Conspiracy To Promote Sasquatch

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Josh Brown, Anthropology Major (Physical) from Sacramento CA, and CEO of "Skye Highland Outfitters".

I had a long debate recently with a friend of mine in Atlanta who is a Professor of Anthropology (We both were in MANY of the same Anthro classes in College). We started the conversation about Bigfoot being sighted in Georgia and the episode of Finding Bigfoot that showcased our home state. We both agreed, having both spent many a year camping in the areas scouted, that the idea of Bigfoot in Georgia was a farce. I want to just iterate that growing up in georgia, there were never reports of Bigfoots anywhere in the 70's or 80's when we were kids. There just weren't.

The topic then changed to the feasibility of such a creature, morphology, nutrient requirements vs. topography, etc. Possibilities abound, we then turned to the hoaxing aspect, and man, there are a lot of them! We all know this. But my friend pointed out that he believes that what is more likely a scenario is that people really ARE seeing bigfoots, however, they are being duped by costumes that have have paired with this age of fantastical ability to create "beasts" of genuine life like size, shape, and even height. Rubber masks went out with the 80's! NOw before anyone goes off the deep end about this sighting, or that-ANYONE when startled may see something then embellish, ie. size, how loud a growl was, smell.

The "How's" and "Why's" started flowing, but as we discussed this aspect, we began to steer towards the possibility of a conspiracy (Sound the music!). What if, just what if there is an active, secret society that perpetuates this myth? Funding for a small group could be facilitated quite easily to acquire costuming, special effects, travel, etc. This group could then target and recon certain areas to do a "flash" style outing. With the internet, google maps, and a vehicle, you could basically plan an outing to promote a sighting without a hitch. You could place yourself sparsely, or in a more populated area. You could recon property, then trespass at the right moment. You could immerse deep in the forrest as a camper, then don your gear once implanted and see what, or who sees you. What about tracks? I think we all will agree these are the easiest to hoax. Even tracks with dermal ridging can be achieved with rubber foot castings and chemicals.

It all comes down to "Why". That's a good question... The thrill, for notoriety of a geographical area, for awareness? We're still stumped on that, but I wanted you all to chew on this a bit in hopes of starting a discussion on this facet. Please respond with what you think and hopefully we can have another really good posting discussion.


  1. No Possibility for Bigfoots in Georgia? And how many VAGRANTS could live in Georgia, skirting the edges of detection?

    How many in the entire USA?

    Say "None" and I can cheerfully call you a fool.

    Think in terms of Bigfoot=unregistered vagrants

    1. Dale you have some wonderful information on your site! My favorite is the yowie article.

    2. Dale that's a good comparison.

      Another's Ralph Ellison's The Invisible Man where the hero's invisible because he's a black guy in a white world (and as someone who's done a lot of temping in my time it's amazing how many bosses [mis]behave as if you're not there).

      My point being once someone's decided something's irrelevent then they stop looking but still say where's the evidence? (In spite of the fact your site alone presents bleedin' mountains of the stuff virtually every blog!).

      I'd also be intrigued if a trawl through Georgian media of the 70s and 80s vindicates Josh's claim or underlines an early commitment not to see.

    3. Definitely "none". You're talking about a large primate breeding population that has lots of witnesses yet never, ever, ever gets hit by a car or meets an unfortunate end where people can find the remains and has managed to leave no bones behind not only in modern times, but throughout the entire fossil record. On top of that, its immediate ancestors linking it in any way, shape or form to the known tree of primate evolution also have to be completely missing from the fossil record.

      On the other side, it has to be so widespread as to be throughout North America, Europe, South America, Himalayas, even Australia (Yowie). Loren Coleman chastises me and suggests these are different species, but that raises the improbability several-fold. This would make it the widest-ranging primate on Earth (if the Australian presence is accurate) with absolutely no fossils or any remains ever found or specimen captured in all of recorded human history.

      The odds against this are unimaginably vast, and a conspiracy of hoaxers (or almost any other explanation, or a combination) are more probable.

  2. I think the poster is saying that his disbelief is based on the fact that bigfoot sightings were few, if any in Georgia. Then comes the craze, and now there are sightings weekly. I see (and smell) vagrants all the time

  3. As far as it being possible for a group to do this – of course it is. The “why” must be the most ardent argument against this idea. Someone would have to have a motive. This effort would require a great deal of time and money with zero return of investment. True; someone could set it up and film it and then try to sell the video to media but we just don’t see the same kind of Bigfoot with the same kind of evidence showing one and from the same people making money from it. It’s just not there. Notoriety as a motive is also just as non-evident. Why do this as an covert group if what you are trying to achieve is notoriety? The closes thing we see in this scenario is a group that would create encounters, gain notoriety from it and sell it. The TV show “Finding Bigfoot” fits this perfectly. The problem is – can we see this as a conspiracy to forward a squatchy agenda?

    1. Well said, Phil, and accurate. Some skeptics are digging hard to try to dispute the credible sightings by policemen, forest rangers, military personnel, and let's not forget the night a squad of Marines out on night maneuvers encountered one, and none had any bullets, only knives, and were concerned and frightened by the encounter. It takes something *real* to scare battle hardened Marines.

    2. I agree with your points Phil: the only 'logical' reason I could see for such a group operating's because they're bored and need a hobby reinforcing their conviction the human race're morons - or they're ardent believers who manufacture evidence to keep the subject on the popular radar until definitive proof emerges.

      But this's a good example of how people who're sincerely interested in Bigfoot UFOs ghosts etc're often derided as deluded irrational fantasists wasting their time energy and lives worshipping swamp gas.

      Yet it never occurs to detractors to ask themselves why the hell THEY waste so much of THEIR time energy and lives devising 'explanations' often more preposterously involved and convoluted than the original accounts.

      In the final analysis why're they even remotely arsed?

    3. It wouldn't take a vast amount of money or effort to pull this off. "Why" isn't a problem either; the thrill of seeing blogs like this and posters like you taking the hoax seriously as a real event is the payoff. Look at all the crop circle hoaxers; it's not a terribly difficult thing to do and they get their kicks from seeinng the photos published.

  4. What i am seeing is two anthropologists grasping at only what they have been taught and not opening their eyes to be observers first. Stop trying to glue convenient pieces to suppprt the normal societal security net. What is more real than something which the population believes to be real? If everyone believes in buddha or easter bunny or sasquatch let them have their belief. Dont crush their belief deliberately. Do you think you will be someone's hero if you spend your time trying to rub out their creative beliefs? I am so annoyed with people using these fora to garner suport for their campaign to push their concept of reality. Reality sucks right now if you havent noticed. Let the masses eat their cake and you go do something else to save the world.

    1. Nice reply. Be sure to return when the data is released proving scientifically that BF/Sasquatch does in fact exist. It will be published this year in a scientific Journal, not a junk journal. Then let's revisit the costumes theory.

    2. It won't. It's all a scam designed to separate footers from their money. it will be published in a fringe journal and Ketchum will scream that it was her last resort due to the mean old "scientists". Her data shows modern human and she's trying to pass it off as Bigfoot. (look at the history of her cronies giving up too much information about said modern human DNA)

      She's either in on the con, or been duped herself. I think it's the former. I also think that regardless what the findings are, if a trained DNA analyst told you it wasn't unknown but modern human, many of you would still say that he as lying because he is a "skeptic" and continue buying into the con....

      Critical thinking and real evidence. it's what makes a person smart and "open minded" latching onto a belief system and shutting yourself off to discussion to the contrary is about as closed minded as it gets. It's akin to religious fundamentalism.

    3. There is no historical book in the world that comes anywhere close in the number of varifications of the truth contained within, sights, cities, battles.
      It's not even argued that the man Jesus Christ was here, lived and breathed and was sentenced to death at the hands of the Romans.
      Thousands of scientists all over the world are signing off on the idea that Intelligent design makes alot more sense than the antiquated idea of evolution.

      Can you get your open mind around that and leave religion somewhere else, libtard!

    4. @Leon
      >There is no historical book in the world that comes
      >anywhere close in the number of varifications of
      >the truth contained within, sights, cities,

      1. I'm assuming you mean the Bible? The book with the talking snake, the Jews being Egyptian slaves (we knew in the 1800s that this never happened), a census being held around the time of Jesus' birth (the closest Roman census was decades later), the idea that people had to travel to the place of their birth for a census (ridiculous and never happened), the claim that Herod killed babies to stop the Messiah from appearing (records show Herod was dead at the time Jesus was supposed to be born), etc.? That "historical book"?

      > It's not even argued that the man Jesus Christ was
      >here, lived and breathed and was sentenced to death
      >at the hands of the Romans.

      There are plenty of books and learned people who hold that Jesus the historical figure never existed, so not only is it argued, it's a sizeable minority who hold this view. There simply are no independent records of this man's existence.

      > Thousands of scientists all over the world are
      >signing off on the idea that Intelligent design
      >makes alot more sense than the antiquated idea of

      Behe, Dempski, and that's about it. What a scientist in a non-biology field thinks about evolution isn't relevant anyway. "Intelligent design" has been declared to not even be a scientific theory by reputable scientists, which is why it was prevented from being taught in U.S. schools.

      >Can you get your open mind around that and leave
      >religion somewhere else, libtard!

      And you're a nasty conservative, to top off the fact that you were ignorant about every single point you brought up. Here's a hint: before you go around hating everyone who disagrees with you and falling for the most purile proganda that tells you that everyone who disagrees with you is some sort of enemy, perhaps you might want to crack open a (real) book and learn about some of the things you're talking about first. Perhaps start with some Bart Ehrman to learn about the Bible and relgious history, then some Richard Dawkins to learn about evolution, and then move on from there. Next learn about thinking skeptically so you can avoid political brainwashing and learn to challenge the claims of the talk radio you probably listen to all day.

      1. I assume you

  5. When the explanation for bigfoot is more far fetched than the possibility that he actually exists, then what are you left with? Anyone out running around in the woods in a monkey suit is running a huge risk of being shot. A concerted effort by a large group of people to go out in the middle of nowhere and wait until a witness shows up? They need to read some of the actual sighting reports to see the folly of this theory.

    1. So right. If they had spent their time reading only 5% of the reports that we have, and the places where they happened and what was happening, this article would never have been written to waste our time. Another dog put to bed!!


  6. I've chewed on your theory - took all of one second. Must be a pretty active group that can go into the deepest and most remote places and create several hoaxes every day, the vast majority that go unreported. Oh I'm sure this is done on a very very limited basis, in easily accessible places, but I think you would have a pretty hard time coming up with 8 to 10 foot tall actors to pull off what people are seeing. Perhaps your insight would be served in a different endeavor.

    By the way there were Bigfoots being seen in Georgia in the 70's and 80's, they just did not make the internet and the newspapers did not cover them, and reports to local authorities were ignored. I grew up in Midland, Michigan in the 60's and 70's which is the gateway to Northern Mi. My friends and myself spent countless hours in the woods and did a lot of hunting and fishing. We never heard of Bigfoot in a state the is a hotbed of activity for the same reasons I described about Georgia. Unless you had some kind of encounter, you were not going to know about it, except for the Patterson creature which would lead one to think that this was only a PCNW creature.


  7. This article presents the same old stuff from non-believers and non-witnesses. It's nothing new. Bottom line, you're wrong. I've had numerous sightings as have many of my friends right here in good ole' Georgia. Two doubting anthropologists that missed the boat to study this lost culture will never change that.

    Alex MW

  8. I grew up in Missouri, close to Kansas City and just recently found out that Bigfoot stories have been told for decades in this area. I camped, fished, and hunted this area for years. Never saw one or even was aware of these stories, but found this out when it was casually mentioned to an old-timer.

  9. I live in nearby SC. I can tell you that I have seen it with my own eyes in my state. I have also plotted all the sighting's that I could find on the map of my state. (not such a hard thing to do). There is a clear and distinct pattern of only certain colored animals being seen in a given area, and the sightings do not overlap. It would be virtually impossible for a multi-generational hoaxing network to coordinate all of these sightings over the years, and always remember to get the color right. I can assure you that a truck driver passing through in the 80s, a 7 yo girl in a poor rural town in the 90s, USAF personel, and all of these very different people, from different backgrounds have not been secretly working together over the decades to collaborate their stories. You too can plot the sightings in your area, and look for patterns, it is very easy. In SC there are two different populations, and it it should very obvious to anyone with a map, marker, and some free time.

    1. This conspiracy would have been going on for many a generation. When Leif Erickson first touched the shores of Eastern Canada, circa 1000 AD, he reported these creatures. When the English, French, and Dutch started the first colonizations in the first decade of the 1600s, they reported encountering these creatures. The First Nation legends and drawings started many hundreds of years before the Europeans.
      This makes this conspiracy much older than the Knight Templars, and possibly older than the Masons. BROTHER!!


    2. Also, I would think it would be more beneficial for members of the scientific community to take the issue seriously for 5 mins. and do some actual research, rather than depending on what is written in the "Man's" school books. I find it very odd that an uneducated redneck such as myself, can find out more about the subject in a relatively short period of time, versus the entire sum of "Scientific efforts". Why do we leave it up to the common man to determine, where they are, what size are they, what color they are, why they are that color, what it has to do with eyesight, mating, diet, etc.? I have taken it upon myself to answer these questions, and I think I have some very good answers. If only legimate bona fide member's of the scientific community would take the subject seriously for one day, the things that could be accomplished.

    3. Alpha Dog. Couldn't agree more. I could only plot the sightings that I knew of. The "phenomenon" has persisted for a very long time.

    4. I apoligize to Dale Drinnon and others that do have an education and do contribute. I should have said the collective of the scientific community. I appreciate all that Dale has done, in particular. I apologize for my insensitive "blanket" statement.

    5. Alpha Dog, can you provide references for your historical accounts? For example, document the Leif Erickson encounters, and so on that you post as proof?

    6. I'm not Alpha Dog but here are some references one is about the history of Bigfoot in the World-
      There is a picture here of a Medieval wood carving showing a hairy creature.

      Leif Erickson's encounter

      The first Europeans to encounter sasquatches were Leif Eriksson and his fellow Norsemen: in 986 they wrote of large, hairy monsters with great black eyes. The first encounter along the Pacific Coast was in 1792 when Jose Mariano Mozino, a naturalist, was accompanying Juan Bodega y Quadra during his exploration of the B.C. coast. Mozino wrote of human-like monsters living in the area that were hostile to humans. As more and more white settlers came to North America and the West coast, more recorded sightings continued. David Thompson in 1811 wrote of seeing large human-like footprints and Elkanah Walker, a missionary in Washington State, described large hairy human-like giants living in the mountains in 1840.
      On the first of the journeys of Leif Erikson his Norsemen reported seeing large hairy beasts on the mainland. Indians in the Northwest believed that there were a small "colony" of bigfeet on Vancouver Island and respected them enough to leave them alone. One of the best and most descriptive of these older encounters is of an Indian trapper called Muchalat Harry of the Nootka Tribe in 1928.

      Muchalat Harry was camped out, alone, on Vancouver Island when one night he was kidnapped by a large bigfoot. He was carried back to their "village" of twenty bigfeet of all sizes. Harry was not injured; the bigfeet were just curious and would come over and poke him once in a while. When Muchalat harry finally escaped he ran twelve miles to his canoe and then paddled it forty-five miles to Nootka.

      Father Anthony, the missionary priest of the area, carried Harry out of his canoe and noticed he was wearing only his soiled, torn long underwear. Father Anthony nursed Muchalat Harry back to health and sanity for three weeks during which Harry's hair turned pure white! After that encounter Muchalat Harry never left the Nootka settlement.

  10. " I want to just iterate that growing up in georgia, there were never reports of Bigfoots anywhere in the 70's or 80's when we were kids. There just weren't."

    Wow. What a statement. I guess if a tree fell in the forest and he wasn't personally there to see it, then it didn't happen. Like anyone in the state of Georgia who sees a bigfoot is supposed to report it to him, or it didn't happen.

    1. Just to add, if there were Olympic games for mental gymnastics, the author would win the gold.

    2. Exactly. If if wasn't reported to a 6 year old in the '70s then it didn't happen. It just didn't.

    3. Also Bigfoot sightings were *not* reported in the paper, nor anywhere else because the people reporting their encounters were considered kooks or that they just were reporting misidentified animals by the media and law enforcement back then.

    4. You guys are forgetting that while no reports were happening in the 70's in Georgia, they were in other areas. You attack the author for presenting historical evidence? Poor form, and a weak argument against what he proposes. Before getting your panties all in a wad over the idea that the midwest and east don't have bigfoots like the west coast does, consider "the evidence" presented. No bigfoot sightings in those areas prior to the big explosion of bigfoot popularity following the PGF. Compare sightings prior to this popularity, and after the popularity. Some areas had sightings and some didn't. After the popularity hit, everywhere had sightings. If you want to believe that people got braver and chose to start reporting sightings after that point, fine. But zero sightings prior to popularization lends credibility to the proposed phenomenon.

    5. No bigfoot sightings in those areas until the PGF? The native americans have been seeing them for centuries. Including the Cherokee and Catawba tribes right here in my state of SC, which lies squarely in the Eastern US. I disagree that "Zero sightings prior to popularization". It is not entirely accurate. The idea that the East and the Midwest don't have BFs like the west coast is correct. They are different.

      Furthermore when I saw one first hand with my own eyes, it was not because of the PGF, which I had never heard of at that time, nor did it have anything to do with "The Legend of Boggy Creek" which I had seen. In fact, I never thought of the ape-man I saw as a Bigfoot, since it was not 10 feet tall and covered with long hair and moss. If that makes sense. If I had chosen to make the story up, I would have likely related the animal to something I was familiar with. But I saw what I saw, and it was not dependent on any preconceived notions or desire to gain fame or fortune. Many people see things they do not report, for different reasons. I didn't report my sighting that occurred in 1978, until very recently. For me, telling the people around me was not a good option, unless I wanted to known as "Monkey Boy" the rest of my life. I didn't report the sighting until I saw a venue to do so on the internet, which is a relatively new option to witnesses.

      To me, it kind of like trying to convince someone that the world is more or less, round. If I choose to believe the earth is flat, good luck trying to convince me it is not. Where's your proof? Even if you provide a picture, what does it prove. That could be a baseball in an earth costume. What about first hand accounts of astronauts that have flown into space and seen it with their own eyes? Space flight! You don't actually believe in space flight do you? Where is your proof that man flies in space? When I look out my window I can clearly see that the earth is very flat, prove otherwise.

    6. Go look for yourself and you will find that people were seeing these creatures for centuries all over the continent and they have been well documented in an abundance of books, newpapers, and web sites that have chronicled them and this include Georgia.


  11. Wow - these guys did a good job of brainwashing themselves.

    Once you get outside of the Atlanta area, GA is one of the most thinly populated states in the nation. Some counties only graduate ONE high school senior each year - ONE! The state is DEVOID of people - plenty of habitat for BF with few PRYING EYES to see them.

    And the biggies ARE here. I've found where one family unit lives in my county. I have colleagues who research several areas in the mountains. My neighbor got one on his security camera (no, he won't release the video, darn it) right here in a suburb of Atlanta. These guys need to wake up.

    1. Hey Shawn, I think you rousted a member of "the group".

    2. Name the counties that are only graduating ONE high shooler per year please.

    3. He didn't qualify the one high school graduate per year with an estimated number of high school seniors per year. Maybe there are hundreds of seniors, but only one makes the grade to graduate. The rest dress up like bigfoot and have a great time!

  12. next thing you know they will tell us there are no wild horses either!

    1. No wild horses? You can photograph wild horses any day of the week. You can catch wild horses any day of the week. There are tons of them just east of us. Are there tons of bigfoot in Georgia? Can you photograph or catch one any day of the week? :-)

  13. The why is the easiest question to answer. Very simply, for kicks. Someone earlier said that anyone thinking there were NO bigfoots in Georgia would be a fool. I say, anyone not realizing the strong motivating force behind "kicks" is a bigger fool. Throughout recorded history, and I wager before recorded history, people have been duping and fooling others, for kicks, For the sheer delight in pulling off pranks. What parent has not played tricks on their own children? Heck, what parent hasn't propagated the myths of Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, various religious figures, the Boogey Man, ghosts, and on and on. Humans trick other humans for fun. Doesn't need to be any deeper answer than that. People concoct bigfoot hoaxes because it's fun. Check out the most recent, wildly successful hoax of a flapping, flying human. It was picked up everywhere by online magazines and blogs. The guy made a great video, developed a fantastic back story to support it, and people all over the WORLD bought it. He later confessed it was a hoax. But he had fun. Why would "I" hoax a bigfoot? For fun! And it doesn't have to be an organized group. I'd propose that there are so many people with easy access to information to formulate their own independent hoaxes anywhere. I say there is at least one group, and a lot of independents joining in on the fun.

  14. Lovers and haters-My friend and I were just discussing this and not making judgements about the topic in whole. About Bigfoot being in Georgia-I don't buy it. We all were JUST as into the creature after the '77 movie came out, and news of this sort would have excited all of us red-necks being belief. The "Not seeing the tree fall" claim doesn't hold with me. I have seen plenty of tangible evidence of trees falling in Georgia, so I KNOW it happens. Key word "tangible"-I can't count sightings because of the topic we boiled down to-Someone could be "sighting" a hoax that they are unaware of. Just sayin'.....

    1. I have spent a lot of time hiking in N. Georgia and I agree it is unlikely Bigfoot is there. However I have noticed the number of people on the trails has increased tremendously in the past 20 years as Atlanta's population as grown. Which could explain an increase in sightings if Bigfoot did exist.

    2. I respect the opinions of all of the posters and disagreement can be a good thing if it's done in a constructive manner.

      I can only speak for myself. I saw a real animal in SC, not GA, but close. I did not see a hoax. I saw the animal at very close range. It was not a bear and it was not a man. That much I am 100% sure of.

      I would think that if someone would have been trying to spoof me, they might have rolled out a more "Monster" like suit. Boggy Creek style. But either way, I saw it. I wasn't on dope. I have never had mental problems. I just didn't mention it for fear or ridicule. I was married for 19 years and never even told my wife.

      I would also suggest there are a lot more trees than non-human bipeds. Belief is an individual choice. I could have chosen not to believe what my brain was telling me was right in front of me, but I went ahead and took it as reality.

      At the same time if one of my buddies had seen it, instead of me, I wouldn't have believed him if he told me about it.

    3. You sound sincere. Can you describe what you saw. You said it was close to you, and it did not look like a monster-ish suit. There are so many goofy and suspect sightings, that all the world thinks it's all a joke. But you sound sincere, what was yours like?

  15. Unless you are one of the luck few to have seen a sasquatch you cannot be absolutely sure they exist. The evidence just isn't there one way or the other. The author has a valid point, there are thousands examples of people hoaxing simply for their own weird satisfaction (ie. Ray Wallace).

  16. ALL FROM GEORGIA 70's and 80's (This is where BFRO is good)

    January 1976 (Class B) - Two servicemen from Hunter Army Airfield describe tent stalking incident on uninhabited Little Tybee Island

    October 1978/79 (Class B) - Man remembers unknown screaming animal passing underneath his deer stand before dawn on Clark Hill Lake

    June 1978 (Class A) - Children chased from woods by a seven foot tall creature

    October 1986 (Class A) - Teenager observes animal hiding behind trees and finds footprint in the Clay Hills near Hoboken.

    And there were like five more of these. Perhaps I should have went into Anthropology myself, Obviously they let any idiot become a professor in that field.

    "What about tracks? I think we all will agree these are the easiest to hoax. Even tracks with dermal ridging can be achieved with rubber foot castings and chemicals."- So not only are you Anthropologists but you are now expert trackers as well? YOU CAN NOT fake tracks with rubber feet.... It does not matter weather or not you use chemicals to make fake dermal ridges or not. Think I am wrong? LOOK IT UP FOR YOUR SELF!!!! Even our best prosthetic limbs cannot make a true foot-print. There are more to tracks then the dermal ridges (Those are icing on the cake) There is the weight distribution and the articulation of the separate little bones in the foot and the push-off. No prosthetic can mimic any of this.

    These guys are professors? No wonder America is behind the rest of the world in Education. :/

    1. I may have missed this information before but have you ever been to Georgia or lived there?

    2. Hey Blondie,
      If you mean me, I been there, never lived there. My point was that there indeed are sightings from the 70's and 80's

      Now I have lived in Florida and many of Florida's sightings are along the Georgia border. I doubt our borders mean anything to them.

    3. No I was asking the author of this article,the Kilt Maker. His answer will lead to my next question.

      Thanks though I guess I should have identified who I was addressing my question to. :) I know where you're going with this and I'm making a similar point but need more info from the author.I'm in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mtns or Smokey Mtn and feel very lucky to live here. I've spent a lot of time in Ga. mtns though. ;)

      By the way thank you for your service for our country Tazieth!

    4. Ok I went back and reread the article and see where you grew up in Georgia and referred to it as the home state for both you and your professor. I apologize for overlooking that information.

    5. I know what the author is talking about here and it's not prosthetics. I already knew this but saw it on Monster Quest as well.

      What he is referring to is molding a human foot in silicon and then soaking it in chemicals to enlarge it. I use kerosene for this but the guy on Monster Quest used paint thinner. Anyway, the silicon will capture every minute detail of the foot and that includes dermal ridges. If you soak the mold it will enlarge and then you can cast a replica foot and make your prints. The problem with this though is that the anatomy of a human's foot and a bigfoot's foot are totally different. What you will get is just a giant human foot print and nothing that resembles the structure of a bigfoot's print. Plus, if I remember correctly, the dermal ridges of a bigfoot's foot run in a different direction than those of a human. I know there is a difference but I can't remember right off hand.

      Bottom line, this guy is just talking out his backside and I don't have any idea why this article was even posted aside from getting a rise out of us. lol

  17. Tent stalking on little Tybee Island?? Oh yeah, then its for SURE that Bigfoot exists in Georgia. Kids chased from the woods by a 7 foot tall creature? They had the measuring tape out before they ran away just to make sure it wasn't Uncle Bubba (Who is 6'3) wasn't wearing a costume to scare them. Oh, it's for sure then! Tybee Island? Clark Hill Lake (Near Augusta). google these areas and you'll see they are no where near purported Habitats. 5 dubious cases reported over 2 decades is weak, as are all the descriptions of hearings and sightings above.
    "These guys are professors?"
    Yeah-And thank GOD-So we don't buy stupid bullshit like this and can try and use the proper methods to determine the truth. No method has produced definitive proof as of yet, so we both were kicking around possible alternatives. Take a look at tsome of my other postings and you'll see that I'm a fair weathered skeptic that isn't opposed to the possibility of Bigfoot, but what I hope my postings do is to incite thought and counter conjecture.

    1. Point is, there are your sightings. Maybe it is a joke maybe it is real, but it's documented.

      I will admit that human error is a factor as far as sightings. But you can not discount tracks as evidence. There is a science to tracks.

      But a conspiracy?

      I grew up believing in Sasquatch because my family had an encounter. I grew up hearing the stories so my influence growing up was that it existed. First my mother and her friends had an encounter. Then my mother along with my grandmother had an encounter, then a few years later, my aunt (Fathers sister) had an encounter. All this occurred in Jackson, Missouri. But there are no reports on the BFRO database for Cape Girardeau County. And my Grandmother fired at it and it just stood still. (one Dedicated hoaxer.. He even came back the next night)

      Then my own encounter was worse. I was in the Army stationed at Ft.Lewis, Washington. I had AHA Detail (Guarding the Ammo Holding Area.) My self and one other guy in a fenced off compound and each armed with an M-16 with three rounds a piece. 1st round is for a warning shot, 2nd is to shoot to maim and the third round is for a kill shot if needed.

      Around the parameter there is a 12 foot fence with razor wire. On all four corners there are light posts with floodlights focused in on the parameter. At about 02:00 we started hearing this shirking and wooping noise. And we could hear it getting closer. At about 05:30 it was right on us and walking back and fourth just on the other side of the fence in the wood-line but about 12 feet from the fence. Because of the flood lights we never saw what it was. And I never heard that sound again up until I later heard audio clips of "The Puyallup Screamer"

      Point is, Anyone who is or was in the military would know I was authorized deadly force. No one but military personal would have been allowed on post at that time and certainly not in a restricted area.

      Now you speak of some kind of mass secret society whos whole mission in life is to pull off sasquatch hoaxes? What about the guys whos whole mission in life is to bag one? Or the others who are out hunting? Surely there is more of a possibility that these things exist than the possibility that there is a secret order of idiots???

    2. Good point. I know what I saw wasn't a man in a suit, but if I had seen a man in a suit, it would have been almost as impressive. I was standing near a river bank in a remote swamp, at first light on a very foggy fall morning. It would be very foolish for someone to be walking around anywhere near me at the time. I was a 14 year old eager to shoot a big buck, and I was standing there holding a semi-automatic shotgun loaded to the gills with buckshot. Gun pointed, safety off, finger on trigger. That would have been one very dedicated and brassy hoaxer also.

      This may be on a slight tangent, but I will also point out that I knew I was severely under-gunned as soon as I saw it, and immediately decided that if it came at me, I could only hope to shoot it in the face until I ran out of shells or time, and jump in the river. The size/thickness of the animal would have prevented even my shotgun from doing enough to stop him from hurting me if he wanted to. I had just relieved myself 30 mins. prior, but still wet my drawers a little. I cried afterward dude. I ain't the kind of person to be afraid of anything. I am no longer ashamed to admit that. Anybody that has seen one close, has prob. had a simular reaction. I have never be so afraid in my life. I am only ashamed that I didn't tell someone at the time. If someone ever does decide to shoot one, and they may already have, they better bring a dang big gun. My AR in .308 would be less than ideal, for example. I don't even bother to carry a gun when I go scouting for them. I know it would not provide "protection".

    3. Thanks for sharing your experience. It's things like this that do not support hoaxing. The size, thickness and your reaction justifies to me there is something out there.

  18. AND PEOPLE-PLEASE NOTE-I'm an ANthropology Major, BUT I AM NOT A PROFESSOR!! Read my casting by my name above (I own and run Skye Highland Outfitters). My blogging nam should give you at least a little insight as to what I do!!!! Please take note-

  19. I ask again realizing you may not be online at the moment...have you ever been to Georgia or lived there?

  20. The question at 11:32 am is addressed to The Best Kilt Maker. Thanks

    1. Guess he isn't going to bite, Blondie lol. He may not be online though.

    2. I guess Blondie didnt read the article. I'll help.

      "I had a long debate recently with a friend of mine in Atlanta who is a Professor of Anthropology (We both were in MANY of the same Anthro classes in College). We started the conversation about Bigfoot being sighted in Georgia and the episode of Finding Bigfoot that showcased our home state. We both agreed, having both spent many a year camping in the areas scouted, that the idea of Bigfoot in Georgia was a farce. I want to just iterate that growing up in georgia, there were never reports of Bigfoots anywhere in the 70's or 80's when we were kids. There just weren't. "

    3. Thanks Anonymous at 12:13pm for your help. I scanned the article looking for the main jest of it too quickly.
      I apologize to "The Best Kilt Maker"!

      Ok I went back and reread the article and see where you grew up in Georgia and referred to it as the home state for both you and your professor. I apologize for overlooking that information.

  21. Not to beat a dead horse but you made a great point on not only how hypocritical skeptics are, but all humans in general. "They had the measuring tape out before they ran away just to make sure it wasn't Uncle Bubba (Who is 6'3) wasn't wearing a costume to scare them."

    You take this with a grain of salt because it involves Sasquatch. But if the same kids said that Uncle Bubba molested them, then people would listen. Though no one would be able to prove Uncle Bubba molested them or even if Uncle Bubba was cleared of the charges, in the back of everyone's mind, Uncle Bubba will forever be "The Perv that got away." or if some girl claimed that uncle Bubba raped her, then that would be taken very seriously. But because they claimed to have seen Bigfoot, it is a different story?

    But it's no just you skeptics.. Believers do this as well if someones account is not to their own liking or matches what they encountered.

    As for googling these area's in the BFRO reports, at this time I am unable to do that with this computer. I will have to wait till I get home. But the question is, "What did these areas look like in the 70's?" I grew up in a small town in Texas and lived out in the woods. But the woods are now gone, and the "town" is now one of the fastest growing cities in Texas. What was a little 3-A town when I was in elementary school was a 5-A town by the time I was in high-school and now has so many high-schools in it that I lost count.

    1. Molesting kids or wearing a bigfoot suit Bubba stands a good chance at getting shot for different reasons.

    2. Tazieth, are you my long lost brother? LOL we think alike.

  22. My concern is that things like the Native American stories could be discounted and not even considered in this mass conspiracy. Cherokee and Creek legends of forest giants said to be Sasquatch. Who would have been doing this then before the white men came?

    Another thing Best Kilt Maker, I understand you wanted to throw things out for discussion but when doing so it's best to consider your delivery as in your post at 10:57am.

    Your last paragraph started with a sentence where I feel you basically called the reporters of the Tybee Island story "liars".

    You might not have meant to come across like that but you did. Then again maybe you did mean to come across as calling personal encounters, reports lies.

    Knowing that you have had personal experience in Ga means a lot to me when I consider the article you wrote. I lived through the 60's and 70's. Viet Nam tore this nation apart. I was a flower child and I think I can honestly say if anyone had reported Bigfoot then it would have been laughed down and attributed to an LSD or Mary Jane trip. It is MY opinion and an opinion only that sightings were not made known for fear of ridicule, much like the post at 12:20 pm. I was a redneck/country girl and there were things one just did not talk about.

    Hopefully people will come forward as the idea of an experience/encounter with Bigfoot/Sasquatch is acceptable to tell without major ridicule. That is one of the positive results of the entertainment program "Finding Bigfoot".

    I am actually more interested in the encounter/reports than the blobsquatch videos and pictures. I really hope more people WILL come forward now.

    I think it's really important not to identify information reported as "stupid bull#*#*" in an open forum when one is wanting to be considered "a fair weather skeptic that IS open to the possibility of Bigfoot". That first sentence in the last paragraph alone contradicts inciting thoughts and counter conjecture, because it seems to me you are dismissing those reports based on personal bias. If so how can you be open to the possibility of Bigfoot?

    I am not being argumentative I'm telling you my impressions only. If I perceive something this way then I suspect some others will also.

    1. Well said. I agree; getting weary of the BlogSquatches and Blurfoots. The eye witness reports really interest me. It is from the eye witnesses that we might be able to glean some behavioral details concerning this creature. There is a lot contained within the eye witness reports that is consistent with what one would expect from a Large Primate. It is difficult for me to accept all of these reports are farces. In fact it seems likely to me; that MOST of these reports are valid. Which makes the whole thing all the more puzzling. SWP (TeamTazerBigfoot)

  23. Damn what an interesting thread. Shawn your site ROCKS man. First off to state something like Bigfoot doesn't exist because of a lack of sightings; is not very logical when you consider a few aspects of this biological mystery. People could very well have sightings of this creature and NOT report it. At least two posters (who seemed quite sincere to me; and I would love to have them contact me for interviews) have related they didn't tell anyone about their sighting. One stated he didn't even tell his wife. When faced with an event so strange it is difficult to accept as reality; you would expect people to be hesitate to share this. Fear of ridicule is a powerful motivator. People may have reported their sightings and no one believed them. They might have reported these sightings to police, (and the police might have thought they were nuts too), I wonder if a search of public records would uncover additional reports? While I consider myself an open minded skeptic; I am not in a rush to discount the sincere eye witness reports. These people are seeing something. And to discredit them, to claim that, no sightings in any given area during a certain time period, is proof of the non existence of a creature; while in fact there are sightings from that area, is jumping the gun a bit. By all accounts this is an EXTREMELY wary creature. An expert at NOT being seen. And when it is encountered, quite often the witness is so traumatized, so fearful of what people might think; they refrain from reporting the encounter. Given the popularity of recent shows on Bigfoot, and the media coverage; it is not surprising to me; that we are seeing an increase in sighting reports. It makes perfect sense to me. If any of the above witnesses read this; and are interested in sharing what they have seen, I would be most interested in speaking with you. SWP (TeamTazerBigfoot)

    1. This is a great post. I met a guy through my brother that claims to have seen one when he was a kid and lived in Ky. My brother found out through the guys wife. He never mentioned it until he knew that my brother likes this stuff. His whole family saw it and his dad won't talk about it. He hasn't spoken of it since the incident happened back in '72. Now, someone at my friend's work found out that he saw it and they tried to terminate him because they look on this as being crazy. I'm not gonna go into the nature of his job but this is another reason why people don't report these things.

    2. I know if i had an encounter i wouldn't tell anyone. Just mentioning Bigfoot here i get laughed at, so who could i tell that would believe me with out laughing at me. I like these forums so i can at least talk about BF without the ridicule and snickers from people.

    3. SWP, I am the "pissed my drawers guy". I will get in touch with you asap.

      No Shadow

    4. I guess I should add the aftermath of my mother and grandmothers encounter (When they saw it together).

      My grandmother always entered gardening competitions. When she was at the sink doing the dishes, she looked up and saw what she thought was my mothers friends on each others shoulders and using two red flashlights to mimic glowing eyes. At this time, my mother was grounded for "making up a story that bigfoot chased her." So she told my mother to "Go out and tell your little boy friends that if they don't get off my property I am going to shoot them!"

      My grandmother was mainly upset because "They" were standing in the middle of her prized corn. My mother then went out to tell them to knock it off, but then instantly came back in the house white as a ghost. She simply said "It's him!" So my grandmother backhands my mother, grabs her shotgun, and walks off the porch heading straight for it. As soon as the lights from the porch were behind her, she said that she could see the full silhouette. It wasn't kids on each others shoulders, it was on solid mass. She screamed "Get off my property!" And fired up over the left shoulder. But she said, all it did was blink.

      After this, she went back in the house and watched it all night. The next morning, she went out into her corn field to find that it was completely destroyed with huge footprints all through it. Because of this, She did call the police. The next night she saw the eyes again, but this time up on the opposite hill from the night prior.

      So it WAS reported. And reported again when my fathers side of the family saw it on their porch. Yet if you look it up there are no reports in Cape Girardeau, County.

    5. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I love reading these. Your grandmother was tough! LOL


    The following are excerpts from the following article-"Georgia' Famous Bigfoot Print "

    Sometime around 1994, Pike County Sheriff's Deputy, James Akin, was called to the scene of a Bigfoot disturbance at a residence on Elkins Creek in Pike County, not far from Griffin, Georgia.

    On the occasion where Deputy Akin was called to the scene, the man had reported that sometime during the night, the animal came in to the yard, ripped the door off the corn shed and stole corn, dog food, and other things from the shed. At such time, the old man showed Deputy Akin the footprints of the animal causing the mischief. To do this, they had to walk a piece down to the banks of Elkins Creek, which was behind the man's residence.

    There were a few prints in the creek itself, while there was one print on the bank of the creek, one that was quite large and made Deputy Akin shutter. The print clearly did not belong to a bear, human, deer, cow, or dog. In fact, the print was much larger than anything he had ever seen. It measured over 17 inches in length. Akin made a plaster cast of the print.

    Before it was all said and done, the cast was examined by Krantz, Dr. Jeff Meldrum at Idaho State University, and fingerprint expert Jimmy Chilcutt of Texas. All three were astonished, theorizing that the print was real, and that it was obviously from a creature matching the description of Sasquatch.
    *Dr. Grover Krantz, was at that time a professor of anthropology at Washington State University.

    Also important is this article on Jimmy Chilcutt of Texas and how when examining Dr. Meldrums collection of casted footprints he could rule out some as hoaxes but not all and why.

    Title of article-
    Fingerprint expert tries to Debunk Bigfoot-Reaches Opposite Conclusion

    1. Chilcutt and Meldrum have both backed away from dermal ridges being proof.
      Dermal ridges have been proven as proof of surface tension between a meduim and soil when poured into a track.

    2. To Anonymous at 7:15pm can you give me a resource as in link to that information please. If this is so there must be documentation. Thanks I don't want to mislead anyone otherwise and try to keep up to date but had not heard this.

      To Bill Jackson, Thanks! I love using references if I'm trying to support my opinions.

      Actually,I love reading all this information and when one really starts looking at the whole picture there is sooooo much to find. The history of this field is amazing as are the many colorful characters involved who have wonderful insight and experience.

  25. Ok, I think skeptics are important even though they may seem hypocritical sometimes. Why? It prompts us to think more in-depth about things and sometimes brings us back down to earth.

    Kilt, I have read many of your posts and for the most part I agree with you even though I myself am not "as" skeptical. For me, I believe there is a creature and the evidence that I use to support my beliefs is very limited. I also believe that when any claims are made that there should be models for these claims when we look at other primate species. For example the infrared debate.

    What surprises me, especially after reading your other posts, were the comments made about this conspiracy. I'm putting my money on the idea that you guys were just bullshitting when you were discussing this and not really serious.

    Maybe there are bigfoot in Georgia maybe there aren't. People do make things up. I use to live in eastern Ky. My uncle tried to convince me that he saw an alligator crossing the road one night. He still swears that he saw it. I know he is a pathological liar and there are many more just like him all over the place. People do make things up all of the time just for attention and this is the problem with witnesses. While the BFRO database is a great resource, we must be careful in not taking the reports on there as the gospel truth. It's gonna be impossible to tell how many of those reports are false and are real. All that those guys can do is record and report. They don't have the ability to give everyone a lie detector test.

  26. I saw Bigfoot while hiking with my family on July 1, 2000. I've been conducting research expeditions for the past 12 years. I have one research area in Southern Oregon and two research areas in Western Washington. ABSOLUTELY NO HOAXERS go out deep in the woods to our secret locations where we are interacting with three Sasquatch families. NONE!!!

    The real question is, "Why is this Anthropology major in such strong denial and why does he feel a need to put others down to avoid dealing with his fears."

    Dr Matthew A Johnson
    Psychologist and Bigfoot Witness/Researcher

    1. Why would a psycologist expect ppl to believe that interaction is going on with 3 bf families without proof?

    2. Interacting with 3 bigfoot families is an extraordinary claim.


      'Infrared video at night hasn’t produced any good images as the animals seem to detect it, Johnson said."

      "One commenter suggested that Bigfoots can see infrared and will try to avoid trail cameras that emit infrared light. They say its ability to see infrared light is why it's rare to capture a Bigfoot on a trail camera. Fasano disagrees with this notion"

    4. I have very specific theories about the animals ability to see into the infrared. IMHO it boils down to whether the animal has dichromatic or trichromatic vision. In my area there are two populations/types of non-human biped that I am aware of. The animals with orange/red hair are trichromatic and could likely see slightly into the infrared. The dark/brown to black colored variety is likely dichromatic and could likely not see into the infrared. You will notice similarities in the differences of the vision of these two groups directly correspond to the vision capabilities of known primates. Old world apes and humans are for the most part trichromatic (except for 6-8% which are 99% male), whereas new world monkeys are mostly (except for 60% of females) dichromatic. The red ones are red because they can see red. They developed the ability to see red because it aided them in feeding, allowing them to select ripe forage(leaves/fruit). The ability to see reds lead to sexual selection (they grew red hair to look "pretty") and visual confirmation skills regarding estrus. The black ones never developed the ability to see reds. Opting for finer detection skills in the tan/khaki range to aid them in their quest to find game in thick cover. They being omnivores and having a taste for deer and hog. They in turn, only use the sense of smell to detect estrus. Just saying.

      Also many trail cams with infrared LED flash emit a very small portion of "visible light". You will want to go with something that is called a "Black Flash" which emits zero visible light. Choosing one of the cams that allows you to select exactly how many LEDs will be activated is also advised. You can better fine tune it to your needs. You don't want to use more than you need if they can in fact, see into the infrared.

      No Shadow

    5. Thanks No Shadow, good informative post.

  27. Proof? We have tracks, auditory recordings, and multiple participants/eyewitnesses in all three research areas. We have all kinds of proof, including visuals from multiple witnesses.

    Why would someone write such a disrespectful statement, misspell Psychologist in the process, and not have the courage to sign their name?

    Dr Matthew A Johnson
    Psychologist and Bigfoot Witness/Researcher

    1. Welcome Dr. Johnson, talk about an encounter that changed one's life, you certainly had one.I've followed you since I first read about you and your experiences. Thanks for joining in here and contributing.

      I'm afraid we have a lot of anonymous cowards here and sad to say often I fear it's other "researchers" that hide behind that moniker to attack others.

      Please share what you can about any encounters or experiences you've had or know about. Some of us would love to hear about them.

      Thanks for posting.

    2. So you pretty much have nothing. At least nothing more than every other scammer claims.

    3. My my my how I hope the poster at 1:10am has a personal encounter and tries to share and no one will believe him.

  28. This thread produced exactly what the poster wanted. I think his unusual, cynical remarks were used for effect. Great post with even better remarks and discussion!

  29. I am sorry. I didn't see your post. I saw a live, breathing, walking animal. It was about 6.5 ft tall, at least 6. It was so wide in the shoudler/arm area it is hard to describe, but at least 3.5 ft wide, maybe 4 ft. The shoudler/arm area was massive. Very massive. It was exremely thick also. It was very dark brown to black in color. It was wet from about the ears down, as it had just climbed out of the river and up the bank. It had human or chimp like ears, not bear ears. The back/top of his head was shaped like a coconut, and was even the same color and a similar texture. It was a little lighter colored than the rest of him, but it might have been because it was dry.

    I had walked in as soon as I could see well enough not to use a flashlight. Walked to the rivers edge and turned my back to the river facing a semi open-ish area I had just crossed. Shortly after I got settled in the animal climbed up the river bank to my left. I could not see very well due to it being mostly a very thick area. I heard the water slosh when it came out and I heard it climbing the bank. It sounded very large. I at first thought I was going to see a giant buck emerge, then I thought that it just sounded too heavy for a deer. I figured it might be a big hog which might not be a good thing. It hesitated in the thick brush for a moment and made a human like noise. Not to be too graphic, I would compare the it to the sound a person might make when getting "bowel" relief. A cross between a sigh and a grunt. I didn't realy know what to think then. It again started moving, and stepped to where I could see it. The mental process for me at that point went like this: It's a bear. No, it's a gorilla, No, it's a freakin' ape-man. It felt like I went numb and "locked-up". I quickly decided, as I stated earlier what my best option would be. It crossed in front of me until it got to where my trail was, then stopped for just a second before heading off on a new vector into the brush. I never got a good look a the lower part of the animal (about the hips up), and I only saw it from the back, quartering away. It had a serious case of "linebacker ass", if BoBo is out there somewhere. It looked like it could pick up a Volkswagen and whoop a Saber Tooth Tiger. It was as close as 30-35 ft when it was in the thickest stuff, and about 40 or so when I got a pretty good look at it. It was about 60-70 ft or so before I couldn't see it anymore. If it had turned around and looked at me, I would had dropped dead on the spot with a heart attack, or killed my self trying to get away. After it left the area I noticed an odor kind of like a mixture a buck in the rut and roadkill. Not very pleasant. I prob. forgot a lot of stuff, but there you have it.

    No Shadow

    1. Oops tried to reply to anom post at 1:14. I screwed that one up. I am still learning. My aplogies.

      No Shadow

    2. Wow thanks for sharing that. A lot of seasoned hard tough men and hunters have refused to go back in the woods after seeing one. I love your description of what would have happened if it had turned around and looked at you.

    3. I never went back to that exact spot. I intentionally avoided it. I have been poking around in the general area again for a while, and I have reason to believe activity is still present, or at least was present recently. Close enough to be on the same 7.5 minute x 15 minute topo map. I stopped hunting for a long time immediately following the incident, and never hunted in that area again.

      No Shadow

  30. Belief comes from the heart. Critical thinking is an illness which effects atheists and agnostics.

  31. And they are poor people, because they lack of faith.

  32. According to this conspiracy theory, Native Americans and Native Canadians were fooled by someone for hundreds of years. Give me a break!

  33. It was because of a popular recent TV show about finding stuff that changed my mind about being honest. I know that sounds stupid. Couple months back I stubbled across this TV show. I am not a TV person (or a computer person), but it was on and I do have an interest. I know the crew catch hell for being dorks, but to me they are just regular(real) people, and many of the people they talk to are just regular people. I used to think that there were two crowds in the BF universe. The hillbilly witness with more hair on his face than teeth in his mouth, and the lab coat wearing, book reading, scientist geek debunker. Hillbilly says he sees it. Debunker sites moonshine. Hillbilly sites other 5000 episodes of BF free drunkeness. Etc.

    Nope. These were just kinda regular people. I esp. related to two of them. I felt like I should not be afraid to come forward. I still have most of my teeth, by the way.

    No Shadow

    1. I for one am very glad you did.

    2. Thanks Blondie, I appreciate all of your posts as well. I am glad I found this web site. It has turned out to be quite the place for informative and creative discussion. I hope things continue to go in a positive direction. There are people who have contributions, that may be more likely to participate when the conversation remains civil. Looks like there may have been some progress made in that area recently.

      I keep somehow posting in the wrong place, and my typos are rampant. I will try to work on that. I am just a back woods country boy that's not particularly good with computers.

      No Shadow

    3. Lol you're doing great.It seems it is so easy to type and make a mistake. I try really hard to read and review before I hit publish and there's still mistakes I've missed.

    4. I was saying to my husband the other night that If I had any idea where the finding bigfoot gang was setting up camp, I'd get some friends together so we could hide out in the woods and howl back. That just sounds like a lot of fun. :)


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