Photos Of The Day: Big Foot Bear, Jeff Meldrum's Thoughts On The Wallace Photo

Big Foot Bear:

The bear photo above was posted on PNW Bigfoot's Facebook page. The photograph notes that bears could produce "Bigfoot" like tracks in then snow. When the temperature rises and falls, the snow changes the shape of the tracks and can be mistaken pretty easily for a Bigfoot: "Foot looks like in snow it could produce what one would assume was a BF track."

Jeff Meldrum's Thoughts On The Wallace Photo:

Ray Wallace (1918 − 2002) was a known hoaxer of Bigfoot photographs and videos. Photo above is Wallace's wife in an ape suit. According to, Ray Wallace claimed to have shot thousands of feet of bigfoot film footage. Figures have varied from 6,000 to 15,000 feet of 16mm film, which amounts to hours of footage, which includes bigfoot throwing stones, eating frogs, and so forth. Wallace maintains that his films, photos and tapes are authentic. None of the alleged films have surfaced since his death.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum posted an opinion about the photo above on his Facebook page:

There is no doubt that it is a hoax, most likely with Mrs. Wallace in the costume. Another version of it adorned the cover of an LP record album featuring the Bigfoot songs of Don Jones. Here you can see the rubber face with the gorilla-like nose, the clawed paws, etc., as it poses with one of Wallace's pet cougars. Other clips have appeared on TV spots featuring the Wallaces, with this suit on Mrs. Wallace.


  1. The bear photo depresses me. What's that jerk smiling about? Is it because he just killed a beautiful animal? How can anyone be interested in Bigfoot and not be disgusted by this picture?

    1. Wouldnt be sayin that if it just got through mauling you or someone in your family. Hippies

    2. And I was replying to blogger, not Anonymous.

    3. So you're a vegan, Blogger baggins?

    4. Due to todays wildlife management the culling of bears is necessary. Same thing goes for deer.


    5. What a waste! Let's hunt people instead! To manage the population of course!

    6. killed in it's environment. If it threatens your family in your backyard. KILL IT. If it threatens your fam in it's environs, don't bring your family into bear country.

  2. Killing animals with a high-powered rifle at long distances - so brave.

    1. Lol bet you couldn't do it.
      Bigfoots Broski

  3. I'm all for hunting - but it should be without any mechanical advantage. Bare hands to bear paws.


    1. I would like to see you or "ANY" hunter go one on one with a 12' grizzly bear or hell even a black bear for that matter , witch can even grow to 8' + 500 to 700 pounds LMAO bare hands to bear paws = one dead not very smart human and one very full Bear !!!! Just saying

    2. ^that's the point, dumbass

  4. So humans can't now do what they done for hundreds of thousands of years, which is hunt to provide their family with food? So what if they use the technology of high powered rifles, you hippie people are doing the same thing. I bet you have cars, take escalators, use the internet, have TV....but those types of technologies are ok because it gives you something you want or makes your life easier. Got to love the double standards!

    Also, don't many in the BF community believe BF hunt for meat? Just like bears, lions, etc....yet homo sapient (who are animals ) can't hunt? You people make me laugh

  5. Exactly my point. The average feral kitty cat will absolutely shred an unarmed human, and put you into shock ... don't ask how I know this :/

    If it wasn't for our use of tools and weapons, we cannot be grinning 'brave' trophy hunters of ANYTHING.


  6. It is the Bambification effect.

  7. Plus, the photo shows that most of the assumed sasquatch prints are very likely bear prints.

    1. It does not show that at all... Anyone who knows bear tracks would know the difference

  8. That's not hunting that's called Killing. I doubt he has a starving family waiting for him. Hunting for meat and population controll, I get that, its the killing for fun I don't get.

  9. None of you friggen hunters eat bear meat, and you know it. Nothing more than a trophy kill. Why don't you guys go hunt each other?

    1. So you advocate the killing of people then?


    2. What does that even mean ? Killing of people I beleave its a bear lol

  10. Oh come on! That's a bear in the picture. How can anyone think that's a bigfoot?

  11. I agree with Blogger Bagins. That photo of the dead bear sickens me, too. And I am a hunter. I have no problem hunting deer or an elk or any animal that I am going to take home and eat. But please, how many people eat bear, really?? This idiot in the pic is no doubt going to take his kill home and mount it on his wall- not feed his family. And there is something wrong about killing bears anyway. 99% of people who kill bears do it out of some need to prove their manhood. It has nothing to do with hunting.

  12. Everyone I know who has taken a bear, eats the meat. You liberals don't know what you're talking about.

  13. Eaten enough bear meat to know that different areas produce different tasting meat. Bear meat has a decent flavor, but if your not into it, it can be kind of greasy. Bears taken where their primary diet is berries and meat taste the best, whereas bears taken in Alaska tend to have a "fishy" flavoring to them. I myself have never hunted bear, don't really have a desire to, but those of you bitching because the guy is smiling in the picture need to grow up. He could be smiling because he just took an animal that had just as good of a chance of killing him as he killing it, and therefore is smiling because he's alive. Don't judge unless you know the facts, and it's obvious most of you don't know the facts.

  14. Why does meldrum still claim the PGF, Freeman (tracks and footage) skookum imprint, and wallace stoper prints authentic?

    That guy is a joke. He said that an elk ass and body impression was bigfoot?! fur reel. That man said wallace stomper prints are authentic, and wallace made the stomper after the prints? Really?

    This is your king of bigfooting. Bow to the mighty melDERRRRm

  15. AnonymousMonday, March 26, 2012 at 11:54:00 AM PDT
    To quote you...
    "He could be smiling because he just took an animal that had just as good of a chance of killing him as he killing it, and therefore is smiling because he's alive."

    How do you figure? You're shooting from a far distance. You're not even close to the bear. If you want to go toe to toe with a bear with a knife for the "sport" of it then I'll agree with you about them having a chance.

  16. There is no challenge in shooting a gun at a defenseless animal. Sure "tracking" or waiting all day in a tree stand takes patients but skill? Hardly. I grew up hunting but gave it up years ago. So don't try to tell me otherwise. I've been there, done that. Also, hunters claim "it's to feed my family". They're full of it. A small portion of their kills ever get eaten. I've know many hunters and you open their fridge and it's full of meat from the season before. When the neew season comes around after a kill they throw out the old stuff and put in the new. They also try to make themselves feel better by giving it away to friends who 9 times out of 10 just sits in their freezers too. Sure hunting has been around since the beginning of time but that was before there were high powered rifles. When animals had a chance.


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