Tim Fasano talks about ignorance in the Bigfoot world

Florida Skunkape hunter, Tim Fasano, is now part of the Seminole Project and has been setting up trail cameras in the Florida swamps. Since his involvement in the project, he has been receiving comments on his YouTube channel about his research methods. One commenter suggested that Bigfoots can see infrared and will try to avoid trail cameras that emit infrared light. They say its ability to see infrared light is why it's rare to capture a Bigfoot on a trail camera. Fasano disagrees with this notion and uploaded the video below telling those people to support him or stay off his YouTube channel.

"Ignorance has reached pandemic levels in the Bigfoot world. Support me or stay off my site," Fasano wrote.


  1. Yeah Fatsano, ignorance is pandemic, and you're a prime example of it.


  2. Fasano is like the father most of us never had.

  3. Fasano is the epitome of ignorance

    1. I couldn't agree with you more on that statement. If you don't agree with him 100% he deletes your comments, he can't take any negativity toward any of his video's. which to a new viewer makes him look like no one has anything negative to say about his methods.His ego is so big, he think he is the best out there.. Which is isn't, and he criticizes all other researchers out there, except his butt buddies that is.

  4. I hope my comments are not seen as ignorant. But this gentleman makes his point on infrared by comparing bigfoot with crows and cougars. We know certain things about bigfoot and there is a lot that is not answered. It would make sense to me that an intelligent undiscovered primate (unlike felines and corvids) would recognise man made items in their natural environment and it is probably this reason why they are not picked up on cams in any conclusive way so far.

    1. That sounds right, and is the most likely reason BF can avoid trail cams. Even if covered in camouflage, it would not fool an intelligent primate whose entire life is lived in the forest. BFs whole livelihoo depends on being able to stay hidden, after all.

    2. Could count many good reasons we have so few cam photos. Here goes. Who wants to be ridiculed coming forward with it anyway, think Hovey. They may be another species of human thus have us outsmarted. Think. Silence from logging companies. Why not. You name it, but to assume these are just upright gorillas you must be stoned. Talk about ignorance there Fasano, you're knee deep in it yourself also but then again most bigfooters are.

    3. Maybe they smell the cameras out. I'm sure plastic has a strong smell when in the middle of the forest.

    4. Fool a primate? The primate would have to know what the camera is to be fooled by it. I seriously just don't believe in this. If deer don't pay attention to it then I doubt any other animals would either. Primates sense of smell is not on par with that of a deer or even animals such as wolves or coyotes. My opinion is they just haven't been placing these things in the right place at the right time.

      This leads me to another question that has been on my mind for a long time. On an episode of Monster Quest, researchers were looking for giant birds. They set up a camera that had an solar power supply with a satellite feed that ran 24/7. Why hasn't something like this been placed in areas with suspected high bigfoot traffic?

    5. I am unsure if any of you are using the term "primate" as the Order, which includes monkeys,apes, humans. Or if you are meaning the species "Ape". Personally I do not think they are apes but Hominids.

      But either or, you cannot use this:"The primate would have to know what the camera is to be fooled by it. I seriously just don't believe in this. If deer don't pay attention to it then I doubt any other animals would either."

      Reason being, ungulates such as deer are generally stupid. They do not care if something is odd or out of place if it does not move. Primates, on the other hand will inspect things. (Watch some of the old Jane Goodall Documentaries.) Chimps will also make use of man-made items.

      Now as for Sasquatch, you are talking about a creature that is most likely nocturnal. They very well could see in infrared and their sense of smell and hearing could also be heightened. What is being failed to be mentioned are the numerous camera traps that have been completely trashed by something (Or someone.) While it is possible that Animal Rights Terrorists... oops, I meant "Activists" may be responsible for this, it is also entirely possible that Sasquatch are responsible for it. I said this before, but we are talking about creatures that seem to be studying us. Look at the majority of the reports... Peeping into windows, ransacking camp-sights, breaking into abandoned houses or hunting lodges (But seem to stay away from occupied dwellings as far as breaking in.) And in the majority of the sasquatch sightings reports, The sasquatch is caught looking at the witness by the time the witness even notices it. Or the witness is being stalked from the woodline.

      Even if you do not believe in Sasquatch, then think hypothetically.. These creatures would know more about us than we would of them. They might even know more about us than we know our own selves. There are so many stupid things we do that we do not even know we do. An example would be our stupid reactions to things. You are in a car with your friends and some news flash comes on the radio that catches everyone in the cars attention... What happens? Everyone leans forward to look at the console even though the speakers are behind them.

      quirky behavior like this goes unnoticed by most people. But if something is actually studying us, it would stand out like a sore thumb. Especially if the whole point in studying us is to learn how to evade us. Of all life on earth, nothing is more predictable than humans. Roads, streetlights,fences, well lit houses... They know exactly where we are. We do not know how to find them.

    6. I am not really sure why you posted your opinion on whether it's an ape or not. It seems directed but nevertheless it may or may not be an ape. I use the term primate because it's a general term that classifies humans, apes and so on.

      Now, I can use :"The primate would have to know what the camera is to be fooled by it. I seriously just don't believe in this. If deer don't pay attention to it then I doubt any other animals would either."

      The reason is simple. To fool a bigfoot with a camera trap is to catch photos of it with the trap. If a bigfoot is not to be fooled by the trap it must know what the trap is so that it can avoid it.

      I am an avid deer hunter. I can tell you that deer are smart and they are curious. Their sense of smell is phenomenal as well. If they enter an area and catch a whiff of something that they know should not be there it will spook them. I have seen it and that is also why there is an entire industry based on cover scents. It's the same way with foxes, coyotes and wolves. All of these animals have a greater sense of smell than any primate. They use these senses for many different reasons, not just tracking. My point is, none of these animals care about the scent of a camera trap. You can bet that they can all of them smell it a lot further away than any primate can.

      Now, a lot of people that study bigfoot assign too many unkown characteristics to it. The idea of it being able to see infrared is one of them. It's automatically assumed just because it's not been captured on film by a camera trap that they can see infrared. This theory can be studied by studying other primates and testing this out. If there is another primate on the planet that can see infrared then we can say that it's possible here. To launch an idea with no scientific support at all is premature at best in ascribing characteristics to an animal that has not been officially discovered.

      One more point, if a bigfoot is as curious to go and look into people's homes, then what would make it avoid camera traps? I think they are just like any other animal and really don't notice or care if there are man made items laying around. If eyewitness testimony is to be taken into account then it's important to note that they have been seen dumpster diving as well.

      I will agree with you that these creatures do know more about us than we do about them in the sense that they know when we are around and how to avoid us. Most animals in the wild will do their best to avoid humans just out of instinct and I don't think that bigfoot is an exception to this rule.

      I'm not hung up on the idea that these things are nocturnal as well. I think they do what they want just like deer, bear and other animals. They eat and travel when they want and this is why we have a lot of sightings of them during the day.

    7. The point of them watching us goes back to the camera trap. And why I had to define that I think they are human.

      Okay let me cover the difference between ungulates and primates. Yes ungulates take note of man-made structures. But then get used to them. (Reason why you need to set up your feeders and deer stands in advance.)

      Primates will take note, and tinker. Chimps will use human trash as weapons and digging tools.

      Studies on wild Orangutan's shows that they not only watch humans use items, but will use the items in the same way that they just seen the humans do it. (lathering up with bars of soap, beating on wood with hammers etc...)

      Now if these are the ancient Hominids that we do have fossil records of, then we know that they were most likely nocturnal judging by the size of their eye sockets.(Does not mean that they did not go both ways. We do.)

      But throw the infrared theory out the window for a second. Maybe they can't see the trip beam. But the smashed camera traps could be a result of the creature responding to the flash. A deer would high-tail it when startled. A Primate's "Fight or Flight" response would probably be fight first when startled? And the flash could be what would make them KNOW what had just happened. (Campers take camera's with them.) They may not know exactly what a camera does (Unless they witnessed Polaroid.) But they would know it's a Homo Sapiens thing.

    8. You bring up some great points. If these camera traps are broken, I think you nailed the reason right on the head but not with the idea of the fight or flight example. I think you nailed when you mentioned how curious primates are and that they will tinker. This is true and I would suspect that this is the reason that they would be broken, if sasquatches are the culprits.

      Good post.

  5. This is why I don't watch his videos or follow his 'research'. The guy chases people off then wonders why he doesn't get the support he thinks he deserves. By the end of the day he'll have two subscribers to his YOUTUBE channel, his mom and dad because they worry about him.

  6. I've been following this guy since he started, even after he banned me. He is an enormous tool. He doesn't deserve any support whatsoever. I do, however, enjoy his rants and raves. His ability to sink to new levels of stupidity and narcissism never cease to entertain me.

    1. You nailed it. I was also banned after he misinterpreted a NON-criticism. That's OK -- like you, it's about the entertainment. This meltdown is classic egotistical Fasano. Haha!

  7. Um, isn't he in danger of crashing his car? He seems pretty angry and is trying operate the equipment at the same time...

    1. maybe thats what happened to Rick Dyer?

    2. He really should watch his blood pressure when he rants on an on so much, he's going to pop an artery one of these days. His ego needs to be knocked down three or four pegs. I can't believe he has any followers left, thought for sure by now he would of banned them all.

  8. I watch his videos for the comic relief..I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING! Then where are all the pics? Why do you fake stuff like the palmetto monster.
    Here is a guy that reached his highest aspirations. A cab driver..Totally broke. Living in a dive motel..Yet he wastes money on an android phone..If only he knew how to traverse this thing called life

  9. This debate is so dumb. Reason we're still in the dark on this subject's because we refuse to understand they ain't apes. We're a very stubborn species driven by habit and we want everything to be as we want it and only that way, otherwise we can't grasp it just look at Fasano.

    Everytime we fail we scratch our heads, but these bigfoots, wait truly dumb name these sasquatches, may stay clear of cams because they know it's a trap especially if they've watched the box positioned there. In other words they may know exactly what we're up to, and the day we give them that credit and approach without ulterior motives that's the day we'll be smarter than them.

  10. Tim Fasano, the John Gotti of Sasquatchery. Man he's angry caughing like a mad bull there, thought for a second he was gonna say, " I'll sever your mf head off!".

    1. Gotti -- that's just the tough-guy image he'd like to portray, but the fact is, he's a sorry wimp that's all mouth. I love how he waits for everybody else to break a trail as he tiptoes along pulling up the rear.

    2. Anon @ 1:04, he was probably thinking just that.lol

  11. whats he smoking, reminds me of the crying guy whom was on youtube crying about people picking on britney spears. stop picking on me boo hoo. this guy is nuts, he's better left alone.

    1. I totally disagree with your last line. This idiot is here to taunt..He knows nothing about bigfoot..As none of us do..But he thinks he is the fore most expert..Help me keep taunting. I want to see this losers head explode

    2. I don't care for him at all, but to taunt for pleasure.

      You have a more seriuos problem than Fasano, by far!

      Something is rotten in the core of you person if you truly derive pleasure from the suffering of others.

      I suggest you go find a couple full bottles of some medicine in the cabinet and swallow it all, and relieve society of the SCUM that you are!

    3. Glad to here your 2 cents Leon. Because that is all you have to your name LOSER

    4. There was actually a report on Comcast Cable/Internet yesterday about how disturbed people are who, ---------------------- "Taunt Anonamously"

      You should really go get checked out!

    5. Oh, and you can be found and sued.
      The lady in the report lost 410,000 in court.

    6. Can you give us a time date , county and state to back up your statements? He is stating his opinions in a public forum..Perry Mason you are not

    7. Search term-- "gossip destroys mans life" Yesteday March 25, xfinity / comcast hompage, Video story.

    8. Really sounds like Leon is Fatasno in disguise. hmmmmmmmmmmm Might beeeeeeee..lol

    9. No, Leon is not Fasono. He is more open minded than Fasono.

      Leon, I hear ya... But some people deserve it and even need it. But in this case, though I feel Fasano deserves this, I will leave this up to others. I view him as a non-threatening egotist. But at least he has yet to hoax.

      However if Tom Biscardi were to pop up on here, I must confess that I would make every troll on here look like an angel. That guy is not only a bigger egotist than Fasano, but he is a prime reason why no one takes sasquatch research serious. Every hoax does 100 fold more damage than every breakthrough.

  12. A deep area is the distance that Fasano can walk without hitting his anaerobic threshold. Typically 100-200 feet.

  13. Fasano is 100% right in the position he has taken. Of all "Bigfoot Researchers" Fasano is by far the most intelligent and most credible. He has done more for Bigfoot Research than anyone else the past four years.

    Fasano is a guy who does not need advice from amateurs as he is the grand champion of research and has discovered more evidence of the skunk ape than anyone. We all should give him support because the odds are he will be the one to discover proof of Bigfoot.

    To the ignorant poster above Tim is extremely successful financially. He owns a cab company with 50 plus vehicles and also owns the "dive motel" as you call it. Fasano is an extremely successful businessman as well as Bigfoot Researcher. Most of the criticism comes from people like "Ape Human" who are not considered credible and angry and jealous because the "big names" of the Bigfoot community will not associate with them.

    1. Thanks for setting us straight Mr.Fasano!

    2. Read his blog idiot..He owns NOTHING

    3. What proof..Perfect footprints that he doesn't put a dollar bill next to it..It was his footprint..Palmetto monster..What proof has posted?

    4. It seems that someone "intelligent" as you say would at least edit out mistakes, and cursing and would not want to show the temper tantrums (justified or not)if you want peole to follow you.

      I mean once you take the fun out of something so crazy, well whats the point.

      It seems as though many in this field almost react like an addict, take away the "limelight" and they would do /or show any behavior to get attention back on themselves!

      I think once they have been at it awhile, they can't deal with the idea they are not SUPREME.

      Tim ABSOLUTLY knows that people will pay to watch a train wreck!!

      Bascardi trained Dyer to do this---

      Dyer has explained this to Fasano----

      The only thing thats pissing off Fasano is --- He hasn't been able to convert
      his wreck, into CASH.


      But, I do believe Tim is sincere about wanting to get proof.

      And he does go out and do work.

      Maybe fate will smile on him and he'll get it done!

      Oh man, i would really have to bar-b-que a CROW.

      I bet Tim has dreams at night of the BIGFOOT masses comming to him,---
      --------"Oh tim, you are the greatest Bigfooter of them all!"

      Tim, if you read this, seriously ask yourself this question;

      Is it Bigfoot I seek, or attention?

    5. Speaking of attention seeking tantrums...

    6. WTF? An extremely successful bigfoot researcher? Explain what that means to you because to me it would mean the guy has ultimate proof that they exist.

      In the field of trying to prove something is real, the only real success lies in proving that it is real.

      Or in the case of him and a few other nut jobs, pulling together a following of fellow nut jobs that will follow you to the end of the world no matter how dumb you are is also considered successful.

    7. Even if Fatasano got the grand picture, no one would believe him. His rants and raves drove most away from believing anything he says.

    8. timbo is crazy, look at this post and tell us it's not you timbo? hey tim just put your name to the post dude! you might get some cab business. but it's tim fasano we are talking about. he might tell us that he's chasing the palmetto monster and all cab pick-ups will be 7 to 10 days late. f-u timbo you still suck hoaxer!!!!

  14. Could you provide the name of said cab company and hotel so that we may verrify what you say?

    1. I read it on his blog. He always says the cab company on his videos..
      look into it yourself idiot

    2. I would feel like an IDIOT if I had ever went to his sight! ------ 11 year old--------------------Idiot.

    3. He owns you, you succer ANON@2:46. because you follow him, what a dumbass----------------ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    4. Keep flapping your gums. You sound so intelligent..Now go do your homework. Tomorrow is a school day.
      It is spelled sucker

  15. Fasano is an insecure little man who's Mommy never praised him. He wants people to love him but he only attracts the Dyers and Biscardi's and they just use him. If you pay attention and call him once in a while he will back up even Hitler ! But cross him or disagree and he will Flame Mother Teresa

  16. Start your own blog and lock it down...then us normal peeps wont bother you. Just you and your little cult followers.

    1. The question is, what is in your hart makes you want to bother people?

  17. You are an idiot. So stupid you did not realize it was a rhetorical question

  18. Damn, I am not sure what will kill him first: a) walking to check his trail cams b) coughing up a lung in the middle of his baseless babble diatribe c) being smashed by oncoming traffic that he failed to see because he was talking into his camera and beating on his dashboard with ignorant passion.

  19. What anyone speculates about sasquatch and trail cams may or may not be true, we have no way to know. What we do know is that there are 745 million acres of forested land in the U.S. So if Fasano, and anyone else for that matter, want to put more trailcams up it seems to me it would increase the odds of a picture being captured. Maybe they are too smart to get caught by the lenses, maybe they are not. There is so much uncovered wilderness that I am sure one could wander the woods for years and never come across a gamecam.

    1. I can't agree more. Too often I get on here and see people ascribing super natural attributes to a creature that we hardly know anything about. Just as you said, there are millions of acres of forest and human or a bigfoot can walk around for years and never come across a game cam.

    2. Here we go again. It's unfortunate we're influenced by the media's beefed up portrayal of this elusive species added by exaggerated scared witness accounts, that it's so imprinted we're still calling them creatures like they're animals which they're not. It's another human species.
      The only primate species walking upright is us, yet these guys not only look human up close they even speak evidently so do the math and quit dreaming.

      They have them too in Russia or similar anyway and other places, they're not apes either so snap out of it for pete's sake or we may never solve it.

      Sometimes, I almost feel certain bigfooters don't want it solved as that cuddly teddy bear image with the free of charge open zoological garden we've created in our minds, will end.

    3. Here we go again. It's another human species? What, pray tell, are you basing your scientific claim on since none have been studied or examined? You are also claiming that they have a language as well. This is pure speculation along with everything else that you are claiming. There is not one scientific claim that you have argued. This ranks right up there with the infrared debate. We don't know any of this stuff so just stop already with claims and attributes that cannot be backed up without any credible scientific study.

    4. So, I snapped out of it just for Pete's sake and did the math and here is what I came up with for you. But I am sure you have it all figured out since you seem to have experience studying them here and in Russia.

      Speculation + immature assumptions = no one in the scientific community taking this subject seriously.

      Is that what you got because it sure is what I got. I don't think my calculator is broken, so....

      Furthermore, since you appear to be somewhat anal as far as the classification of these "creatures" then it would be important for you to educate yourself. Bipedal apes are found in the fossil record. Just because it walks upright and resembles humans does not make it human. Australopithecine was a bipedal ape. Kenyanthropus platyops, Oreopithecus, and Homo habilis are just a few more to help educate you in the arena of science.

      Humans are not the only known bipedal primate in the fossil record. There were bipedal apes, it is a fact so snap out of it for Pete's sake and do the math or we may never solve it.

  20. The only bad person in the bigfoot community is person who would harm one. We need the good and the bad researchers, to gauge the difference between the two.


  22. Isn't this guy another one of the bigfoot serial hoaxers?

  23. Timmy is priceless.

    Timmy was protesting against his company putting in a new dispatching system, so I doubt he owns the company. I think cabbies work as independent contractors, so he owns a company, his one car.

    Timmy mentioned "Dave", could that be Shealey?

    When in Tampa, demand Timmy as your driver. Ride and a show for the price of a ride.

    Timmy wants a TV show, for the love of God someone give it to him.

    Timmy is a youtube celeb, recognize.

    1. When Jack Black's box office draw dwindles one day, maybe he'll play Fasano in TV movie.

    2. Maybe someday Jack Black will star along with Danny Partridge and Greg Brady in a bigfoot movie.

  24. It's a bit funny, how the moment he starts talking about infrared a red light shines on him from outside. lol

  25. Know one can stir up a tub of shit but the king tub of shit himself. the one, the only, Tim(cough, hack, slobber)Fasano

    1. "... Tim (cough, hack, slobber, scratch my ass) Fasano." Fixed it for you ;o)

    2. Thank you. Glad someone has my back

  26. I've liked some of Fasano's clips posted on youtube when he began.
    However with newer posting and comments he makes of others, I tend to stay away from them now.
    I dislike the public commentary coming from any group towards another and feel if he wants to document his work, great! I'm all for that. Just don't like the airing of dirty laundry - unless it's public the the GA boys.


  27. Just another one who's a legend in his own mind... A total insignificant joke...

  28. hey timmy fatsano, just look how many posts that think you suck! and with that i'll just say it. ready? how about you fell in love with a lesbian(renee-findingbigfoot) and when that lesbo turned you down you had to talk shit on her bigfoot skills. and then you post some kind of hit-list! yea loser that'll get you some fans. and now you got this like me or not order. well hey fat crying cabbie(not to good)go f-yourself your a f-ing joke fatboy!

  29. The place he's doing his "Seminole Project" just so everyone knows is Oakridge Equestrian Area on Morris Bridge Road. He's totally clueless about it. He thinks no one goes out there, that its pristine and all kinds of other junk. People used to live out there. It was a ranch within the past decade. Dozens of people a day on horses travel the entire width and breadth of the park, geocachers and campers are out there all the time... which makes it really ironic that he bad mouths "camp site squatchers" because that's what he does.

    I'm not even into bigfoot, I'm into the woods, and that's how I found out about this guy. I found it hilarious the places he is looking for them and pathetic how he tries to pass off some places as untouched wilderness are actually bustling with visitors.

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