Famous Bigfoot Researchers Like Matt Moneymaker Receive Evidence Like This All The Time

With the popularity of the Finding Bigfoot show skyrocketing and expecting to increase even more this June when season 3 airs, the number of reported sightings will certainly increase as well. In recent months, there have been many Bigfoot sightings reports where witnesses have made reference to the Finding Bigfoot show on Animal Planet, suggesting more people are feeling more comfortable coming forward with stories.

The mainstream is slowly starting to accept the possibility of Bigfoot and as people venture into the woods, there will certainly be attention seekers perpetuating hoaxes.

Suspicious YouTube videos of Bigfoot are surfacing daily and while most of it are easily discernible, a few are questionable at best. Hoaxes and hoaxers will certainly play a role as the mainstream grabs a hold of the theory that there is a large hairy biped roaming our forests in remote areas of the country.

We've been following Matt Moneymaker on Twitter and this is the type of "evidence" people send to him daily:


  1. Video one isn't great. Road seems too hard to create a print that deep. The print is deepest in the middle and gradually tapers, real track would be flatter. Toes aren't really clear. Road is filled with divots, this could be a foot shaped divot. Other possibility is it is a old track.

    1. If you turn the sound on it's obvious that it's a joke. It looks like someone put their foot down and slid it.

      Speaking personally, if there ever were squatches in CT, they aren't hear anymore. The forests aren't dense enough to sustain a breeding population that could remain hidden, and there haven't been any reports in the past like, decade, at least.

  2. These idiots probably announce their visit months in advance..Any wonder why they find prints?

  3. its just more kooks wanting to get on the tele so more stuff is made up and falsified..i dont watch the show because its a mindless waste (dna off a rock comes to mind) and id rather burn brain cells by chugging a stag beer..fact is 99% of this stuff is all a lie and i never believe any of it..that show will be exposed at some point for the scam that is presented every week..i avoid all those groups as not one of em can be trusted

    1. The producers have openly said that the purpose of the show is for entertainment, not science. And entertainment it is...

  4. I prefer Hillbilly Hand Fishin'.

  5. Is it me or you all see two sets of toes also?

  6. They should have a new show called Bagging Bigfoot. The first team to bag a squatch and prove it exists wins a million bucks and a new car.

  7. To me it looks like a humans footprint. Toes are to close together such as from wearing shoes all ones life unlike aboriginal or first nations people who haven't had that kind of hindering on their feet. In their case the toes are more splayed out to have better stability. But I'm not an expert like so many people on here comment like they are. Just think about what you write before putting it out and a lot less ignorant crap would be posted on here. The first comment come on prime example and the horse chick to you know what happens when you assume.......besides everyone knows horse people are crazy.

  8. hydro74 is actually quite an accomplished designer, see here: http://www.hydro74.com/
    he is joking..

  9. OK these clown never learn, first hint it's fake
    1. "oh sh*t let's get out of here"
    2. Only one print shown
    3. Tape ends shortly after discovery
    Classic signs it's hoax

  10. total B.S.! to many holy fuck's for me! even they sounded rehearsed! looks like someone with a hammer toe stepped barefoot with the top part(toes) of his foot and they some how fixed up the back of the print to look somewhat of a bigfoot track. TOTAL B.S.


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