Larry The Cable Guy Helps Kentuckians Look For Bigfoot [Video Clip]

If you haven't seen it, here's Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy Bigfooting with the Kentucky Bigfoot group.


  1. This is what footing has become. You must be very proud....

  2. They made Bigfooting a new noun.

  3. The only thing that was missing was the "Jack Link's". Wonder what percentage it would of been if they left Larry alone out there all night??

  4. Now the whole world will finally take the Bigfoot Community and their efforts seriously.

    Never before has more credibility been given to this question. This group should be applauded for the bright white light they've shined on the issue.

    Yea right.........

  5. If you watch the series, Larry pokes fun of the pentagon, wildlife officers, factory workers, etc, etc. Viewers need to be intelligent enough to decipher Larry's comedy from the seriousness of these Kentucky bigfoot enthusiasts. If anything, it shows how serious these researchers take this subject in light of the ridicule we often receive. This segment was both entertaining and informative. In addition, nothing was hoaxed, or attempted to be hoaxed as with the case with some reality shows.


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