Matt Moneymaker addresses BFRO's National Park Service citation

On February 24th, BFRO expedition organizer Matt Pruitt was cited in Arkansas for not having a special use permit for camping in a developed campground in the Buffalo Reserve. The report was submitted by Chief Ranger, Karen L Bradford and she stated the following:

Buffalo National River (AR)
Leader Of Bigfoot Expedition Cited For Permit Violation

On February 24th, rangers received information from a concessionaire who reported that there were visitors in the park who were on a "Bigfoot hunting expedition." Rangers Billy Bell and Ben Henthorne proceeded to the Steel Creek Campground to investigate. After questioning numerous people associated with the group, they discovered that approximately 30 people had paid Matt Pruitt, who is affiliated with The Bigfoot Field Researcher's Organization, to lead them on a hunt for the creature. Several participants said that they had paid $300 to $500 each to be lead on a three- day expedition. Pruitt was cited for a violation of the regulation on engaging in a business without a permit or written agreement (36 CFR 5.3). Paid activities that do not have commercial use authorizations or special use permits appear to be on the increase on a nationwide basis and need to be on the radar of all park staff to insure that only sanctioned and permitted activities are conducted in the parks.

[Submitted by Karen L Bradford, Chief Ranger]

According to BFRO members who attended the expedition, there seems to be a misunderstanding of what permits were required in jurisdiction controlled by the National Park Service. To clear things up, one commenter got in touch with BFRO president, Matt Moneymaker and he passed this along to our readers:

Moneymaker is in Louisiana shooting a season 3 episode of Finding Bigfoot. I called him on his cell hone about this. He told me some things to pass along to you about the NPS citation in Arkansas, and he texted me with more of his thoughts on the matter.

From Moneymaker:

"National Parks and National Reserves (outside Alaska) are a small fraction of public lands. Much larger are the National Forests (controlled by the Dept of Agriculture). State Parks have much more acreage, collectively. There are also Indian reservations, and BLM lands, and a whole lot of privately owned lands (including formal trust lands) that contain active bigfoot habitats.

The National Park Service only controls the National Parks and National Reserves. All those places are deserve special protection, and the NPS does an great job at it. Technically, the organizer broke the rules of this National Reserve in Arkansas and he was cited for it. The NPS has every right to do that, and the BFRO supports them in their efforts to enforce their rules. All their rules are policy-based, and made in Washington, to ensure maximum protection of those areas while allowing maximum human access and enjoyment. There's a tricky balancing act between those two slightly competing public interests.

The 2012 BFRO Arkansas expedition was the very first time a BFRO expedition took place in a jurisdiction controlled by the National Park Service. BFRO expedition organizers have always been advised to avoid National Parks because the rules are so strict (e.g. you can't step off a designated trail). Fortunately there's a plethora of great bigfoot locations that are NOT in National Parks or Reserves. In fact there are many, many more of bigfoot areas outside the National Parks and Reserves than inside them.

The organizer of the 2012 Arkansas expedition thought he didn't need a special use permit to camp with his group in a developed campground in the Reserve. It was a reasonable assumption under the circumstances. He made that assumption after carefully reading the Buffalo Reserve's web site for information or guidance about special use permits for a group that wants to camp in one their developed campgrounds, especially when the participants are individually paying the fees for their own camp sites. Nothing on the Reserve's web site addresses that scenario.

Moreover, the expedition organizer's girlfriend reviewed the Reserve's web site and determined that no permit was needed for a group of that size doing the activities they were going to do there.

A reporter recently spoke with a spokesperson for the Buffalo Reserve office. Apparently the office acknowledged that more information needs to be added to their web site to address these situations, it being 2012 and all.

It is not unreasonable to assume that the web site for well protected piece of public land, like a National Park and Reserve, would list ALL the prohibitions associated otherwise normal, no-impact, group camping activities.

There's nothing wrong about the NPS citing the organizer, and there's nothing wrong with the head office alerting all the other NPS offices to what happened. Now they will all update their web sites to provide instructions or guidance to those who want to obtain permits for paid group camping activities. That needs to happen. Until then it won't be difficult at all for other expedition organizers to avoid lands controlled by the NPS.


  1. OK, but running a scam is still the major point of the whole story. Yes, these fools pay the money to go but in the end, FatHead still pockets it.

    1. Ain't it funny that the few people who say BFRO expeditions are a scam are the same freaks and drunks who have been banned from BFRO expeditions, or who can't afford to attend in the first place.

      Most of the people who attend BFRO expeditions have attended previous trips. How could that be if the expeditions are a "major scam"?

      The BFRO has a standing policy of offering refunds to anyone who thinks their expedition was a scam. Of the 4,500 participants over the last 8 years .... not one person has asked for a refund because they thought the trip was a scam. That's a fact, and that should tell you something.

      Who is full of shit here?

    2. I would guess that you are "full of shit" because you have nothing to back up your claim. Both of you idiots are trolls. Thanks for ruining an otherwise great website. This place used to be great, insightful comments from what seemed like smart people. So much for that.

    3. The "trolls" as alot of you ppl like to call us. Well most of us are all for finding bigfoot. just not at the cost of being taken for suckers.
      Trolls are not the ones asking for your money and feeding you B.S. just to keep you following them.


    4. No, trolls are the ones that anoy the hell out of us.

      Come here and say; so and so knows knothing------

      This or that is fake -------

      And the sum total of what you know is,
      ---------- NOTHING!!

      You trolls really should go get some counseling for that God complex you have!

      This is a free market economy you freaking Commies!!!!!

    5. Hey Leon...

      Cows are people food and deer are bigfoot food. Cause MM says so!

    6. AnonymousMar 25, 2012 09:18 AM is MM

    7. The reply to the first comment is pure Mathew, words he has uttered in defense of his expensive camping trips more than a few times.

      While he does get pissed when someone points out the absurdity of the epedition business, it is not hurting his bottom line as he happily pockets his cut on the basis of branding and gathering up the work of others that is the field manual.

      The manual is certainly nothing amazing and the field techniques are things that one can learn for free if you approach an experienced field person nicely.

  2. Pruitt's a nice guy and very knowledgeable. For someone not knowing anything you pay to learn field techniques and many do it to connect w others having similar interest

    1. How do they know what good "field techniques" are if they have not produced results?
      Would you want to learn how to fish from a group of ppl who have never caught a fish?


    2. Yah, except nobody has ever caught this fish you self-righteous dumb-ass. Who the hell do you think you are!! You have got to be a lib.

    3. Matt Moneymaker: The Bernie Madoff of Bigfoot Research.

    4. I love it, Matt Madoff !

    5. Your easy to amuse, what are you 11 years old!

      Go get your mother right now, we need to have a talk with her about you playing on your computer.

      Now go get your mother right now!!!

    6. How many paid adventures have you gone on Leon? You sound like a man in denial. Next time you feel the need to piss away $500, use it on a prostitute.

    7. Never paid to go on any expeditions, I've had three encounters, each with another person there.

      I wanted to go, and I've already had an encounter.

      I want to meet more people and hear there stories.

      People like Meldrum, Stan Courtney, Ron Moorehead and Gimlin (sometimes) show up and you get to conversate with them, AND LEARN SOMETHING!

      I just met the cast, and talked with Matt and Bobo. I think they were all cool!

      If I go, It will not be because I'M SURE something will happen and they never make those promisses anyway.


      Why don't you come and wear a bag over your head you coward anon Idiot!

    8. why do you go? Let me need to pay someone $300 bucks to hang out with you. I know I am right. Tell me I am right! lol

    9. It is my opinion that most people probably go on one of these "expeditions" for the entertainment of it. Also, I would assume that others who attend these events have had personal encounters, etc. and it would be great to share information. I truly believe that the entertainment aspect out-weighs the thought of actually capturing a bigfoot.

      No different than people tailgating at football games yet they never go into the game. They set out in the parking lot and hang out with their friends while listening to a game on the radio. Figure in the cost of beer, food, gas, parking, etc. and you end up easily spend two or three hundred dollars for one day.

      I thing those who repeatedly get on this site and use negative comments about this person or that person while stating that bigfoot isn't real etc. should find another site to harass. If do not believe in the existence of sasquatch, fine! Personally, I do not believe in the Easter bunny but I don't go to sites that do and run those people down. Let them live in their dillusional world, and I'll live in mine.

      I know you will say, "well, this is a free world, or I'm entitled to my opinion" but realize this; This site is called Bigfoot evidence, "encouraging readers to draw their own conclusion"

      Many of the naysayers on this site are as dillusional and narrow minded as those who call every stick and twig moving in the woods a bigfoot. Neither have an ounce of credibility.

      I am actually thinking about taking my son to an expedition if given the opportunity. Do I expect to see a bigfoot? No. Do I expect I will have fun with my son and learn a few interesting things while hearing some campfire stories? Yes.

      My money, I'll spend it how ever I please. IMO, you can't put a price tag on fun memories with family and friends.


    10. Great post Archer1! My sentiments exactly!

    11. I could not agree with you more Archer 1. I do not have a belief in Bigfoot, I know for a fact they exist due to the experience I have had, friends that have seen them up close, and well respected folks such as yourself that have had terrifying experiences. I am a God fearing person, but I would never go to an atheist site and tell them they are fools and wrong, nor any other site that I had no interest in just to stir up trouble. It amazes me how many people are hardwired to do just this thing though. I originally came to this site to interact with like minded people to try and discuss the culture of Bigfoot, however these people are being driven away as am I by the dregs. Fortunately there are other avenues.


  3. If you do not want to be involved in an organized hunt with those who are experienced and outfitted, that is a choice that I would likely make. Some people pay far more than $500 to kill or photograph an animal. They also pay to be involved with archaeologists on a dig.

    Name-calling is inappropriate and immature.

    1. True ppl do pay money for hunts photo safaris and such...but they get what they pay for. How long do you think a guide would be able to book clients if they never produce results?


    2. Apparently for a while---DUMBASS!!!!

    3. V.P. - your analogy of hunts & photo safaris is a good one, but for the opposing viewpoint. There is no guarantee of a payout in those ventures either. I've gone whale-watching and not seen a whale; I didn't demand my money back. The outfit that took me has existed for over 30 years. There was education on the trip; guides spent time and resources searching, but you can't even make known animals appear on queue. I personally wouldn't pay for a Bigfoot expedition because I've been an outdoorsman for decades, but that doesn't mean others shouldn't have the option. I don't drink but I don't tell folk not to buy beer because it has no nutritional content. Adults have the right to spend and waste our money as we please.

      leon W - you do make some good points but your need to insult everyone that disagrees with you is really off-putting. And if the point is to filter out trolls as to have more civil and smart discussion here, it's not working. Trolls live to get a rise out of their target - you provide that rise. If you think someone is a troll, ignore them - don't give them the attention they seek. Eventually they slink away. I know of what I speak - I've been running an online community (unrelated subject) for over 2 yrs, Moderating for over 4 yrs.

      You and I disagreed before; I didn't respond by calling you a name because I'm not a troll. I don't know it all... I know I make mistakes and I'll fess up to them if a good argument is made.

      I don't feel so well now so I'm trying not to talk as much. A couple people here told me I should keep writing; I'm not very comfortable with that but I'll try.

      Dave from WA

    4. Good points Dave, But if the whale watching tours produced the same results as bfro then it's doubtful they would have kept running for 30 yrs.
      Hunting guides survive solely on reputation, if clients complain about not filling tags they are done.

      Not to mention that unlike bfro whale tours, hunting guides etc. are licenced and required to follow a strict set of rules and regs.


    5. I am not a pacifist (spelling?), nor a warloard!

      I do not tollerate stupidity, or cowards!
      I love John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and Daniel "Freaking" Boone!
      This country is in huge trouble because of appathy AND freedom stealing liberal ideas.
      The over-zealos governmental control of what is PUBLIC land and the liberal mindset that wants it is scary! As well as the thought of all the people here that don't seem to think that it is a persons right to choose when, how and where they spend thier money, is freaking scary. FREE MARKET
      If we disagree there, so be it!

      If you used your name, and I believe you did, I probably didn't call you a name.

      I know that you have a reasonable to serious interest in the subject as do I. I really have a little fun toying with these anon duds.

      Besides that, I hope you are feeling better!

    6. That was a good post Dave but there are differences between safaris and the bigfoot expeditions. The main one is that we know for a fact that the animals that are seen on safari have been proven and studied. We can take that at face value. These bigfoot expeditions are led by self appointed experts on an animal that we have almost no proof of that it exists.

      If it's fellowship and story sharing and things like that, it's one thing and I can see how that would be a good time. However there is more to it along with the steep fees they charge and their highly unscientific methods that they claim that works in finding these animals.

      Matt Moneymaker has a huge opportunity to do some very serious work in this area and to bring this unique element to the public. What angers me the most is that he is blowing this chance. His show has high ratings but many of us and much of the regular public view it as a circus. I wish he would wake up and really take this serious and lead some really great and common sense expeditions and drop all of this crazy nonsense. I fear, however, he won't.

  4. Matt is a great guy. And he is hung like a horse!

  5. Matt is like the father most of us never had.

    1. Matt is like the pedophile school teacher that you just knew was full of shit, but you couldn't help but listen too. Until he touched your leg.

  6. Well good. It's nice to know that our national parks will not turn into commercial bigfoot hunting grounds.

  7. Yea well here's the's not just NPS who requires permits. Check any state,city,township, laws. They all require buisness permits.
    So the problem now for scammers would be sneaking into an area to conduct buisness without the authorities becoming aware of them.
    Another problem for bfro will be aquiring permits to do these hunts if the law considers them to be shady.


    1. 100 % correct. I have a feeling that the subject of "Bigfoot" would be left off of MM's goons permit applications.

    2. V.P. is shady, I heard he is gay too. Oh and i heard he is a child abbuser. And he deffinitly uses drugs, oh and a hoaxer.

      It must be true, just because I think so , right???????????

      How do I know, well from all his statements here, His thinking is deffinitly that he is God or something.
      Or a cr4ack head!

      He believes his thinking is supreme over everyone else.

      Deffinitly a commy!

  8. I also find it hard to believe that:

    "The 2012 BFRO Arkansas expedition was the very first time a BFRO expedition took place in a jurisdiction controlled by the National Park Service."

    I am sure that this is the first time they have been bagged conducting an expedition on such government properties. MM's lawyerly qualities on display.

    1. wa, wa ,wa


      According to what you all say, wait tell the next time I catch the freaking Sierra Club doing something IN MY FORREST,
      they better have a permit cause I'm turning those COMMY BASTEREDS IN!

    2. Look at that high IQ...

    3. LOL...I was just thinking the same thing when I read his last post. Every time he comments it keeps dropping. I believe he has to be in the negatives by now.

      I wanna know something too. he keeps calling anons cowards. Why? If people do use their real name so what? Does that mean you are gonna look them up and make a road trip?

      Anyway, his spasms are at least entertaining.

  9. I feel that Matt's comments are sincere. The BFRO provides very expensive equipment and organization to the expeditions. The fees charged for the most part go back into equipment acquisition and helping the persons who run the expeditions with logistics. I've attended several expeditions run by the BFRO. I've enjoyed every one of them very much! I've learned and experienced many things during the BFRO trips.

    It's always a buyer beware situation when it comes to money....But, to me it's been worth every cent. IMHO

    1. None of the fees go back into "very expensive equipment acquisition." None.

    2. Anon 1:55, and you know this how? You don't know what you are talking about at all. Make a statement like that, then back it up punk!

    3. "Punk"? Dumbass.

      I know. You don't.

      Name just one piece of "very expensive equipment" bought with expedition fees and by who.

      You can't.


    4. The BFRO must have a huge warehouse full of equipment by now because they have been charging these rates for I know well over a decade. I am expecting to see a fleet of Land Rovers or Hummers with BFRO logos on the side pulling four wheeler trailers.

    5. Right on Bill. The point of this entire post was the very quick saving of face by MM. His charade is very close to being exposed. All it took was one mistake. The mastermind is never the one that creates his own demise, for it is always a lackey that does. This whole situation made my day. For BFRO to post a section on its homepage to outlaw media hoaxes, that is what justified my hatred towards MM. Just because you come off as "legitimate", it does not mean you are.

    6. Anon 0344pm. Why the name calling? Really! I put my real name on here.

      While I don't have receipts or the knowledge of who in the BFRO bought the equipment. I do know that at the five BFRO expeditions I've attended we have had the use of three or four FLIR hand held units. Some have been custom setup with DVR recorders. A FLIR magnetic mount remote camera with recorder (vehicle roof mount) Also they have supplied a whole box (24) of audio recorders. DVR video cameras. At two of the PNW area expeditions medical first aid kits as well as spare tents and sleeping bags were available for each remote camp. A whole field kitchen was erected with dinner provided each night. Also available were several grab and go duffel bags with track casting materials set up in a kit. form. Field work classes were provided each afternoon. BFRO investigators went with each group of new folks.
      Mr. Anon a simple question. Do you OWN a FLIR Commander or any thermal unit? Can you afford one?
      I know there is profit in all this. It is a commercial deal and that has never been hidden. But as I said before its a buyer beware situation. I'm very sure that the majority of people on these expeditions don't pay BFRO any money. I paid for my first two expeditions and that's it. I've spent 400$ to go on five. Profit by BFRO? Not much!
      Anon 0944 you should attend one with me. I will cover your fee. After your experience then throw stones and call names. I highly doubt you will. Peace and good luck and fun in your search Brother.

    7. FLIR units that Wally Hersom paid for. NOT Matt. NOT the BFRO. Not expedition fees. Get it?

    8. HEY BOYD,



      HEY BOYD,






    9. HEY BOYD,





    10. Boyd,

      Most of that equipment is provided by the individual members, it has become a fast track into the BFRO if you have $ and equipment. And as many mentioned, Wally also contributed quite a bit as did Adrian before he split.

      The whole question of results produced with that equipment, which is little to none, is another matter entirely. The powerful psychological techniques involved in spooky story telling, sleep deprivation and placing people out in the dark woods tends to produce the encounters more so than any wood ape being in the area.

      In reading Leon's comments I think I have him pegged. He is one of the guys who can afford and is willing to pay for these campouts. You're just one more expedition away from getting the secret decoder ring and the membership handshake, right Leon? Hate to tell you this, but you are being worked and when things settle down and the inner circle retire to their area of the campground for some adult beverages, they giggle about your type.

  10. Leon, what is "the sum total of what you know"?

    1. Not sure, but WAAAAAYYYY more then you!

    2. Bullshit, Leon. Bullshit.

      And it's "than," dumbass.

    3. LOL...did Leon post as an anon? What a coward!

  11. I am convinced that BFRO is on the level of being a cult.

    1. Only a cult member would believe something so stupid!

      I know, why don't you go infilltrate the bfro so you can tell us all about it, cause other wise, I'm sure you know NOTHING!!!!!!!!

    2. Leon, so defensive. I can provide as much "scientific "evidence in the next five minutes than the BFRO has in the past twenty years. I plan on going outside and yelling. Perhaps I will get a response back. Then I will grab a log and bang it against a tree. Perhaps I will get a response. I will then find a doll and put it outside with a tape of a baby crying. Perhaps I will get a response. Oh wait though, I better get Fat Matt's permission first since he invented these techniques.

    3. If you could you wouldn't be posting here anonymously about it. You would have done it already. Step up anon boy !

    4. Anon 2:38. You can't and won't because:

      your as close minded as they come,
      or just hateful,
      or sadly Both.

  12. High IQ Leon,
    "You" + "are" = "you're."

    1. It's about bigfoot, not spelling p--sy!

      When YOUR argument runs out of steam, you result to insult, prooving YOU'RE an idiot.

      There crybaby, is that better?

  13. CG in Texas,

    I personally attended this BFRO outing and have attended others. There are MANY repeat participants on these outings because it is a LEARNING environment. They freely share knowledge openly and want these participants to gain a greater understanding of the this "animal".

    You don't hear complaints being filed by previous participants. The fact is these people were greatful to interact with like-minded others that share their desire to know more and possibly share their experiences.

    Unlike this hostile, pointless bickering here, those people actually enjoy the experience.

    I will continue to hit the woods every chance I get.

    Maybe some of you guys should consider stepping away from the keyboard & doing the same.


    1. CG, I respect your posting. My gripe is why money must change hands when there is such little overhead? You can do the math as to how much money is pocketed when the smoke clears.

    2. Because its a business ??? Jealousy plain and simple. Every post about the fees is nothing but sour grapes. Those you can do DO. Those who CAN'T just complain and whine about those that DO.


    3. Guys, those of you who have a problem with paying steep fees to attend these BFRO outings do not have to go.

      If I am promised in advance by the BFRO that I will see a sasquatch and I pay my fee and then I don't see one of these creatures, well that is a different story entirely. But, if I choose to go to a gambling casino here in WV and spend $1,000 on gambling (I do not gamble) I realize that I stand a very high probability of losing all of my money with nothing to show for it other than an empty wallet.

      In the end, I chose to throw my money away on gambling. What is the difference with the BFRO expeditions. I know what I am paying for and what I may/may not experience by going. I don't have to pay, nor do I have to go.

      I don't like the price of gasoline, but I choose to pay at the pump in order to get to work. (I really don't have a choice.) With the BFRO, those who want to spend their money can do so.


    4. C'mon now, be honest .... you gripe because that is all you can do.

      That is all you can do to feel superior over those who are more capable and enterprising than yourself. It also makes you feel superior to people who can who can afford more than you. Your griping help you with your self-esteem. Be honest.

    5. If you look at a bfro hunt as educational only it still does'nt make sense. Who wants to learn from a group that has failed at every attempt?

      If you look upon it as a casino you have to realize ppl have won jackpots. Plus casinos must follow rules and be licenced to ensure fair play.

      As a society we have to look out for each other. Letting bfro take money from the public is just the same as watching the house next to yours get robbed and not trying to stop it.


    6. Appareantly V.P. just doesn't get it. The BFRO has produced results several dozen times. Hundreds of participants have ssen bigfoots on their trips and had pretty close encounters. That is what the participants and organizers consider results. They dont measure it based on items they can bring back to impress people who were not there. VP is too stupid to understand that. If the BFRO's expeditions weren't so good at producing results then they would not be as popular as tthey are.

  14. Very Important to the credibility of MM. Found so in about 3 minutes I found this tidbit.

    In the BFRO forums under past expedition notes, the 2011 GA expedition. Matt Pruitt posts:

    LOCATION: The North Georgia Expeditions were conducted in a remote section of the Chattahoochee National Forest in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

    And here is the NPS Listing for Chattahoochee:

    In the above MM statement:

    The 2012 BFRO Arkansas expedition was the very first time a BFRO expedition took place in a jurisdiction controlled by the National Park Service.

    So MM, you are bagged. Can we get some comments on this?

    1. There are other "expeditions" on the forum that designate being held in National Parks, listed under the NPS or USDA websites.

    2. USDA doesn't control National Parks moron, the Dept of Interior does !!!

    3. What a retard !!! Anon 6:30pm doesn't even know the difference between a National Park and a National Forest !!!

      That's the caliber of nitwits on this forum who are criticizing MM and the BFRO and pretending to know more about their expeditions than the people who actually attended them.

    4. Park or Forest you still need permits. Consult:Code of Federal Regulations - Title 36: Parks, Forests, and Public Property
      With definitions like:
      Commercial use or activity?any use or activity on National Forest System lands (a) where an entry or participation fee is charged, or (b) where the primary purpose is the sale of a good or service, and in either case, regardless of whether the use or activity is intended to produce a profit.

      Guiding?providing services or assistance (such as supervision, protection, education, training, packing, touring, subsistence, transporting people, or interpretation) for pecuniary remuneration or other gain to individuals or groups on National Forest System lands.
      Permit?a special use authorization which provides permission, without conveying an interest in land, to occupy and use National Forest System land or facilities for specified purposes, and which is both revocable and terminable.

      Both reply permits for commercial use. Most states, same thing. Otherwise people could simply set up all manner of businesses using the public's land.

      And this leads to an interesting question. Could a group, or one, taxpayer sue them for using our land for commercial purposes without a permit? The discovery process alone might be worth the effort of filing.

    5. They are supposed to be paying a 3% royalty of gross sales to the Forest Service. And there are insurance requirements as well.

      And you cannot get a universal permit, each ranger district does it, and does it alittle differently in terms of the rules.

      And from what I am reading, in prime national forests the permits rarely come open.

      I think this event did open up an issue that has been skated, now the can of worms is open.

  15. Actually you are bagged fool.

    The NPS doesn't control the Chattahoochee Nation Forest. The National Forest Service does.

    DUH !!!!! <-- National Forest <-- National Recreation Area (Park)

    Another case of idiot Bigfooters not using their brains.

    1. You actually have proven the point for the "idiot bigfooters" and MM too.

  16. Now that the cat is out of the bag bfro is screwed.
    City,state and fed govt. are going to make sure they get taxes that bfro owes them.

    Other govt. agencies are going to require the proper permits and licences.

    Sooner or later a M.S.M. reporter will investigate and publish a story about bfro's buisness practice.

    1. At what point did your idiot mind assume that BFRO organizers never obtain permits?

      I suggest you go back to your homework because you're probably at risk of not graduating, you dweeb.

  17. Good grief guys, can you children chill a bit?

    What ever happened to respectful debate?
    (and yes I do know where I am)

    Thanks to Archer1, Dave, CG, Boyd, Bill Jackson,AlexMW and John Loyd for VP for debating and presenting your opinions in a decent way.( And to any anonymous poster who did the same.)

    Leon, I know this will not bother you one bit but
    I'm old enough to be your mother and IF I were your mother I'd jerk a knot in you about right now. I know you like to rile things up and stir the pot but a smart man knows when enough is enough.

    I know there's a few researchers you can't stand because you feel they just want to bring attention to themselves but aren't you doing the same thing? Come on! Give us a break. Please...pretty please.

    Call me totally unrealistic I still hope someday this blog can be one of respectful debate! Maybe some year??? in the far future????

  18. "National Parks and National Reserves (outside Alaska) are a small fraction of public lands. Much larger are the National Forests (controlled by the Dept of Agriculture). State Parks have much more acreage, collectively. - MM

    State parks total around 14 million acres and National Parks have about 84 million...sooo yeah MM is wrong on the State park thing. He is right that the National Forests are a lot larger though. I think that is the only time I have ever said MM was right....kinda hurts but at least his comment is still only 50% right

  19. No, he's closer to 100% right. Do you math again.

    What's the total acreage for National Parks outside Alaska? (as MM said)

    Also, what's the total acreage for State Parks and State Forests combined?

    Give us those numbers.

    1. State parks and state forests combined have more acreage than national parks outside Alaska, so MM was right. He didn't say state forests specifically but that should be assumed. He was referring to state controlled lands in general.

  20. Well its like i said all along, the BFRO being led by moneymaker is nothing but a disgrace and embarssment to this community. This organization isnt about bigfoot its about getting money. Moneymaker is a scammer above all so that he can support his habbits. This sight is letting us all down by continuing to favor matt. "Calling him on his cell phone". This is not standard "no favor" policy. This site seems to have a preference in posting stories that show favortism to moneymaker, snowwalker douche, fasino, dyer and all the other endless loosers. Then just now we hear that this sight is going to be promoting a online radio show that includes some of the biggest stooges in this community. Shawn, you have let down your viewers and you are loosing respect by the truck load. Its obvious that you have found a profitable nitch and filled it. Unfortunately this sight is no longer a safe place to go for non biased good reporting. INstead this site is now developing into a sight that is promoting those it likes. Its a sad thing.
    For many months viewers have asked you shawn why in the hell you would keep posting these ignorant videos by the loosers in this field, including dyer, fasino, snow walker deuche, moneymaker, and all the others. When they served no purpose, supplied no useful info, and only served to make fun of others. They were ignorant videos that just make people mad and whos only purpose was to cause controversy at the targeted parties. And you knew that. INstead of looking at them from a professional point of view and said hey these are crap and these people are jokes and that doesnt belong in thsi sight, you allowed and supported it. And now we know why as you are partnering with some of these stoogies, even on a bsic level. So now we know the reason you allowed these videos on here, MONEY. Wow big shock.. Thanks alot, and if you think im the only one who hasnt noticed your very very wrong. AGain, here is a great example of why we will never get anywhere in finding this animal. Congrats.

  21. I have heard that bfro has been doing their expeditions on National Forests for years without always getting a permit. Permits cost money.

  22. Not casting any stones....again.
    And simply from a Law Enforcement perspective....

    The citation was issued. The infraction has been admitted to. The money taken from participants has been declared and it's further distribution has been declared and enumerated.

    These "expeditions" are for profit, money making events. The National Park Service and most State Parks require a permit to hold for profit events on those properties.
    Hopefully, this is a simple "lesson learned".

    Unfortunately, the prevailing authorities of land used in past events, could come back and cite BFRO for using those properties in a "for Profit venture", and require penalties in those cases as well.

  23. HEY BOYD,









  24. HEY BOYD,





  26. For the record, Moneymaker wasn't paying for Park permits ten years ago with his expeditions. Anytime you hold a park activity where there is paid participation, you have to have a vender's permit. He's been getting away with it for years.

  27. please people play nice we are all,i suppose in this,together? i hope we are to further the name of science,to discover,to expose and to find this as one together,together so relax for discoveries sake. please some think one way,others another way,but for goodness sake,talk ,more important listen and learn.

  28. We the people own the Parks, I don't feel we the people should have to pay to camp on them. They tax us for everything and camping it the only thing us poor folks can do for fun. They make that so expensive we can't even enjoy that. We might as well live in a prison.

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