SnowWalkerPrime Believes Melissa Hovey's Bigfoot Photo Is Fake And Wants Her Held Accountable For Her Crimes

While some people are still debating whether or not the photo of Bigfoot's back released by Melissa Hovey last Thursday was a costume or the real deal, SnowWalkerPrime wants the so-called "Bigfoot Experts" to be held accountable.

Watch below:


  1. This guy is the Ted Nugent of bigfoot, gotta love him

    1. Have any of these idiots critical of Melissa even bothered to read her blog prior to the release of this photo? She never claimed this photo was 100% real and pretty much documented that the reason she was publishing this picture was to let BF community decide. "No good deed goes unpunished" in this community.

    2. Have any idiots actually believed what she wrote in her blog? Was Melissa not already told it was fake? She volunteered for the attention. Poor Melissa. I hope he is still able to give her speech knowing half of the audience thinks she is a freezer short of being Dyer.

  2. i wish he would shave that nasty hair on his ass or is that his face?

  3. Replies
    1. you sir got alot of nerve. atleast this man is out in the woods unlike you david koresh p.s. bigfoots are capitalist's

  4. What a showboating fool. Moron, he can't prove this is a suit. The most parsimonious theory at the moment is that it is inconclusive.

    1. I guess you are an EXPERT. And this is your EXPERT opinion. Taking the safe road of inconclusive. At least this guy puts in his time out in the forests

    2. Lindsay you have the same problem with Snowwalker that 90% of Bigfoot researchers have with other BF researchers you can't stand anyone getting more attention then you !

    3. you said yesterday that it's real or a real good fake. kinda like saying that the coin toss will be either heads or tails! atleast that man has the balls to call it either way. unlike you koresh. i guess you just want to keep your go-to guy status! NOT!!! don't you have to do foot soldier work for your hero OBAMA.

    4. I think that you're a little confused about parsimony, Mr. Lindsay. The most parsimonious answer is the simplest explanation that fits the data. "I don't know" isn't an explanation. We really have two competing explanations here: 1) an actual giant relict hominid exists, inhabiting not only remote wilderness, but also apparently rural backyards and state parks all over the continent, while somehow avoiding documentation and leaving no trace of its existence in the fossil record, and finally someone managed to get a clear photograph after decades of otherwise unsuccessful attempts, or 2) some guys made a costume/model and took a picture of it. Now, which one of those is a simpler explanation? Until bigfoot enthusiasts understand this crucial point: that you have to answer a lot more questions to explain why sasquatch does exist than why it doesn't, you won't understand why science is dismissive of your subject.

      And "Zabo", what does this have to do with your thoughts on the current administration (which I'm sure are very well informed and entirely rational)?

  5. I guess if you have a HUGE gray beard and look like an idiot, your an expert. Hell , I can be an expert. I'm just missing the gray beard. WTF

  6. He is the best thing to hit the BF community in 25 years ! We need to laugh at all the crazy idiotic things people attribute to Sasquatch.

  7. He knows that the video is fake because it is a picture of his hairy ass. It matches his face. It's just a still from one of his gay porn scenes.

  8. I believe this video is a hoax. It is obvious that the subject in this video has a sewn on beard. Look closely when blown up to 1 million times beyond normal and you can easily see the thread. Also, no real bigfoot hunter would ever wear a red hat like that. Bigfoot would see this to easily and run away. Lastly, the area where this hoax takes place seals the deal. Why would a real person be interviewed out in the snow. A real, non-hoaxed picture would have been taken inside the warmth of a dwelling. HOAX.

  9. It guys like this that made researcher like her hesitant on releasing the photos in the first place.
    But sheesh, he's just trying to get attention. And NO she didn't commit a crime. She graciously passed on a photo that she wasn't sure about. I at least really appreciate that. Maybe she was duped, but at least she passed it on to us! You can't say that for Ericson or others.
    I do however am optimistic that the photo could be legit. Yes it could be hoaxed, but that doesn't mean it was. Just remember that.

    1. So Chad basically you are saying that from one photo we can prove bigfoot exist. Look man I understand you want to prove like many of us on here the creature exist, but man one picture is not proof.

      Also whats great about Hovey showing the community this photo, when even a person like Bill Munns look it over and said he would not trust this photo to be real. All she did by doing this is giving the skeptics more reasons to find the Bigfoot community is a joke.

      As for TeamTazer dude, i agree with what he is saying, all these folks calling themselvs Bigfoot researchers does not make them experts on Bigfoot, 90 percent of them have not even seen one.

      The Hovey lady needs to stop yaping away on this photo, I thought she had nothing to gain from this, as she said in her blog.

      Yet she is still trying to milk this by even talking with the bafoons of the FB/FB
      to tell the same story we already heard all over again.

      Chad you need to get a clue, or maybe your friends with the Hovey lady or a follower, stop being a Hovey zombie.

    2. I am not saying one photo can be proof. I know it can't. What I am saying is that while I agree that the photo could be easily faked does not necessarily mean it was. Maybe the guy was truely lucky to have caught a BF on film.

    3. Where the hell did he say one photo proved anything? Are you retarded? Seriously, are you?

  10. I agree that it is very possible Hovey is lying, Hovey could be the mastermind behind the hoax. Her story has changed regarding the game cam regular camera thing and now she is going with a hybrid theory that it was some sophisticated setup using multiple 35mm camera traps specifically set to photograph Sasquatch. Too much of the backstory is shady for me to take the photo seriously.

  11. Stop enabling and encouraging this... guy.

  12. Melissa Hovey has continuously been held up to ridicule
    for her gullibility in believing in fake pictures,
    videos, reports. She was discredited ages ago. I don't
    know why she even getting attention......Maybe because needs to keep the bigfoot
    new rolling.

  13. SnowWalkerPrime is Optimus Prime's retarded son.

    1. I find this guy amusing at times..I think some people just need to lighten up a bit and not take everything so seriously all the time, have some fun..

  14. this guy needs to take his meds and stay out of the media.

  15. I hope SnowWalkerPrime takes on Rick Dyer's claim to be the best bigfoot tracker in the world if Hovey doesnt offer a response video soon.

  16. Perhaps less junk talking and more tracking would be a more productive situation. Seems like a waste. Also, I have not been able to locate any LSD since the 70's, maybe early 80's. Does anyone know where prime is getting his?

  17. Isn't this guy's fifteen minutes up yet? One slightly humorous Todd Standing parody video and suddenly we have the "Jeremy Lin" of Bigfoot Evidence. Forget the hairy bigfoot photos. I want to see the incriminating pictures this joker must have of the blog-master. Its the only logical explanation for this kind of drivel continuously being posted. If its a slow news week I'm there are some Bigfoot Monster Truck articles you can refer to that are just as relevant.

  18. This guy is worthless and misinformed. If he bothered to do a little research instead of parroting the director of Klawed, he could see that the Hovey image is not even close to the suit. That does not legitimize the Hovey photo but does show that ut's not the suit in Klawed. The Klawed suit was not very well done and the level of detail in the Hovey photo is on a much higher and sophisticated level.

    Snow walker is doing himself a disservice by making these accusations. It discredits Bigfooting in general and makes him look like a clown.

  19. Thank you mr. beard for standing up to Hovey. She has all of her minions fighting for her on her behalf while yet AGAIN she plays the victim (which she seems to do quite frequently)
    she loaded up the make-up for her interview because her intent from the beginning was to get noticed by a network. she wanted to preempt the release of the Ketchum papers to maximize the attention.

  20. Why is this whole thing so full of hate and namecalling? This blog was a nice place a few months ago, now it is just full of immature thrashing. Other nature-blogs are not like this, what´s with all the hate?


    1. The other hoaxers are just jealous that they dont have a suit of this quality. The stakes are being raised. The average hoaxer is going to have to revert to faking tracks for attention if they want to be a mover and shaker in the year of the sasquatch, a cell phone video of a $200 suit is not impressive anymore.

    2. Most pertinent observation of all these posts.

  21. A voice of reason unlike the usual hoaxers who dominate this area.

    new anony


    1. Dyer better watch out!! It looks like TeamTazerBigfoot is cleaning up the Bigfoot community and taking no prisoners except maybe a tazed and confused Sasquatch.

    2. Lol many has come and gone. Dyers the real deal

  23. I'm starting to think this bearded guy's MIB, with him it's just blue instead of black. But he could be someone set up to ridicule the field, a hoax himself. What's his history in the fields? I don't detect an ounce of honest researcher in him, it seems more like a fun weekend thing like others lately stumbling on the subject. He also doesn't explain why the photo's fake. Still need to hear it from those skeptical of it, how do they expect the back of a Bigfoot to look? If it's fake it's actually a very good fake, and better than the Clawed one, I don't doubt for a second a Sasquatch could look like this. So the possibility it could be real is not the question for me. Especially since I'm not favoring the ape theory, I'm sure Sasquatches look very similar to this. Hey o' bearded one what's fake about it then, and how can we be sure when it's a species of individuals possibly as different individually as our own. Where are the clear signs of a suit from one cropped photo? I see an odd ear, like the fake Hoffman video, and five possible holes in the neck. So yes it could befake but what else points to it, hair isn't short? What if the male Sasquatch is the hairier one, Patty's got short chimp-like hair.

  24. I don't lean toward the photo being real, but it doesn't look anything like the Clawed suit to me. It think we need to admit there are people who will claim responsibility for hoaxing something just for the publicity just as much as someone will create a hoax.

    Those claims need to be held up to scrutiny also.

    And, this guy comes off as crazy as any of the worst bigfoot researchers.

  25. I can't tell from the video, but judging from the red hat, it could be a gnome.

    1. Exactly! If you do a scale comparison, the man featured in the video wearing the red "bogan" is obviously a garden gnome.

      Also, pay close attention to the white beard overlay. This gnome has a black beard which he is attempting to hide through strapping on a cheap greyish white looking dollar store beard over top ot the real beard. Why would this be done? Why haven't more people pointed this out? Every one is in on this! The evil gnome known as Black Beard is attempting to take over while we all set around and not critique this video as nearly as much as we do the sasquatch photo that looks better than this.

      Why is this?


  26. Also, Lindsey, I sort of have to apologize to you. I mischaracterized you as a racist some time back, but after further research I realize you're actually a progressive. Many of the attacks on you seem to be coming from right wing trolls. Which puts us in the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' position or something.

    1. Thx, that's a mischaracterization, I must say. You can call me a lot of names and you would be correct, but that's one name that doesn't fit well with my politics.

      And thx.

  27. Wow, he looks excentric as heck, but he is the only logical thinking person I have seen on this blog (featured). I have always asked myself why people call in lawyers and media first. Why not take it to a local university, or call the state agency in?...obvious answer is that it isn't real!

    Even when this guy talks about the monkey in the NY video, he is spot on! I mean since when have BF or their young been known to climb up in trees and swing around? Their bodies don't even seem to be built in a way to do that kind of motion (if you look at the "pictures/video" we do have).

    I have to take this guys opinion one step further and say there IS NO BF EXPERT! To become an expert in something, you need to be all knowing. You have to know their behavior in and out, but that is impossible since there isn't any undeniable proof these things still exist. Going out and hearing sounds in the woods doesn't make you an expert because you don't know where the sounds originate. Also, if you aren't regularly seeing the animal you don't know what it feeds on or how it interacts with the environment/other animals/members or the same species. An EXPERT WOULD. An expert has DATA and PROOF, not tons of hypotheses that start with,"We/I believe...". To sum up this thought, an EXPERT would be able to locate and study/video/photograph/document them without too much trouble.

    What many people fail to understand is that (if they are true) many sightings could be because something is out of whack in the natural habitat these things live in. It could be diseased and losing its fear (completely/to a degree) of humans or moving around at unnatural times. The fact is that we don't know. Yet people like MM, MH, and so many other people is,"I saw or heard of it doing *insert something here*, so that means *insert some BS here*". Just like I posted before where someone said "us regulars know BF bury their dead".....HOW!? When did we start finding graves? Where have the been fully documented? They haven't....yet we theorize maybe that is why we don't have bodies/bones and somehow that then becomes "known behavior" is all a sad spectacle.

    Hopefully some ACTUAL scientists will jump into the field and begin doing intense studies in areas prone to behavior. We have the technology to see/document them(therm, nightvision, powerful cameras, etc) and also technology to trap/catch one (high tensil strength cables, dart guns, etc). I hope they are proved real but only time will tell

    1. A few graves of various types have been found - tree grave, ice lake grave. And more importantly, Bigfoots have been seen a few times burying their dead. And I believe that the Indians say that the Bigfoots bury their dead.

      And a few bodies and skeletons have found. A couple bodies rotting in the woods, and a skeleton washing out of a river.

    2. Erm, really?!!!!!!!! Please send me the link where I can review this with the infallible evidence. So your saying a few bodies not just one have been found. Ha! Let me guess it can't be revealed in case someone makes it out to be a hoax?

      Anon as above.

    3. Robery Lindsay

      - where is the proof? Not hearsay, not I "think", pictures, video? Where is the immediate DNA tests that would be conducted. Remember when the Montauk Monster washed up on shore (about the size of a big rat/raccoon)? Several Fish and Game personal, along with university members, jumped on the find and it was all over the news. Yet you are telling me a credible body(ies) of a BF (7-10ft tall, and 300-600lbs)was/were found and no one said anything. No pictures (that aren't blurry), no video (also not blurry), no huge scientific documentation. Like I've said before, I am in the wildlife field at a major research univeresity. Several of my professors would wet themselves if a find like that was documented and they would be all over any data gathered from it. Any ecology/evolutionary professor would kill to get involved in that find and the research going on with it.

      If full graves were unearthed, almost entire skeletons would be recovered. The skull shape and bone densities/dimension alone (since many people believe they have burial grounds) of multiple species would warrant huge investigations. Also, any major university in the area would be paying BIG $$$ to get the skeleton for again....where is all of that? Where is the DNA that would come from a burial site find?

      Your example of "people have seen" falls right into "We/I believe" thing. Let me ask a question, who in their right mind (which is a qualifier for any BF witness) would watch one BF bury a second one and just be like "WOW...ok let's go home"? Who in the heck wouldn't wait for the live one to leave and mark the location. Who wouldn't want to bring a biologist or equivalent person out to the site FINALLY have the proof? Seems very thoughtful of people to see one and just be done. Especially if they wanted to "protect" them, proving they exist would mean they almost immediately got put on a threatened status by governments. And besides that, what person now-a-days does not have a camera on them to video such an amazing act?.

      I do think we should take the beliefs of the native people into account. They lived with the land whereas most of any of the settlers/pilgrims lived on the land. Native people in touch with the area do have a better understanding of certain aspects. Depending on how distant the actual species is, I believe that burial IS a possibility. However, being possible doesn't mean undeniable truth.

    4. No graves have been unearthed. Observations of burials date back a bit, not in the cellphone camera era. A Bigfoot baby was found buried in a tree, but no university wanted to investigate it. A BF skull was found, sent to a university, where they said it was new, but they didn't want to write it up and pretty much buried it. BF skulls seem to exist in the UC Berkeley and Santa Barbara archives. It seems that full BF skeletons exist somewhere, as a friend of mine has examined them. They are probably in universities or museums also. There is a BF jawbone in the University of British Colombia museum.

    5. The bodies were all just left there, except one in 1962 on the Oregon-California border was taken to the Department of Interior where they said it was a captive escaped gorilla. It wasn't. It was a female Bigfoot killed by a fallen tree.

    6. So according to you, we know where BF burial grounds are but no one has unearthed them? So what we actually know is that there is disturbed ground somewhere. Because you can't know if it is a BF burial ground IF YOU DON'T HAVE PROOF THERE ARE BF BODIES IN THE GROUND! Jesus. Also, the "burying of the BF skull" that you speak of wasn't buried, it was identified (to what they knew of the area) as a native American. It is still thought to be in the museum holds at UCLA, but no one has ever looked. The jawbone in Univ. of British Columbia can't be found or even really heard of by any officials.

      You say your friend has examined BF skeletons? Pictures? Measurements? Place seen? Place collected? Database included in? I mean EXAMINING means gathering data on something. What is his field of study? University/organization he is affiliated with?

      I've read the story of the 1962 body that was found and it is funny you bring it up because it was said that there was a classified report that said non-primate/non-human. Where is this classified report? Furthermore if it is/was classified, how where did the info on the "specimen" come from?

      Funny how all these people (even in the 1962 incident you mention) seem to be sooooo amazed by these creatures/specimens that they take tons of pictures. Well, I guess that part isn't funny but the part where they ALL LOSE THE EVIDENCE, is. Funny how EVERYONE who has pictures and videos of BF finds seem to lose them. A house fire destroys physical evidence, I mail it and it never got there, my photos were stolen, didn't turn out...etc.

      Then the biggest find of all comes out, its a conspiracy! The government and scientists don't want us to find this. I know the government does keep a lot from the public, but I don't get know why they would this. I keep hearing that if BF are found, all logging would be shut down. That is crap! Granted many liberal/hippie types would demand it, as a whole it wouldn't have much affect. Many universities would be involved in habitat studies and trying to find BF, but the logging industry wouldn't come to an immediate stop.

      It is just one thing after another for sooo many believers....animals eat the bones (which is true), BF bury their dead in the ground/trees (no proof but helps you explain your belief), governments dispose of all evidence (could be true but helps you explain your beliefs), and scientists are corrupt (true in certain cases but helps you explain your beliefs). Sooooo much of what is believed is predicated on the fact that you KNOW (which, after many arguments on here, is apparently proved by the LACK of evidence?) they exist so anything that shows they don't is part of a cover up or can be explained by several unverifiable hypotheses. You refuse to believe that maybe most of the people are liars/hoaxers. I can find articles that say BF were kept as pets and whole families were captured for exhibit...they all fall in the same category as fallen tree killed BF or Mt. Saint Helens eruptions leads to several BF bodies being found....without proof, all crap. I believe BF did exist and maybe still does in small numbers. I was actually beginning to not believe in BF anymore until my father told me of an unexplainable encounter he had. However, I don't believe anyone who says,"I took a lot of pictures and EVERYONE saw it" only to find out people/evidence can't be found.

  28. Hovey's 15 minutes of fame. Who's next to grab for the glamor? It just repeats over and over. "Maybe next time...maybe next time..." etc etc etc. We're seeing human nature here, not sasquatch.

  29. I'm not sure if this guy is any worst than a hoaxer.

    I think he just likes stirring the pot. I don't think he takes himself seriously. I'm sure he ends up laughing on the floor for an hour after he films each one of these silly monologues.

  30. Amazing how many shoot this guy down for having some valid points. I would rather watch his videos here than on Youtube, because reading the comments here is so much more gratifying.

  31. Go SnowwalkerPrime.

    It's nice to see someone actually make sense.

  32. A critical thinker with a background in Biology and a deep passion for the sasquatch. We need more like him.

  33. Lindsay shut your gaping blog couldnt even come close to being as interesting, charismatic and intelligent as this guy...your analysis is worse than dog shit under a boot.

  34. The producer of the movie "Clawed" said this is a shot of the back side of the suit from his movie. There are photos showing how that suit's hair is identical to this photo under a flash. There is also a photo showing that the suit came apart below the shoulders/upper arms and is displayed as a bust. And if you max out the exposure on the Hovey photo, there are NO ELBOWS. HELLO? It's a movie suit, people!

  35. @Logan - EVERY instance of people taking BF bodies, skeletons, parts, etc. to universities that I know of has ended with the university getting SCARED and sending the people home with their evidence. Why? Because they're "too human" and "we don't want to be involved in what might become a murder case." Cops were called in once instance and the only reason the person was allowed to leave was because the body was too large. Still, that university wanted NOTHING to do with it. Also, all of the skeletons sitting in museums have been dismissed as "big Indians" but no one is allowed to see them. The Smithsonian has quite a collection, which has been witnessed by current and former workers, but is not available for study. I don't think higher education will take this field seriously until the DNA is published. Let's all cross our fingers that this happens.

    1. Proof of any of this? Have you seen? Snuck pictures? What universities, departments/professors involved? Do you have the police report? I am at a university and I know scientist would JUMP at the I said, conspiracy allows for more "evidence" of existence.

      I can just picture Dr. Meldrum saying,"sorry I can't be part of this".....what a load

  36. Have none of you figured out that SnowwalkerPrime is doing this as comedy? You can find the original video on YouTube of the formation of his TeamTaserBigfoot. He makes fun of almost all things bigfoot and those that search for him.

  37. FBFB Why in the hell do you give this jackass airtime on your blog? It's negative research.

  38. I guess black holes don't exist because I can see them. Show me proof. Terrible arguement to dismiss all, because of no photos or bodies. Science would come to a standstill if that was the standard. Be skeptical, but not a denier of the possible.

  39. It's awesome that the guy offered a couple of alternate theories in regards to the "baby Bigfoot" in the tree at the NY music festival. I'm a hopeful skeptic---really want the Squatch to be proven to exist within the next decade or so---but I need to be convinced. When I saw the baby Bigfoot video I thought the guy standing near the fire was way too theatrical and was gesturing in the general direction of the tree in question too much. I simply thought that the Bigfoot baby in the background was a scarecrow/dummy on a rope being pulled by kids... kind of like what my buddies and I did around Halloween circa 1976. Then again, I think many (not all) return wood knocks are echoes and a lot of deep footprints are the result of NBA-sized individuals (probably nicknamed "Bigfoot" and thus aware of their hoaxing potential) giving an equally hefty friend a piggy back ride on good substrate, so take my opinion with a grain or two of salt.


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