure and innocent culture.
      David from the PAC/NW

    2. Sorry, tenses are mixed up in that statement. Thinking about impact as of filming in 1976 and present day laws in S. America... and how I felt two minutes ago..
      David from the PAC/NW

  2. its posted here because its just like every Bigfoot video: fake.

  3. Blobsquatch at 10:37, lower center. Just kidding. I wouldn't worry about that Blondie. They prob. all died of a white man's desease a month after that video. And yes, clearly faked. Anybody can easily tell that was shot in south central Detroit. I thought the tribal structure was intertesting, position of nose bone and feathers = status. I also thought it was kinda neat how the men folk were totin' around the kids too. Not just "women's work", as so many civilized jackasses think.

    No Shadow

  4. Well it´s not fake, it´s a classic clip and it´s genuine. I saw it the first time when I was studying anthropology. Much can be said though about how the white man approaches them, he sees himself as some sort of more evolved human and takes out thing after thing not asking to see any of theirs. Not very humble and quite arrogant.


    1. Dude even the link in the story says its fake. Its fake! did no one catch that? Probably not since all the Bigfoot fans typically skim evidence and stories for what fits their beliefs and not the actual truth.

  5. Fact 1: There still are uncontacted peoples in different corners of the world.

    Fact 2: Some people are so ignorant (some of them even can't point the USA out on a map)

  6. where is the part where later they were invited to dinner....only to find out that they were the main course!!?? LOL!!

  7. Looks like they are sizing the white guy up for the cooking pot.

    1. exactly....!!!!! they are thinking...hmmm so this is the udda white-meat...these guys are Chic-fil-A on legs for these tribesmen!!

  8. I we go again!!! Bigfoots just a "wandering lost tribe" of our ancient ancestors who really dont realize that "they are just people like all of us" Lets go on a fantasy ride imagining a humanity and Eutopia where bigfoot is just another race/tribe of ancient peoples. Its animal folks..its a simian, an ape, I really dont think their will ever be a "frist contact of sorts" like this with bigfoot. They are animals, apes and will remain as such...end of story for me...I know Shaun espouses to the David Pualides-ites of the community and others that want to "humanize" the un-humanizable" paint a "happy smiley human-like face" on every bigfoot they see..."the old man of the woods"...lets get a grip...some of you have just watched too many "Planet of the Ape re-runs" imagining bigfoot as such....

    1. They are not apes... And there can be a debate weather or not they exist.. But if you follow the belief that they exist, then the Foot prints alone prove them to not be apes. The shape of our feet are uniquely Human (Everything in genus Homo) Name one ape that has feet like ours?

  9. Yeah that totally could have went the other way. lol Those guys were a little on the, not so bright, side.

    "Lets show them items that will appear to them to be capturing their souls! and as they are walking over the river lets appear to be aiming a weapon at them.. Oh!!! And lets give them matches so that they burn themselves in case the first two things do not incite violence."

  10. Thanks Shawn, this opens eyes and minds. What is really interesting/depressing is the follow-up on some of the tribes that have been "studied" since the 60's...not such a pretty story. Those sad outcomes are what drives the "hands-off" approach with the, as yet, uncontacted tribes in the Amazon. Contact has historically been the beginning of the end for their lives as they knew them. I hope we bring all our best understanding and intentions to the Bf outing..

  11. They were lucky not to be killed. The leader almost went for his weapons. I agree with the above, let us scare them with white man magic! I wonder what the head knock means...good? Hard? They all do it after eating the rice (that will destroy their diet!). Well let us hope they were all vaccinated and did not spread virulent disease.

    new anony

    1. yep.. This is why we are no longer allowed to contact civilizations unless they obtain at least warp 1... Ooops.. nvm wrong subject lol

  12. Run little naked brown man..RUN!!!


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