Listen To: Extinct? Live Podcast #2

We had a blast and we hope you will enjoy this podcast too. Thanks to Guy Edwards of for joining us tonight.

Topics: London Oregon Bigfoot Tracks, Java Bob, 911 Homeless Couple, Mushrooms (Health)


  1. Too much fun, guys! Keep 'em comin'!!!
    David from the PAC/NW

  2. I LOVE these podcasts. Please keep them coming!

  3. thanks guys, they are a lot of fun to make.

  4. Really enjoyed that show! Guy Edwards was a great guest, and hope you'll get him back very soon. I liked hearing his insight and perspective.

  5. What I think was best about this podcast is that none of these guys were taking themselves too seriously and they were just plain having fun and to me Bigfoot should be about fun. So many people in Bigfootery take themselves way too damn seriously and are completely full of themselves while completely lacking a sense of humor. This podcast was lighthearted and lacked the usual drama associated with Bigfoot and that too was refreshing. SWP needs to take down his christmas lights. Does the Bigfoot lunch guy live in a bunker or something? What's with the tiny window?

    1. Wait a minute now...I loved SWP's Christmas lights. It suit's his personality. I actually laughed when I saw them.

      Maybe the tiny window is so someone won't suggest the lunch guy make changes to his home decor?? ;)

    2. There's this thing called a "basement" under many homes, and they are often used for playrooms, home offices and plaster storage. The family's old furniture typically goes there after Santa brings new Lazyboys for the upstairs. Sheesh... talk about nit-picking the fly shit out of the pepper.

    3. Ohhhh my goodness. There's fly poop in pepper? Please tell me that's not so.

    4. Hi, Bigfoot Lunch Club Guy here, those windows are not tiny, they only look tiny next to my inflated head from being asked to speak on the Extinct? live podcast.

      If you must know, Bigfoot Lunch Club HQ is on the ground floor, these are called piano windows, sans the piano. BLC HQ is accepting donated pianos to prevent any further bunker assumptions.

  6. I really enjoy this discussion but they group missed one point why they post certain stories on their blogs. You can see it over and over with some of the personalities that always seem to have their videos and their views aired on the major Blogs and Forums no matter how facetious or ludicrous their remarks maybe. Much of it is Tabloid stuff, just like our News TV Channels have drifted to over the last 20 years. There are so called Bigfoot researchers that actually do research in the forest but never make many Blogs because their videos may not be real exciting or their not dealing with personalities. If your funny and or mad your chances making several blogs are good. If your just talking about how to collect evidence in the field you might never make the Bigfoot Blogs. And it's not hard to see why these blogs want traffic, hits, web views so if your making a fool of yourself or others be prepared to get plenty of views on the Bigfoot Blogesfere !

    1. I expect most viewers can distinguish between the phony promoters with their monetary purpose, and those diligent researchers whose sole purpose is to advance our knowledge. I'd say the vast majority of bloggers/videographers fall somewhere in between. Don't tell me the windfall of that "money shot" hasn't crossed the minds of even those most serious. They've made a large investment in time and equipment they could recoup.

      That said, there's no reason we can't have some laughs along the way. Fun show, guys, and yeah, I can't wait for Freezer Boy's appearance!

    2. Actually we will be talking about why we post certain post on our blog more in depth in future shows, Its just difficult to hit evry item we have to talk about. To tell you the truth one hour is not enough, It will take hundreds of episodes to even get close to the subjects we have in mind. So stay tune, have fun and we will take you on a wild ride in the Bigfoot world in this quest to find Sasquatch.


    3. In my humble opinion the reason certain stories get posted is due to public demand. There is not a master plan to silence anyone. The public demands funny, demands entertaining. The individuals producing material that is popular, is because that is what the public wants to watch. I agree it can be frustrating to see *angry* people and drama over and over again, but that is not the fault of the blogs; and this may sound harsh, but the solution is right in the mirror. If people didn't flock to drama, didn't support the fighting and angry people, they wouldn't get air time. I know these guys, Damian, Ro, Guy Edwards, Shawn, any of them maintaining blogs or producing videos; are putting a LOT of work into these things. While other people are watching T.V. or headed out to the bars, or what ever; these individuals are working for no money, long hours, to produce material to entertain everyone. And would we rather have boring blogs, unfunny videos? No one would watch them or read them. People calling themselves field researchers are a dime a dozen, and the core difference between those in the trenches producing material and those bitching for no good reason; is energy and effort. SWP (TeamTazerBigfoot)

    4. Excellent point SWP at 8:10 am but you forgot sleep too. When I see articles here by others the first thing I think is I hope this gives Shawn time to take a nap. No one realizes how much time this consumes. Shawn has stated that he literally sleeps with his computer. I'm sure it's true for the other guys mentioned above by SWP. Very few people understand this, the trolls won't care.

      As far as the video's I'm in the boondocks/mtns and have to use an modem air card to get internet access. I have two and I have to choose what I watch. This was by far worth my allotment of air time. Thanks guys!

    5. correction-" A" modem air card not"an"

    6. I don't I was saying there isn't a big place on these blogs for fun & laughter hell we all need that. But to give idiots a bigger voice here because Americans like to watch train wrecks is crazy on it's face. There are people in this world that will do anything for publicity and I think most of them are in the Bigfoot community. Remember Dyer who got $50,000.00 for a freezer full of pig guts stuffed in a rubber suit, People that can be seen by the world as a hoaxer liar and enjoy it are not people I want to give 15 more minutes of fame to. SWP wants to meet him and promote his stardom even more. Why do we do this in America ? People should not get fame, riches and TV shows for ripping people off or worse. That's what I'm talking about. Just because humans like to watch train wrecks we shouldn't hire the screwballs to run the trains !
      I'm just tired of idiots, hoaxers, and liars getting more attention then teachers, engineers, and just honest hard working folk. That's my opinion and I'm done!

    7. Wow Blondie, with all the videos on the internet. I'm honored that you chose to watch our podcast with your limited access. Sincerely, Thank you.

    8. Let me clear the air and set the record straight. Anon state incorrectly that I wanted to meet Rick. Rick is intent upon coming to Maine. Rick has copied my videos. Not the other way around. In fact once I stated that TeamTazerBigfoot was the best trackers in the Universe. Rick changed the header of his website from the Best in the world, to the best in the Universe. As an independent videographer/reporter, I research and make videos about events. Like I said before, if no one watched him, he wouldn't have a format; and no one would interview him, no one would talk about him; it would be a moot point. Being that he was involved in the biggest Bigfoot hoax ever, he is news; and the public made him news. If someone doesn't like Rick; and they have plenty of reasons not to; they do not have to watch material containing his image or voice. He is going to be a guest on the Podcast; and no one is forcing anyone to watch it. Free will man. By clicking *watch* you influence the content being produced. Plain and simple. I agree with the poster; it is a sad state when Hoaxers, and liars get money and fame. But the fault isn't just with the Hoaxers. And I am not condoning or supporting Hoaxers. Just pointing out, that if no one had given Tom, Rick and Matt any air time; there wouldn't have been a Hoax to begin with. The sad fact is; that some nitwits were able to stuff a rubber suit into a freezer and have a bunch of people naive enough to believe their B.S. and make them money. I for one, never fell for their sideshow. But plenty did. And that is why they were on every news broadcast, and talk show around the world. And oddly enough when the *naysayers* were pointing out how ridiculous that Hoax was, the *believers* were bitching at the naysayers. And they were the only ones not duped. As far as meeting Rick. It is a non issue for me. I couldn't care one way or another. If Rick wishes to travel 2000 miles to meet me; that is fine. I'll guide him into the real wilderness and make a video about it. No one has to watch it. :) But be honest, the ones who will watch Rick on video; are those who hate him most. SWP (TeamTazerBigfoot)

  7. Fantastic show. Here's my berry theory.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. We all finally know what Shawn sounds like!

  10. Nice content, I trust this is a nice blog. Wish to see fresh content next time. Thanks for sharing this post with us. Keep it up. lidocaine


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