Purported Bigfoot Sound Recorded Near Conway, New Hampshire

Back in September 2011, a YouTube user named irvinyork, recorded this audio of a haunting sound while camping outside Conway, NH. It was recorded by the Saco River using a pocket recorder. This person does not believe in Bigfoot but posted the audio in hopes that someone can help identify the call.

"I have brought this to members of the New Hampshire forestry service and none could identify the animal in this recording," wrote irvinyor.


  1. I have heard this before..

  2. It's cool this is so close to Maine.

  3. I have trouble believing that there are squatches in New England.

    1. There are anywhere where it is forested spend some time researching you'll be amazed and if you see one your gonna shit your pants literally

  4. I have trouble believing there are Squatches.

    1. I have trouble believing people who have trouble believing there are squatches waste their time on sites full of people believing there are squatches.

    2. Yay, Dave! I whole-heartedly agree.

  5. Cougar or Bigfoot. My 2cents.

    1. Yes, the ejaculatory squall of the Cougar or someone stepping repeatedly on the big guys foot.

    2. No cat in the Americas sounds like that.

      Only a African lion or tiger has that much gutteral tone, and that is not where the get there volume, It doesn't even match them.

      Both cougars and bobcats have a much more shrill scream.

      Maybe Snowball Walker ate too many shrooms and he was out there heaving his guts up! Sorry Snowball, coudn't resist!

  6. Sounds like BF was eating from the fast food dumpsters recently.

  7. Sounds similar to BF I've heard roar at me before, but the repeated "oh" in it makes me wonder if this was something else slowed down.

  8. mechanical, varied venturi...

  9. The only other animal that makes a noise like this, and I don't know about them being in NH is hog. A big boar can make a noise similar, but i will say this set of lungs sounds BIG. Dont forget Hogzilla AND SEVERAL OTHER BOARS THAT CROSSED 1000LBS.

    I used to chase hogs in the kiamichi MTS in OK. And raised a very big boar when I was a kid in Ca.. I would really like to know the witness estimate for distance from source.

    I don't think if there were wild hogs there, that they would hit that mega size.
    Sure makes you wonder!

    I took a full blast from a pissed squatch and I will say this, if that was a squatch, we are hearing only a 1/4 or 1/3 capability of what those lungs will really do. And the vocal range can totally blow your mind when you hear it, but can't identify it, and you realize that there is an unknown, huge, animal whoose blood curdling scream -- says PREDATOR! You instantly realize how small you are!

    1. I agree with what you are saying. I have had one roar at me as well and the volume was incredible. But the sound I heard was more like a huge man bellowing. Not a guttural or growling roar. It sounded like a huge very pissed off man bellowing at enormous volume

  10. Sounds like Ceasar from rise of the planet of the apes. I knew that movie wasn't science fiction. Damn, I got goose bumps

  11. Sounds exactly like my neighbor's Beagle.

    1. I was gonna say, it sounded like a huge mutant beagle to me

    2. My golden retriever sounds just like that when he barks at the dark trying to scare it away. The barks get all jumbled up in echo off the trees in a forest.

  12. Sounds like a boar to me.. but what do I know?


    1. could be, i thought about that too, it would be a big'en!

    2. No wild pigs in NH or MT Lions.. That was a BIG FOOT!

  13. Sounds like he had some bad chili and it's catching up to him. I've heard this after a few college games.

  14. wonder what this guy would be recording? he claims not to be a believer in bigfoot! so what could this guy be recording? you would think it's at night if bigfoot is yelling? do people record birds at night? how hard would it be to tell your buddy to go down stream and sound like a drunk bigfoot? i think it's BOGUS!!!!

    1. He could of herd it before the he recorded the video then decided to record it. A lot of videos are made after the first encounter. The Patterson-Gimlin Film was recorded after he saw the creature in the creek crouched down

  15. The analysis of this vocalization leads me to conclude that the creature responsible for this ghastly sound would be the North American Sasquai. Sasquatch for those of you unfamaliar with the "scientific" term. This roar closely mimics that of a large male producing seminal fluids after ejaculation while peeping through the bedroom window of a hot young girly whilst she is pleasing herself.

    This is only my expert opinion. Others may vary.


    1. Wow, such a well thought, technical response that makes perfect sense. It's all so clear to me now.

    2. My thoughts exactly sir. Well said. You need to post more often Science guy.

  16. it's timbo fatsano, crying out for renee from finding bigfoot!

  17. A strange sound recorded from where???
    Recorded by who????
    Witnessed and verified by who????
    All with a note attached saying this happened and we asked this person of great authority to identify it...they couldn't.

    Oh Yes....It's got to be a Sasquatch

    1. Every single time. Squathes here squatches there squatches everywhere.

    2. Were only having fun, chill ----- smoke a joint or something!

  18. Why is the forest so noisy? Usually, the forest is silent in the presence of Sesquec. I doubt this to be a large cat breeding (Usually a one and done due to barbed pennis) It's reminiscent of a large hog, which is highly unlikely in that part of the country, unless a domesticated hog got loose. Perhaps a large ungulate, such as a moose in the throws of love. I have never heard a moose make noise while spilling, but they have the lungs to produce that type of volume.

  19. the only animal i've heard that sounded similar to that was a black bear that a dumbass turkey hunter shot with turkey shot.it ran up by me and my son and started bellowing kinda like that.let me tell you a wounded black bear is very spooky.

  20. the only animal i've heard that sounded similar to that was a black bear that a dumbass turkey hunter shot with turkey shot.it ran up by me and my son and started bellowing kinda like that.let me tell you a wounded black bear is very spooky.

  21. I'm from the North and South Carolina line.
    It sounds like a big ole hog to me.

    And don't be surprised if there's a few in the woods up in that part of the country. It only takes a year or two for a domesticated pig to become a great big H.O.G., wild hog. If they find a mate you'll soon have hundreds.
    We've got lots of them down here.

    We wish there were a bunch of Bigfoot here. Maybe they could help thin out the hog population. But alas, I've not seen the big furry people yet.

  22. Sounds pretty Squatchy to me....

  23. Was this recorded in the Fall? Were you near an apple stand? Bears will eat apples after they have fallen, get sick from them and make some interesting sounds during the process.

  24. Do they have boar hogs in the area. That's what it sounded like. Have heard them in the swamps down south many times.

  25. Sounds like Predator right before he jumped on Arnold!

  26. Firstly, there is no such agency as the "New Hampshire Forestry Service." If he recorded it in Conway while camping on the Saco, he was in, or near the White Mtn. National Forest. The employees there are USDA Forest Service employees.

    Secondly, at that time of year, Sept. and October, you are coming into the moose rut. This could be a large bull moose grunting and bellowing his passion to a lady "friend." I've heard bulls make sounds that would stand your hair on end; especially if close.

    While I do think that Bigfoot is a real animal and there have been credible sightings here in NH, odds are that to me that's a bull moose.

  27. I am not sure about the frog sounds. Sounds like spring peepers to me. That's a lot of frog activity for Sept.

  28. I am sorry, folks, but all those spring peepers you hear in the background only call in the early spring months. Could not have been recorded in September--that's the first clue this is a fake.

    1. BS .. I live in Ct, and these peepers are out untill late NOV .. So get your facts straight. I have nothing but State forrest in my backyard. And I hear them in the morning and at night.

  29. to me it sounds like the noise makers we used to make with a coffee can and cord.

  30. While I am believer I don't think this is Bigfoot. They tend to make high pitched scream, wails and moans. Sometime they HUFF loudly. I think what you recorded was a couple of fox vocalizations.

  31. Definitely BIG FOOT I heard the same thing across the river at the saco river camp ground in 1994 me and my friend were camping there we went down a trail along the river and heard a big rock splash in the river, after that I threw a rock across the river and I must of hit it because it let out a blood curdling scream that I'll never forget ,never saw it but didn't have to ,to know what it was,


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