A Photo Is Not Worth A Thousand Words (Thoughts on the Recent Sasquatch Photo Release)

*Photo Updated With Higher Resolution
Click To Enlarge

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook and the group's official page at www.sasquatchlives.com.

I was looking at the comments about this supposed “Possibly the greatest picture of Sasquatch since the Patty film”, and I became interested in the comment that one reader on Bigfoot Evidence blog stated: “If this was the bloggers secret for 4 years why when it came out, the picture has the stamp of the American Bigfoot Society.”

Not only is the picture a poor pixelated image, but to make matters worse, it even has a huge stamp over it so when you enlarge it, it takes away from the details. I would love to have the actual photo so I can do my on analysis of this picture. I question its authenticity, because for one, we get a long story on how the author received this emails with the picture, but now when we see it, if this was such a great secret why would it have The American Bigfoot Societies stamp on it?

I know she is the President of the American Bigfoot Society, but if this was more of a personal matter, that she herself stated was a secret, then base on that the stamp on the photo of the society is leading me to believe the society is all part of this from the beginning. Melissa stated on her blog that it was her secret for the past 4 years, and that she had not shared this with no one until a few weeks ago. It seems to me she is just trying to promote her site and the Society.

The photo shows the back shot of what either can be a man in a suit or Sasquatch. Keep in mind; lots of great fake Sasquatch suits are being sold.

I am not trying to knock down the bloggers credibility, but why make all this hype about a picture that you also stated you have copyrights for? How can someone else copyright what is not actually theirs in the first place. Is this legal?

Also if we are going to continue on this road of ambiguous photos, will this not also add to the fact that many in this community are trying to deceive us. To be clear, I’m not trying to say that this blogger is doing this. Yet I am dumb founded on how many people are saying this is real already, without a true analysis, if it has been done or not.

So I ask the author if I could get an unaltered copy of the actual image so I can make my own analysis and share it with the community. I think it is only fair after putting us through all this in the past few weeks, or at least if you have had it analysis, have that credible person come forward and speak about what he believes is on the photo.

If we keep going down this road, I wonder if we will be able to trust the findings of the Ketchum papers. It could possibly be the most significant proof of this Hominoids existence. With so many photos and so many opinions and talk about trust and integrity, but no one is able to give the proper information to the community. Every time we think someone will give us more to believe in, we are once again left with empty dreams of Sasquatch.

Damian Bravo


  1. No way, I can't be first on this. Shawn knows I don't comment on digital evidence on the net. Go for it guys!

    1. LOl no..I see I am so late a new post was created from a comment....pretty muchs covers it all. It's past 2pm EST, oh well
      Goodbye February 2012!

    2. I like the after 2pm comment and yet no one picked up on it. So here's to more disappointment in the community with still no paper release. Figures

  2. Wow.....get it through your heads everyone.....bigfoot is fake....the whole community is compromised with fakes and charletons....they don't eat cows cause they are people food? Nice picture faggots.

    1. Based on your last comment you must be following Finding Bigfoot? Try bigfootencounters less nonsense, more depth, no commercials.

    2. and since your on this site reading and watching then that makes you king faggot!

    3. Go to cookingandcars.com. No bigfoot (well, one) but kick ass recipes and car tips. At least all the stuff on cookingandcars is real..

  3. She claims she copyrighted it so no hoaxer would use it. Then she said if she can determine the owner of the photo, she will replace it and give them credit.

  4. I completely agree with your assessment. I mean if it were authentic at least BIGFOOT was nice enough to pose perfectly in the center for this photo.

    1. True you would think that it would be nigh on impossible to get a pic like that. At the least it should be a film to get that kind of timing, and if it were they would show more of the film. I f you were taking pics you would have to be behing the camera waiting for it. Also the skin under the hair looks human, if it were Bigfoot it would at the least be much darker.

  5. gents, everyone can write copyright on a photo, and anyone can prosecute someone else over using their stuff (with a positive or negative result of course, determined by the justice system and (copyright) laws)... there's no such thing as "copyrighting" anything.

    about the pic: obvious museum statue photo...

    1. "there's no such thing as "copyrighting" anything."
      I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, but there are copyright laws.
      Art, photos and videos can legally be copyrighted for a fee. If you create something, it is automatically a copyright of the creator.
      Doing this legally produces a paper trail, and would benefit the creator of a piece of work such as I mentioned earlier.
      People pirate anything and everything these days. I wouldn't be surprised if this photo was being sold on Ebay right now.

  6. I have no words for such utter horseshit...people police you're own community....this bullshit does nothing but set you back 20 years in your're research.

  7. God you arm chair skeptics are about as retarded as it gets. You obviously know it all about bigfoot and whats fake or not because youve seen a few docs on tv and watched the patty film. That definetly makes your opinions worth while and you for sure know what your talking about because of your vast experiences. Why dont you all shut up since you have no clue what you speak of and your just guessing based on your own preconceived ideas of what a bigfoot is supposed to look like. Give me a break!

    1. It's like this...Over 99% percent of the photos and videos are fakes. What makes this one any different? It doesn't mean we don't believe. We just scrutinize the data a bit more. It's up to you to prove it is real. Can you?

    2. You say they are fake. Your community squeals, "prove they are real" I say, prove that 99% are not real.

      I agree that many photos are faked, but some aren't. Thats life, people lie on tax returns, defraud their insurance, cheat on their spouses, etc. But there are a few honest people out there. If an honest person takes a photo or has an encounter, I am not as quick to scream, liar, faker, hoaxer, every time. To do this is very inintelligent and arrogant.

  8. If this was sent to Ballbagger, uh Moneymaker, it would be called the greatest piece of evidence since the Jacob's bear photos. Can't wait for "his HIGHness" to chime in on this one. Although his proclamation of this as "being 100% real" would make me want to pay $500 to go camping with him.

    1. If you think that the Jacob's photo is of a bear, you are a fool. I am a bear hunter (I have several hanging on my wall) Bigfoot could walk up and japsmack you and you would deny it. If the Jacob's photo isn't of a bigfoot, it is of a chimp or other type gorilla. I could care less about who says what. I get out in the woods and I am very famaliar with bear anatomy.

  9. It's the same old story. The "buildup", wait for it, wait for it, wait for it... disappointment.

  10. That's it? That was what the hype was for? A picture of someone wearing a carpet over his head? Who happened to stand nicely framed and motionless, while refusing to turn around so that a picture of his mug could be taken? This is laughable and another reason Bigfooting has a bad rap. Well, that and "Finding Bigfoot."

    1. Don't misunderstand what I am saying when I state that this picture could be better. But, "someone wearing carpet over their head". Come on. These silly comments are why so many uninformed people continue to be just that, uninformed.

      Within a week someone will be proclaiming that the picture as of "someone wearing carpet on their head" and they will say that they read it on a website that debunks things. That is how most of the s foolish rumors get started. By people making foolish comments.

  11. Wow, and again a troll at 01:13 manages to look the biggest fool by being here in the first place. Hey Dumbo, even Bigfoot researchers probably think this photo's fake so if you'd checked most comments you could've saved your own. Photo looks like some Stan Winston reject from "Wrong Turn", or something like that. Since most comments on this blog lately seem to be mere troll spam, I suggest places like this or FB/FB become members only in the future so it'll be serious Bigfoot talk only. Let the skeptics make their own place, they're only here because they see that they can and their own site would show piss poor visit counts. lol Especially when the Ketchum study's released, otherwise you just know everything will be flooded with the screaming fakers.

    1. Yeah like believing in mythological creatures makes you smarter than everyone else! lmao

      Evidence, you has none

  12. It looks like they found a body builder and glued real or synthetic hair all over him. You can see the hide (or skin) underneath. I doubt Sasquatch would have flesh colored skin. It would probably be somewhat gray.

  13. Looks like my Uncle Harry's back. Big deal.

  14. Well, it is a Thursday and that means release day so at least we got something out of this day. A good laugh, if nothing else. The stuff the other Bigfoot projects have, in terms of moving images and DNA of course, better be a lot better than this.

  15. The top of the head, and the back for that matter, looks like a bald cap with more fake hair added on top of it. Typical make-up job, unlike our Goddess Patty.

  16. Typical shit picture with a lot nof nlead up and no quality. We get this shit nfrom fasano and dyer

  17. Thanks Beer-Man your always on point :)

  18. phony...everything about it in my opinion stinks.

    1. Did you read the new post from Shawn, now they are saying they will not release any info on the the person and people she contacted now all of a sudden about the photo, strange i thought she recently decided to do this??

  19. I agree, just shoot one already and don't try to make any money off of it. Publicly donate the body to the Smithsonian. John

  20. better picture shows more detail. not skin under hair a reddish brown hair under. leaf litter on right shoulder blade area. tangles here and there pointed black ear. must be from the south with the green leaves on trees yet. hair doesn't look real thick just thin and wavy. not sure but looks good. will wait for the pictures experts on this one too. with all the wait for the dna information i expect more pictures to come out. people trying to beat the news release. get there names out there. lynn from florida here.

  21. Thanks for the link Beer-Man. Still looks fake. If only my school pictures could have ever been lined up this well. John

  22. A squatch, a man in a suit, Ron Jeremy? My bet is on Ron Jeremy!

  23. Can anyone answer this for me?
    This is a trail cam, right? What angle would the camera need to be on to take a medium close up of an animal that's supposedly over 6 feet tall? Was the cam initially set up to capture a pic of bigfoot? Or was it just there to capture other kinds of wildlife?
    It's hard to tell when that thing is blocking the camera, but it looks like the trail cam is positioned high to photograph something tall walking past.

    1. As a hunter, I set my trail cam's at about 6-6.5 feet to keep bears from walking around on all fours and sticking their noses into them or pawing/chewing them out of curiousity. (I still get them knocked off of trees on occasion anyway)

      A trail camera has a "point and shoot" red laser system to allow you to "aim" the camera in the direction you want it to face. Essentially, I could put a camera up in a tree and regularly get pictures of ground squirrells if I wanted.

      The only downside to placing trailcams high in trees is the access to changing out the memory cards. The upside is that less people steal them, less animals mess with them, and they are not as obvious to the game.


    2. To finish my thought, when I say "up in trees" I mean twenty plus feet high or more. My brother and I once placed a camera about 30ft up a tree and pointed it at a gate that some poachers kept regularly passing through when trespassing on or lease. It worked fine, but it is a hassle changing the memory cards, batteries, etc.


  24. I still want to see I Doubt It get it on with Autumnforest. That's something I can believe in.

    I would take picture during the event and then show them to I Doubt It. She would then say, "I doubt it" and that would be super hot. Autumnforest would be so turned on she would write a book about it and sell it in Amazon. The book would be called, "Hot Bigfoot blogging girl on girl action volume 1: the Roy from Las Vegas sessions," and I would receive points in its sale.

    The pictures in the book would not be blurry, and if I were Bigfoot I would not turn my back on those fine foxes.

  25. Please post those pictures, Roy.

  26. suit from the film clawed,nothing more.

  27. Melissa Hovey needs new glasses because that picture is one of the fakest ones I've seen. And she calls herself a researcher.

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  29. You Bigfoot morons are fools if you think this picture is real you best get your eyes checked. then there is the idiot who want's to see pictures of the front of this thing why do you want to see it's dick? What this photo is it's Jerry Garcia back stage at red rocks during a set break.

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