Watch Melissa Hovey On Conundrums Explain How She Got The Bigfoot Photo

We've all read Melissa's story by now about how she received the Bigfoot photo four years ago from a reader. As expected, when she finally decided to release the photo, it was immediately put under the microscope and the search for a matching "costume" began.

As of this writing, we know of two movie industry experts who have already voiced their opinions about the photo. One movie director claims that the photo sent to Melissa Hovey is the creature from his movie.

According to Bigfoot Lunch Club, Lee Romaire, a Creature FX Artist on Letters From The Big Man, thinks the Bigfoot photo released by Melissa is fake:

In my opinion it's fake. The hair used here is identical to an expensive brand of fake fur that we use. This particular fur type is called werewolf fur, woven on a 4 way stretch fabric (which is identical in color to the skin showing under the fur in the photograph). You can order this fur in medium or sparse density, and this one looks to be medium density.

The fur is simply too uniform in color, density and direction to be authentic. Even though this is a high quality fur, it needs to be trimmed, painted etc. to achieve a hyper realistic look. The skin is also too uniform in color.

If one was able to zoom in very tight on this photograph and manipulate it I'd bet that you'd find a weave pattern on the skin areas."

To make this in your garage would probably cost less than $800.

--Lee Romaire

Author R.W. Ridley, after reading a comment left on one of our posts, decided to follow up with Clawed director/producer Karl Kozak. Karl's 2006 movie featured an amazing looking Bigfoot creature costume. Here's what Karl wrote Ridley:

I do recognize the photos of our bigfoot costume of course and the back side photo is from our film too, not the real deal. The film was shot in North Bend Washingon in the mountains and the costume made fashioned by a Seattle SFX company.

In the weeks and months ahead, we expect more people to come forward with more information regarding the photo. Melissa has been hard at work reaching out to the person who sent it to her. Hopefully, this person will step up and provide the rest of the photos so we can have a better look.

Here's Melissa Hovey talking about the photo on Conundrums:


  1. How could a cropped picture of a back give the guy away. It's a hoax folks. The director of the movie said it's their suit. Melissa loves attention she knows publicity is good now that Ketchum DNA study will be released and she knows that TV is looking for Bigfoot researchers for new shows about Bigfoot. Hey she knows theres cash in this for her so take the heat and win the big bucks in the end.
    At least she's wearing lipstick and is not as bad looking as Sharon Lee said she was

    1. So we've gone from the sheer excitement of being told to expect the clearest/best shot since patty, all the way to simply being thankful some loser is wearing lipstick :D

      Man, I love bigfootery!

    2. I absolutely hate this Melissa Hovey witch, but I must say she is pretty good looking.

    3. Robert Lindsay and Melissa Hovey... now there's the 'power couple' we've been lacking in the Bigfoot community! Just think, you could be the bill and Hillary of all things squatch!!

      Make it happen Robert!

    4. Good God, she's married, and I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole and an 11 foot extension.

    5. I'm going to have to assume you don't possess either a 10-foot pole or an 11-foot extension.

    6. Great's no wonder why people hurl insults your way non-stop. What a slimy, creepy thing to say about this person.

      Yet again, it's amusing in a sad sort if way..."hate this witch" but "good looking". And the talk of poles and extensions. Pretty pathetic. Pretty predictable.


    7. I'm disappointed, Robert and the OP. Stooping to name calling and personal bashing. Shame shame.

  2. Still photography in the digital world does not have enough information in it today. We need video, CGI takes alot more expertise and cash to produce quality realistic evidence. Still photography will never be taken seriously unless it is taken from original HD video.

    1. 35mm Still photography can be and usually is better than digital in the right camera. 35mm film is an analog format, so direct comparisons are problematic at best.

      Most experts agree that 35mm film in the right circumstances has about the same resolution as a 20 megapixel digital image.

      There's certainly more to it than pixel count. Lighting, focus, lense quality, and image sensor size all figure in to the equation.

      Compare that to a 1080p still frame (captured from an HD video), which is around 2 megapixels.

      Point is that HD video isn't really very high resolution compared to even most cell phone still cameras these days.

      I would always take HD video over a single high res image because it shows movement, but when comparing 35mm film still to a still frame grab from HD video, give me the film shot every time. Latest digital SLR cameras only now are getting to the 20 megapixel level of detail, so they are much, much better than HD video screen grabs too.

      To be fair, there are many more variables, so this could spark much more discussion, which I would invite.


      Grant in Iowa

    2. Very hard to get film processed anymore . Kodak processing ended 3 years ago.

  3. uhhh "The skin is also too uniform in color."???? This guy has multi toned skin? Though I am leaning towards this photo being fake, I find more BS in these two comments than the pic its self. I have seen that stupid Clawed movie and I was disappointed in how the creature looked in it. And Karl Kozak claims this is His Bigfoot costume? This thing actually looks real unlike the creature in that movie.

    Lee Romaire states that you can make a costume like this for less than $800???? Really? then why does his look like an ape covered in Carpet?

    This was about real or hoax. Now I see it's becoming a matter of "It's my hoax!!!/No it's my hoax!!!"

    If this truely is Karl Kozak's creature, then he might want to find this guy who took the pic and make him his next make-up artists because he has done something that the movie did not... Made the creature look real. If not and this is a hoax then the responsible party should make their own Sasquatch movie.

    Okay forget everything I just said. I just looked at my back in the mirror and discovered that I am not real... It appears that I am too uniform in color :(

    1. looks real from this shot? get a life pal it's as fake as madonna's british accent

  4. its not from clawed, you can tell the sasquatch from clawed is a man in a suit. the bf in the photo looks massive, it looks real to me...

    1. Four eyez, might be time to get those glasses checked LOL


      (This is where I mean this to be a joke but I didn't laugh and doubt you will laugh out loud either)

  5. i bet the girl in lipstick won't hold up very long people. next time we see her she'll be in handcuffs.(not-really) but she will cave. the pressure will get her.i hope the photo is real but i just don't think so.

  6. I thought there were originally hints of other shots including facial, so maybe these will be forthcoming if true.

    1. So we've determined the subject is a female?

    2. They are talking about the woman who released this photo from the source that requested to be anonymous

  7. I'm from calif we call that tree a low Quat tree , has orange colored fruit about the size of a large grape with three to four large seeds.

  8. "AnonymousFeb 26, 2012 06:41 AM
    Four eyez, might be time to get those glasses checked LOL"

    Why? He is absolutely right. The stupid looking thing from Clawed is up there next to the pic. There is no question that it's a man in a suit. If the Clawed Sasquatch was the same suit then there would be no debate as to weather it is real or not. If this is in fact the same suit then the person who took the photo made good improvements on it.

  9. AND...... her 15 minutes are up!!!

  10. Is spelled loquat or Eriobotrya japonica , native to china and Japan , cultivated as an ornmental and for its, yellow , plum like fruit. Also called Japanese plum.

  11. No picture will ever prove there existance, neither will a video... I beileve that there will always be sceptics that will tear apart any evidence no mater what it is.
    I think this picture is really awesome ! If it is a real sasquatch cool.. If its a hoax like Mallisa said, it looks very good and very expensive. I hope there are some good facial photos to be released. I think that is where the decision will be made .

  12. The picture is fake. Know why? Because Bigfoot does not exist. Having people continue to provide hoaxes as documented proof, as well as those who are setting up phony $500 expeditions will never help the cause. I use to hold out hope, but as technology advances and the evidence becomes worse, sorry- don't buy it any longer.

    1. To add to this, I love it that 1 out of every 3 witnesses is a hunter, in the woods, with some kind of weapon at his or her disposal. Not one of these people had the urge to shoot first and ask questions later (Sierra nonsense aside, which will prove to be another hoax)? That goes for Patterson & Gimlin as well. Now that it was proven how close they really were to "it", they did not choose to shoot? Not a moral question but one of making one of the modern man's most important discoveries.

    2. well yeah, however you also have those who claim they had shot them then berried the bodies as they were not 100% sure that what they killed was not human and this is the same reason that those other hunters did not take the shot. Technology is advancing but the evidence is not getting worse, it is becoming more solid. We sentence people to death for less evidence.

      But lets go back to hoax... You are a hunter in the woods and you see one cross your path would you shoot it? As you said, it could be a hoax. Would you risk killing a guy in a monkey suit?

    3. "We sentence people to death for less evidence." You can't possibly be serious... I hope bigfoot is real but if you think there is some mountain of evidence you are fooling yourself and just believing what you want too. Remember everyone, when you want something to be true you must be twice as critical of it.

    4. "When you want something to be true, you must be twice as critical of it." <-Words of wisdom

      Hey, I want bigfoot to be real as much as the next person, but I am completely unconvinced. The photo looks completely fake to me.

      (I once wanted there to be a god, but we all know how that ended up.)

  13. The being's stooped back in the Hovey photo is different from that crappy Clawed movie, that one is clearly the usual stunt man posture so who knows. If it's fake, which is highly likely, then someone did his homework quite well. Of course, we haven't seen the whole body which is crucial to any serious evaluation.

  14. The "Bigfoot" phenomena is nothing more than a money making (pardon the pun) opportunity for people such as Biscadi, MM, Loren Coleman, etc. None of these people have real jobs and people, such as yourself, buy into the crap. I believed until say two years ago. When MM put out the "dollar amount a minute of footage was worth", the idiot brought on a new breed of hoaxing. And yeas, if I saw an "8 to 10 foot" thing roaming the middle of the woods, I wood shoot it. How many 8 to 10 feet people you know, as well as stores that sell 8 to 10 foot gorilla costumes?

    1. Sorry, this was in response to Tzieth. Nothing personal ,just the perspective of someone who went Bigfoot hunting with his big brother as a kid to a person who can see this all for what it is worth. If the best evidence to this day is a 40 year old piece of film, you don't see something wrong with the equation?

    2. Good point. The PG film still looks real to me, but I've seen nothing else that even comes close to convincing me.

      I do not believe in bigfoot and with all the supposed evidence not being released, I'm getting even more entrenched in my contention that bigfoot is nothing more than a series of hoaxes.

      Yet another Vaporsquatch(TM).

    3. When you have your first real sasquatch experience, you'll change your tune.

  15. All loquat tree's here in calif are 10' or bigger also if you look at it's right ear about 10" to12" over and up there's one of the fruit . So I would say that's one big Bigfoot !

    1. Really? ALL Loquats are 10' or bigger. EVERY SINGLE one of them. And just how do they get to be 10-12 feet tall? Do they just magically pop out of the ground at 10 feet tall?

  16. "This animal", Hovey keeps saying. LOL Did she just step off the Jefferson Starship? I love this Bigfoot community naivity, how people still treat this field as traditional campfire lore and can't look outside their stereotyped box. It's years ago I stopped thinking of these beings as animals and it's really simple, just look at the photo which resembles the real thing I suppose. Might even be it. If it's real, would a wild animal that size even be safe to be around? I think not, yet we seem to be just that. An intelligent humanoid staying out of trouble much more so, they're acting with what appears to be consideration and wit which is a human trait not animal.

  17. I buy into it only because my mother, grandmother and aunt saw one. I grew up with the stories. Then I had my own experience later on while I was stationed at Ft. Lewis (didn't see one though). Biscardi had "Fraud" written all over him even before the Body hoax. Matt Moneymaker I do not think is a hoaxer, just too overzealous to be credible and I think sasquatch are a species of human where he is looking for an ape.

    But on the flip side, I do not think that 1/2 of these hoaxes are actually hoaxes. This is where I am going to sound like your typical fruitcake but I honestly think that the U.S. Government is aware of them and is covering it up. Think about the legal ramifications to this. You would not only disprove Darwinism, but what would it do to the logging industry or the oil industry? We limit our drilling in Alaska because of the mating habits of the caraboo alone. Now add sasquatch into the mix. And if they are a species of human that could jeopardize game hunting all together.

    We sentence people to death for DNA, Fingerprints, Video, audio. We have all the same evidence for the existence of sasquatch and yet it is immediately attacked and thrown out. Why?

    in the 1960's The P/G film comes out. "oh that is fake." Neal Armstrong walks on the moon "Oh that's real!" At least Patty left footprints that were cast in plaster. Where is the evidence that Neal was on the moon? (No I am not one of those nut-jobs I am just making a point lol)

    1. I respect your opinion. Don't think you are a nut. I don't attack those who believe, just those people who make a dollar off of those who believe. I for one would love to see an investigative program (Dateline or 20/20) plant someone on a Moneymaker expedition, with a team hidden out in the woods while the BFRO expedition is there. BRFO probably gets an average of say 20 people per expedition, paying up to $500 a person. And in the Ts&Cs, BFRO pretty much states that they provide nothing for the participants. That is a pretty good racket. Even better than Loren Coleman begging for donations to "The International Cryptozoological Museum".

    2. errm I don't know about 20/20 catching Matt Moneymaker in the act. He supposedly has a law degree and if he is running a racket, most likely has his T's crossed. However if they could get someone to pose online as an underaged sasquatch, maybe Chris Hansen could get him? lol

    3. "disprove Darwinism"

      Um, what?!

  18. It's incredible how these things spiral out of control.

    It's a hoax, people.

    Let's please move from this attention seeking Melissa Hovey person.

    I'm sure there's something else Bigfoot related going on.

  19. Its amazing how everyone, still believes this Mellisa Hovey lady was trying to do everything in her power to get this clear up, that she did not want the picture to be use for a hoax... wait, this is a hoax and she is part of it!

    She stated I have nothing to gain out of this, but since the day she released the picture, she has been doing radio shows. Had famouse hollywood people look at the photo, remember people its one photo, and now everyone is arguing its real or is not real.

    She said she had the photo analyze by proffesionals and that she already new what people would say and react. Also she sated she ha nothing to gain from this and i keep saying this, she just wants to find the truth about the photo.

    Yet today, four days later we get a movie director saying the suit is his and another saying you can make the suit with 800 dollars, if your talented enough.

    Intially she said is was a trail cam photo, the she changes her story that she was confused and since she did not understand technoogy it really was a trail cam with 35mm film.

    Then she states that she gave the person a warning if he does not contact her she will put the photo out in the community. then by majic the guy reappears and contacts her, and still she cannot discuss what they talked about because she made a promise to the person not to divulge anything, but wait... she did divulge things.

    What a crook of poop, this lady is a genious i believe, because she has fooled everyone except me to believe her story of morals and integrity, when we all know she is just looking to get attention to her blog which only has 5 people who follow it. I have s check it out, go look for yourself if you do not believe me and also to bring more traffic to her American Bigfoot Society page, which she is the president of.

    She is also good friends with the guy of Conundrum, so how was this interview not bais and has anyone notice that Cryptomundo has not reported anything on this picture. Could it be that she has something to do with them also.

    Not one statement or post from Cryptomundo on this photo. Look and see and try to prove me wrong.

    So keep believing and promoting this woman, who said she had nothing to gain from this, but yet she is parading around, doing interviews.

    She is this long time researcher with many connections as we can see, the sad part is, she is using many credible people for her roose and they are too blind to see it. Also where are the real bigfooters opinons on this and the other scientist that are studing bigfoot, why are they so quiet on this photo mess and a big online sight like Cryptomundo did not report on this photo, something is not right and people are just believing this Hovey Lady's story.

    1. Agreed 100 %. The only open end is that on the BFRO message board, the thread for this picture has not been closed by "Bossburg". Claiming something this umm "realistic looking" to be fake would not be in his best interest. Especially after the producers of his show claimed the San Juan footage to be umm "real".

  20. Wouldnt you think that if she had this photo in her possession for 4 YEARS, that at some point in that time she would have had it authenticated, especiallu prior to releasing it? Why would someone not do that, especially since it had the potential to be "the photo of the century"? Omissions like that can tarnish a reputation and make it appear it was meant to be a hoax. Wouldnt you think?

  21. Given the circumstances it is impossible to authenticate the photo. Even if it were real the photo reveals very little information about sasquatch. So let's move on already.

  22. fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake

  23. Thanks for revealing your own nature. Explain how a Sasquatch individual's back is supposed to look then, if not something like this.

  24. Yeah, two nice big shiny horns sticking out of the head would've sealed it for me too, I'd definitely gone with the conclusion it's fake then.

  25. I would totally bone Melissa Hovey.


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