The Tallest Man In America Needs Your Help To Buy New Shoes

The tallest man in America is a Minnesota resident from the Ukraine named Igor Vovkivinskiy. As a result of an overactive pituitary gland, his height is 7' 8" at 29 years old.

What's sad about this story is that he's basically disabled and doesn't have enough money to buy new shoes-- which are specially made and costs around $15,000 to make. To be able to afford such a price, he's currently raising money through a website and so far he's been getting a ton of support from people all over the world.

"I don’t know what I’m going to do first when I get that pair of shoes," he said. "I have so many things I want to do, just a simple walk."



  1. 15 k? A quick Google search says you can get customer shoes in any size or style made just for you for 300 dollars (several matches said much less) I don't get it

  2. he's not the tallest man in america. theres a guy playing with the harlem globe trotters thats 7ft 8in as well.

  3. That's just another example of how a business takes advantage of a consumer. In a way its price gouging, he needs them so they figure they can charge whatever they want.

  4. He is the average size reported for Bigfoot sightings.

    1. Male Sasquatches are usually even taller than this dude, but at least he won't have to tell the ladies to get down on their knees.

  5. Would love to go squatchin' with the babe who's interviewing him!...but I digress; as anon pointed out above, the man is about the size of an average Bigfoot, but can barely move on account of his size and bulk. Contrast that to the reports of similarly sized squatches who run faster than human sprinters and are way stronger than human powerlifters...that is awesome!

  6. if poor old igor could dribble and shoot a round ball, then he could buy his own shoes. not to mention they would give him a shoe contract.

  7. to hell with igor that news babe got some all that legs and body. hot damn i gald i'm a man!

  8. What exactly is this story doing on a Bigfoot blog. Yeah, he's got big feet and towers over most people but I still don't see the idea, I'm sure he'd take offense to it himself. Then again, Bigfoots aren't apes so maybe it's not so far off after all.


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